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Leanza Dawson



Subject: Social-Studies Date: 26th June,2020 Duration: 45minutes Grade: Standard 1

Unit Topic: Ancient Maya Civilization Lesson Topic: Archaic Period

Learning Outcome Number(s): 43.1 Describe the archaic peoples that lived in Belize

before the rise of Maya civilization.
Connections/Linkages: Language Arts(2.8 Recall information from stories, poems and non-
fiction texts presented orally.)

Students' Previous Knowledge & Experience:

Students can identify the three types Maya living in Belize .

Lesson Objective:
Through the use of visual aid, games and class discussion students will be to
describe and explain four characteristics of the archaic people.

Materials and Texts: Sources of Information:

Chart Mark, J. (2012, July 06). Ancient History
Crayons Encyclopedia. Maya Civilization - Ancient
Drawing paper History Encyclopedia. Retrieved from

(n.d.). Crystalinks Home Page. Mayan History

- Crystalinks.Retrieved from

Lesson Content:
 The Archaic Period: 7000-2000 BCE – During this time a hunter-gatherer culture began to
cultivate crops such as maize, beans and other vegetables and the domestication of animals
(most notably dogs and turkeys) and plants became widely practiced. The first villages of the
region were established during this period which included sacred spots and temples dedicated
to various gods. The villages excavated thus far are dated from 2000-1500 BCE.
Leanza Dawson
They crossed the Bering land bridge from Siberia to Alaska. The land bridge was made
possible by the formation of huge glaciers and ice sheets which caused water levels to drop
more than 150 feet below their present level. As water levels fell the Aleutian Islands, which
spread across the Bering Strait, would have been joined together, linking Asia to America.

Skills: voice opinion
observation on pictures
listen to instruction

Attitudes: work well with each other.

Respect the opinion of others.

Suggested Activities/Procedures:
Introductory Activities (__10__ mins.):
Students will form a circle to play pass the ball. The student that the ball stop at will be given a question to
answer. The question is about the Maya.
1. How many types of Maya are their in Belize?
2. Which part of Belize does the Maya people live?
3. Describe the Maya clothing.
4. What are some food that the Maya eat?
5. Describe the Maya house.

Developmental Activities/Procedures (_20___ mins.):

 Teacher ask students where Maya come from.

 Students will brainstorm on the Maya.
 Teacher explain the process that before Maya people, there was the Archaic period.
 Teacher will place a visual of the different crops and tools that the archaic people use
 Teacher describe the archaic people that live in Belize before the rise of the Maya
 Teacher will question students on the different type of Maya in Belize to show them the
difference between the Maya and Archaic people ( in ways those people have

Culmination & Closure (___10_ mins.):

 Student will draw and explain four characteristics of the archaic people. When student are finish
they will present to the class.

Homework (if applicable)

Leanza Dawson
Student will write a short reflection on the Archaic people.

When it comes to this lesson plan at first I found it challenging because at standard 1; I did know how much students
know about Maya. Also since the students is older they will need to have activities and images appropriate for their level.
So trying to stick around that was the challenging part. I tried to stray away from the lot of information. As students tend to
get bored when they see a lot of notes. For the visual learn I decided to do poster, so the students can see the example and
see how the ancient time was. For the culmination I choose a reflection because when students right down something they
tend to remember it more and I get to see not only how much information they know but how well their grammar and
mechanics are.

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