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The teacher asked the student to stand and answer a question, but the student cannot
answer the question.
If this will happen in our class discussion, as a future teacher I will
understand the situation of the student who cannot answer my question by
letting him/her to sit and called another student who is willing to answer my
question. I will also tell him/her that I will get back to him/her if he/she has the
confident or has the answer on my next questions. I would not make a situation
where he/ she will feel embarrassed because he/she cannot answer the
question, and that’s okay. I will recommend to the whole class that they must
study well.
2. The teacher noticed that Paul was shy and would not want to answer the teacher’s
questions nor participate in class activities.
As a future teacher if I will be noticed that Paul was shy in class, I will talk
to him personally and to his mother if he had a problem. If Paul is an introvert or
just shy to socialize with his classmates, I will tell him that being an introvert is
not wrong but getting along with his classmates makes his learning and studying
full of fun. I will encourage him to participate and to know more his classmates
but not in a force manner. I will also encourage his classmates to be friends with
him and include him.
3. The teacher noticed that three of his students were “isolates” and wouldn’t want to
participate in problem – solving task.
As a teacher, if we will have another problem solving – task before
we do that, I will share first a story or an inspirational story where it talks
about the participation in problem-solving task that makes them to solve
faster and better. By that, those three students will be realized that their
participation is important. If nothing happens, I will just talk to them
personally if they have a problem and how will I help them as their
teacher. I will also encourage their classmates to invite and include them
in this kind of task and make them as their friends.

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