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G. D.


- Edward Lear

A Duck and a Kangaroo were good friends. The Duck was bored with her life in the pond and wanted
to see the world. She admired the Kangaroo who could hop around the land and water, both. He led
an interesting life but she led a boring life confined to the pool. She, therefore requested the
Kangaroo to carry her on his back and promised to sit quietly. She suggested travelling to Dee and
Jelly Bo Lee, and over the land and sea.
The Kangaroo answered that her request needed some thought. His only objection was that her feet
were always wet and cold and might give him rheumatism. The Duck said that she had thought it
over and had brought four pairs of socks, and a cloak to keep away the cold. Moreover, she would
smoke a cigar everyday.
Thus, the Duck and the Kangaroo set off on a trip of the world, together, in the moonlight. The
Kangaroo asked the Duck to sit at the end of his tail for maintaining balance. In this way both the
friends travelled around the world not just once but three times and enjoyed their trip together.


Q1. Answer the following questions with reference to context.

“My life is a bore in this nasty pond

And I long to go out in this world beyond!”

a. Which quality of the Kangaroo did the Duck admire and why?
b. What kind of life did the Duck lead in the pond?
c. Why did the Duck want to go out in the world beyond?
d. ____________ from the passage means the same as ‘unpleasant’.

Q2. Answer the following questions briefly.

a. What was the reply of the Kangaroo for the proposal of ride?
b. What does the poet mean by roo-Matiz? Why has he broken the word?
Why does it begin with a capital letter?
c. Why was the wet feet an objection to the Kangaroo?
d. How did the Duck show his true love for the Kangaroo?
e. How was the Duck different from the Kangaroo?

Q3. This poem is a token of the fact that the able person can help the deprived one if he has the
intention. In the context of the poem or using instances from your life, explain how this is
(Answer in 80-100 words)

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