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The Aquarian Theosophist

Volume III, No. 11 September 17, 2003

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Joshua A. Frieman of the Fermi National
Repulsive Astronomy Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia, Ill., a
Astronomers have found new evi- coauthor of one of four dark-energy studies
dence for one of the strangest properties of recently posted online: Each study uses
the universe. A mysterious substance, data from the Wilkinson Microwave Ani-
dubbed dark energy, appears to be ripping sotropy Probe (WMAP), a satellite that is
the cosmos apart, causing the universe to generating detailed maps of the cosmic
expand at an ever-faster rate. microwave background (SN: 2/15/03, p. 99).
The wrenching findings come from a This remnant radiation is riddled
correlation between two kinds of sky with hot and cold spots, most of which
maps--one that denotes the positions of reflect the lumpiness of the infant universe,
large numbers of galaxies and another, a from which galaxies grew: But some of the
snapshot of the cosmic microwave back- energy in the hot spots may have been ac-
ground, which is the remnant radiation quired later, as light traveled for billions of
from the Big Bang. years to reach Earth.
By comparing the maps, astronomers During their long journey, photons
have found the imprint of dark energy, from the microwave background encounter
which pushes objects apart and thus coun- huge concentrations of matter, such as su-
ters gravity's familiar tug: Previous support perclusters of galaxies: As the photons fall
for dark energy has, been based on the
brightness of distant stellar explosions TABLE OF CONTENTS
known as supernovas ((SN: 3/31/01, p:196): Gravity’s Better-Half Found at Last! 1
With only one line of evidence, however, An Occult Viewpoint on Gravity 2
some researchers weren't convinced: Spirit, Energy and Matter 3
The Watcher at the Ford 5
"Since the implications of dark en-
The Global Village 8
ergy are so profound for physics, having
multiple, independent lines of evidence for Point out the Way — XXXIV 11
its existence is absolutely essential,"1 says The Coffee Klatch 12
Dnyaneshvari — XXXIII 13
God, Karma and the Absolute 14
Occultism has always considered “gravity” at best
only half a law. The Karma of Planets causes
Cycles Differ 22
them to orbit at that point where their Entanglement 22
“attraction” toward the sun is balanced by a
Gene Sharp 101 25
“repulsive” force. — ED., A.T.
[Dr. Keightley writes: “Harmony is essentially
That Which Reincarnates 33
the law of the Universe. The contrasted aspects
of Nature . . . . . can have no reality except in [“The Universe must, at bottom, be a
the experience of conscious Egos.”] The phe- Harmony. Why? . . .”] Mr. Beatty asks how the
nomenal contrast is not denied, but it is repre- Universe would come to a stand-still, if the law of
sentative of no fundamental want of harmony. Harmony was suspended. Now suppose, for
In the same way the contrast of Subject and Ob- instance, the law of “gravity” was not
ject is essential to our present finite conscious- counterbalanced by the action of other “forces,”
ness, although it has no basis of reality beyond what would happen? Science assures us that
the limits of conditional being. Moreover, even everything would have long before gravitated to
in this phenomenal Universe, equilibrium (har- a common centre, and a universal dead-lock
mony) is most certainly maintained by the very have ensued! Vice versa, if “gravity” were to
conflict of the contrasted forces alluded to. lapse. Verb. Sap. [CW, vol viii, p. 312]
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #11 September 17, 2003 Page 2
into these clouds of matter, they gain en- goes for Michael R Nolta of Princeton
ergy, like a marble that speeds up as it rolls University and his collaborators, who also
downhill. As the photons climb out of worked with the radio-wavelength map
these areas, they lose energy. (

If the universe were flat-so that par- “'It is exciting that all these teams
allel lines never meet-and contained no find the same correlation," says Wayne Hu
dark energy, photons traversing matter- of the University of Chicago.
filled regions would gain exactly as much
energy as they lose. But in a flat universe Further studies with the Sloan data
containing dark energy, there would be no may help pin down the physical traits of
such cancellation, says Frieman. the still-elusive dark energy, Frieman
notes. — R. COWEN
Dark energy would spread matter out
during the period in which photons tra- An Occult Viewpoint on
verse a supercluster or other large clump.
The photons would therefore expend less
energy leaving a supercluster than the Question: What connection has
amount they gained when they entered. "weight," as you use it, with gravity?
So, wherever the universe harbors lots of
matter, the microwave-background pho- Answer: By weight, gravity in the
tons ought to be slightly more energetic occult sense of attraction and repulsion
than those in less-dense areas. This would is meant. It is one of the attributes of
be indicated by a shift of the photons to- differentiation, and is a universal
ward bluer wavelengths. property. By attraction and repulsion
between matter in various states it is
That's exactly what Frieman, Ryan possible, in most cases, to explain
Scranton of the University of Pittsburgh, (whereas the "law of gravitation" is
and their collaborators found when they insufficient to do so) the relation
compared data from WMAP with the posi- which the tails of the comets assume
tions of several million galaxies mapped when nearing the sun; seeing that they
by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, a vast, manifestly act contrary to this hy-
visible-light survey of the heavens (SN: pothesis.
5/31/03, p. 341). The blue shift was dis-
cernible on scales of 100 million light- Question: Will you give us some ex-
years, or roughly one-hundredth the scale planation from the occult standpoint of
of previous studies: The scientists recently what is called the "Law of Gravita-
posted their findings online tion"?
Answer: Science insists that be-
Using a smaller sample from the tween bodies attraction is directly as
same visible-light survey, Pablo Fosalba of the mass and inversely as the square of
the Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris and the distance. Occultists, however,
his collaborators observed a similar corre- doubt whether this law holds good
lation ( with regard to the entirety of planetary
Relying on galaxies mapped at X-ray and rotation. Take the first and second
radio wavelengths, Steven Boughn of laws of Kepler included in the Newto-
Haverford (Pa) College and Robert Crit- nian law as given by Herschel. "Under
tenden of the Institute of Cosmology and the influence of such attractive force
Gravitation in Portsmouth, England, found mutually urging two spherical gravitat-
the same blue-shifting effect ing bodies toward one another, they
( The same will each, when moving in each other's
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #11 September 17, 2003 Page 3
neighborhood, be deflected into an tion. He asserts, moreover, that the
orbit concave toward each other, and planets, atoms, or particles of matter
describe one about the other, regarded are not attracted towards each other in
as fixed, or both around their common the direction of right lines connecting
centre of gravity, curves whose forms their centres, but are forced towards
are limited as those figures known in each other in the curves of spirals clos-
geometry by the general name of Conic ing upon the centre of each other.
Sections. It will depend upon the par- Also that the tidal wave is not the re-
ticular circumstances or velocity, dis- sult of attraction. All this, as he
tance and direction, which of these shows, results from the conflict of im-
curves shall be described, whether an prisoned and free force; antagonism
ellipse, a circle, a parabola, or an hy- apparently, but really affinity and har-
perbola, but one or the other it must mony. (Transactions of the Blavatsky
be. . . . . &c., &c." Lodge, p. 132-33)
Science says that the phenomena of
planetary motion result from the action
of two forces, one centripetal, the
other centrifugal, and that a body fal-
ling to the ground in a line perpendicu- Spirit, Energy and Matter
lar to still water does so owing to the
law of gravity or of centripetal force. Can [Scientists] say the same quan-
Among others, the following objec- tity of energy has always been moving the
tions brought forward by a learned oc- matter of the Universe? Certainly not so
cultist, may be stated long as they teach that when the elements
of the material cosmos, elements which
had first to manifest themselves in their
uncombined gaseous state, were uniting,
[1] That the path of a circle is impos-
the quantity of matter-moving energy was
sible in planetary motion.
a million times greater than it is now when
our globe is cooling off. For where did the
heat that was generated by this tremendous
[2] That the argument in the third law process of building up a universe go to? To
of Kepler, namely that "the squares of the unoccupied chambers of space, they
the periodic times of any two planets say. Very well, but if it is gone for ever
are to each other, in the same propor- from the material universe and the energy
tion as the cubes of their mean dis- operative on earth has never and at no time
tances from the Sun," gives rise to the been the same, then how can they try to
curious result of a permitted libration maintain the “unchangeable quantity of
in the eccentricities of planets. Now energy,” that potential energy which a
the said forces remaining unchanged in body may sometimes exert, the FORCE
their nature, this can only arise, as he which passes from one body to another
says, "from the interference of an ex- producing motion and which is not yet
traneous cause." “annihilated or changed into anything
else.”? “Aye,” we are answered, “but we
still hold to its indestructibility; while it
[3] That the phenomenon of gravitation remains connected with matter, it can
or "falling" does not exist, except as never cease to be, or less or more.” Let us
the result of a conflict of forces. It can see whether it is so. I throw a brick up to a
only be considered as an isolated force mason who is busy building the roof of a
by way of mental analysis or separa- temple. He catches it and cements it in the
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #11 September 17, 2003 Page 4
roof. Gravity overcame the propelling en- duces heat. Gravity is to be held to account
ergy which started the upward motion of for this, but the force of gravity upon the
the brick, and the dynamic energy of the fallen body is not diminished. Chemical
ascending brick until it ceased to ascend. attraction draws and holds the particles of
At that moment it was caught and fastened matter together, their collision producing
to the roof. No natural force could now heat. Has the former passed into the latter?
move it, therefore it possesses no longer Not in the least, since drawing the particles
potential energy. The motion and the dy- again together whenever these are sepa-
namic energy of the ascending brick are rated it proves that it, the chemical affinity
absolutely annihilated. Another example is not decreased, for it will hold them as
from their own text books. You fire a gun strongly as ever together. Heat they say
upward from the foot of a hill and the ball generates and produces electricity yet they
lodges in a crevice of the rock on that hill. find no decrease in the heat in the process.
No natural force can, for an indefinite pe- Electricity produces heat we are told?
riod move it, so the ball as much as the Electrometers show that the electrical cur-
brick has lost its potential energy. “All the rent passes through some poor conductor, a
motion and energy which was taken from platinum wire say, and heats the latter.
the ascending ball by gravity is absolutely Precisely the same quantity of electricity,
annihilated, no other motion or energy there being no loss of electricity, no de-
succeeds and gravity has received no in- crease. What then has been converted into
crease of energy.” Is it not true then that heat? Again, electricity is said to produce
energy is indestructible! How then is it that magnetism. I have on the table before me
your great authority teaches the world that primitive electrometers in whose vicinity
“in no case is the force producing the mo- chelas come the whole day to recuperate
tion annihilated or changed into anything their nascent powers. I do not find the
else”? slightest decrease in the electricity stored.
The chelas are magnetized, but their mag-
I am perfectly aware of your answer netism or rather that of their rods is not
and give you these illustrations but to show that electricity under a new mask. No more
how misleading are the terms used by sci- than the flame of a thousand tapers lit at
entists, how vacillating and uncertain their the flame of the Fo lamp is the flame of the
theories and finally how incomplete all latter. Therefore if by the uncertain twi-
their teachings. One more objection and I light of modern science it is an axiomatic
have done. They teach that all the physical truth “that during vital processes the con-
forces rejoicing in specific names such as version only and never the creation of mat-
gravity, inertia, cohesion, light, heat, elec- ter or force occurs” (Dr. J. R. Mayer’s or-
tricity, magnetism, chemical affinity, are ganic motion in its connection with nutri-
convertible one into another? If so the tion) — it is for us but half a truth. It is
force producing must cease to be as the neither conversion nor creation, but some-
force produced becomes manifest. “A fly- thing for which science has yet no name.
ing cannon ball moves only from its own
inherent force of inertia.” When it strikes it Perhaps now you will be prepared to
produces heat and other effects but its better understand the difficulty with which
force of inertia is not the least diminished. we will have to contend. Modern science is
It will require as much energy to start it our best ally. Yet it is generally that same
again at the same velocity as it did at first. science which is made the weapon to break
We may repeat the process a thousand our heads with. However, you will have to
times and as long as the quantity of matter bear in mind (a) that we recognize but one
remains the same its force of inertia will element in Nature (whether spiritual or
remain the same in quantity. The same in physical) outside which there can be no
the case of gravity. A meteor falls and pro- Nature since it is Nature itself,3 and which
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #11 September 17, 2003 Page 5
as the Akasa pervades our solar system, closer and closer, the body of fire that
every atom being part of itself, pervades makes the shining house of the immortals
throughout space and is space in fact, silvered into finest ether; clothed itself in
which pulsates as in profound sleep during thoughts of service to the unholy castes
the pralayas, and [is] the universal Proteus, of men; put on the desires of earth,
the ever active Nature during the Manvan- knocked at the door of motherly-love,
taras; (b) that consequently spirit and mat- entered the chrysalis; and at the tenth
ter are one, being but a differentiation of moon Vikharam once more gazed
states not essences, and that the Greek phi- outwardly through child's eyes, calm and
losopher who maintained that the Universe undisturbed. Thus was the journey
was a huge animal penetrated the symboli-
downwards which men call birth.
cal significance of the Pythagorean monad
(which becomes two, then three and fi-
"This is our first-born, child of our great
nally, having become the tetraktis or the
perfect square, thus evolving out of itself love," said the householders, Mother and
four and involuting three , forms the sacred Father. "Our cup is filled. We are now
seven) — and thus was far in advance of the Trimurti---Father, Mother, Son."
all the scientific men of the present time;
(c) that our notions of “cosmic matter” are Narada, they named him; "my Narada,"
diametrically opposed to those of western his mother called him. "He is grave like
science. a man, like an elder. He is wise beyond
speech, more than men."

And the father: "He is silent, like a man

in the arms of the beloved, content, filled
with tenderness, no more desiring,
desiring only that love forevermore
She who had been only wife, became as
THE FORD mother, and grew every day richer in the
doubled largess. He who had been only
husband, became as father, and grew
every day more gentle, enriching others
THE WATCHER AT THE FORD with the benevolence of a full heart. So
Vikharam, looking inward, beheld was sown the seed of Satya, the golden
deathlessness, and found the sages who yuga, in the midst of Kali, the black age.
repose behind the veil of time; who rest,
go forth, do their work, and return. The "We have a son," quoth mother and
four castes and the four yugas are in father to each other. "He will inherit
them, but they rest in the eternal; they after us. His children will live after us.
descend and reascend the stair of time Our names will be remembered in
which men call variously birth, youth, generations to come. Men will say in
manhood, death. remote times, 'these were the parents of
Narada, the Blessed One.' We shall live
From that zone where the sages dwell, in again in him and in them when these our
the singing light, Vikharam entered the bodies shall have returned to the grey
stair of the seven steps, the stair each step parchment. It is good to be a Father. It
of which becomes denser and darker. As is good to be a Mother. It is good to
the fine-drawn filaments of light knit have a son."
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #11 September 17, 2003 Page 6
These parents, knowing naught of the
So these parents of Narada gave thanks mysteries of the Incarnation, but content
to their God; they made offerings in the in love, sought no other knowledge.
temple and revered the priests speaking They worshipped the lamp and not the
in the name of their God. Their hearts flame of the unfed fire of the soul. They
being filled, their love being content, knew only their God, knowing not Him
they saw not the miseries of earth, nor who is the origin of all the gods and of
heard the lamentations of those who the adepts. They knew only Narada,
mourn. Or if perchance the drawn notes their son, knowing him not as Vikharam,
of another's agonies made discord in the ancient of lives, companion of the sages
sweet silence of their love, they gave who repose behind the veil of time.
thanks to their God, that He spared them
the common lot, and made Him offerings But Vikharam, beyond time and space
in the temple, that all men might be and therefore beyond all forms and
drawn to the true faith. Or, again, if the appearances, waited the fateful balance
shadow of another's woe fell across the of the manvantara of householders.
sunshine path they trod, they besought
him to seek the priests and make his Upon the face of Bhumi, the earth, fell
peace with the true and loving God the chill dark clouds of Kali, the black
whom they worshipped, that His bounty age, Men shivered and groaned under the
might bring healing and fullness of joy. weight of the iron harvest of past sins
heaped to the balancing point. They
Thus they erected the four pillars of all forsook their gods and spread tales that
faith as is written in the commentary on soon there would be no more light; that
the incarnations of Vikharam: the pillars Nyima the sun would disappear and all
of sincerity, of devotion, of steadfastness, men perish miserably. Fierce struggles
of integrity. The four pillars being thus began and men fought in whirlwinds for
erected, they entered upon the fifth year a place in the sun while yet some light
of the days of Narada, Son of Man. As is lasted. Other masses made sacrifices to
well known to those who ponder the path their gods that the earth might be
of probation, the fifth is the pillar of cleansed of her offences and the sun be
Light, which reveals all as the balance of restored.
Karma even unto the number nine. If the
faith of the householders proceeds from Those who had wives and children
the sattva of understanding, the nidanas crying to them for food and for shelter
of perfection are builded into the began slaying each other that their own
columns and the temple is complete. If might be saved. Dreadful diseases
the faith of the householders is of the ravened over the lands.
quality which proceeds from the sattva of
misunderstanding of the true nature of The Parents of Narada saw not, heard
the soul, the fifth column falls, and great not, heeded not. Illumined by the virtues
is the fall thereof, cusing also to fall the of former living, filled with the light of
four pillars erected. Thus is the number their love, how could they know hunger
nine the number of justice and the who hungered not at all? Came a day
number of mercy, the number of when the priests of the sects, seeing ruin
perfection, or the number of death, for them and their gods in the ruin of the
according to the faith of the householder. people, without whom there are neither
gods nor priests, gave up, their external
exclusions and besought all men to make
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #11 September 17, 2003 Page 7
sacrifice. But their gods had left the "Look how his sight grows distant. Son,
earth, mutilated by the mutilation of canst thou not see thy mother? Son,
men's hopes, dead with the death of canst thou not gaze upon thy father?
men's faith. Son, have pity on us who love thee, and
return again to us."
Each leader of tribes assured his own
people that peace could not come again A mist came up from the heart and
upon earth until they only should rule covered their eyes. A silence came up
over all others. So caste fought with from the heart and covered their ears.
caste until the supremacy of misery was There was no going that eyes could
imposed upon all alike. The shrines of witness, no sound of departure that ears
old, the marketing places and the fields might hear, but when they looked and
and roadways were heaped with the when they listened, Narada was no more
bodies of heretics. Each esteemed that there. The light had failed, so that the
his miseries were caused by the sins of eye could not see; the air had sunken, so
his neighbor; yea, even by the accursed that the ear could not hear.
of his own household. The darkness
grew more intense till many affirmed that The mother crooked her arms in vain,
there had never been other than darkness; they ached only with the void. Memory
that the sun was a myth of madmen, of tugged at her heart, but the breast felt no
priests and of fools, and would pull of dear hunger. Her love seemed a
nevermore shine again. Thus came the thing that had broken in twain.
balance point of all when both the pillars
of sincerity and devotion, the pillars of The father carried but clay in his arms;
steadfastness and integrity trembled and carried but lead in his heart, he who had
shook, as waver the lines of familiar nestled sunlight in his arms, and singing
things in the engulfing darkness of night. gold in his heart. Kali, the black age,
entered the secret recesses of their inmost
By the sacrifice and the loss of that being through the door of love, when
which they hold most dear are men Narada went away into the darkness and
purified of their sins. The mission of the silence, where human eye could not
Vikharam being so far accomplished, the follow, where human ear could not
divine ray once more began to separate attend, where human love could not
itself from the human, returning to the enter.
central flame.
"The grief of all mankind has entered our
"Our child is sick," cried the mother, heart," cried the parents. "The fountain
"Our son falls ill of some malady," cried of our life has dried up. We are drowned
the father. Their love and their faith in the sea of all sorrows."
cried out conjointly, "Let us take him to
the sacred pool of healing and implore Loving the form and appearance, they
our God for succor." had not learned to discern the soul as
apart from forms and appearances. Their
The priests enjoined sacrifice, and the religion forsook them. Relying upon
remaining elders chanted mantrams and mortal religion, how could they learn the
intoned orisons. Narada looked at them true nature of the soul as being entirely
with patient eyes, suffering all, but distinct from any experiences, and
receiving naught from the ministrations. disconnected from all material things,
and dissociated from their
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #11 September 17, 2003 Page 8
understanding? They knew and loved things. On the other side of night is the
Narada. They neither knew, therefore day still shining. On the other shore of
how could they love, Vikharam, the death is the soul that illumines the clay."
deathless, the immortal, the three-
tongued flame of the four wicks? Compassion gave them sight.
Compassion gave them hearing.
Yet in the brotherhood of death is the Compassion gave them knowledge. In
door to understanding of the mystery of the midst of forms and appearances they
life; of the understanding that the found, while living, the ford between the
universe exists for the sake of the soul living and the dead. They found the
alone; for the emancipation of the soul Watcher at the Ford. Vikharam, watcher
from bondage to mortal things. at the ford, met them deathless and
shining. The Soul, which takes what
Purified by their sorrows from all sins, form it will, took on the form of Narada,
these parents partook of what was left of transfigured, transformed, translucent.
the offering and entered upon the religion
of works. In memory of Narada they "Thou hast found us and we have found
entered into the sorrows of all who had thee, O Narada, O our Son."
loved and lost. This is the way of all
knowing. In sympathy for another's Thus Father, Mother, Son, were once
speechless grief, something stirred in the more one.
tomb of their hearts. In assuaging
another's tears, the fountain within them Thus was the mission of Vikharam
unsealed. achieved. Thus was the mission of
Narada achieved. Thus was achieved the
Narada was gone, but Vikharam never germination of Satya, the yuga of the
left them at all; never went from the heart divine upon this earth, in the midst of the
of the mother; never departed from the forms and appearances of Kali, the black
heart of the father. In the speechless age of bondage to mortal things.
depths of their souls he moved to and fro, Finis
stirring the waters of compassion for all
that lives. Clothed in the undying
vesture of the Nirmanakayas, Vikharam
lightened their hearts, spoke in the

The Global Village

thrilled silence which becomes audible
only to those who hear no more the
sweet-tongued voices of illusion. Like
the eternal music of the golden spheres
his presence translated the voice of the
silence. Sarasota, Florida
"Only forms are of this world, dear Theosophy Group
Mother. Only appearances are of this
Meets Weekly on:
world, dear Father. Only here are there
WEDNESDAYS: — 7 – 8:15 P.M.
tears and the black doom of parting, dear
SUNDAYS — 11 AM – 12:30 PM
Parents. As sunlight from far spaces
illumines the darkness of this world, so We are a very friendly group of students
love shines afar from its source, giving with various religious and philosophical back-
light and warmth in the midst of mortal
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #11 September 17, 2003 Page 9
grounds. Our goals are to discuss and under- Fax +(44) 20 7262 8639
stand the universal truths of Theosophy. Contact us:
SUNDAYS 8.00 - 9.00 p.m.
On Wed. nights we are studying, The ULT London UK
Ocean of Theosophy by W.Q. Judge, and on PROGRAMME
Sunday mornings we’re discussing Isis Un- FOR JANUARY TO MARCH 2003
veiled by H.P. Blavatsky and Light On The
Introductory Class
Path by Mabel Collins.
One Thursday a month 7 - 830 pm
A monthly class that introduces the
Our address is: 2700 S. Tamiami fundamental ideas of man’s consti-tution,
Tr. Suite #14 (we’re moving to Suite his relation to the cosmos and universal
#11 in October), Sarasota, Florida, and laws such as karma and reincarnation.
our phone number is: 941-312-9494. Mar 6th
Please feel free to call Bob Waxman if Study Group Wednesdays 7 - 8 pm
you need any additional information. This group studies the Theosophical
concepts and their ramifications, including
references from the Secret Doctrine and
the great world religions.
United Lodge of Theosophists It’s an opportunity for enquiring discussion
1917 Walnut Street and the search for the meanings within
Philadelphia, PA 19103 these traditions.

All welcome No collections

Talks and informal meetings

Sundays 7 - 8 pm
Talks, followed by questions, or informal
meetings where articles are read and
Ancient Wisdom tradition
From the Writings of Practical information
H. P. Blavatsky & W. Q. Judge By Bus: 7, 15, 23, 27, 36.
By Underground: Paddington or Lancaster Gate.
11:00a.m. – 12:45 p.m., Visitors are welcome and may use the reference
Every other Sunday library, please call or e-mail to arrange.
Meetings are free, can be joined at any time and it is
Schedule not necessary to register for attendance.
Currently studying –
The Secret Doctrine
By H.P. Blavatsky United Lodge of Theosophists
A Synthesis of Religion, Science, and Philosophy
Located at: Theosophy Hall
TRS Professional Suites, 11th floor 77 W. Encanto Blvd.
44 East 32nd Street (between Park & Madison)
New York, N.Y. Phoenix, Arizona 85003
Near subway and bus lines.
Telephone (602) 290-0563
Contacts: Email: Web: Study Classes Sunday Evenings 7:30 — 8:30 pm
David – (718) 438 – 5021 THE OCEAN OF THEOSOPHY by Wm. Q. Judge,
Amedeo- (973) 697-5938
United Lodge of Theosophists THEOSOPHY by Judge/Crosbie
Robert Crosbie House
62 Queens Gardens THEOSOPHY HALL
London W23AH, England 347 East 72 Street
Tel +(44) 20 7723 0688 New York, NY 10021
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #11 September 17, 2003 Page 10
(212) 535-2230 Sunday 11am - 12:45
E-mail: Theosophy Discovery Circle
44 E. 32nd St [between Park & Madison]
All meetings are free. No collections, fees or dues. Monday 7:30 to 9 pm
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Wednesday 2 to 4 pm
Monday Night
Antwerp ULT, Belgium
Wednesday 7:30 to 8:45 pm
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Investigation of the unexplained laws of
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Nature, and the psychical powers latent in
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• Dreams and the Dreamer Malmölogen
• Karma and Reincarnation Kungsgatan 16 A, 211 49 Malmö, tel. 0709 26 22 12
• Places After Death
• Spiritual and Psychic Realms FÖREDRAG HÖSTTERMINEN 2002
• A Relationship with God
• Science and Psi Phenomena Varje Onsdag 19.30 – 20.30
347 East 72 Street, NY NY 10021 STUDIEGRUPPER HÖSTEN 2002
Doors Open at 6:45PM
Phone: (212) 535-2230 DHARMAGRUPP I
Refreshments Served kl 17.15 - 18.15
Current topics: Contrasting ancient theoso- Den Hemliga Läran av Helena Blavatsky
phical teachings with the standard scientific (Vårt kursmaterial är “DHL” del I, löpande studier)
view of the world, and current psi phenom-
ena. Including distance viewing, crop circles, Den Hemliga Läran är den teosofiska filosofins
remembering past lives, etc. ryggrad.
Det mesta som finns i denna bok speglar kärnan i
Texts include “The Secret Doctrine”, “Isis teosofins esoteriska lära.
Unveiled” and other original Theosophical
kl 18.15 - 19.15
“The Bhagavad-Gita”
Teosofins Ocean av William Q. Judge
Wed. Night — 7:30-8:45
(Vårt kursmaterial är “Oceanen”. Se vår studieplan
Free Study Materials Provided för hela
höstterminen längre ner på sidan under
The ancient psychology of the East and its Dharmagrupp II)
application in this “era of Western Occultism.”
Teosofins Ocean är en förenklad version av
“Ecos del Oriente”, by Wm.Q. Judge För en sökare finns det ingen bättre bok att studera
Meets the first two Wednesdays of the month om man vill lära
THEOSOPHY HALL känna teosofins grundläggande filosofi enligt HPB
347 East 72 Street, NY, NY 10021 och Mästarna.
Doors Open at 6:45PM
Phone: (212) 535-2230 LOGIE UNIE DES THÉOSOPHES
Loge Unie des Théosophes
11 bis, rue Kepler – 75116 Paris
THE United Lodge of Theosophists Conferences Mercredis, 19 h 30 – 20 h 45
“Maitri Bhavan” 4, Sir Krishna Rao Road, Near Lalbagh
West Gate, — Basavanagudi, Bangalore-560 004.

Loge Unie des Théosophes Douala
Secret Doctrine Classes
B.P. 11372 Douala Localisation Ndog - Bong
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #11 September 17, 2003 Page 11
Heures d’ouverture: mercedi 19h – 20 h 15 clairvoyance, telepathy, communication
Samedi 19h – 20 h 15
Toutes les activités de la Loge sont libres et
at a distance, realization of the Self,
gratuites spiritual communion, mental
Les reunions commencent et se terminent aux communion—how are these to be
heures précises indiquées
La Loge est maintenue en activité par des
achieved? The fifth chapter tells us that
participations bénévoles lives, even physically, are everlastingly
Tel: 40-76-72 entering the body, everlastingly flying
out of the body. That is far more true, on
United Lodge of Theosophists
the inner planes, of the higher principles.
4865 Cordell Avenue, Suite 4
Bethesda, MD 20814 Question: — Why is it that we have
phone (301) 656-3566 such a profound admiration for the
web: intellect in the sense that Mr. Judge
Meetings: Sundays 11 a.m. to 12 noon speaks of it in this chapter? Take a man
(Lectures followed by questions and answers, or group discussions.)
like Mr. Einstein. Everybody knows that
============================================ he is a humanitarian, one of the loveliest
and most lovable characters, but nobody
cares so much about that. What
everybody raves about, talks about, is his
POINT OUT THE WAY capacity of intellect. Now, why is it that
we relish intellect?
XXXIV Answer:— Don’t you think the reason is
clear? We have thought in terms of
Chapter VII results achieved or to be achieved; we
III.—Intuition, Intellect and “Lighting Up” the haven’t been thinking of Self as the
prime factor, the prime Mover of all; and
Answer:— [continued from last installment] so at last we have come to “relish” this
The mineral, then, is Life in which only fifth principle. In contact with the four
two of the principles are in combination, lower principles, the fifth principle is the
and its activity is entirely internal among “sparking power.” In fact, as Mr. Judge
the lives that compose it. The vegetable, says, intellect is by some men thought to
looked at from the outside, is a combina- be the highest power.
tion of lives in a certain form, and in those
lives three of the principles are more or Question: — Will the mindless men
less aroused. Then, if we regard what we appear again on this plane in this
call an animal, it is still “life,” and all of its Manvantara?
forms or principles are collections of lives, Answer:— In the first place, our
with four of the principles more or less previous statement was general. There
active and in combination or union. Now, are exceptions to all rules. The statement
take a being who unites his fifth principle
was made that there are no mindless men
with those four principles, with the lives of
on this plane now, just as it would be
this four—principled being, and you have
perfectly correct to say, “There are no
the waking up of Manas.
Mahatmas known amongst men,” or
All the time we are doing the same thing “There are no Lunar or mindless Pitris
with each other. Any time we look at known amongst men.” Yet we know that
any one, lives pass from us to him and Mahatmas actually do exist here on earth
from him to us. Any time we think of in human bodies. And so we might infer
any one, lives pass from us to him and that very possibly mindless entities,
from him to us. Otherwise, how are mindless men, exist here on earth—pure
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #11 September 17, 2003 Page 12
Lunar Pitris—and we might go looking Instructor Mark De Francis, a doctor
for the signs of these. of oriental medicine who works as a psy-
chologist for the state Corrections Depart-
But will they come on earth again? Well, ment, said he believes offenders with a
remember, the infallible law of evolution propensity for violence can benefit from tai
is a descent, consciously or uncon- chi and meditation.
sciously, from the highest to the lowest;
and then a reascent from the lowest to the Tai chi, a meditative self-defense art
highest. It follows then that, although we in which practitioners fight the "inner op-
have sunk lower in matter than the plane ponent," is characterized by slow, relaxed
of the mindless men, the time must come movement and teaches "impulse control,"
when in our reascent we shall once more De Francis said.
be in contact with the mindless men on
"You're trying to go slower than your
their own plane.
impulses tell you to go," De Francis said.
[TO BE CONTINUED ] "It's good for people, whether they're in
trouble or not."
Students said they have benefited
from the class.
A 20-year-old offender who declined
THE COFFEE KLATCH to use his name said the tai chi has "given
me time to reflect on my actions."
Coffee Maker: So surprising that
"Just physically, I've been feeling
my coffee boiled over!! Ugghhghgh!
more balanced," he said.
I shall have to do another brew.
A 23-year-old woman said she feels
Gray-flanneled Man: What blew less of an urge to drink after three months
your calm out the window, Coffee of tai chi and meditation.
"Doing this for three months, it just
New-Baked Theosophist: Oh, I makes you really think twice about your
know, my Tai Chi story just blew him mistakes," she said.
Gallegos said the inaugural 12-week
Offenders Sentenced to Tai Chi class started in October. Each offender
Santa Fe Municipal Court might be must foot the bill for the $180 class.
the last place you would expect to find Gallegos said the class is geared primarily
offenders meditating with needles in their to "people that are charged with some kind
foreheads amid candles and mood music as of a crime of violence," whether it's a DWI
they learn to balance their chi. involving road rage or a bar fight.

But this is Santa Fe. Offenders have a choice- they can ei-
ther sign up for the tai chi class or partici-
And it's where Municipal Judge pate in a community service program that
Frances Gallegos has placed offenders involves picking up litter and trash,
enrolled in her new alternative sentencing Gallegos said.
program — a tai chi class complete with a
Japanese-style tea service and meditation
aided by acupuncture.
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #11 September 17, 2003 Page 13
the supporter of the universe. Apart
from what I feel myself now, this fact
is confirmed by the discourse of You
by the great sages of the past. Except
for Your favor and until this moment, I
had not grasped all this in reality. The
sage Narada has often sung of your
praises in these terms, but not knowing
the meaning of it, I was content to re-
joice only at the music of it. If the sun
were to shine in a village of blind men,
they would feel the heat, but they
D NYANESHVARI would not be able to see the sun.
When I heard of your description from
[The Dnyaneshvari is mentioned many times by Madame
the mouths of the sages Asita and De-
Blavatsky, always in glowing terms. The following vala, no meaning was conveyed to my
rendition is extracted from Manu Subedar’s translation.
The great Sage, Dnaneshwara Maharaj sang this work to
intelligence, which was absorbed in
his people when he was quite young. He did it in their objects of senses. The most extraordi-
native language, Marathi, about 700 years ago. It is his
commentary on the Bhagavad Gita.]
nary thing about the attraction of the
senses is that spiritual pursuits, which
XXXIII are really sweet, appear to be bitter,
and sensual pursuits that are really bit-
ter, appear to be sweet. Apart from the
CHAPTER TEN other sages, the eminent Vyasa himself
has come to our place often and has
Arjuna says to Shri Krishna: Your described You in these terms.
speech has secured me the accom-
plishment of my objects. You have I neglected these discourses, till
taken out of me all the miseries of this the sun in the form of wis- dom
world. Therefore, I hope I shall be (Dnyana) made them visible to my
free from rebirth. I have today seen mind’s eye, in the same manner a man,
my birth with my own eyes and in this who throws away the Chintamani stone
way, I have got my entire life in my (the stone of desire) during the night,
own hands. The light of knowledge treasures the touchstone at daybreak,
given by You, has dispelled the dark- when he recognizes it. The seed of
ness of my ignorance and I have begun knowledge was certainly sown in the
to live. O Lord, You are the Para- form of words in my heart, but it has
Brahma, the Supreme Being. You are fructified only after the flow of your
the cradle of the five elements. You favor in the form of realization. The
are pure and You are the highest in the discourse between You and me is like
universe. You are the guiding deity of the meeting place of all the rivers in
the trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and the form of the sages. O Great
Shiva. You are the Purusha consti- Teacher, the accumulated merit
tuted of the twenty-five super-elements (Punya) of several births of mine has
and You are the divinity beyond illu- resulted in this meaning with You and
sion (Maya). Being eternal, You are I desire nothing further. Until You
free from birth. I never realized be- favored me, your praises, which I
fore, the greatness of your qualities. heard through the mouths of my elders,
You are the controller of threefold had no meaning for me. When Provi-
time (past, present and future). You dence is favorable, all activities are
are the fighting spirit of life. You are successful. When the teacher (Guru)
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #11 September 17, 2003 Page 14
favors the disciple, all that he has
heard and studied is realized. The gar-
dener may water plants every day and
take great trouble, but it is only in the
spring that trees will bear fruits. After
the fever is gone, one gets back the
sense of taste and the sweet things be-
gin to taste sweet again. Only the
medicine that cures can be regarded as
good medicine. The physical senses
do not function unless there is life.
God, Karma and the Absolute
Book Review
The study of the Vedas and the scrip-
(Universes, by John Leslie, 1989,
tures or the practices of Yoga do not
bear fruit, except through the favor of Published by Routledge)
the teacher (Guru). O Great One, I
“Did God create a universe specially
have today secured self-realization that
suited to life’s evolution?” — so goes the
is the only means of knowing You.
first sentence on page one. Interpreted in a
The man who claims to know You
certain way Leslie builds a fairly good
through logic or merely as intellectual
argument, but semantically — especially
conviction, never knows You properly.
for a theosophist — the book is semanti-
Only the sky can measure greatness of
cally deadbeat, or to say this in a kinder
the sky and the weight of the earth can
way: “The book is up-to-date in its scien-
only be borne. You alone, O Lord,
tific knowledge and modes of expression,
know the full extent of Your Powers.
but painfully out-of-date in its philosophi-
The claim of the Vedas as they have
cal and religious underpinnings:
known You is futile. To Know You is
as difficult as to outreach the speed of The eastern philosophy, religion and
the mind, to embrace the wind or to science are ignored. Karma, the Absolute,
cross the river of illusion (Maya) by Reincarnation are not mentioned — no, not
means of two hands. Full knowledge even once!
of yourself is possessed by yourself
only. You alone have the power to Mainstream Christian theology has a
know yourself and You alone can im- heavy footprint in the book.
part this knowledge to others. O Crea-
tor of the universe, O Pure One, who To make some sense of the author’s
can destroy the sins of the world and argument from the standpoint of Ancient
who deserve worship from all the gods Wisdom we must get past his very carnal-
(Devas), when I feel worthlessness to ized use of the word God and stick to the
even stand in Your presence. But if I statement made on page 2:
did not come to You, where else could Referring to God as ‘he’ or ‘him’ is
I turn? What use are the oceans and just following convention.
rivers full of water to the Chataka, who
quenches thirst only from drops of rain An Easterner would laugh at the next
during Swati? Similarly there are sentence:
teachers everywhere, but the final re-
If God is real then his reality seems
sult of all of us is yourself.
to me most likely to be as described by
[TO BE CONTINUED] the Neoplatonist theological tradition. He
is then not an almighty person but an ab-
stract Creative Force which is ‘personal’
through being concerned with creating
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #11 September 17, 2003 Page 15
persons and acting as a benevolent person On page 24 we find:
Please bear in mind also that satisfy-
An “Abstract Creative Force” ing various of Life’s prerequisites (its nec-
choose, act, or be a person, anymore than essary conditions) may often be fairly far
an architect can create the building for distant from guaranteeing Life’s presence.
which he drew the plans. The owner of a
future building cannot do the architects We must remember that Life has no
work. The money of the owner which prerequisites in a living universe, and
makes his choice operative is nevertheless therefore there can never be a time or spot
where it is not present. This is probably
not his choice, that proceeds from his
the MOST serious mistake that science
ideation. Divine MIND would seem to us, continues to make, i.e., that there can be a
far closer to Neoplatonic thinking than the division such as “dead” and “living.” For
way page 2 states. example when a person is said to have
died, the corpse they leave behind is more
On Page 6 we find: full of life than ever!! The unit or supe-
The cosmos oscillates: Big Bang, rior monad has departed and now the
Big Squeeze, Big Bang, and so on. As elements of the body begin the process of
was suggested by J. A. Wheeler, each os- returning to their own kingdom — i.e.,
cillation could count as a new world or their achieved state of evolution.
(small-u) universe because of having new
properties, or because the oscillations are On page 26 we find:
separated by knotholes of intense com- Force strengths and particle masses
pression in which information about pre- are the same everywhere, as is suggested
vious cycles is lost — or in which Time by the Principia’s second Rule of Reason-
breaks down entirely so that we can- ind which Newton illustrated with the re-
not talk of other cycles as being ‘pre- mark that ‘the light of our culinary fire
vious.’ and of the sun’ should be regarded as
governed by the same laws. And those
Lee Smolin stated it more elegantly strengths and masses, and no doubt many
in his The Life of the Cosmos: other factors also, were selected by a
Mind or by a more abstract Creative Prin-
Is intelligent life in the process of ciple which can reasonably be called
creating a local black hole, which will ‘God’.
“bounce” to create a new universe? Does
universal life cycle through the multiverse To which The Secret Doctrine would
from (big bang) singularity to (black hole) reply:
singularity, in the same manner that a
seed creates an organism which in turn There are no such uncompromising
creates a new seed? believers in the immutability and univer-
Ancient wisdom indicates that one
sality of the laws of nature as students of
manvantara, or cyclic evolution, is indeed occultism. Let us then, with your permis-
the karmic product, the seed of a past sion, leave the shade of the great Newton
manvantara. There is a karmic continuity to rest in peace. It is not the principle of
in the process and it has no first beginning the law of gravitation, or the necessity of a
nor will it have a final end — the whole central force acting toward the sun, that is
process is outside the boundaries of denied, but the assumption that behind the
time, while individual cycles of evolu- law which draws bodies toward the earth’s
tion or pralaya can be said to have a centre, and which is our most familiar ex-
beginning and an closure into the ample of gravitation, there is not another
night of pralaya. law, equally immutable, that under certain
conditions appears to counteract it. If but
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #11 September 17, 2003 Page 16
once in a hundred years a table or a fakir is matter was the origin of the actual move-
seen to rise in the air, without a visible ments of the sidereal bodies and which,
mechanical cause, then that rising is a “in condensing itself in those very bodies,
manifestation of a natural law of which our thus abandoned the space that is found
void to-day.” In other words, it is that
scientists are yet ignorant. (Collected
same matter of which are now composed
Works, Vol. I, “Madame Blavatsky on the planets, comets, and the Sun himself,
Fakirs”) which, having in the origin formed itself
into those bodies, has preserved its inher-
Mystics draw their line in the sand
ent quality of motion; which quality, now
on the internal/external problem: God is centred in their nuclei, directs all motion.
inner, Intelligence is inner, humanity is the A very slight alteration of words is
highest symbol of the great unknown: needed, and a few additions, to make of
this our Esoteric Doctrine.
Even some of the astronomers have
been led to believe in, and to despair of The latter teaches that it is this origi-
the possibility of ever accounting for rota- nal, primordial prima materia, divine and
tion, gravitation, and the origin of any intelligent, the direct emanation of the
mechanical physical laws—unless these Universal Mind—the Daiviprakriti (the
Intelligences be admitted by Science. divine light emanating from the Lo-
…Wolf… endorses fully the theory of gos*)—which formed the nuclei of all the
Kant, and the latter, if not in its general “self-moving” orbs in Kosmos. It is the
aspect, at any rate in some of its features, informing, ever-present moving-power
reminds one strongly of certain esoteric and life-principle, the vital soul of the
teachings. Here we have the world’s sys- suns, moons, planets, and even of our
tem reborn from its ashes, through a neb- Earth. The former latent: the last one ac-
ula; the emanation from the bodies, dead tive—the invisible Ruler and guide of the
and dissolved in Space — resultant of the gross body attached to, and connected
incandescence of the solar centre reani- with, its Soul, which is the spiritual ema-
mated by the combustible matter of the nation, after all, of these respective plane-
planets. In this theory, generated and de- tary Spirits.
veloped in the brain of a young man
hardly twenty-five years of age, who had Another quite occult doctrine is the
never left his native place, a small town of theory of Kant, that the matter of which
Northern Prussia (Konigsberg) one can the inhabitants and the animals of other
hardly fail to recognise either an inspiring planets are formed is of a lighter and
external power, or the reincarnation more subtle nature and of a more perfect
which the Occultists see in it. It fills a gap conformation in proportion to their dis-
which Newton, with all his genius, failed tance from the Sun. The latter is too full
to bridge. And surely it is our primeval of Vital Electricity, of the physical, life-
matter, Akâsa, that Kant had in view, giving principle. Therefore, the men on
when proposing to solve Newton’s diffi- Mars are more ethereal than we are, while
culty and his failure to explain, by the those of Venus are more gross, though far
natural forces, the primitive impulse im- more intelligent, if less spiritual.
parted to the planets, by the postulation of
a universally pervading primordial sub- The last doctrine is not quite ours—
stance. For, as he remarks in chapter viii., yet those Kantian theories are as meta-
if it is once admitted that the perfect har- physical, and as transcendental as any oc-
mony of the stars and planets and the co- cult doctrines; and more than one man of
incidence of their orbital planes prove the Science would, if he but dared speak his
existence of a natural cause, which would mind, accept them as Wolf does. From
thus be the primal cause, “that cause can- this Kantian mind and soul of the Suns
not really be the matter which fills to-day and Stars to the MAHAT (mind) and Prak-
the heavenly spaces.” It must be that riti of the Purânas, there is but a step. Af-
which filled space—was space— ter all, the admission of this by Science
originally, whose motion in differentiated would be only the admission of a natural
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #11 September 17, 2003 Page 17
cause, whether it would or would not NEWTON had to renounce such hope,
stretch its belief to such metaphysical which of the modern materialistic pigmies
heights. But then Mahat, the MIND, is a has the right of saying: “I know better”?
“God,” and physiology admits “mind”
only as a temporary function of the mate- To become complete and compre-
rial brain, and no more. (I, 602-602) hensible, a cosmogonical theory has to
start with a primordial Substance diffused
On page 33 we find: throughout boundless Space, of an intel-
lectual and divine Nature. That substance
Newton was wrong in supposing that must be the Soul and Spirit, the Synthesis
matter would need to divide itself into and Seventh Principle of the manifested
two sorts’, the one forming the planets Kosmos, and, to serve as a spiritual
and the other a sun or suns. (Our sun is Upadhi to this, there must be the sixth, its
mainly hydrogen, but so is Jupiter.) Yet vehicle—primordial physical matter, so
he was right in seeing the sun’s immense to speak, though its nature must escape
size as the key to its long-lasting activity. for ever our limited normal senses. It is
easy for an astronomer, if endowed with
Perhaps the problem of polarity is an imaginative faculty, to build a theory
brought out by Newton. The Sun is more a of the emergence of the universe out of
lens for the conversion of light from the chaos, by simply applying to it the princi-
“invisible” to the “visible” than it is an ples of mechanics. But such a universe
originator of that light. There is a force will always prove, with respect to its sci-
coming out of the sun and another force entific human creator, a Frankenstein’s
emanating from our eyes that make the monster; it will lead him into endless per-
perception of light occur. When the ob- plexities. The application of the mechani-
cal laws only can never carry the specula-
server is entangled with his experiment as
tor beyond the objective world; nor will it
in Quantum Physics, the whole problem of unveil to men the origin and final destiny
a hierarchical procession of intelligence of Kosmos. (The Secret Doctrine I,595)
from the unknown to what we now know
becomes obvious. The theology of today, On page 48 we find:
be it Christian, Brahman, Islamic, etc., etc.
is not a fit place to seek answers of the ‘Blind metaphysical necessity,’ said
divine intelligence pervading the universe: Newton, ‘could produce no variety of
things.’ Perhaps it could be found in mat-
It is not the fortuitous assistance of ter’s ‘vis inertiae,’ but God had supplied
the atoms of Lucretius, who himself knew matter with ‘certain active Principles’ as
better, that built the Kosmos and all in it. well: the forces ‘Gravity, Magnetism, and
Nature herself contradicts such a theory. Electricity, and probably ‘others which
Celestial space, containing matter so at- reach to so small distances as hitherto es-
tenuated as is Ether, cannot be called on, cape Observation.’ Such facts as ‘the co-
with or without attraction, to explain the hering of two polished Marbles in vacuo’
common motion of the sidereal hosts. Al- suggested that particles ‘attract one an-
though the perfect accord of their mutual other by some Force, which in immediate
revolution indicates clearly the presence Contact is exceeding strong, at small dis-
of a mechanical cause in Nature, Newton, tances performs chymical Operations.’
who of all men had best right to trust to ‘The smallest Particles of Matter may co-
his deductions and views, was neverthe- here by the strongest Attractions, and
less forced to abandon the idea of ever compose bigger Particles of weaker Vir-
explaining, by the laws of known Nature tue; and many of these may cohere and
and its Material forces, the original im- compose bigger Particles whose Virtue is
pulse given to the millions of orbs. He still weaker, and so on.’ And as in Alge-
recognised fully the limits that separate bra, where affirmative Quantities vanish
the action of natural Forces from that of and cease, there negative ones begin; so in
the INTELLIGENCES that set the immu- Mechanics, where Attraction ceases, there
table laws into order and action. And if a a repulsive Virtue ought to succeed.
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #11 September 17, 2003 Page 18
This was fine guesswork. Nature is jective world result only from the peculi-
governed by at least two main forces — arities of differentiation of matter on
the nuclear strong and weak forces — which the one free force acts, helped in
in addition to gravity and electromag- this by that portion of its essence which
netism. All of these are essential to we call imprisoned force, or material
molecules. The worker within, the inher-
life forms based on heat, light, atoms,
ent force, ever tends to unite with its par-
stars, and chemistry. They differ ent essence without; and thus, the Mother
greatly in range and in power, the very acting within, causes the Web to contract;
short-range nuclear force being the and the Father acting without, to expand.
strongest. And what seems like one Science calls this gravitation; Occultists,
and the same force can attract at one the work of the universal Life-Force,
distance, repeal at another. which radiates from that Absolute and
Unknowable FORCE which is outside of
Leslie is beginning here to demon- all Space and Time. This is the work of
strate the divinity and layered nature of the Eternal evolution and involution, or ex-
universe. In The Transactions of the pansion and contraction. (p. 128-29)
Blavatsky Lodge we find a kindred passage
like this: Or again, we find this in The Secret
Doctrine, (Vol. I, p. 510-11)
Though Newton’s proposition that
every particle of matter has the property Says Stallo: “If we reduce the mass
of attraction for every other particle is on upon which a given force, however small,
the whole correct, and though Leibnitz’s acts to its limit zero — or, mathematically
proposition that every atom is a universe expressed, until it becomes infinitely
in itself, and acts through its own inherent small — the consequence is that the ve-
force, is also true; yet both are incom- locity of the resulting motion is infinitely
plete. For man is also an atom, possessing great, and that the ‘thing’ . . . is at any
attraction and repulsion, and is the Micro- given moment neither here nor there, but
cosm of the Macrocosm. But would it be everywhere — that there is no real pres-
also true to say that because of the force ence; it is impossible, therefore, to con-
and intelligence in him, he moves inde- struct matter by a synthesis of forces” (p.
pendently of every other human unit, or 161).
could act and move, unless there were a
greater force and intelligence than his This may be true in the phenomenal
own to allow him to live and move in that world, inasmuch as the illusive reflection
higher element of Force and Intelligence? of the one reality of the supersensual
world may appear true to the dwarfed
One of the objects of The Secret conceptions of a materialist. It is abso-
Doctrine is to prove that planetary move- lutely incorrect when the argument is ap-
ments cannot be satisfactorily accounted plied to things, in what the Kabalists call
for by the theory of gravitation alone. Be- the supermundane spheres. Inertia, so
sides the force acting in matter there is called, “is force” according to Newton
also a force acting on matter. (Princ. Def. iii.), and for the student of
Esoteric Sciences the greatest of the oc-
When we speak of the modified con- cult forces. A body may be considered di-
ditions of Spirit-Matter (which is in real- vorced from its relations with other bod-
ity Force), and call them by various ies—which, according to physical and
names, such as heat, cold, light and dark- mechanical sciences, give rise to its at-
ness, attraction and repulsion, electricity tributes—only conceptually, only on this
and magnetism, etc., etc., to the occultist plane of illusion. In fact, it can never be
they are simple names, expressions of dif- so detached: death itself being unable to
ference in manifestations of one and the detach it from its relation with the Uni-
same Force (always dual in differentia- versal forces, of which the one FORCE or
tion), but not any specific difference of
forces. For all such differences in the ob-
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #11 September 17, 2003 Page 19
LIFE is the synthesis: but simply contin- or fabric that Spirit wells up in a stream of
ues such inter-relation on another plane. individual or sub-conscious subjectivity.
And as Matter existing apart from percep-
On page 58 we find: tion is a mere abstraction, both of these
aspects of the ABSOLUTE — Cosmic
The first fact might be that there are
Substance and Cosmic Ideation — are
causal regularities. Events conform to
mutually inter-dependent. In strict accu-
something worth calling laws.
racy — to avoid confusion and miscon-
Amen Brother! Amen! Law rules ception — the term “Matter” ought to be
all seven principles of the universe: moral, applied to the aggregate of objects of pos-
sible perception, and “Substance” to
mental, physical, etc. — Divine Law, Kar-
noumena; for inasmuch as the phenomena
mic Law! This explains the evil and catas- of our plane are the creation of the per-
trophes in the universe — it does not ex- ceiving Ego — the modifications of its
plain them away, but it does throw ex- own subjectivity — all the “states of mat-
planatory light upon them. Instead of fry- ter representing the aggregate of per-
ing in some imaginary hell, we atone for ceived objects” can have but a relative
our selfishness right here where we origi- and purely phenomenal existence for the
nally produced it. children of our plane. As the modern Ide-
alists would say, the co-operation of Sub-
On page 64 we find: According to ject and Object results in the Sense-object
the intuition behind these Gauge Theories, or phenomenon.
‘the natural thing’ could be for many dif-
ferent sets of laws to operate side by side. But this does not necessarily lead
to the conclusion that it is the same on all
It seems clear, however, that this intuition
other planes; that the co-operation of the
could not enjoy much scientific support if two on the planes of their septenary dif-
it implied that there exist many other uni- ferentiation results in a septenary aggre-
verses with laws greatly unlike those we gate of phenomena are likewise non-
know. That would be flatly opposed1 to existent per se, though concrete realities
the respect for simplicity and continuity for the Entities of whose experience they
which underlies all science. form a part, in the same manner as the
rocks and rivers around us are real from
Laws from one plane to another can the stand-point of a physicist, though un-
have large variation such that it would be real illusions of sense from that of the
quite difficult to hypothesize from oxygen metaphysician. It would be an error to
and hydrogen what the laws of water say, or even conceive such a thing. From
would be: the stand-point of the highest metaphys-
ics, the whole Universe, gods included, is
Cosmic Ideation is said to be non- an illusion; but the illusion of him who is
existent during Pralayic periods, for the in himself an illusion differs on every
simple reason that there is no one, and plane of consciousness; and we have no
nothing, to perceive its effects. There can more right to dogmatise about the possi-
be no manifestation of Consciousness, ble nature of the perceptive faculties of an
semi-consciousness, or even “unconscious Ego on, say, the sixth plane, than we have
purposiveness,” except through the vehi- to identify our perceptions with, or make
cle of matter; that is to say, on this our them a standard for, those of an ant, in its
plane, wherein human consciousness in its mode of consciousness. The pure object
normal state cannot soar beyond what is apart from consciousness* is unknown to
known as transcendental metaphysics, it is us, while living on the plane of our three-
only through some molecular aggregation dimensional World; as we know only the
mental states it excites in the perceiving
Ego. And, so long as the contrast of Sub-
Why? Why? Would it be flatly opposed? Perhaps ject and Object endures — to wit, as long
Science needs a broader and deeper sense of
simplicity and continuity. as we enjoy our five senses and no more,
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #11 September 17, 2003 Page 20
and do not know how to divorce our all- This a common origin at work in all these
perceiving Ego (the Higher Self) from the phenomena:
thraldom of these senses — so long will it
be impossible for the personal Ego to The doctrine of a common origin for
break through the barrier which separates all the heavenly bodies and planets, was,
it from a knowledge of things in them- as we see, inculcated by the Archaic as-
selves (or Substance). That Ego, pro- tronomers, before Kepler, Newton, Leib-
gressing in an arc of ascending subjectiv- nitz, Kant, Herschel and Laplace. Heat
ity, must exhaust the experience of every (the Breath), attraction and repulsion—the
plane. But not till the Unit is merged in three great factors of Motion—are the
the ALL, whether on this or any other conditions under which all the members
plane, and Subject and Object alike van- of all this primitive family are born, de-
ish in the absolute negation of the Nir- veloped, and die, to be reborn after a
vanic State (negation, again, only from “Night of Brahmâ,” during which eternal
our plane), is scaled that peak of Omnis- matter relapses periodically into its pri-
cience—the Knowledge of things-in- mary undifferentiated state. The most at-
themselves; and the solution of the yet tenuated gases can give no idea of its na-
more awful riddle approached, before ture to the modern physicist. Centres of
which even the highest Dhyan Chohan Forces at first, the invisible sparks of pri-
must bow in silence and ignorance—the mordial atoms differentiate into mole-
unspeakable mystery of that which is cules, and become Suns—passing gradu-
called by the Vedantins, the ally into objectivity—gaseous, radiant,
PARABRAHMAM. cosmic, the one “Whirlwind” (or motion)
finally giving the impulse to the form, and
Therefore, such being the case, all the initial motion, regulated and sustained
those who sought to give a name to the by the never-resting Breaths—the Dhyan
incognizable Principle have simply de- Chohans. (SDI, 103)
graded it. Even to speak of Cosmic Idea-
tion—save in its phenomenal aspect—is Notwithstanding the efforts made to
like trying to bottle up primordial Chaos, the contrary, an unprejudiced mind will
or to put a printed label on ETERNITY. discover under Newton’s “agent, material
(SDI, 329-30) or immaterial” (of his third letter to Bent-
ley), the agent which causes gravity, and,
On page 82 we find: in his personal working God, one finds
just as much of the metaphysical devas
Oscillatory models long provided the and genii, as in Kepler’s angelus rector
most popular means of getting multiple conducting each planet, and the species
universes. Each oscillation could be spo- immateriata by which the celestial bodies
ken of as ‘a new universe’ in recognition were carried along in their courses, ac-
of its being fairly sharply isolated from cording to that astronomer. (SD I, 479)
On page 96 we find:
Leslie’s further discussion on this
seems to indicate that this approach might First, proper understanding of Cau-
have drawbacks. I tend to agree. For ex- sality involves respect for counterfactual
ample, a person’s Ego has had many incar- statements such as, ‘If the brick had hit it
nations, but they are obeying similar laws then the window would have broken.’
of ascent or descent. Oscillation from one An argument sounding like that oc-
universe to another would be the reappear- curs in The Key to Theosophy as an argu-
ance of the past universe. It would reap- ment against Karmic Law and reincarna-
pear on a higher plane and the laws while tion:
similar would not be duplicates. There
might be sufficient distance between them Therefore, Soul being a generic term,
that you could not extrapolate from one to there are in men three aspects of Soul --
the other. The jury is still out on this one. the terrestrial, or animal; the Human Soul;
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #11 September 17, 2003 Page 21
and the Spiritual Soul; these, strictly descending, involuting host that added to
speaking, are one Soul in its three aspects. that perfected form a self-conscious mind.
Now of the first aspect, nothing remains We would agree with Buckminster Fuller
after death; of the second (nous or Manas) that the apes come from us and not vice
only its divine essence if left unsoiled sur-
versa. We are the Noah’s ark. The highest
vives, while the third in addition to being
immortal becomes consciously divine, by
of the animal kingdom follow in the wake
the assimilation of the higher Manas. But of man, taking up his cast-off clothes for
to make it clear, we have to say a few its use. The apes are a third-round, human
words first of all about Re-incarnation. form, resuscitated by abnormal means in
this round — a karmic entanglement but
ENQUIRER. You will do well, as it not an ancestor by any means!
is against this doctrine that your enemies
fight the most ferociously. On page 170 we find:
THEOSOPHIST. You mean the If we instead explained our world’s
Spiritualists? I know; and many are the existence by reference to the creative ac-
absurd objections laboriously spun by tivity of an already existing divine person
them over the pages of Light. So obtuse who himself simply happened to exist,
and malicious are some of them, that they then exactly how would this person create
will stop at nothing. One of them found things? Would he just will the existence
recently a contradiction, which he gravely of universe, his act of volition setting up a
discusses in a letter to that journal, in two requirement much more likely to be pow-
statements picked out of Mr. Sinnett's lec- erful than any ‘mere’ ethical requirement?
tures. He discovers that grave contradic-
tion in these two sentences: "Premature What does Leslie mean by “mere
returns to earth-life in the cases when they ethical requirement”!? I would be loathe
occur may be due to Karmic complication to father that idea upon the Neoplatonists.
. . ."; and "there is no accident in the su- The Maya of egotism is a very deluding
preme act of divine justice guiding evolu- spectre, but it in no way negates the ethical
tion." So profound a thinker would surely imperative of human brotherhood.
see a contradiction of the law of gravita-
tion if a man stretched out his hand to
stop a falling stone from crushing the
head of a child!

On page 108 we find:

We might try arguing that more or
less any world would be life-containing.
By seeming to prove as much, Darwin CYCLES DIFFER
severly weakened the Design Arguments
of his century. His approach appeared to We — by the lives we have led — put
show that God was not neede in order to ourselves on one or another cycle. There-
make Life into something other than a fore Cyclic Law does not imply fatalism:
The Dvapara Yuga differs for each
We can’t follow Leslie here. Darwin Race. All races have their own cycles,
did not weaken the “Design argument” one which fact causes a great difference. For
iota if we take “God” out of the personal- instance, the Fourth Sub-Race of the At-
ity-ridded, anthropomorphic box that the- lanteans was in its Kali-Yug, when de-
ology had put him. Darwin caught evolu- stroyed, whereas the Fifth was in its Satya
tion at the halfway point when matter had or Krita Yuga. The Aryan Race is now in
reached its nadir, but we need not search its Kali Yuga, and will continue to be in it
for 427,000 years longer, while various
for the “real man” there, for he is of the
“family Races,” called the Semitic, Ha-
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #11 September 17, 2003 Page 22
mitic, etc., are in their own special cycles. The May 2, 2001, New York Times
The forthcoming 6th Sub Race—which stated the case like this:
may begin very soon—will be in its Satya
(golden) age while we reap the fruit of our Seven decades ago, Einstein and his
iniquity in our Kali Yuga. (S.D.II, 147fn) scientific allies imagined ways to prove
that quantum mechanics, the strange rules
that describe the world of the very small,
were just too spooky to be true. Among
other things, Einstein showed that, ac-
cording to quantum mechanics, measuring
one particle could instantly change the
ENTANGLEMENT properties of another particle, no matter
how far apart they were. He considered
— The Greatest Mystery in Physics — this apparent action-at-a-distnce, called
(by Amir D. Aczel, published by Four Walls Eight
Windows, NY, NY, 2001, ISBN 1-56858-232-3)
entanglement, too absurd to be found in
nature. … But experiments described in
“Stranger than fiction” is a fit phrase three forthcoming papers in the journal
Physical Review Letters give a measure of
for the young field of quantum mechanics,
just how badly Einstein has been routed.
for it holds that some of humanity’s The experiments show not only that en-
dreams may be realized. Dr. Aczel has tanglement does happen — which has
given us a “good read,” especially for been known for some time — but that it
those interested in Quantum Mechanics might be used to create unbreakable codes
and its relation to H. P. Blavatsky’s Secret ...
Doctrine. The book gives us birds-eye While the idea of non-local space
biographies of the major players and takes and action-at-a-distance are fundamental
us step-by-step into the jungle of discov- ideas of Occultism dating back into the
ery, illustrating different aspects of the night of time, Science is on the cumber-
problem as it goes. The hands-down hero some treadmill of sense-data:
in our drama is the late Professor John
Indeed, people speak of this four-
Bell, an up-by-the-bootstraps genius who
dimensional space as though it were a lo-
displays bravery and honesty in his pursuit cality—a sphere instead of being what it
of truth. is––quite a different state of Being. (Col-
lected Works, Vol. vii, p. 86)
According to Einstein, quantum the-
ory required entanglement — the idea that From Gods to men, from Worlds to
subatomic particles could become inextri- atoms, from a star to a rush-light, from the
cably linked, and that a change to one such Sun to the vital heat of the meanest or-
particle would instantly be reflected in its ganic being—the world of Form and Exis-
tence is an immense chain, whose links
counterpart, even if a universe separated
are all connected. The law of Analogy is
them. According to Einstein this idea was the first key to the world-problem, and
so bizarre that it had to be invalid, and these links have to be studied co-
therefore the quantum theory was incom- ordinately in their occult relations to each
plete or invalid. other.
However, new experiments show When, therefore, the Secret Doc-
Einstein’s prophecy correct and his incre- trine—postulating that conditioned or lim-
dulity wrong, for new experiments in both ited space (location) has no real being ex-
the United States and Europe show not cept in this world of illusion, or, in other
only that it does happen, but that it may words, in our perceptive faculties—
open up entire new fields: unbreakable teaches that every one of the higher, as of
the lower worlds, is interblended with our
codes or even teleportation.
own objective world; that millions of
things and beings are, in point of localiza-
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #11 September 17, 2003 Page 23
tion, around and in us, as we are around, necessary for discerning them. Yet by
with, and in them; it is no metaphysical their spiritual sight the Adepts, and even
figure of speech, but a sober fact in Na- some seers and sensitives, are always able
ture, however incomprehensible to our to discern, whether in a greater or smaller
senses. degree, the presence and close proximity
to us of Beings pertaining to other spheres
But one has to understand the phra- of life. Those of the (spiritually) higher
seology of Occultism before criticising worlds, communicate only with those ter-
what it asserts. For example, the Doctrine restrial mortals who ascend to them,
refuses (as Science does, in one sense) to through individual efforts, on to the
use the words “above” and “below,” higher plane they are occupying. . . .
“higher” and “lower,” in reference to in- (SDI, 605)
visible spheres, as being without meaning.
Even the terms “East” and “West” are To the Mystic action-at-a-distance or
merely conventional, necessary only to entanglement, is a bread-and-butter prob-
aid our human perceptions. For, though lem, the A, B, C, of the One SELF:
the Earth has its two fixed points in the
poles, North and South, yet both East and No one can better treat his subject
West are variable relatively to our own than does Schopenhauer in his Parerga.
position on the Earth’s surface, and in In this work he discusses at length animal
consequence of its rotation from West to magnetism, clairvoyance, sympathetic
East. Hence, when “other worlds” are cures, seership, magic, omens, ghost-
mentioned—whether better or worse, seeing, and other spiritual matters. “All
more spiritual or still more material, these manifestations,’’ he says, “are
though both invisible—the Occultist does branches of one and the same tree, and
not locate these spheres either outside or furnish us with irrefutable proofs of the
inside our Earth, as the theologians and existence of a chain of beings which is
the poets do; for their location is nowhere based on quite a different order of things
in the space known to, and conceived by, than that nature which has at its founda-
the profane. They are, as it were, blended tion laws of space, time and adaptability.
with our world—interpenetrating it and This other order of things is far deeper,
interpenetrated by it. There are millions for it is the original and the direct one; in
and millions of worlds and firmaments its presence the common laws of nature,
visible to us; there still greater numbers which are simply formal, are unavailing;
beyond those visible to the telescopes, therefore, under its immediate action nei-
and many of the latter kind do not belong ther time nor space can separate any
to our objective sphere of existence. Al- longer the individuals, and the separation
though as invisible as if they were mil- impendent on these forms presents no
lions of miles beyond our solar system, more insurmountable barriers for the in-
they are yet with us, near us, within our tercourse of thoughts and the immediate
own world, as objective and material to action of the will. In this manner changes
their respective inhabitants as ours is to may be wrought by quite a different
us. But, again, the relation of these worlds course than the course of physical causal-
to ours is not that of a series of egg- ity, i.e., through an action of the manifes-
shaped boxes enclosed one within the tation of the will exhibited in a peculiar
other, like the toys called Chinese nests; way and outside the individual himself.
each is entirely under its own special laws Therefore the peculiar character of all the
and conditions, having no direct relation aforesaid manifestations is the visio in
to our sphere. The inhabitants of these, as distante et actio in distante (vision and
already said, may be, for all we know, or action at a distance) in its relation to time
feel, passing through and around us as if as well as in its relation to space. Such an
through empty space, their very habita- action at a distance is just what constitutes
tions and countries being interblended the fundamental character of what is
with ours, though not disturbing our vi- called magical; for such is the immediate
sion, because we have not yet the faculties action of our will, an action liberated from
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #11 September 17, 2003 Page 24
the causal conditions of physical action, leave is not an option — at least for an en-
viz., contact.” tire cycle of evolution.
“Besides that,” continues Schopen- Each world or plane of Being has
hauer, “these manifestations present to us laws peculiar to its domain, and to try to
a substantial and perfectly logical contra-
extrapolate land us in a quagmire of con-
diction to materialism, and even to natu-
ralism, because in the light of such mani-
tradictions! Or as Mr. Aczel puts it:
festations, that order of things in nature The quantum universe does not pos-
which both these philosophies seek to sess the cause-and-effect structure we
present as absolute and the only genuine, know from everyday life. …For small
appears before us on the contrary purely particles moving at speeds close to that of
phenomenal and superficial, and contain- light, relativistic quantum mechanics is
ing at the bottom of it a substance of the right theory.
things à parte and perfectly independent
of its own laws. That is why these mani- One of the most important principles
festations — at least from a purely phi- in classical physics — and one that has
losophical point of view — among all the great relevance to our story — is the prin-
facts which are presented to us in the do- ciple of conservation of momentum. ….
main of experiment, are beyond any com- Energy in any of its forms (including
parison the most important. Therefore, it mass) is conserved — that is, it cannot be
is the duty of every scientist to acquaint created out of nothing. The same holds
himself with them.” (Isis Unveiled, Vol. I, true for momentum, angular momentum,
p. 59-60) and electric charge. The conservation of
momentum is very important. …(p. 14)
Entangled entities (particles or pho-
tons) are linked together because they were In any physical process, total input
produced by some process that bound them momentum equals total output momen-
together in a special way. For example, tum. This principle, when applied within
two photons emitted from the same atom the world of the very small, will have
as one of its electrons descends down two consequences beyond this simple and in-
tuitive idea of conservation. In quantum
energy levels are entangled. (Energy lev-
mechanics, two particles that interact with
els are associated with the orbit of an elec- each other at some point… will remain in-
tron in the atom.) While neither flies off in tertwined with each other, …whatever
a definite direction, the pair will always be should happen to one of them, no matter
found on opposite sides of the atom. And how far it may be from its twin, will im-
such photons or particles, produced in a mediately affect the twin particle. (p. 15)
way that links them together, remain inter-
twined forever. Once one is changed, its Abner Shimony has referred to en-
twin — wherever it may be in the universe tanglement as “passion at a distance,” in
an effort to avoid the trap of assuming
— will change instantaneously.
that one can somehow use entanglement
Entanglement is mysterious even in to send a message faster than light. Shi-
mony believes that entanglement still al-
the world of occult students. Madame
lows for quantum mechanics and relativ-
Blavatsky said that WQJ had been part of ity theory to enjoy a “peaceful coexis-
her being for Æons. “To the earnest Dis- tence,” in the sense that entanglement
ciple his Teacher takes the place of mother does not violate special relativity in a
and Father.” Initiation is a kind of entan- strict sense (no messages can travel faster
glement. There are some “marriages” one than light). Other physicists, however,
can abscond from by resorting to the local believe that the “spirit of relativity the-
Divoce Court. In the world of Mysticism ory” still is violated by entanglement, be-
however, one may sink or soar, but to cause “something” (whatever it may be)
does “travel” faster than light (in fact, in-
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #11 September 17, 2003 Page 25
finitely fast) between two entangled enti- right to dogmatise about the possible na-
ties. The late John Bell was of this belief. ture of the perceptive faculties of an Ego
on, say, the sixth plane, than we have to
And we think Occultists would agree identify our perceptions with, or make
with John Bell. If the light we know with them a standard for, those of an ant, in its
our senses travels at 186,000+ miles per mode of consciousness. The pure object
second, how are we know that the light-of- apart from consciousness* is unknown to
thought might travel at 3 Trillion miles per us, while living on the plane of our three-
second? Who can affirm and who deny? dimensional World; as we know only the
mental states it excites in the perceiving
The chemist goes to the laya or zero Ego. And, so long as the contrast of Sub-
point of the plane of matter with which he ject and Object endures—to wit, as long
deals, and then stops short. The physicist as we enjoy our five senses and no more,
or the astronomer counts by billions of and do not know how to divorce our all-
miles beyond the nebulæ, and then they perceiving Ego (the Higher Self) from the
also stop short; the semi-initiated Occult- thraldom of these senses—so long will it
ist will represent this laya-point to himself be impossible for the personal Ego to
as existing on some plane which, if not break through the barrier which separates
physical, is still conceivable to the human it from a knowledge of things in them-
intellect. But the full Initiate knows that selves (or Substance). (Ibid., p. 329)
the ring “Pass-Not” is neither a locality
nor can it be measured by distance, but The emphasized part is the current
that it exists in the absoluteness of infin- battleground in advanced physics and
ity. In this “Infinity” of the full Initiate mathematics. Roger Penrose presents the
there is neither height, breadth nor thick- problem that “noncomputability may enter
ness, but all is fathomless profundity, into a theory of quantum gravity.”
reaching down from the physical to the (
“para-para-metaphysical.” In using the
word “down,” essential depth—“nowhere
and everywhere”—is meant, not depth of
physical matter. (SD I, 131)
Gene Sharp 101
Gene Sharp probably knows more about
nonviolent resistance than anybody
As the modern Idealists would say, else on the planet. He chatted with
the co-operation of Subject and Object re- our editor, Metta Spencer in May by
sults in the Sense-object or phenomenon. phone from his office at the Albert
But this does not necessarily lead to the Einstein Institution in Boston. [From
conclusion that it is the same on all July-Sept. Peace Magazine1]
other planes; that the co-operation of METTA SPENCER: How did you come to
the two on the planes of their septenary do your original research?
differentiation results in a septenary
aggregate of phenomena are likewise GENE SHARP: Well, from high school age, I
non-existent per se, though concrete re- was aware of the world's problems.The Second
alities for the Entities of whose experi- World War was just finishing, nuclear
ence they form a part, in the same weapons were new, Stalin was in control of the
manner as the rocks and rivers around Soviet Union, colonialism was strong, and war
us are real from the stand-point of a was a problem because we knew a little about
physicist, though unreal illusions of nuclear weapons. I wanted to see what could
sense from that of the metaphysician. be done about all of that. At Ohio State I did a
It would be an error to say, or even masters thesis in sociology on nonviolence,
conceive such a thing. From the stand- covering both belief systems and action.
point of the highest metaphysics, the
whole Universe, gods included, is an illu-
sion; but the illusion of him who is in 1
If you are interested in Nonviolence as an
himself an illusion differs on every plane ongoing movement and method, this periodical is
of consciousness; and we have no more a must: Box 248 Station P; Toronto, Ontario,
CANADA M55 257 — $15.00 U.S. funds — ED.,
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #11 September 17, 2003 Page 26
There was a tremendous problem with lack of fascist resistance. I began drawing some of
clear terminology about the technique of those threads together from studies on
nonviolent action. In my thesis I was still strikes and boycotts.
confusing the two, putting belief and action in
the same general category. Years later I I came up with a list. I think I had 18
realized that they were different phenomena. methods of nonviolent action. The largest
They might overlap on occasion but often did list I had come across previously was 12.
not. Some believers in pacifism objected to When I was in Norway, I drew up a list
certain kinds of nonviolent resistance because
which I think went up to 65 and took it to a
they didn't believe in conflict at all. Later I
distinguished between different types of conference in Accra, Ghana.
principled nonviolence. The technique of
People there were absolutely fascinated by
nonviolent action sometimes had religious
pacifists participating, but often did not.
this list. Someone asked: How does this
technique work? I had to give a talk on
It was a revelation to realize that most of the that. My notes were later expanded and
people in India who were participating in became Part Three of The Politics of
nonviolent struggles against the British did not Nonviolent Action whereas the list in Part
believe in nonviolence as an ethic. On one Two grew to 198 methods . The
occasion down in the basement of the library power discussion became the basis of Part
of Ohio State University. I was looking at an One of that book.
old newspaper for materials on Gandhi's 1930
campaign. I wondered: Should I put that At one stage I had called myself a pacifist,
down? Better just leave it out! but pacifists, even today, still concentrate
But I put it down. And later it dawned on me on what they are going to refuse to do and
that, rather than that being a threat, it was a are often weak on what they are going to
great opportunity, because it meant that large do, except for reconciliation, forgiveness
numbers of people who would never believe in and relieving human suffering. The notion
ethical or religious nonviolence could use that you couldn't get rid of the violence for
nonviolent struggle for pragmatic reasons. This nothing, this was an amazing revelation.
could happen decades or centuries before
their descendants accepted the principle of SPENCER: Pardon? "You couldn't get rid
nonviolence. Then I found references on of the violence for nothing?"
nonviolent resistance in Samoa, Korea, and
American colonies before Lexington and SHARP: Yes. You can't say, "We
Concord-as well as general strikes. I went renounce violence" and expect that to be
into some of the literature on labor strikes applied socially, politically, and
and boycotts. There was a heritage here. internationally. Violence is not just
aggression. It's not just evil. It's a way to
And there was a theory that Gandhi was wage a conflict. Not all conflicts are equal.
propounding-that all governments depend The issues in them vary widely. Some
on the obedience of the population-which issues you can compromise on. They're not
was an interesting idea, but it certainly very important-you know, which color do
wasn't classical. I tried tracing that to we paint a wall? Or what kind of food can
different people. Was it found in Thoreau, we have tonight? You can even
for example, where it was sometimes compromise on salary increases. But when
credited? Clearly, it was in Tolstoy. it's whether you're going to be taken over
Gandhi had got this idea from Tolstoy-not by a foreign aggressor, whether some of
the ethics, but the idea that governments your people are going to be exterminated,
depend on the obedience of the population. whether you are going to accept a
dictatorship, or they are going to prohibit
In Norway I met people who had your religion, whether they are going to
participated in the anti-Quisling and anti- violate your human rights and impose
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #11 September 17, 2003 Page 27
serious oppressions-those are not issues in particular methods, such as strikes. We
which, morally and politically, you can could adapt this technique against a take-
compromise. So what do you do, if over, a coup d'etat. We could adapt it and
renouncing the violence doesn't get rid of prepare it for use against foreign
it? And then I realized that, in some of aggression, invasions and occupations with
these other cases, they did not use specific types of planning. We could use it
violence. They did something else. for whatever purposes people thought they
had to use violence because they presumed
Some sociological theorists described the there was no alternative.
function of different kinds of social
institutions. They said, "You can't just get This meant a very different way of getting
rid of an institution. You have to have rid of violence and war, because it was not
some way of fulfilling the function that the going to be renounced. That hasn't
institution was supposed to do. And if you happened. It's not going to happen. But it
don't have a substitute way to do that job, could be replaced-not all of a sudden, but
to fulfill that function, it's going to stay." incrementally, for specific purposes and
specific needs. Gradually there would be
That would explain why war has not been less "need" to resort to violence at all.
abolished, because people always believe
that military means were the only means You could ask whether it could be used
they had to prevent aggression and fight against imperialist domination and to get
off attackers. One needed a substitute. the English out of India, for example. That
Many of my later studies were on these choice was pragmatic in India. It wasn't
other cases where nonviolent struggle because Gandhi was a Mahatma or any
actually had been used, not because people such nonsense. It was a very concrete,
thought it was morally superior (except pragmatic decision by major Indian
relatively, perhaps) but because it was leaders, including Jawaharlal Nehru, the
there and so they took it. first prime minister, who had been an
advocate of violent revolution until 1928.
They didn't always do it very effectively, Then he recognized: Aha! This thing
but they did it more effectively they most Gandhi been using can be used to get our
people might have predicted. Only much independence! Not all Indians went along
later did I realize (and this is a major point with this, but many other people did, in
in the new book I'm working on) that you many other countries. It happened on every
could by conscious effort take this continent, I think, except Antarctica. There
primitive technique, which has usually has never been a penguin liberation
been improvised-often by people who movement.
didn't know what they were doing, but who
had guts and determination. You could This kind of struggle kept recurring,
learn how to wage that type of conflict sometimes with disastrous results,
more effectively in the future than it has sometimes with remarkable successes, but
been done in the past. it kept recurring, so it is possible. Kenneth
Boulding had something called Boulding's
You could also take this technique and First Law, which I think he stole from one
adapt it for particular purposes-as in the of the Greek philosophers: "That which is,
American Civil Rights movement, the is possible."
Montgomery bus boycott, the Winnipeg
General Strike. People weren't improvising SPENCER: (Laughs). Wonderful! And
on the basis of what they knew about the reverse of this little aphorism also
nonviolence generally. They were trying to accounts for a lot. Sometimes, because
figure out how to act in this particular people don't believe something is possible,
situation and they knew something about
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #11 September 17, 2003 Page 28
they can't even see that it is happening SPENCER: Recently we showed the film
right around them. about Otpor and the overthrow of
Milosevic, Bringing Down a Dictator. Lots
SHARP: Yes! Of course! of pro-Milosevic people were present. The
real issue for them is, here is the evil US
SPENCER: They can't recognize what
(and most of us do think US policies often
actually takes place because their ideas do
are pretty evil) funding this nonviolent
not have room for it to exist.
resistance. To them that's a cardinal sin. A
SHARP: Yes, and there's the opposite of government cannot fund or sponsor the
that too. When violence fails, people don't overthrow of another government!
say, "Violence doesn't work." They keep
SHARP: Why not?
the belief that violence is the most
powerful thing they can do. Even though it SPENCER: Because the US has interests
has proved to be a disaster. and it's supposedly immoral to have
interests. Nobody is surprised that the US
SPENCER: And if nonviolent action
gives guns to people, but the idea that they
doesn't work in two minutes, they say it
assisted the Serbs to get rid of Milosevic
doesn't work, so let's go back to what
seems somehow especially evil. To my
mind, it is particularly the US, of all
SHARP: Even though it didn't work! So countries, that I want to see supporting
adherence to violence is a doctrine, nonviolence. It would be the greatest thing
because "we know that's true." in the world for the US adopt nonviolence.

You know, there was a time when there SHARP: What do they prefer that the US
was Soviet domination, direct and indirect, spend the money on?
in all Eastern Europe. At that time we were
SPENCER: They just shouldn't interfere.
spending billions on military capacity
No country should interfere in the affairs
against the Soviet Union, which did
of another country.
nothing to wipe out dictatorial Communist
regimes. The people mostly did it SHARP: Like Nazi Germany? That's a
themselves, by nonviolent struggle. Who clear example. No country should have
would have thought that the Poles would been upset with the Nazi regime? Whoever
become supreme practitioners of is in control of the state apparatus, no
nonviolent struggle, when they had risen matter what they do, should be
up in violent rebellion against the Russian untouchable? That is gross! I think any
Empire time after time, with disastrous superpower has a responsibility to explore
results? They had charged out on horses other kinds of struggles that might be
against the Nazi tanks. But they became developed so that frustrated people seeking
practitioners of nonviolent struggle! democracy don't kill thousands of people.
Unthinkable! Superpowers should devote one or two
percent of their military budgets to
Or who would have thought that little
exploring these other possibilities. That's
Estonia with a population of about 1.5
the least that one could ask for.
million could get independence from the
intact Soviet Union? Or the people of SPENCER: What about nonviolent action
Latvia or Lithuania? It would have been in Tibet? When I interviewed Samdhong
laughed off, you know, but they did. And Rinpoche he mentioned some contact with
now, nobody thinks much about that in you and hoped you would help them do
those countries. They want into NATO. something.
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #11 September 17, 2003 Page 29
SHARP: I have been waiting for a report Nazis had expressed their racial theories
on recent developments since we were through boycotts and so forth, it wouldn't
with them in India. We don't yet have it have been wonderful, but it would have
yet. There is a clear case, I think, where been a whole lot better.
nonviolent struggle is the only option they
have of their own accord. When the US SPENCER: How far would you go with
was funding guerrilla activity in Tibet that? Suppose some neo-Nazis came to you
against the Chinese, it was disastrous. And and said, "We want to learn how to do
just meditating on nonviolence and nonviolent action."
reaching higher levels of spiritual
SHARP: I would say, "Here is a list of
achievement doesn't exactly remove an
publications on nonviolent struggle. I think
aggressive Chinese occupation. This is
your world outlook and your racial theories
about all they have. Whether they all see
are detestable. I will not advise you on
that, and what they choose to do about it,
how to conduct your struggle. If you want
that's another question.
to learn how to use nonviolent methods,
I also have a book in Tibetan; it is not they are there. I would prefer that you
published in English.The English change your outlook on the world and on
translation of the title is The Power and other people. If you continue to be Anti-
Practice of Nonviolent Struggle. The Dalai Semites, then it is better for you do this
Lama wrote the introduction to it. than to slaughter people."
Although his approach is not identical to
This was reflected in the US South. I was
mine, he was welcoming this examination
in Europe during most of the Civil Rights
of nonviolent action.
struggles, but when the Civil Rights
SPENCER: You once told me that workers found the local gas station
military people understand you better than wouldn't sell them gasoline, or when the
peace people do. bank manager foreclosed on loans early,
because they were campaigning for rights
SHARP: Yes. That does not mean that no for African Americans, that was bad-but it
peace people can understand this. Some was much preferable to lynching, of which
are very good at it. Some see nonviolent there were many cases.
struggle on a pragmatic basis as a
fulfilment of their principles. But there are SPENCER: The example of Iran confirms
many people in peace organizations who that. The opposition to the Shah was
don't like conflict. A few years ago, I gave nonviolent. I know of no one who
a talk about national defence by prepared supported having the Ayatollahs take
nonviolent resistance. Someone in the charge and create theocracy. Nevertheless,
audience was very shocked, and accused I'm glad they did it nonviolently.
me: "All you are doing is taking the
SHARP: Yes. I don't think all the people
violence out of war!"
participating in the Iranian situation of
And someone else in another audience 1979 were in favor of theocracy. Some of
said, "Well, my goodness, what if the them were just for more democracy. There
Nazis had learned to use this nonviolent is the phase of the struggle and then there
resistance?" is the phase of transition of the regimes. If
you are not careful, you can be successful
SPENCER: What did you say? in undermining a regime that is oppressive
and then leave yourself wide open to a new
SHARP: That there would have been six group taking over and installing
million Jews left and millions of other themselves as dictators.That's what Lenin
people would not have been killed. If the and the Bolsheviks did in 1917 and that's
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #11 September 17, 2003 Page 30
apparently what the Ayatollahs did in Iran. regime. You can't expect that, if you do
There are other cases of this, so you have one nonviolent struggle, then you've got a
to plan the transition carefully and have kingdom of God on earth. They held a
methods planned to block future takeovers democratic election, with different parties
or coups d'etat. One of my new and they weren't aiming for a complete
publications is called The Anti-Coup. transformation of all the society or getting
There have been many cases where a rid of all their problems. But it was
regime has been undermined but then a infinitely better than what they had
new group takes advantage of the previously. It gave them a chance to make
confusion and the people passively submit that society better. Whether they used this
instead of resisting that outfit too. opportunity well or not, I can't judge.
SPENCER: My sense is that nonviolence SPENCER: Well, as I understand it, the
needs to be coupled with an emphasis on murder of Djindjic finally woke some
democracy and what to do after you have people up and made them realize they
destabilized dictatorship. actually had to get rid of some of these
Mafias that had been buddies with
SHARP: That's right. Milosevic. Yes, they are cleaning house
now, but only because they had this
SPENCER: By itself, nonviolence is only
half of the equation.
SHARP: I heard that too. There is a
SHARP: I have a few pages on that point
naivete among some advocates of
in the booklet From Dictatorship to
nonviolent means. They think that if
Democracy, which was written for the
you've had one nonviolent struggle, you
Burmese democrats and published in
are not going to have any more serious
Bangkok in 1993. There's a case where the
problems. I have heard people say that all
1988 uprising undermined the military
the nonviolent struggles for independence
dictatorship, which had been established
in India and all of Gandhi's work was a
by the coup d'etat long ago. They
waste. They still have the caste system,
undermined three or four military
they still have poverty, they have an Indian
governments. And then the democratic
Army, and so forth. As though one series
leaders started arguing among themselves
of struggles for independence from a
over who was going to head the new
colonial power could have possibly solved
democratic government. This gave the
all these problems! That's nonsense. They
military a chance to carry out a new coup
set much higher standards for evaluating
d'etat, and people collapsed in the face of
effectiveness and success of nonviolent
massacres. Though they really undermined
struggle than for violent struggle.
the military dictators in Burma, the
democrats did not use that partial victory SPENCER: What about a nonviolent
effectively and helped mess things up struggle against a nonviolent struggle?
themselves. Such as in, say, Venezuela. Both sides in
conflict now have largely used nonviolent
SPENCER: Which is what also happened
in Serbia, before and after Milosevic. The
democratic parties couldn't get their act to SHARP: I haven't been to Venezuela. A
gether. couple of people who worked with us,
including Bob Helvey, have been there and
SHARP: I don't know much about that.
done a workshop for Venezuelans, but I
When was I there, I think it was in May of
am not well informed on that situation.
2001, they certainly had a democratic
However, without discussing Venezuela,
government. They didn't have a perfect
which I don't know much about, the idea
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #11 September 17, 2003 Page 31
that you can have nonviolent resistance SPENCER: Clearly so. What do you think
confronting nonviolent resistance, that's about the use of force in such cases as
wonderful! Rwanda or East Timor, to prevent
oppression by part of the population or by
SPENCER: I agree. the government itself on its own people?
SHARP: We don't think it's strange that in SHARP: First let me react to your use of
a war both sides use violence. If you can the word "force." I have a problem with
get both sides using nonviolent struggle that word because it's a polite term for
against each other, that's a great advance. military violence. It assumes that
We should be welcoming that, even though nonviolent means are incapable of force. It
we could still take sides. sets up a terminological bias in favor of
military means. We say it is "force" and
SPENCER: In fact, I raised the
that is more respectable.
Venezuelan case because it illustrates
another point-that whether or not the side But the question of genocide by the
using nonviolence is the one with the government, that is a grave problem. We
better policies, it won't win if citizens don't can't wait to find an answer until the
strongly support them. Personally, I think slaughter starts. It's like getting a car on the
Chavez is steering the wrong course on edge of a cliff and saying,"If you don't like
economic matters. They won't get out of the way I'm driving, you take over." You
the hole until they have different policies. get to the point where there is no easy
But the nonviolent opposition against him solution, whereas we should have started
lost. I am not sure that nonviolence always in a different direction long ago.
gives the best political outcome, but at any
rate, I would rather see nonviolence used Hannah Arendt's book, Eichmann in
than violence. Jerusalem, for which she was maligned, is
very important. She said that the slaughter
SHARP: Yes. Nonviolent struggle can fail that the Nazis perpetrated will not be the
because it wasn't planned well-because it last. At that time, many people thought,
had a poor strategy. People sometimes say, "Oh good, it's over!" She was saying, No,
"Let's just have a strike and stop it's not over! This is going to happen again
everything from functioning and we have to examine how it happened if
economically." But how long can people we are to block it it in the future! She
not feed their families because they are not showed that the Nazis did not get as many
getting any pay? There is a limit on how Jews and Gypsies out of occupied
long a strike can continue. When it fails, it countries as they wanted. In some cases
doesn't necessarily mean the population they got massive numbers to the gas
favored one side over the other. It may chambers. In other countries they got very
have been a simplistic economic solution few-not that they didn't want them; they
to what was largely a political problem. just couldn't get them. She asked: Why
And some of the means being used now by were more people saved in some countries
the Chavez government-such as the than in others? It turns out it was largely
currency limitations-mean that people can't because someone whose help was needed,
buy things abroad. So the newspapers, refused to help the Nazis. Sometimes even
which have often been anti-Chavez, cannot German officials didn't give the
buy newsprint. Therefore opposition instructions or make their troops available.
newspapers will be driven out of business, Sometimes it was the general population
which means government control of the that hid the Jews or helped them escape.
news. So it is a very complex situation. Sometimes it was Jews themselves who
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #11 September 17, 2003 Page 32
made themselves difficult to collect and Netherlands. Not just one, but several. In
send on to the gas chambers. Norway, they published small newspapers,
newsletters, and books. Copies of them are
Decades ago I proposed studying cases of in the Norwegian Resistance Museum in
attempted genocide and the degree to Oslo. The same thing happened in the
which the perpetrators' attempts were Soviet Union with their "samizdat"
successful. And how they were blocked, so publications. It happened in Poland during
we can learn what forms of resistance are the Soviet presence and the Communist
likely to be useful in the future. There are regime. They had underground publishing
more studies of genocide now, but I think houses.
that kind of comparative study has not
been done. When you have a massive SPENCER: Let's talk about the future.
slaughter going on, what do you do? I don't How can we advance this technique? What
have easy solutions. We should have research issues still need to be addressed?
started those kinds of studies before, And how can we promote nonviolence as a
knowing there is ethnic hatred in an area message?
where military institutions are continuing
to build up that can be transferred to a SHARP: First, we need to disseminate
different purpose when they get the knowledge about this type of struggle.
command. If such institutions weren't How do you face difficult conditions? I
there, if people had training in acknowledge that there are difficult
noncooperation and resistance and conditions, but difficulties are not the same
identifying the danger points, we could put as impossibilities. Bob Helvey focuses on
a stop to it now. Then we wouldn't be one important element: How can people
depending upon military or international control their fear and act despite it? I am
assistance, which may or may not be not sure whether this is different from
helpful. Genocide happens under wartime soldiers in the front lines of conventional
conditions. Goebbels and Hitler both wars. They are afraid, yet they keep
recognized that fact and were looking fighting. How do they do this? In
forward to a war in order to exterminate nonviolent struggles people knowingly
Jews and others. face terrible potential consequences for
their actions and their protests. They have
SPENCER: Some critics say that a to learn what not not do. Don't deliberately
nonviolent campaign requires special march down the street toward the machine
circumstances, such as a free press and guns. Stay home! Mobilize the city in
means of communicating with members of silence! It will be harder for them to kill
the opposition. anybody, let alone thousands of people in a
few minutes. Some people oppose strategic
SHARP: Well, obviously, under a thinking. Time after time, people march
totalitarian regime communication is more down facing the guns, very brave.
difficult and the activities are more Sometimes the soldiers lower their guns
dangerous. But the idea that it cannot and sometimes they don't. But resistance
happen under such conditions is ridiculous. movements need to plan. This is no time
It has happened. for spontaneity or feeling. People say,"I
feel that..." in many nonviolent action
planning groups. How conceited! Their
SHARP: Nonviolent struggle occurred in feeling is more important than whether the
Nazi occupations. In Norway, for example, struggle succeeds? This is one of the
and the Netherlands. Newspapers were terrible things that happened in Tiananmen
published in the hundreds of thousands of Square. The students had voted to leave the
copies per issue in Nazi-occupied square. Then students came from other
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #11 September 17, 2003 Page 33
parts of China who had not had a chance to SPENCER: Thank you for this. You're a
demonstrate yet, so they voted to stay in hero!
the square, because they wanted to. Metta Spencer is editor of Peace. Dr. Sharp is
Foolish! senior scholar at the Albert Einstein Institution.
See the site: <>. Several of his
How to plan to make nonviolent struggle recent publications can be downloaded from it.
more effective? My next book will have PEACE MAGAZINE Jul-Sep 2003
four chapters on planning strategies for
nonviolent struggles. People in nonviolent
struggles rarely understand what the word
means, so be careful when you hear people
talk about "strategy." It means calculating
That which Reincarnates
how to remove the sources of power from [That which reincarnates is] The
the oppressive regime. You have to Spiritual thinking Ego, the permanent prin-
identify what makes those sources strong. ciple in man, or that which is the seat of
You must also be aware of the weaknesses Manas. It is not Atma, or even Atma-
of the regime and how to aggravate them Buddhi, regarded as the dual Monad,
and make the regime disintegrate. In which is the individual, or divine man, but
Poland they came up with nine points: Do Manas; for Atman is the Universal ALL,
not do this, do this, do that. A simple and becomes the HIGHER-SELF of man
list.Then disseminate this knowledge right only in conjunction with Buddhi, its vehi-
away. cle, which links IT to the individuality (or
Correct our history books. Put nonviolent divine man). For it is the Buddhi-Manas
struggles into the places they merit in which is called the Causal body, (the
history. How people view the past helps United 5th and 6th Principles) and which is
determine their present and future. Consciousness, that connects it with every
personality it inhabits on earth. Therefore,
Our military establishments are well Soul being a generic term, there are in men
prepared for decades in advance. three aspects of Soul — the terrestrial, or
Nonviolent struggles may be prepared a animal; the Human Soul; and the Spiritual
few days in advance-and frequently that's Soul; these, strictly speaking, are one Soul
not done well. This tips the bias in favor of in its three aspects. Now of the first as-
the use of military means. Methods of pect, nothing remains after death; of the
undermining dictatorships can be presented second (nous or Manas) only its divine
in clear terms and spread throughout the essence if left unsoiled survives, while the
whole population. Then they will have third in addition to being immortal be-
greater chance of success. comes consciously divine, by the assimila-
tion of the higher Manas.
We need programs on genocide
prevention. Instead of just considering how
to do it at the last minute, ask, how can we
prevent it from getting started? How can
we prevent the rise of new dictatorships-
not just how we can fight them when the
Gestapo is knocking at our door? And if
they are there, how can we disintegrate
those dictatorships before they slaughter a
population or engage in international
aggression or develop methods of mass
extermination? We have a lot to do.

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