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The castle in the artic

Autor: Emma….
The history stars one Monday in the afternoon, Mrs Phillips was waiting in the
kitchen door and William came shaking like a dog and then she said: “You still
can’t do it”. William added an arabian roll and end his floor rutin, after he even get
throught the handspings, his legs, feels like jelly.
Then Mrs Phillips said: “I just have to help you to practice more”. She turned back
to the sking and said: “Lot of work to do, we don’t have that much more time, the
meet is still six weeks away”. William hung his poncho on the hook by the door
and said: “There’s something I have to tell you”. His voice was formal distant, and
he sato n the stool and wiped off his face with the towel where se handed him.
William is moving back to England to live with his brother because he is ten years
old and he can take care of himself.

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