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Licenciatura en Creación y Desarrollo de Empresas (CyDE)

Licenciatura en Negocios Internacionales (NI)

Going around the World Develops Leadership Skills.

___Ailin Yujra, David Zeballos Bernal, Salvador Quiroz, José M. Meza
Mauricio Oviedo, Clarisa Yupanqui

Date: April 11th, 2020


1. How would you explain that “going around the world helps develop
leadership skills?”. Give us at least three (3) reasons.

It does broaden. It is revelatory.

(1)It changes your perspective immediately because it requires new and different
responses from you. Things are done differently in other countries. People are
more relaxed, or less so, more reserved, or more volatile. The experience has
helped them better relate to their colleagues and clients.

(2)Their rituals vary. Language is suddenly a barrier. The simplest transaction can
turn complex all of a sudden. A friend of mine once went from London to Paris, and
she was so preoccupied with regearing her brain to figure in francs rather than
pounds that she said, “For twenty-four hours I couldn’t speak English or French.

(3)Being on the road not only requires the full deployment of one’s self, but it also
redeploys one, tests one’s strengths and weaknesses, and exposes new strengths
and weaknesses. and learn how to overcome barriers, connect with clients from
different cultures, and identify answers to very difficult problems.

2. Name two (2) local organizations -in this city- that you would send Senior
Managers to learn to “think outside the box” and “get out of their comfort
zone”. Explain, in each case, how or why?

Cervecería paceña, because cervecería paceña has a broad market in Bolivia but in
order to improve they must have the know-how of other senior managers like from a
Licenciatura en Creación y Desarrollo de Empresas (CyDE)
Licenciatura en Negocios Internacionales (NI)

big company. This would help a lot because having new people brings new thoughts
and new ideas that we may not currently have. The exchange of this knowledge is
very important for a company that may have some issues. It helps to resolve
problems and it would definitely help cervecería paceña to think outside the box, and
also to create and develop new ideas.

… SOALPRO, is one of the most representative Bolivian companies related to the

food industry. It is related to the innovation spirit, that’s the reason because they
always want to have its staff capacitated. In the past they achieve success sending
people to foreign countries, bringing its workers the opportunity to discover new
cultures, new people and new perspectives to make businesses. Once the workers
returned, they always contributed to the company with new product ideas or
improvements in certain processes.

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