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6/1/2019 Environment and Conservation

Literature Journalism Humanism/Community Padma Awards

Environment and Conservation

Environment Awards
Environment Awards
Name of the Award Recipient/s
Agriculture Awards

Manny Calonzo (Philippines)

Francia Márquez (Colombia)

Nguy Thi Khanh (Vietnam)

Goldman Environmental Prize 2018
LeeAnne Walters (US)

Makoma Lekalakala and Liz McDaid (South Africa)

Claire Nouvian (France)

Dominique Bikaba (DR Congo)

Munir Virani (Kenya)

Kerstin Forsberg (Peru)

Whitley Awards 2018
Shahriar Caesar Rahman (Bangladesh)

Anjali Chandraraj Watson (Sri Lanka)

Olivier Nsengimana (Rwanda)

Whitley Gold Award 2018 Pablo Borboroglu (Argentina) 

Agriculture Awards
Name of the Award Recipient

Dr Lawrence Haddad 
World Food Prize 2018
Dr David Nabarro

Food and Agriculture Organisation’s Sikkim (for its achievement in becoming the world’s
Future Policy Gold Award rst totally organic agriculture state)

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