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SESSION: 2016-17
Name of the Student:
Date: Monday, 29 August, 2016 Duration: 1hr

General Instructions
i) It is compulsory to attempt all the questions..
ii) Read the question paper carefully and then attempt it.

Q1. Choose the correct option and write in the blanks.

1. To introduce onself we say ______________________________________.

a. Il s’appelle
b. Je m’appelle

2. To say where one lives we say ___________________________________.

a. Je suis Paris.
b. J’habite a Paris.

3. To thank someone we say _____________________________________.

a. Merci
b. S’il vous plait

4. To tell one’s age we say ______________________________________.

a. Je suis dix ans.
b. J’ai dix ans

5. To ask someone’s name we say _________________________________________.

a. Comment vous appelez- vous?
b. Comment allez -vous?

6. To ask someone how old is he/she, we say ___________________________________.

a. Quel age avez-vous?
b. Comment tu t’appelles?
Q2. Answer the following questions.

1. Comment tu t’appelles?


2. Quel age avez-vous?


Q3. Presentez-vous.(Describe yourself ) in 5 sentences.







Q4. Fill in the blanks with correct form of verb- ETRE.

Je _________________ grand. Elle _________________ belle.

Tu _________________ petite. Nous _________________ indiens.

Il _________________ beau. Vous _________________ gros.

Ils _________________ beaux Elles _________________ laides.

Q5. Match the masculine nationalities with feminine nationalities.
1. francais italienne
2. anglais japonaise
3. chinois francaise
4. japonais anglaise
5. indien chinoise
6. italien indienne

Q6. Write the feminine form of the following adjectives.

1. beau –
2. grand –
3. petit –
4. bon –
5. mince –
6. laid –

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