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Reviewer – CLVE

Lesson 1 – God Reveals His Plan of salvation in the Bible

Cellphone Bible
- Laging hawak at ipinapakita - Laging nakatago at ayaw ipakita
- Binibili kahit libu-libo ang halaga - Ayaw bilhin kahit mababa ang halaga
- Laging pinapalitan ng case - Hindi man lang mabilhan ng case
- Ayaw magasgasan - Hinahayaang maalikabukan
- Bihirang makaligtaan kung saan iniwan - Madaling makaligtaan kung saan iniwan
- Mahirap ipahiram baka masira - Madalin ipahiram kahit mawala
- Laging binabasa kung may bagong “message” - Hindi binabasa kaya hindi makita ang “message
- Masarap ibahagi ang message - Ang bible verse nakakalimutang ibahagi
- Ipinapakita ang lifestyle ng tao - Nagpapabago ng lifestyle ng tao
- Mabilis maluma - Hindi naluluma
- Ang message kung minsan ay huli - Laging nasa oras ang message
- Kailangan ng load para magmessage - Laging puno at handa ang message
- Mahalagang gamit ng tao - Mas mahalaga kung gagamitin ng tao

Bible – one of the mst popular books

- People find inspiration in the stories of the bible
- Very influential and useful in men’s lives.
- Use it in Liturgical activities
- Find it in Internet
- Inspirational quotes from the Bible

Bible – derived from the Greek word “biblia”

- Sacred Scripture – books whch contain the truth of God’s revelation and were composed by
human authors and inspired by the Holy Spirit.
- Contains 46 books of the Old Testament and the 27 books of the New Testament

 The origin of the bible is God and He is the main author of the bible.
 God, in revealing Himelf to His people, inspired priestly leaders and scribes to look deeper into
their experiences and record them, so that others may know there is a God who loves them.
 The accounts in the Scriptures came from God to bring a message of love and of hope.
 St Paul, in His second letter to Timothy, explains that all scripture inspired by God is useful for
teaching, refutation, correction, and training for righteousness.
 Paul, an apostle of Jesus to the Gentiles, wrote to Timothy, one of his converts, who was of
mixed Jewish and Gentile parentage.
 Timothy was the leader of the entire Ephesian community.
 In writing to Timothy, Paul is r eminding him of the importance of the Bible in preaching the
Good News of Jesus, to correct flase teachings and to train aperson who is a disciple of Jesus.
 The Bible was written to pass on a religious message about God who reveals Himself and invites
humankind to a special relationship with Him.

Dei Verbum – Word of God

 Since all the Scripture was written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, then it is free from all
 The Bible, being the inspired written and living word of God is all true and perfect, without error
at all, in matters of salvation.
 Bible is our way to God. It is only in knowing and loving God that we will be saved.
 The Bible teaches us who God is and His will for all of the human race.
 Through the Bible, we encounter God, and through the stories of persons in the Bble we will
know how to follow the will of God.

What Makes the inspiration of the Bible unique from other works of inspiration:
1. It is inspired by the Holy Spirit and this same Holy Spirit communicates with us as we read God’s
inspired written words and helps us understand how alive God’s word is to us in our actual time
and situation.
2. It is for public revelation. The Bible contains God’s saving message for all.

Lesson 2 – God’s plan of Salvation in the Old testament

Old Testament – composed of 46 books that were inspired by the Holy Spirit, with God as their author.
4 Major Parts of the Old Testament:
1. Pentateuch – consists of the first five books of the Bible, enjoys particular prestige among the
Jews for it is viewed as the concrete expression of God’s will.
2. Historical Books – tell the story of Israel after the days of the Patriarchs, and the exploits of the
3. Wisdom books – are intended as an aid toward understanding and solving the problems of life
4. Prophetic books – tell of the life and ministry of the prophets whom God had chosen to proclaim
His word to the people.

 The Jews have the Old Testament as their Bible. It is divided into three parts: the Torah or Law,
Prophets, and Writings

Canon – mean both the inspired written words and the list of books in the Bible officially recognized and
accepted as inspired by God and necessary fo our faith and salvation.

 We Christian inherited the Bible of the Jews.

 All Christian Bibles have the same number of books in the New Testament
Septuagint – translated the Jewish bible into ancient Greek
- Became the bible of the Greek-speaking Jews
Deuterocanonical- seven additional books which makes the Catholic bible longer than other bibles:
Tobit, Judith, Baruch, Sirach, Wisdom, and 1 and 2 Maccabees, the Old Testament in Catholic Bible has
46 books.

 The whole of the Old Testament is a presentation of the saving acts of God.
 All the books of the Old Testament: the stories of the patriarchs, judges, prophets, kings, and
wisdom books are a concentrate manifestation of God’s love and concern for His people.
 Through these stories we know that God is our Creator, our Father, provider, and Redeemer. He
is always faithful to His covenant despite the unfaithfulness of the Israelites.
 In the Council of Carthage in 397 A.D., the first official decision on the canonical books of the old
Testament and the New Testament was made.
 Thus, we have 46 books in Old Testament and 27 books of the New Testament. It was based on
the following points:
a. Apostolic origin
b. Coherence with the essential Gospel message
c. Liturgy

 The Canon of the Old Testament is a presentation of the saving acts of God.
 Canon of the Bible – means the list of books accepted as sacred written under the inspiration of
the Holy Spirit, have God as their author, and have been handed on as such to the Church
 These books contain truths that are necessary for our faith and salvation and that their content
does not all contradict the whole salvific message of God.

Two Parts of the Bible:

1. Old Testamen
2. New Testament
Four Divisions of the Old Testament
1. Pentateuch 3. Wisdom
2. Prophetic 4. Historical

46 books – Old Testament

5 – Pentateuch
17 – Prophetic
7 – Wisdom
17 – Historical

27 Books – New Testament

1. Gospel – 4
2. Apostolic letters – 23

 The link of the Old Testament and New Testament is Jesus Christ Himself.
 We should believe the message of the Gospel and by believing we shall have eternal life.

4 Gospels:
1. John 3. Mark
2. Luke 4. Matthew

Gospel means “Good News”

3 Stages in the Formation of the Gospels:

1. The Early Life of Jesus
2. Oral Tradition
3. Written Gospels

Complete List of the Canon of the Old Testament of the Catholic Church:
Pentateuch (Torah) Historical Books Wisdom Writings Prophetic Books
- Genesis - Joshua - Job Major Prophets
- Exodus - Judges - Psalms - Isaiah
- Leviticus - Ruth - Proverbs - Jeremiah
- Numbers - 1 & 2 Samuel - Ecclesiastes - Ezekiel
- Deuteronomy - 1 & 2 Kings - Song of Songs - Daniel
- 1&2 - Wisdom Minor Prophets
Chronicles - Sirach - Hosea
- Ezra - Lamentations - Joel
- Nehemiah - Amos
- Tobit - Obadiah
- Judith - Jonah
- Esther - Micah
- 1&2 - Nahum
Maccabees - Habakkuk
- Zephaniah
- Haggai
- Zecchariah
- Malachi

Lesson 3 – God Creates and Sustains Everything

 Genesis – origin of all reality

 The Genesis account of creation is a “story” to answer the “why anything exists at all, not how
the realities evolved to their present form.
 There is no possible “scientific” account of why – for what purpose the universe exists.
 Scientific method cannot uncover God the Creator who is a pure spirit.
 Day in Genesis does not mean a 2- hour period for the sun and moon were not created till the
fourth day
 The whole story of creation for us human beings tells us who we are. It provides our dignity as
persons, and our destiny in the next life to come.
 God continually creates up to this moment. He continually creates by being present and active in
our daily lives.
 Since the human person is given dominion by God over the rest of creation, it follows that we
are responsible for all creation – STEWARDSHIP (caretaker)

7 Days of Creation:
First Day – Light
Second day – Sky
Third day – dry land, seas, plants and trees
Fourth Day – sun, moon and stars
Fifith Day – creatures that live in the sea and creatures that fly
Sixth day – animals that live on land and finally humans made in the image of God were created
Seventh Day – God finished his work of creation and rested making the 7 th day a special holy day
(Sabbath day)

Lesson 4 – God gave life, but Man Chose Death

 The Bible reveals to us that God created us in His image and likeness, that is, with spiritual
powers of intellect, free will and the capacity to love. This distinguishes man from animals.
 The whole of creation is a paradise
 Adam and Eve – first human beings on Earth
 Tree of life – symbolized wisdom
 Life with God had to be chosen with personal free choice that God had given mankind
 Adam and Eve failed to take to heart God’s command to leave untouched the fruit of the tree of
knowledge of good and evil.
 To touch it would be an act of pride, of wanting to be like God. Consequently, they committed
sin, an act contrary to their very nature as creature of God.
 However, the story of the Fall of Man did not end in tragedy, but with a promise from God that
He would send a savior to redeem man from the effect of his/her sins.
 Adam and Eve made their deliberate choice and action of taking the fruit of the tree of
knowledge of good and evil that brought death to human beings.
 God’s offer of life to human beings tells us that there are choices and actions that lead us to a
rich life with God, as well as choices and actions that are forbidden because they lead us to
 Original sin – first sin committed on earth
 The harmonious, peaceful, orderly, and beautiful life was never the same for man and woman. It
became disharmony, disconnectedness, chaos, and death.

Lesson 5 – God Creates Us to respect life

Cain and Abel

 Our Christian faith reminds us that we have the responsibility to respect life.
 God creates life, not death.
 To worship God and thank Him for His rich blessings is a sign of our deepest reverence and
 Cain and Abel offered to God fruits of their labor, fruit of the ground, and the first born of the
 God looked with favor the offering of Abel for he offered the best firstlings of his flock, but not
Cain’s offering
 Because of this cain became jealous, envious, resentful, and so crestfallen that he killed his
brother Abel.
 “Am I my brother’s keeper?”
 God announced to Cain the consequences of his sin, but Cain continued to be proud.
 Banishment from soil means banishment from the presence of God, who is the source of life.
 Without the protection of God, Cain’s life would be endangered.
 However, God, in His great mercy and loving protection, “put a mark on Cain”; a sign of divine
 God formed us in His image and likeness, and shared His very breath with us.
 God is love in Him alone can we love.
 Remember the questions God addressed to Cain, “Where is your brother Abel?’, and “What
have you done?”. God wants us to take responsibility for the life of others and be accountable
for it.
 God created us for this purpose: to develop the life He gave us.
 “Killing” others may not only mean what Cain did to Abel. If we do not value others, we do not
develop life. It is a failure to appreciate God’s gift of life in others.
 If we speak ill of others, treat others badly, and life that is loving and saving, protecting and
 St. John in his first letter (1 john 15-16) – Jesus is our Lord and Savior
 God provides us with mark to signify His presence. Example, Ash Wednesday

Lesson 6 – God offers us a New Beginning

Rainbow – reminds us of God’s promise not to destroy the world again with a flood
- It is God’s sign of hope and peace for all of us
- Through the rainbow, God speaks to us of His saving love and plan for all of us.
- Flood the earth, saving only the family of Noah, whom He found righteous and who had found
favor in His sight.
- God poured rain for forty days and forty nights, flooding the earth, wiping out every living thing
on earth
- To seal this covenant of peace, God gave a sign: a rainbow, that would appear to remind human
beings and to recall God’s promise.
- God, who is a God of justice, a just judge when he judges, separates the good one from the bad
- Wawnting to save us, too, in His Son Jesus, the Promised Messiah, God make us members of His
family, the Church, with Christ as the Head.
- Thus, we see in the Ark of Noah the symbol of the Church, the Holy Spirit in the dove, and the
water of Baptism in the water of the flood.
- The Church teaches and shows us the way to God.
- Noah sent out a dove. In like manner, the Holy Spirit guides and inspires us in searching for God
in our daily lives.
- If Noah was saved trhough the guidance and inspiration of the dove, the same wuld be true with
- We will also be saved through the action of the Holy Spirit.
- God caused the flood and the disasters that went with it at the time of Noah because of men’s
- The flood shows us that disasters are punishments of sins.
- In our time, it is not God who causes the flood, but men’s wickedness and sinfulness, especially
their greediness.
- The original holiness and justice which God had endowed on human beings was lost by them so
that no matter how God calls back men and women to Him, they cannot do so on their own.

Clearing Path
Abba – the Aramaic (one of the 3 languages that Jesus spoke) word for “father”
Biblical inerrancy – the bible is without error in its religious message regarding our salvation
Biblical inspiration – the special assistance by the Holy Spirit to the human authors/editors through
which the books of the bible were written, thus making God their principal author
Canon of the bible – the list of books accepted as sacred which is “written under the inspiration of the
Holy Spirit, have God as their author, and have been handed on as such to the Church herself.
Canonicity – the recognition that the Catholic church gives to the b ooks of the bible as divinely inspired
and therefore have God as thei author , and handed down as such by the Church
Deuterocanonical books – name for books found in the Septuagint, and included in the Catholic bible,
but not in the Hebrew version.
Envy – one of the 7 capital sins. Looking with displeasure upon the prosperity of another.
Evolution – Latin verb “evolvere” which means to “roll out” and referred to the reading of the Scrolls.
Evolution today means progressive change
Garden of Eden – the place where the first man, Adam, and the first woman, Eve, lived after they were
created by God
Genesis – Latin for “beginnings” – refers to the first book in the bible known as the book of beginnings
Original sin – world’s first sin, committed by Adam and Eve
Purpose – God’s original intention and sue for everything He creates
Rainbow – colorful bow of clouds from one end of a horizon to another used by God to signify His
promise of never flooding the whole earth again and His covenant of peace with Noah
R – ain from above pouring on earth below
A – promise of a new life and beginning
I – n our journey through life, God accompanies us
N – ever ending His invitation to us to walk in His ways
B – estowing on us the promise of life eternal in heaven
O – h we could never repay God
W – with one voice, one heart, and mind, let us proclaim the Holy Name of our God

Refutation – proving something false or erroneous by argument or evidence

Septuagint – the Greek translation of the original Hebrew Scriptures made by Jewish scholars
Sustaiing power of God – God’s continuous act of creating as he sustains all of His creation
Teaching – the act, practice or occupation of a teacher, something taught
Training – process of exercising a child’s skills
Tree of life – symbol of wisdom

Mysteries of the Holy Rosary

Joyful Mystery (Monday and Saturday)

1. Annunciation
2. Visitation
3. Nativity
4. Presentation
5. Lost and Finding of Jesus in the Temple

- Angel Gabriel – announced to Mary that she will become the mother of Jesus
- Mary visited her cousin Elizabeth who became pregnant at an old age
- Zaccharias, the husband of Elizabeth became mute because he did not believe the message of
the angel.
- Jesus born in a stable where animals eat is a symbol of humility

3 Kings who gave gifts to Jesus were the following:

1. Baltazar
2. Gaspar
3. Melchor

Gifts that the 3 kings gave were: gold, myrrh and frankincense

Sorrowful Mystery (Tuesday and Friday)

1. Agony in the Garden
2. Scourding at the Pillar
3. Crowning with thorns
4. Carrying of the cross
5. Cricifixion and death of Jesus

Gethsemane – the garden where Jesus prayed when the Roman soldiers came to arrest Him
Mount Calvary – the mountain where Jesus carried His cross
Simon of Cyrene – helped Jesus carry His cross
Judas Iscariot – the apostle who was paid by the Roman soldiers to pinpoint to them who Jesus was.
Jesus died at 3 pm at the age of 33
John – was the only brave apostle who stayed at the foot of cross when Jesus was crucified.
- Was called the eloved of Jesus

Luminous Mystery (Thursday)

1. The Baptism of Jesus
2. The Wedding at Cana
3. The Proclamation of the Kingdom of God
4. The Transfiguration of Jesus
5. The Institution of the Holy Eucharist

John – baptized Jesus at the Jordan River

The first miracle of Jesus was turning of water into wine at the wedding in Cana

Glorious Mystery (Wednesday and Sunday)

1. The Resurrection
2. The Ascension
3. The Descent of the Holy Spirit
4. The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
5. The Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Prophetic Books – tells the life ministry of prophets

Wisdom books – intended as an aid toward understanding and solving the problem of life
Historical Books – tells the story of Israel after the days of the patriarch
Pentateuch – consist of the first 5 books of the bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and
Old Covenant – the covenant made by God with the people of Israel
New Covenant – the new agreement between God and ourselves
Covenant – a mutual agreement or contract between God and His people
Genealogy – an account of descent of a person family or a group from ancestrors
Septuagint – Greek translation of the Hebrew scripture
Canon of the Bible – lists of books accepted as sacred, which is written under inspiration of the Holy
Deuterocanonical book – name for books found in the Septuagint and included in the Catholic bible
Old testament – it brings us the inspired account of authentic worship to Yahweh
Canonicity – the recognition that the Catholic Church gives to the books of the Bible.

 The Bible is sometimes called, “Sacred Scriptures”

 It contains the truth of God’s revelation
 The Bible is written by human authors inspired by the Holy Spirit
 The Bible contains both the Old Testament and the New Testament
 The origin of the Bible is God and He is the main author
 The Bible contains God’s saving message for all.
 The Bible is one of the most popular books
 It guides us in living a Christian life
 The Bible is of great importance in our daily life
 The Bible contains 46 books in the Old Testament and 27 b ooks in the New Testament
 The Bible is used in our daily liturgical activities
 The Bible is always full of message

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