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Detention Administrator 7/8/19

Corrective action concerning staff not 4/2/19

conducting supervision rounds as
required was taken on each staff.
Staff reminded to remove objects
preventing them from viewing detainee
during rounds.

We have reprogammed the striker

description, added two at the front of each
dorm to better inspect each cell and each
opened dorm.

Supervisor have received more training

concerning reviewing and downloading
the rounds data.

All sergeants and corporals have been

instructed to review all rounds at the end of
each shift to make sure that rounds are done
according to policy. If not, corrective action is
taken immediately on officers not conducting
supervision rounds.
All staff was made aware that they need to
be alert and vigilant when making their
supervision rounds. Looking inside each ce l
and documenting when cells are not visible
due to lighting issue so that it can be
reported to maintainence. If cells are not
visible they need to open cells doors and
check on inmates.

All staff was reminded that they are first

responders and they are to perform first aid/
CPR until medical professionals arrive. This
was covered in lineup immediately after

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