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Online Submission of Assignment- 03

MBA-Full Time

Semester-II (2020)


Paper Code : MBA (FT) CP- 207

Roll No: 26

Submitted by: Submitted to:

Imran Alam Dr. Aleem Ali

Your Roll No...26....... Name: Imran Alam
Centre for Management Studies
MBA-Full Time
Semester-II (2020)
Online Submission of End-Term Assignment
Subject: Information Systems for Management
Paper Code : MBA (FT) CP- 207

Attempt any two Questions from each assignment. Each question carries equal marks.
Max. Marks: 25 for each assignment

Assignment 3
Q1. What is machine learning? Why must machine learning be performed?
Explain its types.
Ans1. Machine learning is the science of getting computers to act without being explicitly
programmed. In the past decade, machine learning has given us self-driving cars, practical
speech recognition, effective web search, and a vastly improved understanding of the human
genome. Machine learning is so pervasive today that you probably use it dozens of times a
day without knowing it. Many researchers also think it is the best way to make progress
towards human-level AI. Machine learning is enabling computers to tackle tasks that have,
until now, only been carried out by people.

it is a core sub-area of Artificial Intelligence (AI). ML applications learn from experience

(well data) like humans without direct programming. When exposed to new data, these
applications learn, grow, change, and develop by themselves. In other words, with Machine
Learning, computers find insightful information without being told where to look. Instead,
they do this by leveraging algorithms that learn from data in an iterative process.While the
concept of Machine Learning has been around for a long time (think of the WWII Enigma
Machine), the ability to automate the application of complex mathematical calculations to
Big Data has been gaining momentum over the last several years.

At a high level, Machine Learning is the ability to adapt to new data independently and
through iterations. Basically, applications learn from previous computations and transactions
and use “pattern recognition” to produce reliable and informed results.

From driving cars to translating speech, machine learning is driving an explosion in the
capabilities of artificial intelligence - helping software make sense of the messy and
unpredictable real world.

Working of machine learning

Machine Learning is, undoubtedly, one of the most exciting subsets of Artificial Intelligence.
It completes the task of learning from data with specific inputs to the machine. It’s important
to understand what makes Machine Learning work and, thus, how it can be used in the
future. The Machine Learning process starts with inputting training data into the selected
algorithm. Training data being known or unknown data to develop the final Machine
Learning algorithm. The type of training data input does impact the algorithm, and that
concept will be covered further momentarily.

To test whether this algorithm works correctly, new input data is fed into the Machine
Learning algorithm. The prediction and results are then checked.

If the prediction is not as expected, the algorithm is re-trained multiple numbers of times until
the desired output is found. This enables the Machine Learning algorithm to continually learn
on its own and produce the most optimal answer that will gradually increase in accuracy over

Why machine learning must be performed

Machine learning has several very practical applications that drive the kind of real business
results – such as time and money savings – that have the potential to dramatically impact the
future of your organization. At Interactions in particular, we see tremendous impact occurring
within the customer care industry, whereby machine learning is allowing people to get things
done more quickly and efficiently.

Through Virtual Assistant solutions, machine learning automates tasks that would otherwise
need to be performed by a live agent – such as changing a password or checking an account
balance. This frees up valuable agent time that can be used to focus on the kind of customer
care that humans perform best: high touch, complicated decision-making that is not as easily
handled by a machine. At Interactions, we further improve the process by eliminating the
decision of whether a request should be sent to a human or a machine: unique Adaptive
Understanding technology, the machine learns to be aware of its limitations, and bail out to
humans when it has a low confidence in providing the correct solution.

Machine learning has made dramatic improvements in the past few years, but we are still
very far from reaching human performance. Many times, the machine needs the assistance of
human to complete its task. At Interactions, we have deployed Virtual Assistant solutions that
seamlessly blend artificial with true human intelligence to deliver the highest level of
accuracy and understanding.

Top reasons why machine learning be performed are as follows:

1)Image Recognition
The image recognition is one of the most common uses of machine learning applications. It
can also be referred to as a digital image and for these images, the measurement describes the
output of every pixel in an image. The face recognition is also one of the great features that
have been developed by machine learning only. It helps to recognize the face and send the
notifications related to that to people.

2) Voice Recognition
Machine learning (ML) also helps in developing the application for voice recognition. It also
referred to as virtual personal assistants (VPA). It will help you to find the information when
asked over the voice. After your question, that assistant will look out for the data or the
information that has been asked by you and collect the required information to provide you
with the best answer. There are many devices available in today’s world of Machine learning
for voice recognition that is Amazon echo and googles home is the smart speakers. There is
one mobile app called Google allo and smartphones are Samsung S8 and Bixby.

3) Predictions
It helps in building the applications that predict the price of cab or travel for a particular
duration and congestion of traffic where can be found. While booking the cab and the app
estimates the approximate price of the trip that is done by the uses of machine learning only.
When do we use GPS service to check the route from source to destination, the app will show
us the various ways to go and check the traffic on that moment for the lesser number of
vehicles and where the congestion of traffic is more that is done or retrieved by the uses of
machine learning application.

4) Videos Surveillance
It helps to detect the crime or any miss happening that is going to happen before it happens. It
helps in tracking the unusual behavior of people like napping on benches and standing still
from a long time, stumbling etc. and it will create an automatic alert to the guards or people
who all are posted there and they can help to avoid any issues or problems.

5) Social Media Platform

Social Media is being used for providing better news feed and advertisement as per the user’s
interest is mainly done through the uses of machine learning only. There are many examples
like friend suggestions, page suggestions for Facebook, songs, and videos suggestion on
YouTube. It mainly works on the straightforward concept on the basis of the user’s
experience, with which they are getting connected and visit the profiles or websites very
often, suggestions are providing to the user accordingly. It also provides the technique to
extract useful information from images and videos.

6) Spam and Malware

Email clients use a number of spam filtering and these spam filters are continuously getting
updated and these are mainly done by the uses of machine learning. Rule-based, multi-layer
and tree induction are some of the techniques that are provided by machine learning.
Similarly, a number of malware are detected and these are detected mainly by the system
security programs that are mainly helped by machine learning only.

7) Customer Support
Most of the reputed companies or many websites provide the option to chat with a customer
support representative. So, after asking any query by the customer, it is not compulsory that
the answer is given by the human only, sometimes the answers are given by the chatbot
which extracts the information from the website and provides the answer to customers. Now
they are better and understand the queries quickly and faster and also provides a good result
by giving appropriate result and it is done by the uses of machine learning only.

8) Search Engine
There are search engines available while searching to provide the best results to customers.
There are many machine learning algorithms created for searching the particular user query
like for google. Whatever the page is being opened by the users for a particular topic
frequently that will remain at the top of the page for a long time.

9) Applications/Companies
There are many applications and companies that used machine learning for doing their day to
day process as it is being more accurate and precise than manual interventions. These
companies are Netflix, facebook, google maps, Gmail, Google search etc.

10) Fraud and Preference

It is being used by the companies to keep track of money laundering like Paypal. It uses the
set of tools to help them to check or compare the millions of transactions and make secure

Types of Machine Learning

Machine Learning is complex in itself, which is why it has been divided into two main areas,
supervised learning and unsupervised learning. Each one has a specific purpose and action
within Machine Learning, yielding particular results, and utilizing various forms of data.
Approximately 70 percent of Machine Learning is supervised learning, while unsupervised
learning ranges from 10-20 percent. Another method that is used less often is reinforcement

1. Supervised Learning

In supervised learning, we use known or labelled data for the training data. Since the data is
known, the learning is, therefore, supervised, i.e., directed into successful execution. The
input data goes through the Machine Learning algorithm and is used to train the model. Once
the model is trained based on the known data, you can use unknown data into the model and
get a new response

In this case, the model tries to figure out whether the data is an apple or another fruit. Once
the model has been trained well, it will identify that the data is an apple and give the desired

The top algorithms currently being used for supervised learning are:

• Polynomial regression

• Random forest

• Linear regression

• Logistic regression

• Decision trees

• K-nearest neighbors

• Naive Bayes

2. Unsupervised Learning

In unsupervised learning, the training data is unknown and unlabeled - meaning that no one
has looked at the data before. Without the aspect of known data, the input cannot be guided to
the algorithm, which is where the unsupervised term originates from. This data is fed to the
Machine Learning algorithm and is used to train the model. The trained model tries to search
for a pattern and give the desired response. In this case, it is often like the algorithm is trying
to break code like the Enigma machine but without the human mind directly involved but
rather a machine.

In this case, the unknown data consists of apples and pears which look similar to each other.
The trained model tries to put them all together so that you get the same things in similar

The top algorithms currently being used for unsupervised learning are:

• Partial least squares

• Fuzzy means

• Singular value decomposition

• K-means clustering

• Apriori

• Hierarchical clustering

• Principal component analysis

3. Reinforcement Learning

Like traditional types of data analysis, here, the algorithm discovers data through a process of
trial and error and then decides what action results in higher rewards. Three major
components make up reinforcement learning: the agent, the environment, and the actions.
The agent is the learner or decision-maker, the environment includes everything that the
agent interacts with, and the actions are what the agent does.

Reinforcement learning occurs when the agent chooses actions that maximize the expected
reward over a given time. This is easiest to achieve when the agent is working within a sound
policy framework.

Q2. Discuss some of the important benefits of Cloud Computing.
Ans2. Cloud computing is the on-demand availability of computer system resources,
especially data storage and computing power, without direct active management by the user.
The term is generally used to describe data centers available to many users over the Internet.
Large clouds, predominant today, often have functions distributed over multiple locations
from central servers. If the connection to the user is relatively close, it may be designated
an edge server.
Clouds may be limited to a single organization (enterprise clouds), or be available to many
organizations (public cloud).
Cloud computing relies on sharing of resources to achieve coherence and economies of scale.

Cloud computing allows companies to avoid or minimize up-front IT infrastructure costs.

Proponents also claim that cloud computing allows enterprises to get their applications up and
running faster, with improved manageability and less maintenance, and that it enables IT teams
to more rapidly adjust resources to meet fluctuating and unpredictable demand, providing
the burst computing capability: high computing power at certain periods of peak demand.
Cloud providers typically use a "pay-as-you-go" model, which can lead to
unexpected operating expenses if administrators are not familiarized with cloud-pricing
The availability of high-capacity networks, low-cost computers and storage devices as well as
the widespread adoption of hardware virtualization, service-oriented
architecture and autonomic and utility computing has led to growth in cloud computing.
By 2019, Linux was the most widely used operating system, including in Microsoft's
offerings and is thus described as dominant. The Cloud Service Provider (CSP) will screen,
keep up and gather data about the firewalls, intrusion identification or/and counteractive
action frameworks and information stream inside the network.

Important benefits of cloud computing
i. Cost Savings:
If you are worried about the price tag that would come with making the switch to cloud
computing, you aren't alone 20% of organizations are concerned about the initial cost of
implementing a cloud-based server. But those who are attempting to weigh the advantages and
disadvantages of using the cloud need to consider more factors than just initial price they need
to consider ROI. Once you're on the cloud, easy access to your company's data will save time
and money in project startups. And, for those who are worried that they'll end up paying for
features that they neither need nor want, most cloud-computing services are pay as you go.
This means that if you don't take advantage of what the cloud has to offer, then at least you
won't have to be dropping money on it. The pay-as-you-go system also applies to the data
storage space needed to service your stakeholders and clients, which means that you'll get
exactly as much space as you need, and not be charged for any space that you don't. Taken
together, these factors result in lower costs and higher returns. Half of all CIOs and IT leaders
surveyed by Bitglass reported cost savings in 2015 as a result of using cloud-based

ii. Security:
Many organizations have security concerns when it comes to adopting a cloud-computing
solution. After all, when files, programs, and other data aren't kept securely onsite, how can
you know that they are being protected? If you can remotely access your data, then what's
stopping a cybercriminal from doing the same thing? Well, quite a bit, actually.
For one thing, a cloud host's full-time job is to carefully monitor security, which is significantly
more efficient than a conventional in-house system, where an organization must divide its
efforts between a myriad of IT concerns, with security being only one of them. And while most
businesses don't like to openly consider the possibility of internal data theft, the truth is that a
staggeringly high percentage of data thefts occur internally and are perpetrated by employees.
When this is the case, it can actually be much safer to keep sensitive information offsite. Of
course, this is all very abstract, so let's consider some solid statistics.
Rapid Scale claims that 94% of businesses saw an improvement in security after switching to
the cloud, and 91% said the cloud makes it easier to meet government compliance
requirements. The key to this amped-up security is the encryption of data being transmitted
over networks and stored in databases. By using encryption, information is less accessible by
hackers or anyone not authorized to view your data. As an added security measure, with most
cloud-based services, different security settings can be set based on the user. While 20% of
cloud user claim disaster recovery in four hours or less, only 9% of cloud users could claim the

iii. Flexibility:
Your business has only a finite amount of focus to divide between all of its responsibilities. If
your current IT solutions are forcing you to commit too much of your attention to computer
and data-storage issues, then you aren't going to be able to concentrate on reaching business

goals and satisfying customers. On the other hand, by relying on an outside organization to
take care of all IT hosting and infrastructure, you'll have more time to devote toward the
aspects of your business that directly affect your bottom line.

The cloud offers businesses more flexibility overall versus hosting on a local server. And, if
you need extra bandwidth, a cloud-based service can meet that demand instantly, rather than
undergoing a complex (and expensive) update to your IT infrastructure. This improved freedom
and flexibility can make a significant difference to the overall efficiency of your organization.
A 65% majority of respondents to an InformationWeek survey said “the ability to quickly meet
business demands” was one of the most important reasons a business should move to a cloud

iv. Mobility:
Cloud computing allows mobile access to corporate data via smartphones and devices, which,
considering over 2.6 billion smartphones are being used globally today, is a great way to
ensure that no one is ever left out of the loop. Staff with busy schedules, or who live a long
way away from the corporate office, can use this feature to keep instantly up to date with
clients and co-worker.
Through the cloud, you can offer conveniently accessible information to sales staff who
travel, freelance employees, or remote employees, for better work-life balance. Therefore, it's
not surprising to see that organizations with employee satisfaction listed as a priority are up
to 24% more likely to expand cloud usage.

v. Insight:
As we move ever further into the digital age, it's becoming clearer and clearer that the old
adage “knowledge is power” has taken on the more modern and accurate form: “Data is
money.” Hidden within the millions of bits of data that surround your customer transactions
and business process are nuggets of invaluable, actionable information just waiting to be
identified and acted upon. Of course, sifting through that data to find these kernels can be
very difficult, unless you have access to the right cloud-computing solution.
Many cloud-based storage solutions offer integrated cloud analytics for a bird's-eye view of
your data. With your information stored in the cloud, you can easily implement tracking
mechanisms and build customized reports to analyze information organization wide. From
those insights, you can increase efficiencies and build action plans to meet organizational
goals. For example, the beverage company Sunny Delight was able to increase profits by
about $2 million a year and cut $195,000 in staffing costs through cloud-based business

vi. Increased Collaboration:

If your business has two employees or more, then you should be making collaboration a top
priority. After all, there isn't much point to having a team if it is unable to work like a team.
Cloud computing makes collaboration a simple process. Team members can view and share

information easily and securely across a cloud-based platform. Some cloud-based services
even provide collaborative social spaces to connect employees across your organization,
therefore increasing interest and engagement. Collaboration may be possible without a cloud-
computing solution, but it will never be as easy, nor as effective.

vii. Quality Control:

There are few things as detrimental to the success of a business as poor quality and
inconsistent reporting. In a cloud-based system, all documents are stored in one place and in a
single format. With everyone accessing the same information, you can maintain consistency
in data, avoid human error, and have a clear record of any revisions or updates. Conversely,
managing information in silos can lead to employees accidentally saving different versions of
documents, which leads to confusion and diluted data.

viii. Disaster Recovery:

One of the factors that contributes to the success of a business is control. Unfortunately, no
matter how in control your organization may be when it comes to its own processes, there will
always be things that are completely out of your control, and in today's market, even a small
amount of unproductive downtime can have a resoundingly negative effect. Downtime in your
services leads to lost productivity, revenue, and brand reputation.

But while there may be no way for you to prevent or even anticipate the disasters that could
potentially harm your organization, there is something you can do to help speed your recovery.
Cloud-based services provide quick data recovery for all kinds of emergency scenarios, from
natural disasters to power outages. While 20% of cloud users claim disaster recovery in four
hours or less, only 9% of non-cloud users could claim the same. In a recent survey, 43% of IT
executives said they plan to invest in or improve cloud-based disaster recovery solutions.

ix. Loss Prevention:

If your organization isn't investing in a cloud-computing solution, then all of your valuable data
is inseparably tied to the office computers it resides in. This may not seem like a problem, but
the reality is that if your local hardware experiences a problem, you might end up permanently
losing your data. This is a more common problem than you might realize computers can
malfunction for many reasons, from viral infections, to age-related hardware deterioration, to
simple user error. Or, despite the best of intentions, they can be misplaced or stolen
(over 10,000 laptops are reported lost every week at major airports).
If you aren't on the cloud, you're at risk of losing all the information you had saved locally.
With a cloud-based server, however, all the information you've uploaded to the cloud remains
safe and easily accessible from any computer with an internet connection, even if the computer
you regularly use isn't working.

x. Automatic Software Updates:
For those who have a lot to get done, there isn't anything more irritating than having to wait for
system updates to be installed. Cloud-based applications automatically refresh and update
themselves, instead of forcing an IT department to perform a manual organizationwide update.
This saves valuable IT staff time and money spent on outside IT consultation. PCWorld lists
that 50% of cloud adopters cited requiring fewer internal IT resources as a cloud benefit.

xi. Competitive Edge:

While cloud computing is increasing in popularity, there are still those who prefer to keep
everything local. That's their choice, but doing so places them at a distinct disadvantage when
competing with those who have the benefits of the cloud at their fingertips. If you implement
a cloud-based solution before your competitors, you'll be further along the learning curve by
the time they catch up. A recent Verizon study showed that 77% of businesses feel cloud
technology gives them a competitive advantage, and 16% believe this advantage is significant.

xii. Sustainability:
Given the current state of the environment, it's no longer enough for organizations to place a
recycling bin in the breakroom and claim that they're doing their part to help the planet. Real
sustainability requires solutions that address wastefulness at every level of a business. Hosting
on the cloud is more environmentally friendly and results in less of a carbon footprint.

Cloud infrastructures support environmental proactivity, powering virtual services rather than
physical products and hardware, and cutting down on paper waste, improving energy
efficiency, and (given that it allows employees access from anywhere with an internet
connection) reducing commuter-related emissions. A Pike Research report predicted data
center energy consumption will drop by 31% from 2010 to 2020 based on the adoption of cloud
computing and other virtual data options.


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