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The World of eCommerce, Lecture 4

What is eCommerce?

The Internet is a powerful platform providing a broad awareness of eCommerce websites.

There are millions of people searching the internet every day,
looking for products to buy. Online shopping is increasing year
over year mainly due to its convenience. Consumers want to shop
where they want, how they want, and whenever they want – and
the only place that lets them do that is online.
If someone wanted to buy a product from the comfort of their own home, they can through
an online store. If someone was on their way to work on the city bus, with just a few taps on
their phone they could also buy the latest Gap Spring Collection if they wanted to.

eCommerce is changing the game

The fact of the matter is, the face of commerce is changing, and
has changed in the past few years. We are not saying any other
forms of businesses are dead – we are just saying that commerce
(and eCommerce in particular) is growing at an incredible rate.

In recent times a new study came out revealing that 40% of the world’s population has the
internet which equates to about 3.5 billion people. That number continues to grow each
year at a steady rate.

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