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Pro and con of Computers for Students


Do you know that most schools and colleges strongly recommend students to have computers to
help them achieve better results of learning. With computer connected to Internet, students can
learn English online. They can make reports easily by using word processing software.  They can play
game to get of boredom. However, a computer can also give negative impacts for a student.

One thing that makes a computer useful is that students can use it to finish some assignments from
schools. By connecting to Internet, they can easily surf and find any materials related to their lessons
and assignments. They have unlimited resources from all over the worlds. Online libraries are open. A
lot of book are free to download and read online. Finding friends from related field of study is not
difficult anymore. They can work together to boost their best achievement. What more benefit is they
can do all of that just by sitting on the a chair of their rooms. What amazing world it is, isn’t?


Although a computer has many benefits, it should be considered deeply. A computer certainly does
not promote students to do and move more. A computes make  students have less physical activities.
Even not few of them forget to have lunch while they are playing  certain game. They just sit in front of
monitors. They are caught up in the mystique of the smart machines. In short, students who usually
work with computers tend to have a few physical activities and exercises.


So what should students do? Should they avoid using computers? Of course “No”. Computer will
make even greater benefits if physical activities are also promoted to done by the students.

Nama Kelompok:

Leonardo Dimas A.w (7211419227)

Silvia Riska P.W (7211419

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