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Chapter 4


This chapter will explain in detail the research methods and the

methodology implemented for this study. The chapter will explain about the

requirement analysis as specified Performance Requirement, Safety

Requirement, and Security Requirement. This also talk about the system

design that will be explain through the System Development Life Cycle

(SDLC), Project Consideration/Issues/Tools, software/hardware requirement

specification. It will also be illustrated by the different type of chart and

diagram. These are GANTT chart, PERT chart, system flowchart, context

diagram, dataflow diagram and etc.

Requirement Analysis

After gathering the information needed for the study, researchers will

specify the requirements needed, what is the purpose of the development

project for it to become a realistic and successful. The researchers will

consider the specifications (performance, safety, security) in order to run the

proposed system without any major flaws.

Table 3: Performance, Safety & Security Requirement

Performance Requirements
Scalability and Workload The proposed system should

accommodate and entertain all the

verified users.
Responsiveness The proposed system will allocate a

response time upon loading of web

pages in less than 20 seconds.

Safety Requirements

Software Error The proposed system must be free

of syntax, logical and run-time errors

before the implementation.

Hardware Failures The proposed system needs to have

an UPS (Uninterrupted Power

Supply) in case of power/electricity

loss for preventing data loss.

Security Requirements
Sensitive Data Exposure To use a certain features of the

proposed system, the users must

authenticate themselves by giving or

providing a username and

password. The proposed system will

automatically perform a log out

session if the user lack of using the

system in 30 minutes.

System Design

The Application of QR Code Based Algorithm for Learning and

Development Management System: The case of Civil Service Commission,

Philippines will be using the web page, it is a hypertext-base system. This

research is a Developmental-Descriptive case type of research in which the

proponents conducted interviews to see what problem are the Civil Service

Commission was facing. After analyzing the data gathered during the

interview the proponents decided to make a system wherein it will solve the

problem Civil Service Commission was facing. Then, evaluated it through

testing and a survey afterwards deployed it.

System Development Life Cycle

The proponents use the iterative model in developing the system. The

iterative model is a particular implementation of a software development life

cycle (SDLC) that focuses on an initial, simplified implementation, which then

progressively gains more complexity and a broader feature set until the final

system is complete. It is important to follow the right steps to come up with a

good output.

The initialization phase is where the brainstorming of the proponents

happened regarding to what might the problems that are possible to

encounter by the Application of QR Code Based Algorithm for Learning and

Development Management System: The case of Civil Service Commission.


Planning and Requirements

This phase is where the first thing to do in developing a project. Going

through the initial planning to determine the specification of documents, the

software and hardware requirement.

According to the interview conducted by the researchers, they

determine the existing process and the problem that the Civil Service

Commission encountered regarding the keeping of data’s like the reservation,

attendance, and other data that need to be maintained. Solving the minor and

major problems of the proposed system are by planning the features needed.

Adding some functions that will minimize the work of the employee is also


Table 4: Test, Security, Maintenance Plan

Test Plan Objectives What to test
Usability Testing To test the functionality The employees, the

and features of the announcement,

proposed system. request reservation,

the annual report and

attendance of the


Interface Testing To develop a friendly user The interface of the

system. system if it suits to

the eye of the client

Security Plan Objectives What to test
User Level Access To prevent the User access

Control reservation of restriction in the

unauthorized person to system

the training and programs

Sensitive Data To make sure the security The OR code of every

Exposure and accessibility of the user/participants, the

data between the users. forms to be full up by

the participants/client.
Maintenance Plan Objectives What to Test
Database Backup and To have backups of the The set time of the

Restore database, and easily backup of the

restore it. database and

restoring it to the


Analysis and Design

For this phase, the proponents review some systems that may help to

enhance the techniques and tools that will be used in developing the system

for the Civil Service Commission Training Program reservation for instance

the programming language, objected-oriented, database and other related

system about the reservation. This phase will help boost the implementation

phase for enhancing the quality/feature of the system.

The design phase is where the methodology for development the

system or the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) has been recognize.

The proponents choose the Iterative model to represent the flow of the

process on how the system will be a success. The proponents also design a

different model or diagram which is needed for the graphically representation

of the system such as the context diagram and data flow diagram. The

context diagram is the overview of the organizational outline of the system. It

illustrates the boundaries, external entities, and the major information flows of

the system and the entities. While the data flow diagram is the breakdown of

the context diagram. The context diagram and data flow diagram of the

proposed system is composed of three accounts of the system the Super

Admin, Admin, and the Participants.


As the planning and analysis has been carried out, the implementation

and coding phase has begun. The documentation of the design, planning and

specification are being applied into the initial iteration of the project.

The planning has now done, gathering all the needed requirements,

reviewing some related systems, designing the proposed system, normalizing

the database design, and others. The proponent started implementing all the

plans that was stated in the diagram. The implementation phase is the

hardest one in developing the system, the proponents needs to interpret the

right logic for implementing all the needed process and come up with the

desire system.


To ensure that all the process has been implemented, the proponent’s

prototype will undergo a sequence of testing procedure to locate and identify

the potential bugs of issues that make cause a problem in the future. The

proponent conducted a testing for both the client and the developer. The

testing of the client will check if the system is a user-friendly and if it lacks of

process or not, for they are the one who will use the system and they are the

one who knows what are the process needed. The testing of the developer

will check if there are bugs in the system, for them to easily locate where the

error is that need to be fix or they need to fix since they are the one who

coded the proposed system.

To determine the reliability of one’s study, the most common

instrument used is thru survey questionnaire for gathering data. To test the

internal consistency of test items, the proponents conduct a survey with thirty

(30) random employee from different offices.

One of the most popular method measuring the internal consistency or

reliability of survey questionnaires or test items is Cronbach’s Alpha Reliability

Test. On a study of A Review on Sample Size Determination for Cronbach’s

Alpha Test: A Simple Guide for Researchers by Bujang (2018), et al. explains

that the value of Cronbach’s alpha ranges from zero to one with the higher

values implying the items are measuring the same dimension. In contrary, if

the Cronbach’s alpha value is low (near to 0), it means some or all of the

items are not measuring the same dimension. This means that test items are

not reliably consistent from one another. To determine that the instrument is

reliably consistent, it must be 0.7 considering it is the minimum range of

Cronbach’s Alpha but some discussions state that 0.6 is considered

acceptably reliable (Graupera, 2017). Moreover, instances that low number of

items will always result to low rating. To have a more valid result, is much

more reliable to calculate the correlation between items in this situation.

Table 5: Result of the Alpha Testing

Indicator Result
A. Reliability 0.69
B. Maintainability 0.78

C. Usability 0.88
D. Functionality 0.82
E. Security 0.85
Total Average of the Alpha Testing 0.80

The total average for the Alpha testing is 0.80, which means that it

reaches the need percentage for it to be validated and to be used for the beta



This phase is to evaluate the software standards that will measure the

systems functionality, efficiency, usability, reliability, portability and

maintainability. The proponent’s will be measuring the system using the data

gathered from the testing phase of the clients.

After completing the Alpha test, the proponent run a beta testing to

evaluate the system. This phase, the proponents conducted a test to the

identified respondent which is admin aides in HRMO division in Civil Service

Commission (CSC) Regional Office No. VIII and some participants during the

actual training held at CSC. The result of the survey will be presented and

discussed in a form of pie chart and summary of feedbacks.

A. Reliability

Concise information about the training



Not Functional Slightly Functional Functional Mostly Functional Fully Functional

Figure 5.0: Result of question #1

Figure 5.0 shows the result of the Reliability category for question # 1

is about the information of training that is being inputted if it is concise and

true. The not functional qualitative description option shows 0% it means that

out of 30 respondent none of them voted. The 33% of the votes are for mostly

functional qualitative description option and 67% is the fully functional

qualitative description option. This only state that more than half of the

respondent agreed that the information inputted to the system about the

training is concise and true.

Unique QR Code for every Participants


Not Functional Slightly Functional Functional Mostly Functional Fully Functional

Figure 5.1: Result of question #2

The figure 5.1 displays that 100% of the respondent voted the fully

functional qualitative description option. Thus, this means that 100% of the

QR code released by the system is unique to each other.

Resources are Accurate




Not Functional Slightly Functional Functional Mostly Functional Fully Functional

Figure 5.2: Result of question #3

For the figure 5.2, the result of question # 3 of reliability category state

that 0% of the respondent voted for not functional qualitative description

option. 47% of the votes came from functional qualitative description

option, and 30 % is from mostly functional qualitative description option.

The 23% is from fully functional qualitative description option where it has

the 2nd place from the lowest votes. It only means that almost half of the

respondent agree that the resources of the system is accurate but have a

slight lack.

Notifies the Users if Invalid data is Inputted



Not Functional Slightly Functional Functional Mostly Functional Fully Functional

Figure 5.3: Result of question #4

Figure 5.3 for reliability category the result for question # 4 has 67%

votes from fully functional, and 33% from mostly functional. This shows

that all the respondent agreed that the system notifies the user if invalid

data is inputted.

B. Maintainability

Bugs can be easily Recognized



Not Functional Slightly Functional Functional Mostly Functional Fully Functional

Figure 6.0: Result of question #1

The figure 6.0 shows the result of question # 1 for the maintainability

category is that all of respondent agreed to the statement that the bugs in

the system can be easily recognized. 23% of the votes came from fully

functional, 40% from mostly functional and 37% from functional.

System can be easily tested



Not Functional Slightly Functional Functional Mostly Functional Fully Functional

Figure 6.1: Result of question #2

The figure 6.1 shows the result of question # 2 for the maintainability

category wherein there is 3% results of mostly functional qualitative

description option and 97% of fully functional qualitative description option.

To sum it up from this results, all respondents agreed to the statement

from the respondents that the system can be easily tested.

System runs even if Modification has been made



Not Functional Slightly Functional Functional Mostly Functional Fully Functional

Figure 6.2: Result of question #3

The figure 6.2 shows the result of question # 3 for the maintainability

category wherein 33% voted for mostly functional qualitative description

option and there is 67% for the fully functional qualitative description

option based from the results of the respondents. With this result, it shows

that the system can runs even if modification has been made.

C. Usability

All pages runs without any problem




Not Functional Slightly Functional Functional Mostly Functional Fully Functional

Figure 7.0: Result of question #1

The figure 7.0 shows the result of question # 1 for the usability

category wherein 44% voted for functional qualitative description option,

33% voted for the mostly functional qualitative description option and 24%

voted for the fully functional qualitative description option based from the

results of the respondents. With this result, it shows that all respondents

agreed that all the pages of the system are running without any problems.

Menus and Buttons are working Accordingly and Effectively



Not Functional Slightly Functional Functional Mostly Functional Fully Functional

Figure 7.1: Result of question #2

The figure 7.1 shows the result of question # 2 for the usability

category wherein 20% voted for mostly functional qualitative description

option and 80% voted for the fully functional qualitative description option

based from the respondents rating. From this result, it shows that all

respondents agreed that the menus and button are working accordingly

and effectively.

System tracks data/documents



Not Functional Slightly Functional Functional Mostly Functional Fully Functional

Figure 7.2: Result of question #3

The figure 7.2 shows the result of question # 3 for the usability

category wherein there are 33% voted for the functional qualitative

description option, then 40% voted for the mostly functional qualitative

description option based and 27% voted for fully functional qualitative

description option from the results of the respondents in the system from

the tracking data or processing documents are functioning. It only means

that all of the respondents agreed that the system tracks the overall data

or processed documents.

System error free



Not Functional Slightly Functional Functional Mostly Functional Fully Functional

Figure 7.3: Result of question #4

The figure 7.3 shows the result of question # 4 for the usability

category wherein there are 27% voted for the functional qualitative

description option, 60% voted for the mostly functional qualitative

description option and 13% voted for fully functional qualitative description

option based from the respondents rating. Therefore, it shows that based

from the results above, all respondents agreed that the system is error





Not Functional Slightly Functional Functional Mostly Functional Fully Functional

Figure 7.4: Result of question #5

The figure 7.4 shows the result of question # 5 for the usability

category wherein there are 10% voted for the mostly functional qualitative

description option and 90% voted for the fully functional qualitative

description option based from the respondents rating. It only means that

the UI of the system is a user-friendly type and with that it shows that all

respondents agreed from it.

System is pleasant to the eye of the user


Not Functional Slightly Functional Functional Mostly Functional Fully Functional

Figure 7.5: Result of question #6

The figure 7.5 shows the result of question # 6 for the usability

category wherein there are 43% voted for the mostly functional qualitative

description option and 57% voted for the fully functional qualitative

description option. With this result, it shows that the system is pleasant to

the eye of the user because all of the respondents agreed from it based

from the rating itself.

System is Responsive



Not Functional Slightly Functional Functional Mostly Functional Fully Functional

Figure 7.6: Result of question #7

The figure 7.6 shows the result of question # 7 for the usability

category. There are 23% voted for the mostly functional qualitative

description option and 77% voted for fully functional qualitative description

option. Therefore, it only means that the system is responsive based from

the result of the respondents

D. Functionality

Compatible to all devices using web-browers



Not Functional Slightly Functional Functional Mostly Functional Fully Functional

Figure 8.0: Result of question #1

The figure 8.0 shows the result of question # 1 for the functionality

category wherein there are 34% voted for the functional qualitative

description option, then 53% voted for the mostly functional qualitative

option and 13% voted for the fully functional qualitative description option

based from the respondents rating. With this result, it means that the

system is compatible to all device using web browser and with that it

shows that all respondents agreed from the chart above.

Sends notification and QR code after Registering

17% 17%


Not Functional Slightly Functional Functional Mostly Functional Fully Functional

Figure 8.1: Result of question #2

The figure 8.1 shows the result of question # 2 for the functionality

category wherein there are 16% voted for the functional qualitative

description option, then, 67% voted for the mostly functional qualitative

description option and 17% voted for the fully functional qualitative

description option based from the respondents rating. Therefore, the

functionality of the system does not have a problem when it comes to

sending notifications and QR code after registration. And with that, the

result above shows that all respondents agreed from it.

System run-time is smooth and fast


Not Functional Slightly Functional Functional Mostly Functional Fully Functional

Figure 8.2: Result of question #3

The figure 8.2 shows the result of question # 3 for the functionality

category wherein 100% voted for the fully functional qualitative description

option based from the respondents rating. It only means that all

respondents agreed that the system run-time is smooth and fast.

Buttons Functioning accordingly


Not Functional Slightly Functional Functional Mostly Functional Fully Functional

Figure 8.3: Result of question #4

The figure 8.3 shows the result of question # 4 for the functionality

category wherein 47% voted for the mostly functional qualitative

description option and 53% voted for the fully functional qualitative

description option based from the respondents rating. With this result, it

shows that all respondents agreed that the system is functioning

accordingly specifically the buttons, menus and other control.

QR Code scanner recognizes the QR code fast



Not Functional Slightly Functional Functional Mostly Functional Fully Functional

Figure 8.4: Result of question #5

The figure 8.4 shows the result of question # 4 for the functionality

category wherein 4.0% voted for the mostly functional qualitative

description option and 57% voted for the fully functional qualitative

description option based from the respondents rating. Therefore with this

result, it only means that all respondents agreed that the QR code scanner

recognizes the QR code fast and with that, the user can easily scanned

their QR code.

E. Security

System ask for username and password


Not Functional Slightly Functional Functional Mostly Functional Fully Functional

Figure 9.0: Result of question #1

The figure 9.0 shows the result of question # 1 for the security category

wherein 100% voted for the fully functional qualitative description option

based from the respondents rating. With this result, it shows that all

respondents agreed that the system is fully functioning every time the

system asks for a username and password for security.

System verifies the account of every users


Not Functional Slightly Functional Functional Mostly Functional Fully Functional

Figure 9.1: Result of question #2

The figure 9.1 shows the result of question # 2 for the security category

wherein 100% voted for the fully functional qualitative description option

based from the respondents rating. Therefore, it shows that all respondents

agreed that the system is fully functioned in the account of every user’s


All documents and data are secured by the system

Not Functional Slightly Functional Functional Mostly Functional Fully Functional

Figure 9.2: Result of question #3

The figure 9.2 shows the result of question # 2 for the security category

wherein 100% voted for the fully functional qualitative description option

based from the respondents rating. Therefore, with this result, it shows that all

respondents agreed that the system is fully functioning and all data and

documents are secured.

To determine the point of scaling for every question, likert Scale, a five-

point scaling was used, in order for the respondents to avoid confusion on

answering and to provide an accurate comparison for every question given in

the evaluation. The table below shows the result for the beta testing.

Table 6: Result of the Beta Testing

Indicator Mean Q. Description
1 The information about the training are
4.66 HC
true and concise
2 The QR code of every participants are
4.96 HC
3 The resources of the system are accurate 3.76 C
4 The system informs/notifies the user if
4.76 HC
invalid data is inputted
Sub mean: 4.51 HC
1 The bugs in the system can be easily
3.8 C

2 The system can be tested easily 4.8 HC
3 The system can run if changes has been
3.93 C
Sub mean: 4.37 HC
1 All the pages of the system are running
3.8 C
without any problem
2 The menus and button are working
4.8 HC
accordingly and effectively
3 The system tracks the overall data/
3.93 C
processed documents
4 The system run without error 3.86 C
5 The system is a user-friendly type 4.90 HC
6 The interface of the system is pleasant to
4.56 HC
the eye
7 The system is responsive 4.67 HC
Sub mean: 4.37 HC
1 The system is compatible to all device
3.8 C
using web browser
2 The system send notification and QR
4 C
code after registering
3 The system run-time is smooth and fast 5 HC
4 Buttons, menus and other are functioning
4.53 HC
5 The QR code scanner recognizes the QR 4.36
code fast
Sub mean: 4.34 HC
1 The system asks for a username and
3.86 C
2 The system verifies the account of every
4.96 HC
3 All data/documents are secured by the
4.66 HC
Sub mean: 4.5 HC


After evaluating the system from functionality to maintainability, the

proponents are now ready to deploy the system to the client. The proponent

will explain the system to the client and user on what are the functionality and

others of the system, they will be explaining from the security to maintenance

of the system to the clients.

QR Code Algorithm

The QR code format was created in 1994 by Japanese

company Denso-Wave, which is a subsidiary of Toyota that manufactures

auto components. The standard is defined in ISO/IEC 18004:2006. The use of

QR codes is license-free.

The smallest QR codes are 21x21 pixels, and the largest are 177x177. The

sizes are called versions. The 21x21 pixel size is version 1, 25x25 is version

2, and so on. The 177x177 size is version 40.

In addition, QR codes include error correction: when you encode the

QR code, you also create some redundant data that will help a QR reader

accurately read the code even if part of it is unreadable. There are four levels

of error correction that you can choose from. The lowest is L, which allows the

code to be read even if 7% of it is unreadable. After that is M, which provides

15% error correction, then Q, which provides 25%, and finally H, which

provides 30%.

The capacity of a given QR code depends on the version and error

correction level, as well as on the type of data that you are encoding. There

are four data modes that a QR code can encode: numeric, alphanumeric,

binary, or Kanji.

The symbol used for error correction of QR code.

Px( a)=∑ xi ai−1

The researchers uses the algorithm for encoding and decoding of QR

code with the used of Reed Solomon code. This is to enable the system to

read even if the QR code is 7%, 15% and soon is not readable for scanning.

General Overview

Step 1: Data Analysis

A QR code encodes a string of text. The QR standard has four modes

for encoding text: numeric, alphanumeric, byte, and Kanji. Each mode

encodes the text as a string of bits (1s and 0s), but each mode uses a

different method for converting the text into bits, and each encoding method is

optimized to encode the data with the shortest possible string of bits.

Therefore, your first step should be to perform data analysis to determine

whether your text can be encoded in numeric, alphanumeric, byte, or Kanji

mode, then select the most optimal mode for your text.

Step 2: Data Encoding

Now that you have selected the appropriate encoding mode for your

text, the next step is to encode the text. The data encoding section describes

this process in detail for each encoding mode. The result of this step is a

string of bits that is split up into data code words that are each 8 bits long.

Step 3: Error Correction Encoding

As explained above, QR codes use error correction. This means that

after you create the string of data bits that represent your text, you must then

use those bits to generate error correction code words using a process called

Reed-Solomon error correction.

QR scanners read both the data code words and the error correction

code words. By comparing the two, the scanner can determine if it read the

data correctly, and it can correct errors if it did not read the data correctly. 

Step 4: Structure Final Message

The data and error correction code words generated in the previous steps

must now be arranged in the proper order. For large QR codes, the data and

error correction code words are generated in blocks, and these blocks must

be interleaved according to the QR code specification. This process is

explained in the structure final message section.

Step 5: Module Placement in Matrix

After generating the data code words and error correction code words

and arranging them in the correct order, you must place the bits in the QR

code matrix. The code words are arranged in the matrix in a specific way.

During this step, you will also place the patterns that are common to all QR

codes, such as the boxes on the three corners.

Step 6: Data Masking

Certain patterns in the QR code matrix can make it difficult for QR code

scanners to correctly read the code. To counteract this, the QR code

specification defines eight mask patterns, each of which alters the QR code

according to a particular pattern. You must determine which of these mask

patterns results in the QR code with the fewest undesirable traits. This is done

by evaluating each masked matrix based on four penalty rules. Your final QR

code must use the mask pattern that resulted in the lowest penalty score.

Step 7: Format and Version Information

The final step is to add format and (if necessary) version information to

the QR code by adding pixels in particular areas of the code that were left

blank in previous steps. The format pixels identify the error correction level

and mask pattern being used in this QR code. The version pixels encode the

size of the QR matrix and are only used in larger QR codes. [ CITATION Tho15 \l

1033 ]

GANNT Chart of the Proposed

List of the Activities with the Predecessor

1 19 -

2 3 1

3 2 2

4 4 2

5 3 3 ,4

6 6 4

7 4 6

8 9 5, 7

9 4 8

10 20 8

11 20 9

12 4 11

13 14 12

14 11 13

15 76 3

16 2 15

17 21 16

18 16 17

19 1 17

20 29 19

21 49 19

22 5 21

23 5 21

24 4 23

25 6 22

26 4 25


System Flow Chart

Create Account

(Admin, Participants)

Start G

(System User Admin? Participant?

Create Account? Registration Display
Form Create Account? Registration

Enter Name,
Display Login Ldms_db Enter Name,
Email, Display Login
Form Email,
Ldms_db Password, Form
Position, Password,
Region Position,

Enter Email
and Enter Email
Password Display and
Successfully Password Display
Created Account Successfully
Created Account

Verify Email and

Ldms_db Verify Email and
Password Ldms_db

Display Admin Display

Dashboard True? Participant


Login Invalid Login Invalid

Super Admin

Superadmin? Logs?

Display Login
Display Logs

Enter Email
and View Details

Verify Email and Ldms_db

Display Details

True? Superadmin

Continuation of Admin

Add Training D
Repository Vie w Users

Display List of
Display Form Display Form

Enter Title Vie w user details

No..of Slots Enter Title
Date Start Choose File
Date End

Display User

Display Admin
Save? Display Form Save?
Update User

Display Form
Added Validate Data Error Message

Save to
Ldms_db Ldms_db database?

Continuation of Participants

Register? Repository? Trainings?

Display Display Names

Registration of documents Display Trainings

Enter Enter Email Select The

Ldms_db Training to and Download? training you
be attended password reserve

Search Your
Verify Email and Name
Decrement slot Render? Ldms_db

Generate QR code
Download Found?

Send Email to
participants for

Settings Attendance?

Display Pending
Logout Attendance

A.M? P.M

Logout Approve

Scan QR code

G Sucessfully
Created Verify QR code Ldms_db

Display User
Datails Redirect to
attendance sheet
for time in and out

Time in?
Time in

Validate Data Error Message

C Already Have a
QR code

Save to

Live streaming Logout? End

Broadcast of live
stream with flash Destroy
media encoder Sessions

Flash Media Server

Watching of
live strem

Download data
from database

Settings Attendance?

Yes Yes

Display Pending
Logout Attendance

Yes A.M? P.M

Destroy Yes
Logout Approve
Continuation of Admin Sessions
Scan QR code

G Sucessfully
Created Verify QR code Ldms_db
Yes Attendance

Display User
Datails Redirect to
True? Error Message
attendance sheet
for time in and out


No No
Time in?
Time in


Validate Data Error Message No

C Already Have a Yes
QR code

Yes Save to
Context Diagram of the Proposed System

Data Flow Diagram of the Proposed System for ADMIN

Data Flow Diagram of the Proposed System for PARTICIPANT

Data Flow Diagram of the Proposed System for SUPER ADMIN

Program Consideration

 The system is a web-based system. It only runs through online using

the web browser.

 For creating an account for admin, the user will fill in the needed

information for creating an account.

 For the new participant, the user will fill up the registration form and the

system will send a verification code through email. After sending

verification code, the system will generate a user ID for the participant.

 Upon accessing attendance, the admin will create available training

program together with the slots for the training program

 After the registration, helshe will put their user lD to the form for them

to access the page wherein it shows the available training program,

slots for the training and the details of the training.

 Then upon reservation, the system will send QR Code to their email

that will serve as their identity for taking attendance.

Program Issues

The common system issues that many researchers deal with are to

maintain the system stability in terms of accuracy and dependable of security.

For the proposed system to be able to work or use at ease, its front end must

be a friendly user and in terms of back end it must have a large amount of

space for storage.

Program Tools

 PHP (Hypertext Pmprocessor) - is mainly focused on server-side

scripting, so you can do anything any other CGI program can do, such

as collect form data, generate dynamic page content, or send and

receive cookies. But PHP can do much more. There are three main

areas where PHP scripts are used. First is, Server-side scripting. This

is the most traditional and main target field for PHP. Second,

Command line scripting. You can make a PHP script to run it without

any server or browser. And lastly, writing desktop applications. PHP

can be used on all major operating systems, including Linux, many

Unix variants (including HP-UX, Solaris and OpenBSD), Microsoft

Windows, Mac OS X, RISC OS, and probably others. PHP has also

support for most of the web servers today. This includes Apache, IIS,

and many others. And this includes any web server that can utilize the

FastCGI PHP binary, like lighttpd and nginx. PHP works as either a

module, or as a CGI processor. So with PHP, you have the freedom of

choosing an operating system and a web server. Furthermore, you also

have the choice of using procedural programming or object oriented

programming (OOP), or a mixture of them both. With PHP you are not

limited to output HTML. PHP's abilities includes outputting images,

PDF files and even Flash movies (using libswf and Ming) generated on

the fly. You can also output easily any text, such as XHTML and any

other XML file. PHP can autogenerate these files, and save them in the

file system, instead of printing it out, forming a server-side cache for

your dynamic content.

 MySQL (My S-Q-L or My Sequel) - is a freely available open source

Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) that uses

Structured Query Language (SQL). SQL is the most popular language

for adding, accessing and managing content in a database. It is most

noted for its quick processing, proven reliability, ease and flexibility of


 HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) - is known as the Web's

modifying dialect and gives a general structure to making website

pages. All website pages are really HTML documents. HTML reports

are basically message records that contain the substance of your

website page and extraordinary guidelines called labels.

Without HTML, a browser would not know how to display text as

elements or load images or other elements.

 CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) - is responsible for the design or style of

the website, including the layout, visual effects and background color.

CSS describes how HTML elements are to be displayed on screen,

paper, or in other media. CSS saves a lot of work. It can control the

layout of multiple web pages all at once. External stylesheets are

stored in CSS files.

 JS (JavaScript) - scripts are read, interpreted and executed in the

client, which is your Web browser. By comparison, "server-side"

programming languages run on a remote computer, such as a server

hosting a website. JavaScript code is written into an HTML page. When

a user requests an HTML page with JavaScript in it, the script is sent to

the browser and it's up to the browser to do something with it.

Software Requirement Specification

 Operating System Windows 7 to higher - Some of the new

features included in Windows 7 to higher are advancements in touch,

speech, and handwriting recognition, support for virtual hard disks,

support for additional file formats, improved performance on multi-core

processors, improved boot performance, and kernel improvements.

 Web Browsers eq. Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox – Google Chrome

is designed to be the fastest web browser which measures the speed.

It is also a clean and simple browser which measure the simplicity of

the browser. Also chrome keeps you safe and sound with its built-in

malware and phishing protection that measure the security or privacy

of the browser. And its customize Google Chrome to make it your own.

And Mozilla Firefox is a versatile and feature-rich browser that's good

for both casual browsing and intensive research.

 Web Sewer - SeWeR is primarily designed to be hosted in Intranet and

to run as a stand-alone application in your browser. It doesn't require

any server to host itself. The goal of SeWeR is to turn your web-

browser into a powerful sequence-analysis tool.

 Internet Connection – internet is a very important tool. It is the limitless

space where people have access to pretty much infinite amounts of

information. The internet is where a large amount of knowledge comes

from. The Internet has also made access to information and

communication far easier.

Hardware Requirement Specification

Admin Hardware Requirement Specification

 QR code Scanner - is used to take a piece of information from a

transitory media and put it in to your cell phone.

 Printer - a device that accepts text and graphic output from a computer

and transfers the information to paper, usually to standard size sheets

of paper.

 Operating System eq. Windows 7 to above or Linux - Windows 7 is

built on the Windows Vista kernel and was intended to be an update to

the Vista OS. It uses the same Aero user interface (UI) that debuted in

Windows Vista. And Linux has a graphical interface, and types of

software you are accustomed to using on other operating systems,

such as word processing applications, have Linux equivalents.

 RAM (1663) Users Hardware Requirement Specification - is the main

memory in a computer, and it is much faster to read from and write to

than other kinds of storage, such as a hard disk drive (HDD), solid-

state drive (SSD) or optical drive. Random Access Memory is volatile.

 Desktop Computer/Laptop – is used for the making of the system.

Systems Evaluation Design

The ISO 25010:2011 Systems and software engineering- Systems and

software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE)- System and

software quality models.


Using the ISO 25010: 2011 Systems and software Quality

Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE), the proponent have made a survey

questionnaire that will be used for testing the system. The survey

questionnaire has 5 category which was based in the said ISO. The first

category is reliability, it shows how realible does the system need to be when

the user uses it to perform their task, updating the system with new content

need to be, does maintaining or porting the system need to be, the output

from the system need to be. The second category is the maintainability. This

category shows the capability of the product or system to facilitate

maintenance activities, or the quality in use experienced by the maintainers

for the goal of maintaining the product or system. The third is the usability, the

degree to which a product or system can be used by specified users to

achieve specified goals with effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction in a

specified context of use. The fourth is the functionality or the functional

suitability, is the degree to which a product or system provides functions that

meet stated and implied needs when used under specified conditions. And the

last is the security, is the degree to which a product or system protects

information and data so that persons or other products or systems have the

degree of data access appropriate to their types and levels of authorization.


To validate the survey questionnaire that was used for evaluation of the

system the researchers utilized Cronbach Alpha testing. The proponent

chosen few offices that have similar characteristics in nature. The total

respondent for the testing was thirty, fifteen were coming from the human

resource office and the other half were the usual employees that avail

different professional trainings. To confirm the validation of the testing the

weighted mean should be 0.7 in which the total weighted mean was 0.80, this

concludes that the alpha test is reliable and consistent.

Data Gathering Procedure

To come up with this study, the proponent conducted an interview in

the office of the Civil Service Commission. But before conducting an interview,

the proponents sent a communication letter to the office of Civil Service to

formally ask for a permission. After conducting an interview, the proponent

sent a proposal letter offering the clientele to collaborate to solve the problem

that was Civil Service was encountering. After the approval of the proposed

system, the proponent starts to interview the personnel of the HR office of the

Civil Service Commission to further understand the problem and how it can be


After analyzing the data that was gathered during the interviews, the

proponent looks into some literature that might help and connected to the

study. The proponents also study also some related system that might help

to improve the proposed system.

Statistical Tool

Getting the result of the Cronbach Alpha testing, the proponent used

the formula of Cronbach Alpha, α = ( KK−1 )∗(1− ((ΣΣ x)y ) ) .

K = is the total number of the respondent

( Σ x) = is the total score of all question

( Σ y) = is the total number of all question per respondent

a study of A Review on Sample Size Determination for Cronbach’s Alpha

Test: A Simple Guide for Researchers by Bujang (2018), et al. explains that

the value of Cronbach’s alpha ranges from zero to one with the higher values

implying the items are measuring the same dimension. In contrary, if the

Cronbach’s alpha value is low (near to 0), it means some or all of the items

are not measuring the same dimension. This means that test items are not

reliably consistent from one another. To determine that the instrument is

reliably consistent, it must be 0.7 considering it is the minimum range of

Cronbach’s Alpha but some discussions state that 0.6 is considered

acceptably reliable (Graupera, 2017).

In order for the researcher to know the results from the evaluation

conducted, a formula was used for computing the mean for every category of

the evaluation. A limit of scale was used as an indicator that will determine the

qualitative descriptions.

The researcher used the formula x́=∑ fw /n in computing the mean.


x́ is the computed mean

∑ fw is the sum of all the scores in the set

n is the total numbers of respondents

Determining the point of scale for every question, Likert Scale, a five-

point scaling was used, in order for the respondents to avoid confusion on

answering and to provide an accurate comparison for every question given in

the evaluation.

Table 7: Likert Scale for Beta Testing

Range Qualitative Description

4.21-5.00 Highly Complied

3.41-4.20 Complied

2.61-3.40 Average compliance

1.81-2.60 Less compliance

1.00-1.80 Not compliance


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