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Integrating ecosystem services and environmental

planning: limitations and synergies
a a
Christina von Haaren & Christian Albert
Department of Environmental Planning, Leibniz University Hannover, Hannover,
Version of record first published: 22 Sep 2011.

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planning: limitations and synergies, International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management, 7:3,

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International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management
Vol. 7, No. 3, September 2011, 150–167

Integrating ecosystem services and environmental planning: limitations and synergies

Christina von Haaren* and Christian Albert
Department of Environmental Planning, Leibniz University Hannover, Hannover, Germany

Environmental planning offers an important approach to dealing with the concept of ecosystem services (ESS) in practice.
Nonetheless, spatial planning science has failed to connect with the international ESS discussion. Thus, the purpose of this
paper is twofold: first, to make relevant environmental planning experience available to ESS researchers; second, to offer
conceptual and methodological suggestions for future ESS assessments that consider key insights from European planning
science. A systematic literature analysis was used to juxtapose several theoretical and methodological aspects of ESS assess-
ment and environmental planning concepts in order to identify comparative benefits and potentials for an integration of
the two approaches. To illustrate the limitations and potentials of the approaches, the example of German landscape plan-
ning is described. A better integration of the two approaches has the potential to (i) strengthen the spatial concreteness and
scale relation of ESS on low tiers; (ii) foster accounting and monetary valuation in environmental planning, especially for
applications on supra-regional scale; (iii) reflect on underlying values in the ESS approach and overcome a latent nature
determinism; (iv) more clearly differentiate between public and private goods for better targeting implementation strate-
gies; (v) help in developing context-dependent classification categories that can accommodate all implementation relevant
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services and relate services to beneficiaries; and (vi) frame communication and participation processes by reflecting their
constitutional role in the political decision-making process.
Keywords: ecosystem services; environmental planning; landscape planning; scale; economic valuation

Introduction 2009; Eigenbrod et al. 2009; Termorshuizen and Opdam

The concept of ecosystem services (ESS) is increas- 2009).
ingly employed by research groups around the world to The objectives of this paper are to share the experi-
assess the contributions and/or benefits that human popu- ences made with approaches to ESS assessment in the
lations derive from ecosystems (cf. MEA 2005; Carpenter implementation of environmental planning and to offer
et al. 2009; Fisher et al. 2009; Burkhard et al. 2010; conceptual and methodological suggestions for future ESS
The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity 2010). assessments in different application contexts.
Environmental planning could arguably contribute sub- To meet these objectives, this paper first juxtaposes
stantially to the emerging science of ESS assessment. the concepts for ESS assessment and environmental plan-
Systems for environmental planning and management were ning with respect to (i) goals and purposes, (ii) definitions
introduced in several European states in the 1970s. Since and characteristics, (iii) methodologies and procedures and
then, planning theory and methods have been continu- (iv) the role and means of communication and monetary
ously further developed, taking into account new scientific valuation. An emphasis is put on the description of the
insights, improved data (e.g. from remote sensing) and planning approach, as the reader of this journal will pre-
experiences from introducing planning results into deci- sumably know the ESS theory well. Then, similarities and
sion processes and public participation. differences between the two concepts and the pros and
The theoretical and methodological approaches used cons of each concept are identified and discussed. Finally,
in contemporary environmental planning are similar to suggestions are offered on how ESS assessment and envi-
and partly overlapping with the theories and methods ronmental planning can benefit from integrating aspects of
employed in ESS assessments. Environmental planning the respective other approach.
can therefore be considered an important form of deal- For the literature analysis, which forms the method-
ing with ESS in practice. However, environmental plan- ological basis of the paper, two issues had to be
ning has so far failed to connect with the interna- addressed. First, the ESS concept is presented in an abun-
tional debate around ESS (cf. Kanning 2005), whereas dance of international literature. However, its descrip-
some researchers in the field of ESS assessment have tion remains inconsistent. This paper draws on recently
begun to consider planning applications (e.g. Bastian published reviews of ESS concepts (in particular Boyd
2004; Chan et al. 2006; Hein et al. 2006; Troy and and Banzhaf (2007); Fisher et al. (2009)) and selected
Wilson 2006; Willemen et al. 2008; Burkhard et al. seminal publications (Costanza et al. 1997; Daily 1997;

*Corresponding author. Email:

ISSN 2151-3732 print/ISSN 2151-3740 online

© 2011 Taylor & Francis
International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management 151

MEA 2005). The summary of the ESS concept presented and to support equity in human welfare (Fisher et al.
here is confined to a very short account of the topics 2009). The scale of ESS assessments varies and their
that are important for the comparison with environmental emphasis is on global and national studies (e.g. MEA
planning. 2005). Furthermore, landscape management has recently
Second, international literature about the theory and been proposed as a possible area of application of ESS
methodologies of environmental planning and manage- assessments (Hein et al. 2006; Fisher et al. 2009: 650).
ment create a diverse picture (e.g. Steinitz 1990; McHarg
1992; Slocombe 1993; Turner 1998; United States
Environmental Production Agency 2000). The majority of Objectives, purposes and implementation of LP
publications are intended for practice and written in native The purposes and areas of application of LP in Germany
languages. Environmental planning depends greatly on the are fewer than those of ESS assessment in the international
planning system of the respective country. Even if we con- debate. Two prerequisites of LP are relevant concerning a
centrate on Europe, the systems are quite heterogeneous comparison with approaches to ESS assessment:
(Shaw et al. 1995). First, the terminology and structure of LP is influ-
In the context of diverse planning systems, German enced by its objectives and applications. The goals of LP
landscape planning (LP) serves as a good example and are to generate information that supports the inclusion
prototype for this discussion. LP as a term and type of of environmental objectives in spatial decision-making.
planning has been recently strengthened by the European Consequently, LP functions as the interface between sci-
Landscape Convention. The ratification of this Convention ence and the implementation of environmental goals in
means that LP is accepted as a mandatory planning tool practice (cf. Nassauer and Opdam 2008). In detail, LP
by more than 30 European states in and outside of the serves as
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European Union. There are also other environmental plan-

ning types that focus on an individual environmental • precautionary tool for integrating environmental con-
medium such as air (pollution) or water bodies. However, siderations into regional and local land use planning
German LP is a very comprehensive environmental plan- (Gruehn and Kenneweg 1998; Reinke 2002);
ning based on information about ecosystem goods and • information basis for day-to-day decision-making
services. It covers most subjects of environmental pro- of local and regional nature conservation authori-
tection in their spatial relevance and has been developed ties. Landscape plans propose numerous alternatives
in Germany as a separate field of planning in the frame- for improving the landscape (Wende et al. 2009);
work of spatial planning since decades. Therefore, LP this includes targeting landscape related funding
is suitable for demonstrating the limitations and poten- programmes (like agri-environmental measures) or
tials of a planning approach to ESS assessment. The developing habitat networks;
characterisation of LP in this paper is based on official • spatial information basis for environmental impact
government documentation (especially the German Nature assessments and the precautionary guiding of inter-
Conservation Act 2010; the Federal Agency for Nature ventions to less valuable and sensitive sites as well as
Conservation cited as von Haaren et al. (2008)) as well pointing out adequate mitigation options and com-
as on a set of scientific publications (especially Haber pensation sites if interventions are carried out;
1971; Buchwald 1979; Langer et al. 1985; Bastian and • information platform for NGOs and the public in
Schreiber 1994; Jessel 1998; Heiland 1999; Luz 2000; order to enable active participation in environmental
Bastian 2004; von Haaren 2004; Gruehn 2005; Wende decisions as well as for sectoral land use adminis-
et al. 2009). In many other European states, LP exists trations (e.g. traffic and agriculture) and land users
in different forms, although often its contents are not to raise environmental awareness and to improve
discernable because they are integrated into comprehen- land use adaptation to environmental objectives (Luz
sive spatial planning (Shaw et al. 1995; von Haaren 2000; von Haaren et al. 2008).
et al. 2001).
In view of these objectives and applications, it is clear
Juxtaposition of approaches for ESS characterisation that LP must strive to promote the acceptance of plan-
and LP ning objectives and to clearly communicate findings to the
public and decision-makers.
Decision and implementation context
Second, LP is a governmental planning instrument
Objectives, purposes and implementation of ESS which is committed to supporting public interests in the
assessments environment (Council of Europe 2000; cf. Olschowy 1976;
Generally, ESS are described using quantitative accounting Faludi 1985; Runge 1998), although its results are rele-
and monetary values for services that ecosystems provide vant for many different user groups. Therefore, LP reflects
(Costanza et al. 1997; Daily 1997, 2000; Fisher et al. 2009; societal values which are grounded in the legislation and
on a smaller scale: Naidoo et al. (2006)). These approaches objectives of different tiers of political decision-making.
are supposed to enhance understanding and education, to Individual commercial land use interests are not the prior-
contribute to environmentally conscious decision-making ity of LP. It is assumed that private interests are achieved
152 C. von Haaren and C. Albert

through the efforts of private individuals. However, they are to find, if a connection should be made to the collective
relevant as influences that shape the landscape and the con- historical associations, usefulness for practise and the vari-
text for implementation. LP helps to identify these interests ability of territory in time (Buchecker 1999: 32). The term
and conflicts and to provide a basis for political decisions. ‘landscape’ can help in communicating planning purposes
and objectives because it carries positive connotations, pro-
vides the human perspective and emphasises spatial aspects
Theoretical basis: definitions of the landscape.
Definitions of ESS The idea of societal benefits from ecosystem processes
Existing definitions of ESS are often broad and encom- has for long been an issue for discussion in European
pass multiple, conflicting meanings (cf. Boyd and Banzhaf geography and spatial planning (e.g. in the concept of
2007; Fisher et al. 2009). They range from conditions and natural territorial potentials by Bobeck and Schmithüsen
processes through which natural ecosystems sustain human (1949); Troll (1950); Neef (1966); Haase (1978)). Also
life to the benefits people derive from the ecosystems the ‘functioning capacity’ of ecosystems is given nor-
(Daily 1997; MEA 2005). Also the term function is used mative connotations in the German Nature Conservation
(de Groot et al. 2002), for example, in the context of clas- Act (BNatSchG 2010). This normative understanding of
sifying ESS along ‘functional’ lines (MEA 2005). Fisher ‘function’ differs from prevailing interpretations of the
et al. (2009) defined ESS as ‘the aspects of ecosystems uti- term in the ESS approach. The ESS concept usually
lized (actively or passively) to produce human well-being’ restricts functions to ‘operations’ (Fisher et al. 2009). In
and emphasised that ESS must be ecological phenomena this view, functions describe natural capacities, properties
that only become services if humans benefit from them, and processes in ecosystems (Costanza et al. 1997: 253)
that form the basis for satisfying human needs (de Groot
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either directly or indirectly. This definition provides a good

basis for relating LP to the ESS concept. 1992). Thus the ESS approach uses function predominantly
in a descriptive or explanatory way. This implies that every
ecosystem is functioning, also, for example, a waste water
Definitions of terms corresponding to ESS in LP ditch.
Altogether it can be stated that the definition of ‘land-
In German LP, the term corresponding to ESS is ‘landscape
scape function’ in LP is overlapping with the understand-
function’. It is defined as
ing of ecosystem service in the ESS concept, however, it
the capacity of a landscape and its subspaces to sustain- emphasises the role of underlying values and the depic-
ably fulfil basic, lasting and socially legitimised material tion of the spatial reality under stronger selection criteria
or immaterial human demands. A landscape function is concerning the underlying societal demands (Figure 1).
characterised by its value (with regard to satisfying the Since the international discussion around the ESS con-
demands), its specific sensitivity against different pressures
cept uses similar terms, the meaning of ‘landscape func-
and the state of impairment. Landscape functions may also
be described as development potential (Langer et al. 1985; tion’ must always be clarified in order to provide a shared
von Haaren 2004). understanding. In the remainder of this paper, the term
‘landscape function’ stands for normative functions used in
One task of LP is to spatially and explicitly define land- planning, comparable to the ‘final ESS’ in the classification
scape functions. of Fisher et al. (2009: 646).
The understanding of ‘landscape’ in the context of LP
and geography has been debated since the nineteenth cen-
tury (cf. Riehl 1862; Seyfert 1903; Passagre 1920; Troll Theoretical basis: inclusion of values
1950; Schmithüsen 1976; Trepl 1995; Jessel 1998). The Values in the ESS concept
European Landscape Convention defines landscape as ‘an Underlying societal values of ESS assessments are not
area, as perceived by people, whose character is the result explicitly elaborated in publications on the ESS concept.
of the action and interaction of natural and/or human Some economists such as Boyd and Banzhaf (2007) or
factors’ (Council of Europe 2000: chapter I, article I). Fisher et al. (2009) acknowledge that the understanding
Similarly in German LP, landscape is interpreted as ‘a of ESS depends on the potential benefits for humans that
region of the Earth and aesthetic, cultural, ecological and are the focus of interest in the respective assessment.
economic system which reflects the human perception and However, the role of laws, social processes or political
realisation’ (von Haaren 2001). Both definitions stress the decision-making is not mentioned.
human influence on and the human perception and under-
standing of landscape. The term ‘landscape’ is thus not
strictly defined, nor is it precisely differentiated from the Values in the LP concept
terms ‘territory’ and ‘space’ or ‘ecosystem’. Therefore, the For LP, a normative base, explicit or implicit, is indispens-
term ‘landscape’ may be misunderstood: on the one hand, able for assessing landscape processes and components
it has mental associations with scenery, and on the other with respect to their contribution to landscape functions.
hand, it has been defined using the descriptive classification LP is committed to ensuring public interests (see sec-
approach of geography. However, an alternative is difficult tion ‘Objectives, purposes and implementation of LP’);
International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management 153

Capacities Human Actual

for demands, land use
perception, legitimised Historic
measuring, societal land use
explanation goals

Individual utility
Actually produced,
Real percievable Landscape used goods:
complex world environment functions drinking water,
Ecosystem vine, wood,
processes, Value, potential, foodstuff, subjective
components sensitivity, pleasure and so on

Landscape Ecosystem services

Figure 1. Landscape functions are defined by human needs and societal norms.

therefore its guiding principles reflect societal values. The state, but rather that we should infer people’s values which
interests of private landowners should be kept in check by are revealed by actual decisions. Of course, participation
regulations that guarantee the long-term usability of natu- is and must be part of planning and political decisions.
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ral resources. Larger issues, such as the interests of future However, other than in the approach of Daily et al. (2000),
generations or supra-local societal needs, must be con- the scope of participation in LP is determined by com-
sidered although they may conflict with short-term, local petencies and limits. In political and land use decisions,
demands. legitimised standards frame what can be decided on the
The selection and evaluation standards for landscape specific political decision tier. Some laws frame the deci-
function assessment are predominantly defined by govern- sion arena for the sake of reducing conflicts and achieving
ments (as elected, legitimised institutions) in international short decision times. For example, local communities can-
agreements (e.g. Agenda 21), legal frameworks (e.g. the not decide about species protected by the EU, but farmers
EU’s Water Framework and Habitat Directives (EC 1992, can freely choose their crop growing patterns as long as
2000)) as well as national and state environmental leg- they comply with the legally defined good farming prac-
islation. The implementation of these general goals into tice. However, the rules of good practice should comply
valuation standards is based on predefined values set by with the precondition that the demands should be satisfied
the government (e.g. protected species), reference mean in a sustainable way (Agenda 21, EU Gothenburg strategy,
values (e.g. national average) and/or expert estimation national sustainability goals). If resources are overused
of endangerment (e.g. red lists). Impact assessments are beyond their capacities for regeneration, LP will stress this
based on threshold standards for pollution or impairment. problem.
Ecosystems equilibria and ‘tipping points’ are factors that
help to set standards but they do not replace societal deci-
sions about the preferred state of a system. Such goals or Theoretical basis: inclusion of human influence
standards are translated by LP into spatially explicit objec- Integration of human influences in ESS assessments
tives. This reliance on legally legitimised norms is without
Most definitions of ESS and ecological functions refer to
an alternative. The questions ‘Who defines the objectives
their natural character and do not mention human fac-
and extent of environmental protection? How much is
tors (e.g. Westman 1977; Daily 1997). References are
enough?’ can be addressed on an individual basis or in
made to the theoretical construct of a stable equilibrium of
the scientific discussion. However, such statements are not
ecosystems and the role of humans as disturbance factors
binding for others. Moreover, the consequential transparent
(Limburg et al. 2002: 410, 414). Boyd and Banzhaf (2007:
differentiation between compulsory and not-binding, desir-
625) explicitly argued against including human influences
able objectives is necessary in a state planning, as planning
in the context of the ‘green GDP’ to avoid overlaps with
objectives may result in mandatory obligations for land
the conventional GDP.
owners which cannot be imposed on the subjects without
a strong legitimisation. Landscape planners should be able
to provide convincing reasons for their assessments and
objectives and explain when and why private parties are Integration of human influences in LP
obliged to comply because public planning often conflicts LP includes land use and other human influence on the
with individual interests. environment in the inventory and assessment of the actual
This approach contrasts with the thinking of Daily et al. state of normative landscape functions. Human influ-
(2000) that values used in decision-making (and thus also ence is seen as a determining factor of the territorial
in valuation assessment) should not to be imposed by the shaping. Landscape functions comprise human elements
154 C. von Haaren and C. Albert

and influences, for example, (beneficial) human influence (see Barkmann and Marggraf 2007; Fisher et al. 2009;
on a biotope can generate high species diversity. A theoret- Rajmis et al. 2009). Problems with measuring and assign-
ically constructed ‘natural’ state is neither necessarily used ing values to ESS include complexity and double count-
as the point of reference in evaluation nor used as the aim ing that arise from assessing both a broad variety of
of landscape development. Scientifically, the natural state intermediate ecosystem processes and individual benefits.
is difficult to reconstruct. Also such a nature deterministic Complexity also stems from the merging of methodologies
goal is not open to democratic decision-making. of two disciplines (ecology and economy), often without a
Land management practices such as fertilising and har- defined application context that would limit methodologies
vesting are considered separately from the description of to the ones relevant for implementation.
the state and value of landscape functions. These influences
or ‘pressure’ factors may be much more variable than their
combined impact on the landscape. Furthermore, they are Methodologies used in LP
considered as variables which may be changed by plan- In LP, only those ecosystem properties are selectively mea-
ning proposals. Thus the separated analysis of the human sured or represented by proxies which are relevant for
influence is needed for implementation-oriented planning. (area) specific landscape functions. The methods used are
determined by LP’s role as an interface between natu-
ral science and governance (Bastian and Schreiber 1994)
Theoretical basis: handling of public and private goods
and Gruehn (2005); see section on goals). Basic scien-
Public and private goods in ESS tific knowledge is transformed into operative knowledge,
ESS classifications and definitions include public goods as mainly via indicator-based methodologies. By that, the
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well as private goods or market and non-market goods. general environmental objectives (e.g. of the legislation)
are translated into spatially explicit objectives and mea-
sures (von Haaren and Bathke 2008; von Haaren et al.
Public and private goods in LP 2008). Spatially explicit recommendations can be made
LP considers non-market landscape functions and related based on the classification of the landscape into spatially
goods because governmental interventions focus on sup- overlapping and functionally interconnected compartments
porting public interests. Functions that are important for (e.g. soil, water, climate, flora) and subsequently into
the private economy are assumed to be satisfied by mar- functionally characterised areas (e.g. biotopes, climatopes,
ket mechanisms. The landscape function concept should water catchment areas). Furthermore, when possible, eco-
accompany as well as confront economic approaches that logical processes can be assigned to spatial areas. For
view ecosystems as mere production factors and ignored example, migration paths of an amphibian species are
long-term effects and non-market functions (similar: de depicted as an area with special temporal importance for
Groot (1992)). However, landscape functions may be the the maintenance of biodiversity, and it can be safeguarded
preconditions for current or future market goods. Decision- by spatially concrete measures.
making and public participation processes benefit from a Landscape functions are assessed on an area-wide
clear differentiation between societal and private interests basis using methods adapted to the respective data situa-
and concerns. tion. Moreover, the assessment distinguishes between areas
of different importance. The ‘measurement’ of the rele-
vant function properties results in quantitative (cardinally
General methodological approach scaled) or qualitative descriptions of the characteristics.
Methodologies used in ESS assessment The valuation transforms these different units into ordinal
scales (Figure 2). The assessment of the state of land-
Approaches to ESS assessment include methodologies for scape functions covers their assigned value as well as their
measuring ecosystem processes as well as for assessing sensitivity against environmental loads, impairments and
their value. The (descriptive) measurement of ecosystem development potentials.
processes follows ‘function analysis’ to identify and quan- In comparison to the ESS methodologies, LP focuses
tify ecosystem processes as a basis for economic valuation less on basic ecosystem science, the measurement of indi-
(de Groot and Hein 2007). It considers scientific ecological vidual benefits and accounting. Instead, it uses methods
categories such as energy, matter fluxes or proxies (of the generating spatially explicit starting points for planning
latter) (Fisher et al. 2009: 648). implementation measures.
Accounting and monetary valuation of ESS require
transferring different issues and assessments into one sin-
gle measuring unit (Boyd and Banzhaf 2007; cf. Costanza
Classification of ecosystem processes and their benefits
et al. 1997). Valuation criteria are usually benefits ‘per-
for society
ceived to be important by the specific users of an ecosystem
services evaluation’ (Limburg et al. 2002; Fisher et al. Classifications used in ESS assessments
2009: 650). Common accounting methodologies calculate Several different classification approaches for ESS
rehabilitation costs or determine stakeholder preferences exist. The diversity of classification and classification
International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management 155

Ground water
Water provision function (importance and recharge rate
in mm Valuation
vulnerability of ground water resources),
retention function (flood protection) landscape
Transformation from
plan Koenigslutter am Elm 500
cardinal to ordinal
scale 400

High sensitivity against nitrate pollution
of ground water 200

High retention, flood
protection function land
cover, regulating run off, river

Pressure, impairment high:

High ground
flood plains without permanent
vegetation cover

0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 km

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Figure 2. Water retention function: cardinal values are transformed into ordinal scales in the process of valuation.

inconsistencies hamper, for example, the identification of • The geodiversity function represents soil,
joint products (added functions and services (Costanza morphological and geological units according
et al. 1997: 253; Fisher et al. 2009: 651)). Fisher et al. to their rareness, scientific and cultural value as an
(2009) suggested that the choice or design of ESS archive of landscape history.
classifications should be based on the respective deci- • The water provision function rates spatial units
sion context (the purpose). Examples of such purpose- according to the quantity and accessibility of ground
driven classifications are provided by Boyd and Banzhaf or surface water. Also this function is partly included
(2007) and the MEA (2005). Furthermore, Fisher et al. in commercial markets. In LP, the allocation of water
(2009: 646) provided an overview framework of differ- provision functions concerns the water supply in
ent classifications that hold potential to bridge the gap to the landscape, not the actual demand for drinking
the LP classifications. water.
• The water retention function covers the importance
of the landscape for flood protection by differentiat-
Classifications used in LP
ing (i) spatial units according to their soil, morphol-
LP differentiates the broad field of ESS (as defined ogy and vegetation properties and (ii) floodplains
above) into basic information about ecosystem processes according to location and size.
and components, normative landscape functions and indi- • The climate protection function differentiates spatial
vidual benefits and consumption (see Figure 1 and units according to their function as sink, storage or
Table 1). LP concentrates on the following normative source of greenhouse gases.
landscape functions which are insufficiently capitalised • The bioclimatic function represents the micro- and
by commercial markets and thus need to be covered meso-climate qualities of spatial units functioning as
by public planning: source areas for cool or fresh air from which humans
may benefit.
• The yields or production function for food and renew- • The biodiversity function characterises and assesses
able raw materials is differentiated and evaluated spatial units according to their (potential and actual)
based on criteria of environmental sustainability. function for supporting and safeguarding biodiver-
This covers the production factors that are consti- sity (understood as diversity, variation and repre-
tuted by soil, geomorphology, climate as well as sentation on the levels genome, species, population,
habitats in their function for pest control. The sus- bioceonosis, biotopes/ecosystem, ecosystem com-
tainable, long-term conservation especially of fertile plex, concerning structure, processes, interaction and
soils (e.g. by protection from urban land uses or by compositions (Noss 1990; Waldhardt and Otte 2000;
erosion prevention) is not rewarded at present by BNatSchG 2010). This information is supplemented
market mechanisms. with information about selected target species.
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Table 1. Classification of landscape planning functions, mapped to the categories of ecosystem services (ESS) suggested by Fisher et al. (2009).

ESS categories after Fisher et al. (2009)

Intermediate services Final services Benefits

Corresponding categories of landscape planning

Ecologic functions: ecosystem/landscape processes, (Normative) landscape functions: capacities of Individual benefits: individual utility welfare,
structures, components, descriptive, explanatory landscapes to sustainably fulfil basic, lasting and individual activated benefits, market goods,
knowledge socially legitimised material or immaterial human actually used goods (can constitute pressure for
demands landscape functions)
C. von Haaren and C. Albert

Pollination Yields function for food and renewable raw Food (including seafood and game), fodder
materials (soil fertility)
Primary production (Conversion of solar energy into Fuel (including wood and dung)
biomass) Timber, fibres and other raw materials
Water regulation Fertilisers, pharmaceuticals, biochemicals and
industrial products
Soil retention Spices
Soil formation (material degradation) variety in Renewable energy function (capacities of the Energy (hydropower, biomass, biofuels, geothermy,
(bio)chemical substances landscape) solar)
Variety of biota in natural ecosystems Water provision function Clean water (drinking water, irrigation water)
Nutrient dispersal and cycling. Water retention function Flood prevention, property protection, decreased
livelihood vulnerability,
Seed dispersal Climate protection function (maintenance of a stable macro climate
favourable global climate by achievements of
landscape/climatopes for carbon sequestration
and storage)
Decomposition and detoxification, greenhouse gas Bioclimatic functions (for a meso- and Cool and fresh air, favourable micro- and
(GHG) emission/storage/sequestration micro-climate favourable for human well-being) meso-climate for housing and recreation
Geodiversity function Scientific and educational information, spiritual and
historic information
Other services Biodiversity functions (diversity, variation and Happiness, ethical and spiritual principles fulfilled,
representation on the levels genome, species, well-being, adventure, information
population, bioceonosis, biotopes/ecosystem, Pollination of crops
ecosystem complex, concerning structure, Hunting, gathering, fishing
processes, interaction and composition) Drugs and pharmaceutical use
Biological control
Landscape aesthetic/experience function (valuation Aesthetic and educational information
of the function is based on knowledge about Recreation and (eco)tourism
collective preferences) Cultural and artistic inspiration
Spiritual and historic information
Other functions
International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management 157

• The landscape aesthetic/experience function consti- benefiting) or directional (benefits occur only in one direc-
tutes landscape units according to their beauty as tion from source, e.g. downstream). Hein et al. (2006:
perceived by humans. 210, 225) gave an example for addressing the differences
between the spatial scale of ESS generation and institu-
tional scale of stakeholder benefits. As shown by Zaccarelli
Most services mentioned in other classifications (e.g. de et al. (2008), ecological cross-scale effects must be
Groot et al. 2002; MEA 2005; Boyd and Banzhaf 2007; an important aspect of ESS assessments.
Kienast et al. 2009) can be included in the categories in
Table 1, either as information about basic ecosystem pro-
cesses, normative landscape functions or their vulnerability Scales in LP
or as individual benefits. Some ecosystem properties which LP is carried out on different spatial scales which are
are classified as a separate service or function in many ESS determined by political decision tiers and the respective
approaches (e.g. soil protection function, waste treatment spatial boundaries of political influence. Scale matters in
function) are treated in LP only as a property of a land- LP concerning evaluations of the importance of a specific
scape functions. For example, low soil erodibility is not a landscape function as well as the selection of appropri-
value in itself. Depending on the functions of the site, soil ate measures for sustaining the provision of this function.
erodibility may be either a threat to the yields function or The importance of a landscape function depends on its
an important aspect of a pioneer biotope. scarcity/endangerment on different scales (international,
The differentiated categorisation of ESS (in Table 1) is national, regional or local importance). The landscape
relevant for targeted implementation and efficient assign- plan should propose development measures that reflect the
ment of resources (Haber 1971).The need, for example,
Downloaded by [Colmex] at 13:32 31 March 2013

responsibilities and accountability of decision-makers on

for financially supporting environmental protection activi- the respective planning tier (Schedler 1999). Moreover, LP
ties depends on their capitalisation on commercial markets. can point out responsibility discrepancies, if environmen-
Also synergies of measures can be identified in assess- tal impacts of decisions affect areas beyond the territory
ing the importance of an area for multiple landscape where the respective decision-makers are competent and
functions/final services (joint products). responsible (Figure 3).
Transboundary landscape functions and planning mea-
sures (e.g. supra-regional habitat networks, river rehabil-
itation areas or national parks) are treated as planning
Methodological approach: dealing with scale
problems on the respective higher decision tier, which
ESS and scale covers a larger area. In the local landscape plan the land-
Up to now, ESS have been evaluated on large spatial scape functions that have supra-local relevance, such as
scales (e.g. Costanza et al. 1997; Kienast et al. 2009). endangered biotopes, are usually adopted from the regional
Fisher et al. (2009: 650) suggested to consider spatial landscape plan and marked as ‘not available’ for local dis-
relationships between ESS provision and benefit areas cretion. However, the benefits of planning are frequently
which can be identical, omni-directional (surrounding area seen at spatial and temporal scales that are different from

Reasons for deciding on higher political levels:

Impact on higher tier than pressure;
functional areas cross border, cumulative effects of decisions;
species, other landscape functions endangerd on higher scale

Global EU National State Region Local Farm

Globally Nationally Locally endangered


Figure 3. Scale dependence of valuation and accountability for environmentally relevant decisions.
158 C. von Haaren and C. Albert

the actual planning area and timeframe. For example, a (see Heiland 1999; Luz 2000; von Haaren and Warren-
species that is locally abundant may be valuable because it Kretzschmar 2006; Schipper 2010).
is rare and endangered in a global context. Another case in
point is the adaptation of land use to meet climate protec-
tion goals. This may involve restrictions for local farmers
and foresters, but it benefits the global community and Role of monetary valuation and cost benefit analysis
future generations. Monetary valuation in the ESS concept
Monetary valuation has always been an important objective
of the ESS approach which resulted in several method-
ologies (cf. Fisher et al. 2009: 649). Especially on the
Role of public participation
national and supra-national level, the calculations of mon-
ESS and participation etary value seem to have more influence on policymaking
Principle objectives of the ESS approach are to enhance than scientific information or lamentations about the loss of
understanding and to facilitate education (Costanza et al. ecosystem functions. For example, the Stern report (2006)
1997; Daily 1997; MEA 2005; Fisher et al. 2009). Target about the cost of climate change finally stimulated an active
groups are often decision-makers and the public on political discussion after years of fruitless debate among
national and supra-national level. Participation also seems climate researchers. Likewise, the recent synthesis publi-
to be used as a tool for the evaluation of ESS (Daily et al. cation of the study ‘The Economics of Ecosystems and
2000). The influence of participation on political or land Biodiversity’ (2010) that highlighted the potential contri-
use decision-making is not elaborated. butions of ESS for regional development has received wide
Downloaded by [Colmex] at 13:32 31 March 2013

interest among the media, policymakers and stakeholder


LP and participation
In LP, only legitimised (usually elected) representatives
make final planning decisions. However, environmen- Monetary valuation in LP
tal planning contributes information to decision-making. A landscape plan can be used as a basis for monetary
Public participation is needed for gaining additional valuation, for example, to identify areas suitable for pro-
information about local problems and citizen’s prefer- ducing nature conservation goods as well as to calculate
ences. Furthermore, mutual exchange of information and production potentials (cf. Figure 4).
collaboratively addressing an issue provide an opportu- In general, German landscape planners are suspicious
nity to increase the public’s sense of responsibility towards of monetary valuation. The early 1980s saw an exten-
nature and to better adapt goals to local contingencies sive debate about monetary valuation (e.g. Hampicke et al.

Figure 4. Theoretical production potential for nature conservation products, calculated on the basis of the landscape framework plan
International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management 159

1991) that culminated in the confrontation of Kant’s state- Advantages of both accounting systems are that (i) money
ment that pricing something (by that making it exchange- can be spent on a small site in order to establish high
able) and dignity exclude each other (Kant 1785; cf. Radke value function or vice versa and (ii) developers as well
1998) and the antithesis of Frederic Vester (1984) who val- as municipalities have an incentive to look for the least
ued a Bluethroat with 154.09 Euro per year. Thereafter, the vulnerable areas for development (in the landscape plan).
German debate halted. It has been revived only recently The compensation of ecosystems with long development
with the emergence of international ESS research. times and demanding rehabilitation requirements is more
Nonetheless, accounting methods and even monetary expensive.
valuation thrived in a subfield of LP application: The envi- The ultima ratio of the decision cascade is the mon-
ronmental impact regulation (under the Federal Nature etary substitution. However, the practice until now has
Conservation Act 2002 Art. 18 and the Federal Building several difficulties: Prices are mostly politically deter-
Code) requires standardised methods for calculating the mined and they are not calculated using the restoration
need for compensation in individual cases (Rundcrantz and cost approach. In summary, the environmental manage-
Skärbäck 2003; Wende et al. 2005). The application of ment accounting methods have been developed for the
these methods in German planning practice since 1976 local scale whereas the ESS accounting focuses on the
sheds light on the potentials and difficulties of account- supra-regional level.
ing and monetary valuation of ESS. The basic procedure
of the impact regulation is a decision cascade that aims Discussion
to avoid impairments and to determine material compen- Comparing the concepts of LP and ESS assessment reveals
sation for lost functions of the ecosystem (cf. similar limitations and potentials of the LP approach, which are
requirements at the European level, European Council
Downloaded by [Colmex] at 13:32 31 March 2013

summarised in Table 2. As LP and the ESS approach both

(2001, 2004)). seem to expand their applications and methodologies to
In the standard case, the function should be restored new tasks and spatial scales (e.g. Hein et al. 2006), the
to the same area and in the same manner and value two approaches can benefit from merging their respective
(impact: compensation area = 1:1) (Figure 5). The val- strengths.
uation of the landscape functions in LP can be used as LP differs from ESS in definition, classification, the
an information basis for this step. If that is not possible, role of values and human influence on ecosystems, the
for example, because the lost function needs too much scale of decision competencies as well as the integration of
time for restoration, material substitution for the lost func- public participation. Such differences stem primarily from
tions is allowed in a different manner but with the same the early, practical implementation of environmental plan-
value. For this step the principles of planning methodol- ning on local and regional scales. The related potentials and
ogy are abandoned and area is multiplied by value in order limitations of LP in comparison to the ESS approach can
to calculate the area needed for substitution by different be interpreted as follows:
This procedure also allows for implementing eco- (1) Definitions and categories of classification used in
banking and compensation pools. An alternative method environmental planning stress not only that ESS
for calculating the substitution amount, although not wide are (and in Europe even rarely) produced by nat-
spread, is to use the restoration cost as a reference unit ural ecosystems, but that human influence is part
and to calculate the compensation measures accordingly. of the ecosystems as well as the desired services.

Figure 5. Procedure of the intervention regulation according to the German Federal Nature Conservation Act.
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Table 2. Specific limitations and potentials of the landscape planning (LP) approach to ecosystem services (ESS).

Specific approach (and

ESS approach limitations) of LP Potential benefits of merging

Decision, implementation context

Objectives, purposes, Communication, tendency Public environmental planning; Broaden application options, better connection
applications regulation (not case specific or Maintenance, rehabilitation of to governance approaches on different scales,
area specific); ecosystem functions; support of both tendency and detail regulation
C. von Haaren and C. Albert

Illustration of economic approaches;

contributions of ecosystems to Supporting spatial decision-making Support of new planning applications like
Green GDP Influence of summative accounting on different scales
application low; terminology and
classification defined by
traditions in economic and
ecologic sciences

Theoretical basis
Definition, characteristics, Most definitions restricted to Normative character of functions Reflection about underlying values in ecosystem
dealing with normativity, natural ecosystem properties; based on goals and standards set service approach;
human influence, public, Discussion about underlying values by legitimised political decisions Development of ways how to include individual
private goods aspects is not very developed: stressing (usually in legislation); benefits into public planning
of individual values and Identification of limits of local,
stakeholder preferences on the regional decision competencies,
one hand, danger of nature preparation of political
determinism on the other; decisions;
Functions characterised by
Legal framework and political potential, sensitivity and
(representative) system not impairments; human influence
systematically included; may be part of value as well as
Public as well as private goods are impairment of function;
covered Influence of application has been
strong (from the beginning) on
terminology and structure;
Stresses public goods; considers
non-rival goods if these are
sustainably used
Downloaded by [Colmex] at 13:32 31 March 2013

Methodological approach
Methodologies, assessment ESS are measured in physical and In principle LP is restricted to Ecological risk assessment of LP can foster a
proceedings biological terms or by measuring only public services; better integration of recent condition and threats
user-centred proxies (often it covers state, value, sensitivity, into ESS assessment; methodologies and
willingness to pay); potential, impairment by standards of LP can help to better integrate
indicator-based methods spatial and temporal disparities in valuation of
(ecological risk assessment or ESS (needs of future generations and
High complexity arises from the Driving forces, Pressures, supra-local interests)
accounting ecosystem processes States, Impacts and Responses
as well as individual benefits (DPSIR) Model);
Uses legally based valuation
Classification, selection of - Spectrum of services very wide; - Selection of functions: a) only - Reduction of number of services to be
relevant properties distinction between intermediary, non-commercial market, counted and prevention of double counting by
final services and benefits long-term human demands, excluding intermediate services; better
proposed (Fisher et al. 2009) legally legitimised b) preceding differentiating of public and private goods and
ecosystem processes, properties including them for different
are included as preconditions; planning/accounting purposes
- LP includes user-dependent end
benefits very rudimentary, not
systematically, and only as an
information important for
communication or
Spatial concreteness - Intermediate services are/should - Spatially concrete and specified, - Use of LP data as a base for aggregation into
be usually spatially concrete; for different spatial boundaries of non-spatial accounting units
accounting final benefits and different functional
goods are not spatially specified characteristics
International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management
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Table 2. (Continued)

Specific approach (and

ESS approach limitations) of LP Potential benefits of merging
C. von Haaren and C. Albert

Multifunctionality - Joint production - Spatial geographic information - Methods of LP can contribute to

system (GIS) intersection leads to systematically identify potentials for
multifunctional measures, synergies
identification of synergies
Reference, relation to spatial - Mostly on upper political scales, - Mostly on lower political scales - Connecting the ESS approach to
scales (national, international) (local, regional, state) government on regional and local
scale; more accounting in LP
Role and ways of communication
Public participation - Communication usually on high - Communication mostly on local, - Use communication potential of ESS
political decision tiers regional scale; monetary valuation for LP; use
experiences of LP concerning selecting
- Public participation for preparing topics of public participation, multi
decisions; channel communication for ESS on
local, regional level
- High importance of acceptability
of planning objectives
Monetary valuation, cost - Supra-regional scale - Calculation of cost of measures; - Methodological supplementation from
benefit predominant - Methods for impact and ESS: economic monetary valuation
compensation accounting on methods (planning has to prepare data
local, regional scale accordingly)
- Contributions from LP: Assessment
methods, intervention regulation
methods for accounting, monetary
valuation (cost of re-establishment)
International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management 163

This is underpinned by using the term ‘landscape’. illustrated in LP. Respective principles could also
Methods and application focus on the (norma- be applied in ESS-accounting approaches. It is
tive) landscape functions (termed ‘final services’ important that the terminology is understandable
in Fisher et al. (2009)) and not on the individ- for laymen: the term ‘landscape function’ has been
ual benefits. The synopsis of the two approaches successfully used in German LP. However, inter-
reveals that the LP approach deals with the role national ecological research interprets the term
of values in a more transparent way. LP explicitly differently, giving cause for misunderstandings.
acknowledges the influence of values already in (7) Accounting and monetary valuation are more
the selection of ecosystem properties for character- developed in the ESS approach. In LP, gen-
ising ESS. The bases for valuation are normative eral reservations about monetary valuation in the
thresholds and standards set by legislation and impact regulation hinder a wider use. However,
political decisions. This approach may have poten- the potential benefits of monetary valuation
tial for a more transparent valuation of ESS and for communication have not been sufficiently
can also help to avoid nature determinism, assum- explored.
ing that the ESS approach aims at human welfare
(see Termorshuizen and Opdam 2009). The results of the comparison of the two approaches (based
(2) The characterisation of landscape functions is primarily on literature analysis and examples from German
always location-dependent and includes the devel- LP) cannot be generalised without considering specific
opment potential as well as the specific sensitivity limitations. German LP may be one of possible models
of the functions to different types and intensities of for new LP systems in countries which have ratified the
pressure. This procedure has potential for a wider
Downloaded by [Colmex] at 13:32 31 March 2013

European landscape convention (cf. the regional landscape

ESS approach because it provides a place-based plan of Sardinia (Abis 2010)). However, LP represents
implementation, for which pressure factors as well an example of the ‘conservative continental’ welfare and
as potentials have to be addressed. Consequences planning system (Dühr et al. 2010: 378). Spatial plan-
for the classification are that sensitivities (e.g. for ners in Germany as in many European countries are not
soil erosion) are not addressed as separate services. accustomed to viewing their own position within the per-
(3) The LP classification categories can embed a wide spective of the European or global spatial planning struc-
range of ESS and provide orientation for dif- ture as a whole (Dühr et al. 2010: 379). A broader view
ferent implementation strategies. This approach of the use of ESS accounting at higher decision levels
may stimulate the discussion about whether the may support positioning planning projects not only into
pre-normative basic ecosystem components and a broader geographical but also a broader governance
processes should be called services. LP method- context.
ologies that identify and assess normative land-
scape functions could also be used for accounting.
More scientific investigation is needed in order to Conclusion
substantiate these methods. In conclusion, the further development of ESS theory may
(4) LP as a governmental action focuses on pub- benefit from LP’s practical experiences in the assessment
lic goods and excludes many commercial market and application of information on ESS at the local scale.
goods from the accounting. This approach has pros Vice versa, environmental planning may find interesting
and cons, which depend on the application pur- insights in the approaches to economic valuation employed
pose. Integrating the accounting of market goods in the most often regional and (inter-)national approaches
could help LP to choose strategies for commu- to ESS assessments. Up to now LP methodologies seem to
nication and implementation. In turn, practical be better adapted to support ESS assessment on lower gov-
applications of ESS accounting could gain from ernance tiers. Thus they may contribute to a comprehensive
separating public and private goods. This would ESS methodology toolbox, which covers all governance
help to avoid double counting, but also to clarify levels. A number of suggestions can be made for stimu-
public and private interests in stakeholder partici- lating discussions and supporting the further development
pation processes and to choose appropriate imple- of such an integrated approach.
mentation instruments (i.e. when do we need to use With regard to a general ESS theory, the following
legislation or tax money for incentives?). propositions can be made from the perspective of LP:
(5) In comparison to the ESS approach, LP method-
ologies are more focused on small- to medium- • The reference state for valuations should not be
scale management problems. They do not usually the untouched natural world, but rather normative
involve quantitative accounting. However, as land- standards that consider anthropogenic influences.
scape functions are always spatially explicit, the • As the ESS concept is normative and focuses on
step to accounting (in area units) is small. normatively selected properties of the environment,
(6) As for participation, tier-specific competencies ESS definitions in democratic systems need to relate
and limits of participation are clarified and to societal and human demands and decisions about
164 C. von Haaren and C. Albert
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Figure 6. Assignment of implementation strategies to the ecosystem service categories.

values that are determined in legitimised political • better include private interests in the analysis of
processes. implementation conditions,
• Individual benefits should be separated from the soci- • integrate economic consequences in the impact eval-
etal interests and benefits in ESS. In this way, the uation of land use scenarios,
transparency and efficiency of regulation activities • support regulation activities which require aggre-
can be better supported or targeted (Figure 6). gated non-spatially explicit results and
• Spatial depiction of ESS, which environmental plan- • develop a methodological approach for parallel
ning offers, can improve the validity of accounting monetary ‘bookkeeping’, especially in Strategic
results (Urban et al. 2011). Furthermore, the inte- Environmental Assessments (SEA).
gration of methods for assessing human impact may
improve relevance of accounting outcomes for imple-
Until now, some basic questions remain unanswered.
They refer to monetary valuation and how it is communi-
• Considering the discretion level of the planning or
cated to citizens and politicians.
decision tier helps to define the scope of public par-
ticipation. Reflecting about decision competencies
also sheds light on the context of using methods to • How to tackle risks of playing off ESS values against
elicit stakeholder preferences such as ‘willingness to each other and against commercial market values
pay’. These approaches can be used to determine and (weak sustainability)? Especially in local decisions,
legitimise taxes, levies or entrance fees. However, it the pros and cons of monetary valuation have to be
may not be used to assign monetary values to public carefully weighed.
goods in cases where the value for global populations • Will monetary valuation and respective practical
or future generations cannot be determined. pricing of biodiversity and landscape beauty lead
• The choice of methodologies for practical applica- to a depreciation of ESS because people may be
tion of monetary valuation depends on the strategic disenchanted with nature?
objective of the specific decision context, and it
must weigh the advantages and disadvantages of the The bottom line is that a stronger methodological coopera-
methodology. tion among ESS theorists, ecologists, economists and plan-
ning scientists offers promising theoretical and method-
On lower governance tiers where planning is usu- ological potential for all. Furthermore, the application of
ally the predominant tool for considering ESS accounting the ESS concept in communication and practical decision-
of individual benefits and monetary valuation offer the making on all decision tiers holds much potential for
opportunity to improvement.
International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management 165

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