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The 'power' is both a blessing and a curse.

You can't escape it or run away from it.

Destiny/fate has chosen you for reasons that may never be clear to receive the power/gift.

Why me? A constant question and a constant search for the answer by the hero who has the gift.

They often try and deny the power.

You have to keep it secret from the world.

But you have the chance to help, to make a difference, change people's lives for the better, save
them, save their lives, stop people from making the wrong decision. Often at great risk to
yourself and those you love. Sacrifices have to be made. They have to be brave, learn new skills
and attitudes. They are often placed in danger and unfamiliar situations.

At the moment the hero receives the power/gift they are usually at a crossroads in their life,
questioning the point of their lives, who they are, what they want to do, feel directionless or

They are chosen because they have the latent/hidden qualities necessary to save people.

Human stories about forgiveness, closure, redemption, tolerance, understanding, bringing people
together, reuniting people. The hero solves a problem and in doing so learns a little more about
themselves. A bit like detective cases, the hero does not know all the pieces of information at the

The power is given to those who won't abuse it.

The power is limited - often coming and going when you least expect, or want it.

The hero has 'helpers', friends, family or colleagues who know the secret to aid solving people's

Sometimes there is a Guide who knows a little bit more about the power but not everything.
Their function is to reassure, console and confide and empathize with the hero when the power
proves too much to bear.

Often also a sceptic who refuses to believe in the hero's power, but nevertheless can benefit from
it, ie. a cop. Usually someone in authority who can reluctantly become an aid to the hero.
The power is sometimes inherited from a parent or grandparent, handed down from the
generations, and often either revealed at the beginning or much later.

The people being saved usually think the hero is mad/crazy rejecting their help, running away
from them, refusing to believe them, suspicious of their motives - generally making the hero's
quest to save them very difficult.

To complicate the hero's life there is sometimes/often a threat from someone who has an idea
they have a power and want to use it for their own bad purposes, abuse the power for evil, to
aggrandize their lives, or expose the hero to scorn and mockery; journalists, media types, a rival
and enemy.

Powers: can see into the future (but not everything), talk to the dead/ghosts, sense something bad
is going to happen to people. But nothing supernatural or "Woo woo!". And the power can
often be confusing and contradictory, the full picture is never revealed, the hero is only given a
glimpse, a hint, a clue as to what might happen.

Nothing can be too easy. Rules have to be clearly set and defined as to the power. Keep it simple
and don't over complicate so that the power/gift almost seems credible and believable.

The tone of a mystic series can be dark, ironic, light, humorous.

They can solve other people's problems though often not their own or those around them. The
power takes over their lives to a greater or lesser degree depending upon the tone chosen for the

And there is the personal ongoing mystery of the hero - the why me - which if solved may
answer a bigger mystery in their own lives; why did my parents abandon me, why did they
disappear/die, why was my life saved as a child but my sibling/best friend etc died instead etc

You cannot deny your destiny...

Hope this helps.

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