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Comic Character Perspective

Jewel Thief/ Con Artist
Main Characteristics:
Otto West sees himself as an intellectual
and thinks he's a genius
What he really is...
Is an obnoxious psychopathic and paranoid
American who is loud,
stupid and highly dangerous
A narcissistic thug
With a complete lack of self awareness
Otto is an Anglophobe
"You pompous, stuck up, snot nosed, English,
giant twerp, scumbag, fuck face
dickhead, asshole"
"I love robbing the English, they're
so polite"
He is overly proud and defensive of American
military achievements
"We did not lose Vietnam.
It was a tie!"
Otto is a sadist who gets a big kick out of
making fun of other people's ineptitudes
and weaknesses
"Wasting old ladies isn't nice!"
Without realising his own...
Otto believes that Aristotle was Belgian.
That the London Underground is a
subversive political movement
That the central message of Buddhism is
every man for himself
That the Gettysburg Address was where
Abraham Lincoln lived
Otto lies. He suffers from an inferiority
complex about Europeans which causes him to
overcompensate in every possible way. Babbling
in Italian gibberish, reading Nietzsche's
'Beyond Good And Evil' and completely
misunderstanding the message
Otto is insanely jealous
He loves the smell of his arm pits
He is very good at killing, torturing and
intimidating people
But the one thing Otto can never tolerate
is being called stupid
"Otto... To call you stupid would be an
insult to stupid people. I've known sheep
that could outwit you. I've worn dresses
with higher IQ's"
Otto is a complex character and also a clear
character at the same time. He could be a totally
loathsome individual but his saving grace is that
he is unwittingly FUNNY as hell
He is energetic, engaging and almost a genius...
A great comic character

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