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We will see what are the allegations against NMC?

(i) Insufficient disclosure of related-party transactions

(ii) Manipulation of the balance sheet by understating debt and overstating cash

(iii) Inflated asset purchases

(iv) NMC’s $107 million redevelopment of NMC Royal Women’s Hospital in Abu

Dhabi “contains numerous red flags,”

(v) NMC also appears to have paid too much for a stake in Premier Care Home

Medical and Health Care based in Abu dhabi,

are some of Muddy Water’s most serious allegations.

NMC said that the report was “false and misleading.” The company approached U.K.’s

Financial Conduct Authority stating that a number of hedge funds acted together to bring

down their share price.

But the damage had already happened for the Company. The share price fall drastically. As

seen from the Share Price movement chart, share price, which was at its peak during

November 2019, made steep decline from December 2019, when the allegation by Muddy

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