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Creswell, 2003

Research Approaches Research Designs Research Techniques

-a plan and procedure that -a framework of methods and -the key factors deciding the
consists of steps of broad techniques to combine various methodological rationale of the
assumptions of detailed method components of research by research subsequent analysis.
of data collection. researchers.

Qualitative Quantitative Mixed Experiment Narrative Mixed Rating Field Closed-ended Open-ended
-focuses on -produces -collects and for for Method Behavior Observation Measures Measures
individual numerical integrates Quantitative Qualitative -methodology -study of -a -are those -are those
meaning. data. both -a true science -collecting for conducting many correlationa which can can require
-uses open- -uses qualitative and also uses and telling a research that variables l research in be more than
ended statistical and traditional story in involves that the which answered simple one
questions. analysis and quantitative mathematical detail about collecting, impact researcher by simple word.
close-ended data. and statistical the research. analyzing and the observes yes or no
questions. -provide means to integrating formation ongoing questions.
comprehen- measure qualitative and of one’s behavior.
sive analysis. results. quantitative habits.

-are based research
which brings out the
surface, gathering
more areas for
qualitative and
quantitative research.
Case Study Grounded Theory Sequential Concurrent Concurrent
-in depth -inductive -allows -quantitative -provides philosophical
study of methodology theoretical and framework that focuses
particular that provides perspective qualitative on ethics in terms of
situation. systematic of researcher data are cultural responsiveness,
guidelines for to guide the collected associate power
gathering, study and concurrently. differences and
analyzing and determine developing mixed
synthesizing data. order of data methods.

Source: Submitted by: Alaiza P. Candelansa BSED-English 1B

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