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leave – left (irregular)
go – went (irregular)
walk – walked (regular)
want – wanted (regular)
take – took (irregular)
do – did (irregular)
arrive – arrived (regular)
decide – decided (regular)
become – became (irregular)
think – thought (irregular)
explain – explained (regular)
begin – began (irregular)
meet – met (irregular)
end – ended (regular)

Ed Stafford became the first man in history to walk the length
of the Amazon River from the source to the sea.


Ed Stafford became the first man in history to walk the length

of the Amazon River from the source to the sea.He walked for
860 days.The journey began in April 2008 when Ed left the
town of Camana on the Pacific coast of Peru.It ended in
August 2010 when he arrived in Maruda,on the Atlantic coast
of Brazil.He went through three countries,Peru,Colombia, and
Brazil.The journey took nearly two and a half years.I did it
for the adventure,says Ed.


1.How far did Ed walk?

- He walked six thousand miles.
2.When did the journey begin?
-It began in April 2008.
3.Where did the journey end?
-It ended in Maruda,on the Atlantic coast of Brazil.
4.Which countries did he go through?
-He went through Peru,Colombia, and Brazil.
5.How long did the journey take?
-It took nearly two and a half years.
6.Why did he do it?
-He did it for the adventure.

Page 23


Cho is a forestry worker from Peru.He was Ed’s companion

and guide on the Amazon walk.

1.Cho was working in the forest when he met Ed.
2.They were walking in a dangerous part of the fores when
they saw a hostile tribe.
3.The tribe didn’t understand what Ed was doing there.


1.What was Cho doing when he met Ed?

-He was working in the forest.
2.Where were they walking when they saw the tribe?
-They were walking in a very dangerous part of the forest.
3.Why did the tribe think Ed was crazy?
-Because he was walking the Amazon for an adventure.

Grammar spot

1.Ed walk the Amazon.He begin his journey in 2008.

2.When did the journey begin?
They didn’t finish the journey until 2010.


12 July – The day I nearly died

Today was walking next to the river when I nearly stood on a
snake.I stopped immediately.The snake’s fangs were going in
and out.I was terrified.I didn’t move.One bite and you’re dead
in 3 hours.

10 September – Knives and guns!

Early this morning we were crossing the river by boat when
we saw five canoes.The tribesmen were carrying knives and
guns.They were angry because we didn’t have permission to
be on their land.We left as fast we could.

24 November – The jungle at night

I was lying in my hammock last night trying to sleep,but it
was impossible because the noise of the jungle was so
loud.Monkeys were screaming in the trees, and millions of
mosquitos were buzzing round my head.I took a sleeping pill
and finally fell asleep at 3.00 a.m.

Page 24


/ d / - stayed,played,phoned,answered
/ t / - stopped,worked,laughed,looked
/ id / - decided,studied,wanted,mended


-In the first sentence,she started making coffee before they

arrived and the making of the coffee was still in progress
when they arrived.
In the second sentence,she made coffee after they
arrived,possibly as a result of their arrival.
-In the first sentence,the person read the whole book,from
start to finish.
In the second sentence,the person was reading for a period of
time in bed but didn’t read the whole book.


1.I saw a good film yesterday.

2.While I was shopping this morning,i lost my wallet.
3.The police stopped me on the motorway,because I was
driving at 90 miles an hour.
4.What were you doing when you saw the accident?
I was walking down the street.
5.What did you do when you saw the accident?
I called the police.
6.How did you break your leg?
I was skiing and I hit a tree.
7.I cut my finger while I was cooking.
8.Did you have a good holiday?


At 10:00 last Sunday morning

- I was having a lie-in
- I was shopping online
- I was lying in a hammock
Page 25


Fashion and no I don’t listen to the radio.


terrorists – an explosion
Picasso – a crime
half-time – a football match
injured – an explosion
thieves – a crime
cancer – a death
higher play – a strike
closed – a strike
guard – a crime
goals – a football match
beat – a football match
ex-wife – a death
theft – a crime
protesting – a strike


1.Who planted the bomb?

2.What/Which paintings did they steal?
3.Why are they on strike?
4.How many times was he married?
5.What was the score?

Page 26

The flight attendant had a problem with a female passenger.


Text 1
1.It happened at JFK Airport on JetBlue flight from
2.She tried to take her luggage from an overhead locker.
3.He asked her to sit down.
4.She hit him on the head with her bag.He lost his temper.He
went to the front of the cabin and gave an angry message over
the PA system.He announced he was going to leave his job.
5.He left the plane on the emergency chute.

Text 2
1.They thought he was a hero.
2.They went on Facebook and left messages to say they
admired him.
3.They said they would like to leave their job,too.
4.They said Slater had done what they wanted to do.

Text 3
1.He was amazed by the public sympathy he received and he
appreciated the support.
2.Millions of people sent him messages.People called him
hero and produced T-shirts with the words ‘Free Steven
3.He was leaving a police station.

Text 4
1.He’s called a folk hero.
2.Steven Slater was relaxing on the beach,drinking beer,and
enjoying his fame.He was wearing a grey T-shirt,white
shorts,and a baseball cap shile he was talking to his fans.His
supporters shouted nice messages to him.He sat down,took of
his shirt, and put on his sunglasses.

Text 5
1.He could have his own reality TV programme.
2.The programme will show unhappy workers how to leave
their job.

Page 28




1. drive – carefully
2. love – passionately
3. speak – fluently
4. rain – heavily
5. wait – patiently
6. fight – bravely


fast train – adjective

drive fast – adverb
work hard/play hard – adverb
hard worker – adjective
got up late – adverb
had a late breakfast – adjective


1.Play a game well and win.

2.Play a game badly and lose.
3.Explain the rules clearly/slowly/perfectly.
4.Shut the door quietly/slowly/completely.
5.Forget something completely.
6.Get out of bed slowly/quietly.
7.Play the piano well/quietly/perfectly/badly/slowly/easily.
8.Pass an exam easily.
9.Answer the question clearly/honestly/well/badly/easily.


1.She speak English very well.

2.He started a new job last week.
3.Please read the instructions carefully.
4.Do you still work for the same company?
5.I can never remember her name.
6.We had a holiday in Spain last year.


1.My grandma is nearly 75,and she still goes swimming

2.Do you really love me?Of course I do.I will always love
3.I was just relaxing with a really good book when someone
knocked loudly on the door.
4.My sister is only three,but she can already read and she can
5.First break the eggs into a bowl with some milk and
butter.Then heat it gently.When it is ready,serve the
scrambled eggs immediately with toast.
6.Almost all my friends,have a mobile phone.They’re on
Facebook as well.Even my dad’s on Facebook.

Page 29


1.What’s the date today?

-April the seven.
2.When’s your birthday?
-October the eight.
3.What’s your date of birth?
4.What year were you born?


the third of February – February the third

the sixth of April – April the sixth
the twelfth of July – July the twelfth
the twenty-fifth of December – December the twenty-fifth
the first of May – May the first
the sixteenth of August – August the sixteenth
the thirteenth of January – January the thirteenth
the thirty-first of October – October the thirty-first


two thousand and twelve/twenty twelve

two thousand and two
two thousand and fifteen/twenty fifteen
two thousand and ten/twenty ten
nineteen eight
nineteen sixty-nine
nineteen ninety-four
eighteen forty-eight

1 January – New Year’s Day

3 March – Liberation Day
1 May International Worker’s Day
6 May Saint George’s Day
24 May Bulgarian Education and Culture and Slavonic
Literature Day
6 September Unification Day
22 September Independence Day
24 December Christmas Eve
25 & 26 December Christmas Day


3 October – it’s my mom birthday


at six o’clock
in 2004
- last night
at the weekend
in the evening
on January 18
in the 1960s
- the other day
on Saturday
on Monday morning
in April
-yesterday evening
in summer
-two weeks ago
-this morning
at midnight

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