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Thermal Analysis User

Information for Users

Dear Customer, Contents 1/2007

We are very pleased to receive more and more articles from you for publication in UserCom. Thanks to new
techniques and better performance, thermal analysis is being used in an ever-increasing number of scien- TA Tip
tific fields. Hyphenated techniques such as evolved gas analysis, microscopy and chemiluminescence yield - Choosing the right baseline 1
much more information about samples and very often greatly simplify the interpretation of measurement Applications
results. - Determination of the Noack
We think this issue of UserCom will once again give you ideas for applications in new and interesting areas evaporation loss of lubricants
using the multitude of techniques now available. by TGA 7
- The characterization of poly-
morphs by thermal analysis 9
- Analysis of melting processes
using TOPEM® 13

Choosing the right baseline - Characterization of delivery

systems by thermogravimetry 18
Tips and hints
Dr. Rudolf Riesen
- Detection and evaluation of
weak sample effects in DSC 21
Choosing the correct baseline is crucial for the determination of the enthalpy of a transi-
tion or a reaction. The baseline represents the DSC curve that would be measured if no - Exhibitions 23
transition or reaction occurred. The examples described in this article illustrate how to - Courses and Seminars 23
choose the right baseline for a particular evaluation.

In thermal analysis, baselines are mostly used in connection with the integration of peaks. The peak area
is determined by integrating the area between the measurement curve and a virtual or true baseline. In
the same way, the peak temperature is defined as the point on the curve where the distance to the baseline
is greatest. Extrapolated baselines are important for the determination of glass transition temperatures
and the onset temperatures of effects. In Sample blank: A curve that is obtained be calculated according to physical data
the literature and in standards, the term from a “fully converted” sample. This or even measured.
“baseline” is sometimes defined differ- is usually the second heating run of the
ently, or different terms are used for the same sample under the same conditions. Factors influencing the base-
same thing. The terms most frequently The effect measured in the first heating line
TA Tip

encountered have therefore been sum- run no longer appears. The influence of measurement condi-
marized together with some brief com- tions on the DSC curve and the baseline
ments. A number of application examples Baseline (also sample baseline [2]): should always be taken into account
are then discussed to illustrate the rules Part of the curve that does not exhibit when interpreting curves and evaluating
governing the choice of baselines and any transitions or reactions. numerical data. Furthermore, the course
that show which type of baseline should This is an isothermal baseline if the of the blank curve and its reproducibility
be used for the optimum evaluation of a temperature is held constant. A dynamic should be known.
particular DSC curve. baseline is obtained when the tempera- Possible important parameters that can
ture is changed through heating or cool- change during a transition are [1]:
Terminology ing. 1. Mass, shape and structure of the
The terms used in thermal analysis are The baseline depends on the heat capac- sample, e.g. powder or film;
summarized and explained in various ity of the sample (with an empty refer- 2. Thermal conductivity and contact
standards. ence crucible) and the blank curve. of the sample with the bottom of the
However, since the definitions are not al- Comment: In practice, the term is also crucible, e.g. a powder liquefies during
ways the same, the terms used have been used to mean the virtual baseline used melting;
summarized below for the discussion of for integration. 3. Heat transfer from the crucible to the
baselines that follows. Further definitions sensor, e.g. deformation of the cruci-
can be found in the book by Höhne [1] as Virtual baseline [2]: An imaginary ble due to an increase in the internal
well as in the standards mentioned (ISO line in the region of a reaction or tran- pressure or through products escaping
[2], DIN [3], ASTM [4, 5]). The preferred sition that the DSC curve would show if from the crucible;
terms are highlighted, but other terms no reaction or transition enthalpy were 4. Heating rate, e.g. when it changes
are also included. produced. from dynamic to isothermal;
Interpolated baseline [1]: This is a line 5. Thermal history of the sample and
Blank, blank curve, zero line [3], in- that joins the measured curve before and measuring system.
strument baseline [2]: A thermal analysis after the peak.
curve measured under the same condi- Extrapolated baseline: This is a line that If it is difficult to choose the baseline, it
tions as the sample but without the sam- extends the measured curve before or af- often helps to examine the sample and
ple; the mass of the crucibles used must ter the thermal effect. crucible after measurement with regard
be the same. Blank curves are essential The types of virtual baselines normally to the above points.
for specific heat capacity determinations. used are explained in the applications.
Comment: In some cases, the zero line Principles for constructing
[1] is also understood as a curve meas- True baseline: In the region of the virtual baselines
ured without the sample or crucibles. transition or reaction, the baseline can The basic principle for constructing a
virtual baseline can be summarized as
Figure 1.
Drawing interpo-
lated DSC baselines The interpolated baseline for the de-
(the endothermic termination of the transition enthalpy
direction is upward).
or the reaction enthalpy leaves the DSC
curve tangentially before the thermal
effect and joins the curve again tangen-
tially after the effect.
A good example to illustrate this is the
take-off and landing of an aircraft. In
special cases there are some exceptions
to this that will be described in the ex-
amples. Figure 1 shows how these princi-
ples are applied.

a) 1 nonsensical; 2 good (Line),

b) 1 unsatisfactory (horizontal straight
line); 2 good (integral baseline, pos-
sibly Spline),

2 METTLER TOLEDO UserCom 1/2007

c) good (Integral tangential, or pos- another can have different shapes and be • The mass of the sample changes dur-
sibly Spline), displayed as a straight line or as a sig- ing the transition.
d) melting with exothermic decomposi- moidal curve (S-shaped function). The
tion, 1 good (straight line to the point type of interpolated baseline chosen de- The STARe software provides several dif-
of intersection with the DSC curve); pends mostly on the physical conditions ferent types of baseline to accommodate
2 rather arbitrary because the DSC or chemical changes involved, for exam- the changes shown by the DSC curve dur-
curve is the sum of simultaneously ple: ing a transition.
occurring processes, • The specific heat capacity of the
e) two overlapping peaks, e.g. eutectic sample, cp, hardly changes during the Table 1 describes the baselines and their
and melting peak of the main com- transition or it changes linearly with typical applications.
ponent, 1 good for the total integral, temperature.
2 good for the integration of the first • The transition is accompanied by a The extrapolated virtual baselines are
peak (peak interpreted as sitting on significant change in the heat capacity the tangents to the measured curve at the
the main peak, Spline). • The heat transfer to the sample evaluation limits, just as they are used
The transition line from one tangent to changes during the transition. for interpolation with the baselines. Typi-

Table 1.
Baseline type Description Typical DSC application
List of virtual
Line This is a straight line that joins two evaluation Reactions, without abrupt cp changes, that baseline types for
limits on the measured curve. exhibit a constant cp increase or a constant cp. integration.
This baseline is the default setting.
Tangential left This is the extension of the tangent to the Integration of a melting peak on a measured
measured curve at the left evaluation limit. curve with subsequent decomposition of a
Tangential right This is the extension of the tangent to the Melting of semicrystalline plastics with signifi-
measured curve at the right evaluation limit. cant cp temperature function below the melting
Horizontal left This is the horizontal line through the point of Peak integration when substances decompose.
intersection of the measured curve with the left
Horizontal right This is the horizontal line through the point of Isothermal reactions, DSC purity determination.
intersection of the measured curve with the
right limit.
Spline The Spline baseline is the curve obtained using With overlapping effects.
a flexible ruler to manually interpolate between
two given points (known as a Bezier curve).
It is determined as a 2nd order polynomial
through the tangents at the evaluation limits.
This bow-shaped or S-shaped baseline is
based on the tangents left and right.
Integral tangential Starting with a trial baseline, the integral base- Samples with different cp temperature functions
line is calculated using an iterative process. before and after the effect. The Line baseline
The conversion calculated from the integration would possibly cross the DSC curve and lead
between the evaluation limits on the measured to large integration errors depending on the
curve is normalized. Like the Spline curve, this limits chosen.
bow-shaped or S-shaped baseline is based on
the tangents left and right.
Integral horizontal This baseline is calculated using an iterative Samples whose heat capacity changes mark-
process like the Integral tangential baseline. edly, e.g. through vaporization and decompo-
This S-shaped baseline always begins and sition. The Line baseline would possibly cross
ends horizontally. the DSC curve and lead to large integration
errors depending on the limits chosen.
Zero line This is the horizontal line that intersects the Determination of transition enthalpies including
ordinate at the zero point. It requires a blank sensible heat.
curve subtraction.
Polygon line The baseline can be determined through a In special cases.
curved line or a straight line from individually
chosen points.
The polygon line is then first subtracted from
the measured curve and the resulting peak in-
tegrated using a straight baseline.

METTLER TOLEDO UserCom 1/2007 

cal applications of extrapolated baselines ing practical examples. Figure 2 shows ally to the amount vaporized. At the
are for the determination of the: the most frequently used virtual base- end of the measurement the crucible
• glass transition temperature lines: is empty and the DSC signal is practi-
• extrapolated onset temperature (also a) Spline: This is used to determine the cally 0 mW.
as first deviation from the measured reaction enthalpy of a postcuring reac- d) Line: The DSC curve shows a glass
TA Tip

curve) tion that is overlapped by the begin- transition of the amorphous part of
• step height. ning of decomposition. the polyethylene terephthalate (PET)
b) Horizontal right: Isothermal cur- followed by cold crystallization and
In all evaluations in which extrapolated ing of an epoxy resin at 140 °C. When melting of the crystallites. The straight
tangents are used, one must make sure the reaction has finished the DSC baseline is the virtual extension of the
that artifacts on the measured curve or curve is horizontal. The baseline can DSC curve after the glass transition to
signal noise do not interfere with the de- be drawn horizontally through the last the curve after the melting and shows
termination of the slope of the tangent. measured points. the trend of the curve without crystal-
This would result in the tangents being c) Integral horizontal: The DSC curve lization and melting. The integral of
in the wrong place. of 1.162 mg water, which on heating the two effects yields 22.8 J/g as the
evaporates through a 50-µm hole in difference between the exothermic and
Application examples the crucible lid. The loss of mass endothermic processes. This means
The different types of baseline presented causes a change in the sample heat that crystallites were already present
in Figure 1 are illustrated in the follow- capacity, which is reduced proportion- at the beginning of the measurement.
In relation to the melting enthalpy of
Figure 2. 100% crystalline PET, this shows that
Examples of fre-
quently used types the degree of crystallization of the
of baseline. sample was initially about 16% and
was therefore not fully amorphous.

Figure 3 discusses how to draw the interpo-

lated baseline if the baselines before and
after the peak are at different levels, for
example because the specific heat capac-
ities of ice (2.1 J/gK) and water (4.2 J/gK)
are very different. The figure shows four
identical curves of the same part of
the DSC melting peak of 1.87 mg water
measured at 5 K/min (melting enthalpy
333 J/g). Each curve has a different base-
line type.
1) The Horizontal left baseline does
not take the change in heat capacity in
Figure 3. the evaluation range into account and
Example for the yields a peak area that is too large.
change of the heat 2) The Line baseline is clearly unfa-
capacity during the
transition ice/water. vorable and contradicts the basic
principles (no tangents, it crosses the
DSC curve). In reality, the change in
heat capacity is of course not linear
with temperature between the evalua-
tion limits as the dotted line wrongly
3) The Spline baseline is somewhat bet-
ter, but also crosses the DSC curve.
4) In this case, the Integral horizontal
baseline is optimal. It draws the
baseline proportional to the peak area
from the level before the peak to the
level after the peak and so takes into
account the change in heat capacity.

4 METTLER TOLEDO UserCom 1/2007

In the first three cases, the result of the Figure 4.
Example showing
integration can be improved by choos- a special baseline
ing better limits, but even so, the virtual (Polygon using just
baselines do not correspond to the physi- two points, X) to
determine the post-
cal facts. curing reaction. The
Zero line baseline
Overlapping thermal effects are usually was used to inte-
grate the peaks in
the most difficult with regard to choosing curve 4.
a realistic virtual baseline.

Figure 4 shows how a second heating run

of the reacted sample helps to locate the
exact position of the baseline. An epoxy
resin was partially cured at 100 °C for
80 min, causing the material to vitrify
[6]. The DSC curves shown in Figure 4
were then measured at 5 K/min. The
postcuring reaction begins at the glass
transition (curve 1). Curve 2 shows the
Figure 5.
DSC second measurement of the same, Curve interpretation
fully cured, sample. The straight line 3 and the choice of
(dotted) describes the course of the DSC integration limits
and baselines.
curve after complete curing above the
glass transition. It therefore represents
the baseline for the integration and
serves as a tangent for the determination
of the glass transition temperature. It
can be assumed that the behavior of the
heat capacity above the glass transition
during postcuring is about the same as
that of the fully cured sample.

The postcuring enthalpy is determined

as follows: The dotted line (curve 3) is
subtracted from curve 1 yielding curve 4.
The peak in this curve is integrated using
the Zero line baseline type within the
limits shown. Separation of the partially line) would assume that the specific heat c) Glass transition temperature of poly-
overlapping peaks could also be achieved capacity decreases, which is not the case styrene determined as the midpoint
using temperature-modulated DSC. here. The Line and Spline baselines according to how the tangents are
yield enthalpy values that are 5% too low. constructed (depends on the particu-
The purpose of the example in Figure 5 Only the Integral tangential baseline lar standard).
is to show how important correct inter- from −37 °C gives the correct value that d) At the glass transition, the specific
pretation of the DSC curve is. The choice can be used for a consistent quantitative heat capacity, cp, increases leading to
of the integration limits and the baseline evaluation. a step in the cp curve. The step height
type should be good enough to obtain re- is characteristic of the amorphous
sults that provide consistent information Although one thinks mostly about inter- content of the sample.
for further investigations. polated baselines, extrapolated baselines
are in fact just as important. Conclusions
Figure 5 shows the DSC curve of a 40% This is shown in the examples in Fig- Whenever possible, physical changes must
solution of sucrose in water measured ure 6: be taken into account when choosing the
at 5 K/min after slow cooling. The glass a) Oxidation induction time (OIT) of a optimum baseline for an integration or
transition occurs at about −45 °C and mineral oil, measured at 180 °C at an onset determination.
the ice that had crystallized out melts in oxygen pressure of 3.5 MPa.
the sucrose solution in the range −37 °C b) Melting point of benzoic acid deter- Since jumps in heat capacity rarely oc-
to 0 °C. Integration from −29 °C (dotted mined as the extrapolated onset. cur, a virtual baseline should be con-

METTLER TOLEDO UserCom 1/2007 5

TA Tip

Figure 6.
Examples of extrap-
olated baselines.

structed that is smooth and free from any Literature

irregularities or discontinuities. [1] G. W. H. Höhne, W. Hemminger and
H.-J. Flammersheim: Differential
The correct choice of baseline assumes Scanning Calorimetry, Springer Ver-
that the curve has been properly and lag, 1996. Chapter “The DSC Curve”
consistently interpreted [7]. Furthermore, [2] ISO 11357-1 (1997) Plastics – DSC.
General principles
the integration limits must be carefully [3] DIN 51005 Thermal analysis; Terms
chosen depending on the information [4] ASTM E473 Standard Terminology
required. Relating to Thermal Analysis and
[5] ASTM E 2161 Standard Terminology
The rules and types of baseline discussed Relating to Performance Validation in
Thermal Analysis
here using DSC measurements as exam-
ples can be applied to other TA measure- UserCom 14, 17
ment techniques, e.g. for the integration [7] METTLER TOLEDO UserCom with
articles on curve interpretation:
of peaks from SDTA, DTG analyses and DSC, UserComs 11 and 12;
other mathematically derived measure- TGA, UserCom 13
ment curves.

6 METTLER TOLEDO UserCom 1/2007

Determination of the Noack evaporation loss of
lubricants by TGA

Dr. Rudolf Riesen

Abstract tion due to viscosity changes (thicken- the TGA curve is recorded. The Noack
For quality and environmental reasons, ing). The classification is provided by evaporation loss is the loss in mass up to
lubricants for engines and other applica- organizations such as ILSAC, API or SAE the Noack reference time.
tions must only exhibit a low evaporation (see the table of acronyms). This time is determined beforehand
rate. The loss of volatile components from under the same experimental condi-
an oil increases its viscosity and leads to One of the commonly used specifications tions with a Noack reference oil. In this
increased oil consumption, coking and is the evaporation loss. The low molecular method, it is important that the sample
wear. The Noack method is a widely used mass constituents of an engine oil, which temperature quickly rises to a value be-
standard test method for measuring the consists of fractions of different hydro- tween 247 and 249 °C but does not over-
evaporation loss from lubricating oils. carbons with different chain lengths and shoot. To simulate the traditional Noack
According to the ILSAC GF-3 and API-SL molecular masses, can evaporate under method, a sample is usually heated to
specifications the evaporation loss must increased thermal stress. This usually 220 °C at 100 K/min and then to 249 °C
not be greater than 15%. leads to an increase in the viscosity of the at 10 K/min. The sample mass (m s) to
lubricant. At the same time, the solubil- be used is determined from the internal
The ASTM standard test method D6375 ity of the additives in the base oil is af- diameter of the crucible (d) using the fol-
for the determination of the evapora- fected. lowing equation:
tion loss of lubricating oils by the Noack
method [1] uses thermogravimetric anal- The evaporation is important for all lubri- ms = 350d3
ysis, TGA. This method yields the same cant groups (e.g. also for synthetic oils) if
results as other standard test methods they are used at higher temperatures. For where d is in cm and ms in mg.
(e.g. ASTM D5800 [2], DIN 51581-1 [3], example with engine oils, evaporation
JPI-5S-41-93 [4]). losses can occur through high tempera- Performing a Noack test
This article describes how the Noack tures at the piston rings and elsewhere. The Noack evaporation test (also referred
evaporation loss is determined in com- These losses lead to undesirable oil thick- to as Noack volatility) was performed
parison to a reference oil sample using ening and increased oil consumption. under the following conditions using a
The Noack evaporation loss • Crucible: 100 µL aluminum without
Introduction test according to ASTM D6375 lid (internal diameter 0.56 cm)
The increase in the usable lifetime of The Noack test to quantitatively deter- • Sample mass: 61 ± 3 mg
lubricants coupled with faster oil circu- mine the evaporation loss of oils under • Purge and protective gas:
lation rates, longer oil change intervals standard conditions was introduced many total 80 mL/min air
and lower lubricant consumption means years ago. For example, the DIN 51581 • Noack reference oil: W4520001 with
that lubricants are subjected to greater [3] test method measures the evaporation 10.93% mass loss up to the Noack
stress. Higher temperatures coupled with loss over a period of one hour at 250 °C time; supplier: Walter Herzog GmbH
smaller oil volumes and higher perform- under vacuum (2 mbar). • Temperature program: 50 to 220 °C
ance lead to a constant increase in the at 100 K/min, followed by heating to
demands placed on the performance and The ASTM D6375 standard thermogravi- 249 °C at 10 K/min and isothermal
quality of the lubricants. To ensure that metric test method was developed [5] to at 249 °C. To achieve the above condi-
the lubricants are properly used, they combine the advantages of the gas chro- tion, the tlag parameter for this cruci-
must be properly specified and classified. matographic method [6] with the real- ble was adjusted to zero.
istic conditions of the traditional Noack
The specifications describe the physical test. The method is quicker and more The sample (test oil) used was a synthetic
properties of engine oils such as the vis- reliable than both and can be performed 5W40 engine oil.
cosity, evaporation loss and shear stabil- with less sample material.
ity. Performance behavior is also tested Figure 1 shows the TGA curve (black
in engine tests. This includes wear pro- According to the ASTM D6375 method, a line) of the reference oil. The Noack ref-
tection and cleanliness as well as the sample is heated rapidly in a crucible to erence time is 17.56 min; this is the time
influence on fuel consumption and the 249 °C and held isothermally for 30 min at which the certified loss of 10.93% is
changes in the engine oil during opera- at this temperature during which time reached (see the black arrows). The TGA

METTLER TOLEDO UserCom 1/2007 

curve of the sample is shown as the red uid and additives) that have been opti- Literature
curve. After 17.56 min the loss is read off mized for the different tasks, for example [1] ASTM D6375 Standard Test Method
for Evaporation Loss of Lubricating
as 7.80% (see red arrows): the synthetic with low evaporation losses, Oils by Thermogravimetric Analyzer
5W40 engine oil thus has a Noack evapo- • save energy (TGA) Noack Method.
[2] ASTM D-5800 Test Method for Evapo-
ration loss of 7.8%. This is often given • reduce service intervals

ration Loss of Lubricating Oils by the

in the oil specification simply as NOACK • minimize wear Noack Method.
7.8%. • increase engine service life [3] DIN 51581-1, 2003-02 Determination
of the evaporative loss of petroleum
• increase oil change intervals (life- products by the Noack method – Part
According to ASTM D6375, the repeat- time) 1 (original in German).
ability with 8% loss is about 1% for two and result in considerable economi- [4] JPI-5S-41-93 Determination of Evap-
oration Loss of Engine Oils (Noack
determinations by the same laboratory, cal savings. The determination of the Method).
and the reproducibility is about 1.4% for evaporation loss by thermogravimetry [5] E. F. de Paz, C. B. Sneyd – The Ther-
two determinations by different labora- is therefore an important step in the mogravimetric Noack Test: a Precise,
Safe and Fast Method for Measuring
tories. qualification of lubricant. The METTLER Lubricant Volatility, Subjects in Engine
According to ASTM D6375, the TGA fur- TOLEDO TGA system with sample robot Oil Rheology and Tribology, SP1209,
nace must be regularly heated out. The and automated evaluation provides high International Fall Fuel and Lubricants
Meeting, San Antonio 1996, available
method recommends that this is done sample throughput and rapid pass/fail also as SAE Technical Papers, Docu-
after about ten determinations. The fur- assessment of the oil in question. ment Number: 962035.
nace should be heated to 1000 °C with- [6] DIN 51581-2, 1997-05 Determination
of the evaporation loss of petroleum
out a crucible and held isothermally at products by gas chromatography –
this temperature for about 5 min. The air Part 2 (original in German).
API: American Petroleum Institute
gas flow is left at about 80 mL/min.
ASTM: ASTM International, originally
known as the American Society
for Testing and Materials
Over the past years, the demands placed
DIN: Deutsches Institut für Normung
on lubricants in many application areas
(German Institute for Stand-
have changed significantly. Thermal oxi-
dation stability, low tendency to evaporate
ILSAC: International Lubricant Stand-
and their influence on our natural and
ardization and Approval
working environments have become very
important. The innovative development
JPI: Petroleum Association of Japan
of modern lubricants and their proper
SAE: SAE International, Society of
application have far-reaching economi-
Automotive Engineers
cal consequences. Lubricants (base liq-

Figure 1.
Determination of the
evaporation loss
(Noack volatility)
from a synthetic
engine oil using
the TGA Noack test
Black continuous
curve: reference
oil; red curve: syn-
thetic 5W40 engine
oil; black dashed
curve: sample tem-

8 METTLER TOLEDO UserCom 1/2007

The characterization of polymorphs by thermal
Saikat Roy, Bipul Sarma und Ashwini Nangia, School of Chemistry, University of Hyderabad, India
Dr. Matthias Wagner, Dr. Rudolf Riesen

TGA-FTIR was used to characterize Figure 2 (a).

and distinguish between different poly- TGA (above) and
DSC (below) of
morphs. If two polymorphic forms of VenHCl Form 1 and
a solid are present, whereby one form Form 2.
melts and the other sublimes or vapor- Note the mass loss
that accompanies
izes at about the same temperature, then sublimation.
evolved gas analysis can be used to ob-
tain quantitative (mass loss) and quali-
tative (spectral) data to analyze such sol-
ids. The two pharmaceutically important
compounds shown in Figure 1, the active
pharmaceutical ingredient (API) venla-
faxine hydrochloride (Structure 1) and
the well-known host material 1,1-bis(4-
hydroxyphenyl)cyclohexane (Structure
2), were analyzed by DSC, TGA, hot-stage
microscopy (HSM) and TGA-FTIR to
study the phase transitions that occur on
A substance is said to exhibit polymor- 204 °C, phase from the melt) and Form 4 gaseous products formed in the TGA were
phism if it can exist in two or more (219-220 °C, hydrate/alcoholate). A new passed through a heated transfer line to
crystal lattice forms. These are called amorphous, transient, glassy (semisolid) the FTIR spectrometer and FTIR spectra
polymorphs and have different physical phase (Form 5) was isolated by sublima- continuously recorded. The TGA-FTIR
properties [1]. tion under vacuum during the course of spectra of the vaporized VenHCl Forms 1
our thermal studies on this API [2]. and 2 were identical and the main peaks
matched the peaks in the solid state FTIR
TGA, TGA-FTIR and DSC measure- spectrum of VenHCl. This meant that
ments VenHCl vapor is evolved from both forms
The TGA curves of the marketed drug after the phase change between 214 and
Figure 1. Forms 1 and 2 showed complete loss
Figure 2 (b).
Venlafaxine ((±)-1-[2(dimethylamino)-1- of mass between 220 and 260 °C (Fig- FTIR spectra of the
(4-methoxyphenyl)ethyl]cyclohexanol ure 2a). We interpreted the mass loss as vapor from Forms 1
hydrochloride (Structure 1)) and (black) and 2 (red).
1,1-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)cyclohexane being due to decomposition or vaporiza-
(Structure 2). tion of the sample after melting.

Venlafaxine hydrochloride The vaporization products were analyzed

(VenHCl) by simultaneous FTIR spectroscopy. The
VenHCl is a widely sold anti-depressant.
The hydrochloride salt of venlafaxine, Figure 2 (c and d).
FTIR spectra as a
(±)-1-[2(dimethylamino)-1-(4-meth- function of tempera-
oxy-phenyl)ethyl]cyclohexanol, exists in ture (220–260 °C)
several different polymorphic modifica- in (c) Form 1 and
(d) Form 2.
The polymorphs of VenHCl are classified Absorbance
Tempera- Tempera-
according to their main melting temper- ture °C ture °C

atures in the DSC: Form 1 (210-212 °C),

Wavenumber cm-1 Wavenumber cm-1
Form 2 (208-210 °C), Form 3 (202-

METTLER TOLEDO UserCom 1/2007 9

216 °C, a phenomenon that accompa- amorphous, semi-solid droplets formed broad endothermic effect between 220
nies sublimation of the solid during the on the cold finger (Figure 3a). The glassy and 260 °C due to sublimation/vapori-
broad endothermic effect between 220 mass was immediately transferred to a zation (Figure 3d, left). The exothermic
and 260 °C. glass plate as liquid-like droplets (Fig- effect at 100 °C is due to the solidifica-
The TGA curves show that Form 2 sub- ure 3b). The DSC curve of the sublimed tion of the glassy mass, the endothermic

limes more rapidly than Form 1. semi-solid material showed crystalliza- effect between 217 and 218 °C from melt-
tion between 95 and 100 °C (exother- ing. Vapor loss occurs between 220 an
When VenHCl was sublimed/vaporized mic) followed by melting between 216 260 °C.
at reduced pressure (0.2 Torr, ~160 °C), and 218 °C (endothermic), and finally a Figure 3d, right, shows the DSC of Ven-
HCl hydrate obtained from Form 5 after
one day exposure in open air (above) and
the hydrate Form 4 prepared by crystalli-
zation from methanol (below). The endo-
thermic effect at 80 °C is due to the loss
of solvent/water.

Figure 3 (a, b and c). DSC heating-cooling-heating

The transient semi-solid, glassy phase on the cold finger of the sublimation apparatus
(a) and droplets immediately placed on a glass plate (b). The sublimed material, Form 5,
transforms to the hydrate, Form 4, after exposure to the Hyderabad climate (25-30 °C, The presence of two endotherms between
RH 40–50%) for one day. 210 and 220 °C in the DSC curves of
Forms 1 and 2 (Figure 2 effects marked 1
Figure 3 (d). and 2) raised the following questions.
DSC curves of the
freshly formed 1) Is the first endothermic effect due to
Forms 4 and 5. a phase transition and the second due
to melting, or vice versa?
2) Is the endo-exo peak in Form 2 a
melting crystallization phenomenon?
3) Which polymorph is more stable? Do
they interconvert or transform to a
new, different phase?

To clarify this, a number of DSC heat-

ing-cooling-heating experiments were
A) Form 1 was heated at 2 K/min to
212 °C, a temperature that is just
after the larger endothermic peak
marked 1 (in Figure 2) but before the
small peak marked 2. The sample was
Figure 4 (a). then cooled to room temperature at
Heating-cooling- 5 K/min in the DSC cell (Figure 4a).
heating experiments Reheating at 2 K/min showed a broad
performed on Form 1
with different maxi- endothermic peak at 212 °C. This
mum temperatures meant that the solid is still in Form 1
resulting in the for-
and not a transformed product. The
mation of different
end products. exothermic behavior at 195 °C in the
cooling segment is due to solidifi-
cation/crystallization of the melted
Form 1. We believe that the peak
between 210 and 212 °C in Figure 4a
is due to melting and is not a phase
B) When the same procedure was re-
peated but heating was continued to
219 °C, just past the second small
peak, the DSC curve of the reheated
Form 1 is very different. There is now

10 METTLER TOLEDO UserCom 1/2007

a broad exothermic effect at 110 °C Figure 4 (b).
and an endothermic effect at 200 °C. heating experiments
The exothermic effect corresponds to performed on Form
the crystallization of the transformed 2 to two different
end temperatures
Form 3, which melts at 200 °C. Thus again yield different
Form 1 undergoes a phase change to results.
Form 3 on heating to 218−219 °C and
C) In a similar procedure, Form 2 was
heated in the DSC at 2 K/min to the
endo-exo peak at 213 °C and then
cooled at 5 K/min to room tempera-
ture (Figure 4b). The cooling curve
is flat and shows no crystallization,
which means that the crystalliza-
tion of Form 2 (exothermic effect
at 213 °C) was correctly assigned.
Reheating at 2 K/min shows a sharp
endothermic peak between 218 and Figure 5 (a and b).
Form 1 Form 2
220 °C corresponding to the melting HSM of Form 1 and
of Form 5, the phase obtained by HSM of Form 2.
D) On heating Form 2 to beyond the se-
cond endothermic effect up to 220 °C, 30 °C 150-190 °C 30 °C 150-195 °C
cooling to room temperature and
then reheating, different peaks occur.
Now the DSC cooling curve shows
crystallization at 150 °C and endo-
thermic peaks that resemble Form 3. 209-210 °C 210-215 °C 208-209 °C 210-217 °C

The heating-cooling-heating curves

show that Forms 1 and 2 first melt and
then phase transform to different solid-
state forms (3 and 5) in the range 210 to 215-216 °C Microcrystals under 217-218 °C Microcrystals under
polarized light after polarized light after
220 °C.
cooling cooling

Hot-stage microscopy (HSM)

Morphological and phase transitions in Figure 6. BHPC
Forms 1 and 2 and the thermal events (Structure 2) p 12.
leading to sublimation of Form 5 were DSC of 2m and 2s
polymorphs. The
studied by HSM. metastable phase
2m has a lower
The photomicrographs in Figure 5 show melting temperature
and shows phase
snapshots of the transformation of both transition to the
solids to Form 5. higher melting
stable Form 2s.
Whereas the extent of vaporization was
almost complete when the starting form
was Form 2, it was only partial in the
case of Form 1.

HSM measurements confirm the inter-

pretation of the DSC curves in Figure 4
and the existence of the new transient,
glassy phase Form 5.

METTLER TOLEDO UserCom 1/2007 11

1,1-Bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)cyclo- (Tpeak , peak 1), while 2m shows two This was done by heating 8−12 mg of
hexane (BHPC) sharp endothermic peaks at 183 ºC and substance at 10 K/min in a dry nitrogen
1,1-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)cyclohexane 188 ºC (Figure 6, peaks 2 and 3). These gas flow of 50 mL/min. The FTIR spectra
molecules are highly prone to forming two peaks were assigned to the melting of showed that vaporization of both forms
inclusion complexes in over 30 host-guest 2m (peak 2), then crystallization (exo- occurs after the phase change between

crystal structures. thermic, peak 4) to 2s and finally fusion 183 and 185 ºC (Figure 7). Sublimation
of the sublimed form (peak 3). On heat- below melting is two to three times more
We employed two solvent-free condi- ing a second time in the DSC, both forms pronounced with polymorph 2s com-
tions, melt crystallization and sublima- showed a single endothermic peak (peaks pared to the melt phase 2m, even though
tion under vacuum, to crystallize guest- 5 and 6), implying transformation to the only a marginal loss of mass is observed
free forms. Single crystals of BHPC were stable 2s polymorph. Polymorph 2m is a on the TGA curve (Figure 7a).
solved and refined in triclinic space metastable phase, which shows a phase
group P1 (2s, Z′ = 1, sublimation phase) transition to the thermodynamic, sub- Hot-stage microscopy (HSM)
and in orthorhombic space group Pbca limation polymorph 2s on heating to Hot-stage microscopy shows blocks of
(2m, Z′ = 2, phase from the melt). Z′ is 200 °C. Under the same conditions, poly- melt crystals beginning to melt between
the number of symmetry-independent morph 2s does not show phase changes 178 and 182 ºC with complete melting be-
molecules in the crystallographic unit except the vaporization endotherm. In tween 183 and 185 ºC. With both forms,
cell. general, the endothermic peak obtained cooling resulted in sublimed crystals
on reheating is shifted by about 5 K to with fine needle morphology (Figure 8).
TGA, TGA-FTIR and DSC measure- lower temperature compared to the first
ments heating run due to better thermal con- On the other hand, sublimed crystals 2s
Phase relationships of 2s and 2m and tact of the sample with the crucible after did not show any apparent crystal form
possible mechanisms for their intercon- melting. change in a similar heating-cooling cy-
version were studied by DSC and HSM cle on the hot stage.
[3]. TGA-FTIR measurements of the evolved
The DSC curve of 2s showed a single vapor were performed in order to con- A combination of thermoanalytical meth-
broad endothermic peak at ~184 ºC firm the sublimation process in BHPC. ods such as TGA, DSC and HSM indicate
that 2m is the metastable polymorph and
Figure 7 (a, b 2s the thermodynamically stable phase
and c).
(T2m = 183 ± 1 ºC; T2s = 188 ± 1 ºC).
TGA (a) and FTIR
spectra of the
evolved vapor of The single endothermic peak after re-
polymorphs 2s (b)
and 2m (c).
heating is the thermodynamically stable,
The measured FTIR
peaks match with Form m Form s
those expected for

(a) (d)

(b) (e)

(c) (f)

Figure 8 (a to f).
Trans- Trans- HSM images.
mitance mitance
in % in % 2m: (a) at 25 ºC, (b) 181−182 ºC,
(c) after cooling to room temperature
2s: (d) at 25 ºC, (e) 183−184 ºC,
Time Time
in min
(f) after cooling to room temperature.
in min
Wavenumber cm-1 Wavenumber cm-1 Phase transition of a block crystal of 2m
to needle fibers of 2s (a−c).
(b) (c)

12 METTLER TOLEDO UserCom 1/2007

higher melting crystallized phase. TGA- Figure 9.
Phase transforma-
FTIR confirms the vaporization/subli- tions in VenHCl
mation of BHPC. polymorphs 1 to 5.

The phase relationships between VenHCl
polymorphs are summarized in Figure 9.
In addition to recording quantitative
and reproducible data on four previously
reported Forms 1 to 4 of VenHCl, a new
form, Form 5, was obtained by sublima-
tion. Form 5 is short-lived under inert
conditions (stable for a few hours up to
one day). It transforms to the hydrate,
Form 4, in the open air and to Form 1
under dry conditions.

TGA, DSC and hot-stage microscopy show

D. Fox, M. M. Labes and A. Weiss-
that the 5 K lower melting solid 2m form In addition to the above application, we
berger (Eds.), Wiley Interscience:
of BHPC is the metastable modification have also used TGA-FTIR to differentiate New York, 1965, pp. 725–767.
and 2s is the thermodynamically stable between aniline and phenol inclusion in [2] S. Roy, S. Aitipamula and A. Nangia,
Cryst. Growth Des. 2005, 5, 2268–
phase. The single endothermic peak after a guest-selective host lattice [4]. 2276.
reheating both forms is ascribed to the [3] B. Sarma, S. Roy, and A. Nangia,
thermodynamically stable, higher melt- Literature Chem. Commun. 2006, 4918–4920.
[1] W. C. McCrone, in Physics and Chem- [4] S. Aitipamula and A. Nangia, Chem.
ing phase, which can also be obtained by Eur. J. 2005, 11, 6727–6742.
istry of the Organic Solid State, Vol. 2,

Analysis of melting processes using TOPEM®

Dr. Jürgen Schawe

This article discusses the conditions required for analyzing melting proc- able examples how melting behavior can
esses using TOPEM®. If these conditions are fulfilled, the reversing be investigated using TOPEM®.
heat flow measures processes that occur under equilibrium conditions
and the non-reversing heat flow processes that involve supercooling or Basic principles of temperature
superheating. This separation allows a classification of melting proc- modulated DSC
esses and the differention of crystal structures of different stability.
Measurement principles and
Introduction up to a critical analysis. Despite this, requirements
The measurement and interpretation TMDSC can provide interesting and im- In TMDSC, a conventional temperature
of melting processes using temperature portant information about melting be- program (heating or cooling at a con-
modulated DSC (TMDSC) is one of the havior that would otherwise be difficult stant rate, or isothermal conditions) is
more demanding tasks in thermal analy- to obtain. overlaid with a small temperature pertur-
sis. bation (modulation). In the evaluation
This is possibly the reason why a number Starting out from the basic principles of algorithm, it is assumed that the reaction
of ideas and proposals can be found in melting behavior discussed in reference of the sample to the conventional tem-
the scientific literature that do not stand [1], we want to show with the aid of suit- perature program and the modulation do

METTLER TOLEDO UserCom 1/2007 13

not influence each other. The underlying Total, reversing and non-reversing Sensible and latent heat flow
part (from the conventional temperature heat flow In principle, the heat flow consists of two
program) and the part from the modula- In all TMDSC techniques, three heat flow components namely the sensible heat
tion can then be separated. While just as components are determined from the flow, Φs, and the latent heat flow, Φl,
in conventional DSC the underlying part measured heat flow. These are the total [3, 4].

of the heat flow (total heat flow) contains heat flow, Φtot, the reversing heat flow, The latent heat flow does not explicitly
the entire information, the part that is Φrev, and the non-reversing heat flow, depend on the temperature but on the ki-
generated by the modulation, only con- Φnon. netics of the thermal event. An example
tains information about processes that is the curing reaction of an adhesive. A
can more or less follow the modulation. In conventional TMDSC, the total heat temperature change during the reaction
flow is obtained from the measured cannot cause the sample to return to its
In all modulation techniques, the meas- heat flow by averaging over at least one initial state. It will only change the reac-
urement conditions must be chosen so period. The reversing heat flow is deter- tion rate.
that measurement and evaluation take mined from the modulated component.
place under linear and almost station- The non-reversing heat flow is given by The sensible heat flow depends explicitly
ary conditions. This means that the re- the difference: on the heating rate. An example is the
sult is independent of the intensity (am- heat flow into an inert sample, which is
plitude) of the modulation and that the directly proportional to the heating rate.
total heat flow during a relevant evalu- In TOPEM® the evaluation is carried out Here, the proportionality factor is the
ation window (period) does not change by means of a correlation analysis of the heat capacity.
much. The quality of the measurement heat flow and the heating rate.
improves as the underlying heating rate Basic principles
is reduced. Especially in the analysis of This yields the component of the meas- The starting point is the description of
melting processes, small modulations ured heat flow that correlates with the melting and crystallization processes by
must be used because otherwise artifacts heating rate and another component that means of free enthalpy given in refer-
are measured that lead to the misinter- does not correlate with the heating rate. ence [1]. A diagram summarizing this
pretation of results. The non-correlating component is the is shown in Figure 1. The red, black and
non-reversing heat flow, Φnon. The re- green curves are the free enthalpies of
TOPEM® is a modern TMDSC technique versing heat flow is determined from the the melt, the crystal and the glass. The
that differs from conventional TMDSC correlating heat flow part [3]. The total dashed curves represent intermediate
with regard to the type of modulation heat flow is calculated from the sum of states. The curve with the smallest free
function and evaluation. In TOPEM®, the two quantities: enthalpy characterizes the stable state.
a stochastic function is used for modu- All other states are metastable. The sys-
lation. The intensity of the modula- tem tries to achieve the stable state but
tion function is the height of the pulse. At first sight, this difference in ap- is hindered by kinetic processes (e.g. nu-
The evaluation consists of a correlation proach seems relatively unimportant. In cleation).
analysis of the measured heat flow and TOPEM®, however, it allows a consist-
heating rate in a selectable evaluation ency test of the measurement to be per- Processes occurring in a TOPEM® meas-
window. [2, 3]. formed as described below. urement are marked by blue ellipses or
arrows in Figure 1. These are processes
that occur under quasi-stable, metastable
Figure 1.
Schematic diagram and unstable conditions:
of free enthalpy as a • Quasi-stable processes in (local) equi-
function of tempera- librium are for example the measure-
ture. Processes are
shown that occur ment of heat capacity without another
under local stable, thermal event occurring.
metastable and un- • In processes under metastable condi-
stable conditions.
tions the system departs only slightly
from local equilibrium. Examples of
this are glass transitions or melting
and crystallization processes close to
local equilibrium conditions such as
those occurring in the melting region
of impure substances (see [1]). These
processes can be practically reversed
through a small change in tempera-

14 METTLER TOLEDO UserCom 1/2007

• In processes with a large change in the sensible heat flow, which includes the a linearity test using the melting of poly-
free enthalpy, the system starts in processes that take place close to equilib- ethylene terephthalate (PET). Two sam-
metastable equilibrium and “drops rium. The latent heat flow is described by ples of similar mass were measured with
down” into the new more stable state. the last term. It includes processes that different pulse heights and an underly-
The process is hardly influenced by start far way from equilibrium. ing heating rate of 0.3 K/min. The pulse
small temperature changes. Examples heights were ±5 mK and ±50 mK. The
are crystallization processes after a Heat flow separation by TOPEM® reversing heat flow curves in Figure 2
sufficiently large degree of supercool- The reversing and non-reversing heat are independent of the pulse height. The
ing or melting processes of crystals flows measured by TOPEM®can be as- noise is however larger with the small
with superheating. signed to the sensible and latent heat flow modulation intensity. The blue curve
if the linearity and stationarity require- is the difference between the two Φrev
Description of sensible and latent ments are adhered to within the bounds curves. This material can be measured
heat flows of measurement accuracy: with a pulse height of ±50 mK.
Let us assume that two different process-
es take place in a sample that can each Stationarity
be described with an order parameter, The total heat flow should at the most
x. On melting, x, describes the degree of change only slightly in an evaluation
disorder and changes from x = 0 (ideal window. This condition cannot always
crystal) to x = 1 (equilibrated melt). The be fulfilled particularly at higher heat-
process with the order parameter, x me, ing rates during relatively rapid thermal
takes place close to local equilibrium. Testing measurement condi- events.
The other process begins far way from tions
equilibrium and has the order parameter In contrast to conventional TMDSC,
xi. The measured heat is given by: Linearity TOPEM® offers the possibility to detect
Since the evaluation methodology in regions of curves in which an interpreta-
TMDSC is based on the analysis of linear tion is critical. This is done by compar-
systems, the measurement program must ing the measured heat flow and the total
be chosen so that the measured heat flow heat flow.
satisfies linear conditions.
where c p is the specific heat capacity, Figure 3 shows these curves in the melt-
dT/dt is the heating rate, ∆hme and ∆hi This is the case if the reversing heat ing region of a 40:60 mass % sucrose-wa-
are the specific transition enthalpies as- flow is independent of the intensity of ter mixture. Over a wide range, the total
signed to the corresponding processes. the temperature modulation (the pulse heat flow corresponds to the mean value
Since the process (me) takes place close height, i.e. the amplitude). The maxi- of the measured heat flow. In this range,
to local equilibrium, x me can follow the mum intensity depends on the material the curves obtained can be evaluated
small temperature modulation. For this and the events to be investigated. With both quantitatively and qualitatively. The
case, we can write: melting, the linearity limit is usually less total heat flow is however too small in
than 0.1 K. Figure 2 shows an example of the region of the peak maximum and the

Figure 2.
In the non-equilibrium process (i), the Test of the linearity
order parameter does not follow the small condition using PET
that had been crys-
temperature change, ∆T, determined by tallized at 170 °C.
the modulation function. So that in this Above: measure-
ment curves.
Below: reversing
heat flow and the
difference between
the two curves
Substitution of eq (4) in eq (3) gives the
measured heat flow:

The first term in eq (6) is an explicit

function of the heating rate. Here it is

METTLER TOLEDO UserCom 1/2007 15

high temperature side of the peak. The transport conditions. TMDSC methods equilibrated crystals. This gives rise to
measurement curve is primarily deter- are thus unsuitable for the measurement a melt with a critical concentration of
mined by the heat transport and less by of sharp transitions of this type. about 80 mass% sucrose. The non-revers-
the melting process. To obtain quantita- ing heat flow shows the corresponding
tive results with TOPEM® in this region, Reversible melting close to local peak. Afterward the melting process fol-

the heating rate must be reduced. equilibrium lows the liquidus line whereby crystals
Melting processes during which crystals and melt are in local equilibrium. This
Melting processes and melt exist in local equilibrium oc- part of the melting process supplies a
When TOPEM® is applied to melting cur for example with mixtures that have contribution to the reversing heat flow.
processes, several different cases have to a broad melting range. Such processes
be considered. should according to eqs (8) and (9) sup- The melting processes that give rise to a
ply a contribution to the reversing heat reversing heat flow are called reversible
Melting of pure materials flow, while the non-reversing heat flow melting and the others non-reversible
Pure materials (e.g. indium) melt at the is small. melting.
equilibrium melting temperature. Dur-
ing the melting process the sample tem- The diagram on the left side of Figure 4 Non-equilibrium melting behavior:
perature does not change [5] and can not shows the simplified phase diagram of superheating of polymers
therefore follow a temperature modula- the sucrose-water system [10]. The path With many semicrystalline polymers, rel-
tion. taken on heating is marked by arrows. atively stable crystallites superheat and
melt above their thermodynamic melting
The measured TMDSC curves originate The melting process begins at about temperature. In this situation, the melt
mainly from the change in the heat −36 °C with the melting of small non- and crystallites are not in thermody-
namic equilibrium. The melting process
Figure 3. is non-reversible.
TOPEM® measure-
ment in the melting
region of a sucrose- A sample of polyethylene terephthalate
water mixture. (PET) was first crystallized for 10 min at
170 °C. The sample was then measured
using a pulse height of ±50 mK and an
underlying heating rate von 0.3 K/min.

The measurement curves in the region of

the main melting peak are shown in Fig-
ure 5. As expected, the peak in the Φnon
curve is significantly larger than in the
Φrev curve.

Differentiation of different stable

PET crystallizes on cooling at 0.5 K/min
from the equilibrated melt. In the follow-
Figure 4. ing heating measurement at 0.5 K/min,
Left: Simplified the total heat flow curve exhibits a dou-
phase diagram of a
ble peak (Figure 6).
sucrose and water
mixture. The path The TOPEM® measurement shows that
taken by the meas- the reason for the double peak lies in the
urement is marked
by red arrows.
existence of crystallites of different sta-
Right: Curves bility. In the first peak, the reversing heat
obtained from a flow predominates. Smaller crystallites
TOPEM® measure-
melt reversibly close to their equilibrium
melting temperature. In the second peak,
crystallites melt with superheating. This
peak is almost entirely to be found in
the non-reversing heat flow. The melt-
ing process is fundamentally different
to that observed at a temperature about
10 K lower.

16 METTLER TOLEDO UserCom 1/2007

Conclusions Figure 5.
® Heat flow curves in
When TOPEM is used to investigate the melting region
melting processes, attention must be paid of PET that had
to the linearity of the measurement. The been crystallized for
10 min at 170 °C.
linear region is determined beforehand The underlying
in preliminary experiments. heating rate was
0.3 K/min.

The range in which TOPEM® curves are

valid can be established by comparing
the total heat flow and the mean value of
the measured heat flow.

Processes that take place under condi-

tions of local equilibrium can be de-
tected in the reversing heat flow because
they more or less follow the temperature
modulation. Processes that take place far
from equilibrium do not follow the tem-
perature modulation and thus contribute Figure 6.
to the non-reversing heat flow. The melting behav-
ior of PET that had
been previously
cooled at 0.5 K/min
Literature shows two different
[1] J. Schawe, UserCom 24, 11. melting processes.
[2] UserCom 22, 6.
[3] J. Schawe, T. Hütter, C. Heitz, I. Alig,
D. Lellinger, Thermochimica Acta 446
(2006) 147.
[4] J. Schawe, UserCom 22, 16.
[5] J. Schawe, UserCom 23, 6.
[6] J. Schawe, Thermochimica Acta 451
(2006) 115.

METTLER TOLEDO UserCom 1/2007 17

Characterization of delivery systems by

Dr. V. Normand, K. Aeberhardt, Firmenich S.A., Geneva, Switzerland

Introduction Theoretical principles Here P1 and P2 are the partial pressures

A “good” perfume is of course expected of the two compounds, x1 and x2 are their
to provide a pleasant and distinctive Evaporation of pure liquids mole fractions and P10 and P20 are the
odor. At the same time, the fragrances If volatile compounds (such as fra- vapor pressures under normal condi-
should remain perceptible for as long as grances) are measured in the TGA, a con- tions. For real compounds and assuming
possible at a constant level of intensity. tinual loss of mass is expected because that only one substance is volatile, the
For this reason, the fragrances in per- the furnace is open and an equilibrium Flory approximation applies and the par-
fumes are now being encapsulated in state is never reached. tial pressure of the volatile component is
so-called delivery systems. The release This is because there is a steady trans- given by:
of fragrances then occurs under control, fer of molecules from the liquid phase to
allowing the perception of the perfume the gas phase. Molecules that reach the
to be optimized with respect to intensity boundary layer between the liquid and
and lasting effect. the gas phase are swept out of the TGA
furnace by the purge gas. Under isother-
The encapsulation of fragrances in suit- mal conditions, this results in a constant Here f1 stands for the volume fraction
able delivery systems is therefore a topic rate of loss of mass which is determined of the volatile component (solvent) and
of great importance for producers of per- by the vapor pressure of the compound c for the so-called Flory interaction pa-
fumes. and the mass transfer at the boundary rameter.
layer, i.e.
To identify the most suitable delivery sys- For mixing of the two components to
tem from the very large number of pos- occur spontaneously, the mixing en-
sible carriers available requires a rapid thalpy (expressed here by the Flory in-
analytical screening technique that can teraction parameter, c) must be small.
describe the stability and release per- Typically c varies between 0 (for good
formance of a fragrance from the deliv- where m is the mass, k is a constant that solvents, athermic mixing) and 0.5 (for
ery system. Thermogravimetry (TGA) is describes the mass transfer at the bound- bad solvents, endothermic mixing). If
an excellent technique for this purpose. ary layer between the liquid and the gas the interaction parameter is greater than
phase and Pvap is the vapor pressure. 0.5, demixing of the system is expected.
In this article, the release of Romascone®
from three different delivery systems has Evaporation of a compound from If the density of the two compounds in
been investigated using thermogravim- a binary mixture the mixture is about the same, the vol-
etry. Romascone® is a fragrance that In a mixture of two compounds, the ume fraction of the solvent (f1) equals its
finds application in women’s perfumes. chemical potentials of the two com- mass fraction (w1). The rate of mass loss
The delivery systems utilized three dif- pounds in the mixture are reduced com- is then given by the equation:
ferent types of polymeric nanoparticles pared to the chemical potentials of the
based on crosslinked vinyl acetate. individual pure compounds.

Experimental details In a binary mixture of two ideal non-

The investigations described here were interacting compounds with molecules
performed with a METTLER TOLEDO of equal size, Raoult’s law predicts that If the first derivative of the TGA signal is
TGA851/SDTAe equipped with the small the partial pressure of each compound is plotted as a function of the mass frac-
furnace. Samples masses of typically proportional to the mole fraction of each tion of the solvent, the parameters k ·Pvap
8 mg (fragrance and nanoparticles to- species in the mixture, that is: and c can be determined from a fit of
gether) were measured in aluminum cru- this curve with the function according
cibles. The mass fraction of the nanopar- to eq 4.
ticles made up 40% of the total mass. The If several isothermal measurements of
purge gas was nitrogen at 20 mL/min. the evaporation behavior are performed,
The measurements were performed iso- the temperature dependence of the two
thermally at different temperatures. parameters can be investigated. The fol-

18 METTLER TOLEDO UserCom 1/2007

lowing relationship is then expected for Evaporation of pure Romascone® Figure 1.
Evaporation of pure
the interaction parameter: Figure 1 shows the isothermal TGA curves Romascone® at
of pure Romascone® measured at differ- various tempera-
ent temperatures. The curves show that tures.

although the rates of mass loss for the

where W is the mixing enthalpy of the various temperatures are different, they
system, k the Boltzman constant and T do not change during the experiment.
the temperature.
Physically, this means that the rate of
Evaporation limited by diffusion evaporation is only determined by the Figure 2.
In eq 4 it is assumed that the evaporation temperature-dependent vapor pressure Evaporation of
rate of the volatile component is given of the fragrance, which means that the Romascone® from
a delivery system in
solely by its vapor pressure. In a deliv- evaporation process can be described by the rubbery-elastic
ery system, the evaporation rate of the eq 1. If the slopes of the curves are plot- state at various
volatile component can also be limited ted logarithmically as a function of the temperatures.
by diffusion of the volatile molecules to reciprocal temperature in Kelvin (red
the surface of the delivery system. In this curve), the straight line expected from
case Fick’s law applies and we obtain: the Clausius-Clapeyron equation is ob-
Figure 3.
Evaporation of Romascone® from Rate of loss of mass
of Romascone®
a rubbery delivery system from a rubbery-elas-
In these experiments, the delivery system tic delivery system
at 40 °C. Inserted
was in a rubbery-elastic state. The results
diagram: the pa-
(see Figure 2) show that in these samples rameter k ·Pvap for
a bend appears in the TGA curve after a the delivery system
and pure Romas-
Here D stands for the diffusion coeffi- certain time (except for the measurement cone® at various
cient in the delivery system, which here at 25 °C; in this case the measurement temperatures.
depends on whether the delivery system is time was not sufficiently long). This bend
Figure 4.
liquid, rubbery or glassy. A is the surface occurs when evaporation is limited by Temperature de-
area of exchange, dc/dr the concentra- the transport processes in the polymer pendence of the
tion gradient within the delivery system (diffusion). The slope of the TGA curves interaction param-
eter, c. The slope of
and a, a′ and a″ are constants that take before the bend is not constant either. the curve describes
into account the dependence of the dif- the interaction
fusion on the volume or mass fraction According to eq 4, the evaporation rate energy between
Romascone® and
of the volatile component in the delivery depends on the Romascone® fraction the nanopolymer. It
system. (the evaporation rate corresponds to the can be seen that the
interaction energy
slope of the TGA curve). The evaporation
between the more
If the delivery system consists of nano- rate as a function of the Romascone® lightly crosslinked
particles as in the case described here, it mass fraction can be calculated based on The temperature dependence of the in- nanoparticles
and Romascone®
can be assumed that the concentration the amount of Romascone® present after teraction parameter, c, is plotted for two (Sample B) is larger
gradient within the particles is constant a certain time. different rubbery delivery systems in Fig- than that between
after a short time. In this case, the rate of ure 4. The two samples (Samples A and the more heavily
crosslinked delivery
mass loss is proportional to the diffusion The corresponding data for the measure- B) differ in the degree of crosslinking of system and
coefficient. ment at 40 °C together with the “best fit” the nanoparticles used for the delivery Romascone®.
curve according to eq 4 is displayed in system (nanoparticles in Sample A are
Results and discussion Figure 3. more strongly crosslinked that those in
In the delivery system investigated here, Sample B). The figure shows the expected
Romascone® was encapsulated in na- In the same figure, the values found with linear increase with increasing tempera-
noparticles made of different types of the fit for k ·P vap for the three tempera- ture (see eq 5).
crosslinked vinyl acetate. With Samples tures (25 °C, 40 °C and 70 °C) were com-
A and B the degree of crosslinking was pared with the corresponding values for Evaporation of Romascone® from
chosen so that the delivery system was in pure Romascone® (calculated from the a glassy delivery system
a rubbery elastic state. With Sample C, slopes of the mass loss curves in Figure 1). In these measurements, the evaporation
more heavily crosslinked nanoparticles It was found that the values for k ·Pvap of Romascone® from a glassy delivery
were used so that the delivery system was for the delivery system are systematically system (Sample C) was investigated. The
in the glassy state. lower than those for pure Romascone®. results of the measurements at different

METTLER TOLEDO UserCom 1/2007 19

temperatures are displayed in Figure 5. for this behavior is that Romascone®acts Conclusions
It shows that in each case the system as- as a plasticizer for the nanoparticles. De- The evaporation of volatile substances
ymptotically approaches a constant, tem- pending on the Romascone® fraction and from delivery systems can be investigated
perature-dependent composition. the temperature, the delivery system is ei- by thermogravimetry.
This means that in this delivery system, ther in the glassy or rubbery state, which

part of the Romascone® remains in the leads to the different slopes in the figure: In the example, the evaporation of
delivery system and is not released. The the blue curves describe data for a deliv- Romascone® from nanoparticles based
equilibrium concentration is however not ery system in the rubbery elastic state, on crosslinked vinyl acetate was inves-
reached with the timescale of the experi- and the red lines for a delivery system tigated.
ment. in the glassy state. Whether the delivery If the delivery system is in the rub-
system is in the glassy or rubbery state bery-elastic state, the evaporation of
The analysis of the data according to the depends on the actual Romascone®mass Romascone® can be described by the
approach of Flory (eq 4) gives unrealis- fraction at a particular temperature. The Flory theory (evaporation is limited by
tic values for the unknown parameters point of intersection of a red and the the volatility of the volatile substance).
k ·P vap and c. In fact, in this case the corresponding blue curve therefore cor- If the delivery system is in the glassy
evaporation rate is determined by the responds to the “critical” Romascone® state, the evaporation is limited by the
diffusion of the Romascone® molecules mass fraction for the temperature: above diffusion of the volatile substance within
to the surface of the nanoparticles prac- this mass fraction the delivery system is the nanoparticles and takes correspond-
tically from the beginning, so that the rubbery elastic, and below it is glassy. ingly longer.
evaporation behavior of the fragrance is
described by eq 6. Accordingly, a linear The figure shows that at high tempera- The method described here is simple
relationship between the logarithm of the tures and high Romascone® fractions, and allows delivery systems to be quickly
evaporation rate and the volume fraction the rate of mass loss is higher. In the characterized and optimized.
of the volatile components is expected. same way, it is clear that the diffusion of
Romascone® in a glassy delivery system Literature
The results in Figure 6 show that appar- is appreciably slower than in the rub- [1] L. Ouali, G. Léon, V. Normand,
H. Johnsen, A. Dyrli, R. Schmid and
ently two curves with different slopes are bery-elastic delivery system. D. Benczédi, Mechanism of
required to describe the data. The reason Romascone® Release from Hydro-
lized Vinyl Acetate Nanoparticles,
The different slopes at the different tem-
Figure 5. Polymers for advanced Technologies,
Evaporation of peratures therefore describe the tempera- 2006 (17), 45-52.
Romascone® from ture dependence of the diffusion coef-
glassy polymeric ficient. If the logarithm of the slopes of
the curves in Figure 6 are displayed as
a function of the reciprocal tempera-
ture, the curves shown in Figure 7 are
obtained. The evaporation process can
therefore be understood as an activated
process according to the equation
Figure 6.
Evaporation of
Romascone® from
a glassy delivery
system at different Here a(T) represents the slope of the mass
temperatures. loss curve, Ea is the activation energy,
R the gas constant and T the tempera-
The blue curve describes the evaporation
from the rubbery-elastic delivery system,
and the red the evaporation from the
Figure 7. glassy delivery system. The two curves
Arrhenius diagram
for glassy (red have approximately the same slope. This
curve) and rubbery indicates that the activation energy of
elastic (blue curve) the evaporation processes is independent
delivery systems.
The activation ener- of the state of the delivery system (rub-
gy for both delivery bery-elastic or glassy), at whose surface
systems is about
the evaporation takes place. Evaluation
17.2 kJ/g.
of the data gives an activation energy of
about 17.2 kJ/g.

20 METTLER TOLEDO UserCom 1/2007

Detection and evaluation of weak sample
effects in DSC
Tips and hints

Marco Zappa

In DSC measurements, a large sample mass is often used in order to thermal mass is equivalent to that of the
detect weak sample effects. Despite the large mass, it is often still sample.
difficult to detect and evaluate very weak effects. This has to do with The compensation of the heat capacity of
the high heat capacity of a large sample, which increases both the sig- the sample by the reference material at
nal noise and the slope of the DSC curve. The noise and slope can be a particular temperature is given by the
reduced by using a suitable reference material in the reference cruci- equation
ble. This largely ”balances out“ or compensates the effect of the heat
capacity of the sample during the measurement. The sample effects
are then much more clearly observed and evaluated due to improved The mass of the sample, mS, multiplied
signal-to-noise ratio and the much flatter DSC curve. by its specific heat capacity, cpS, should
be equal to the specific heat capacity of
Improving the signal-to-noise ferential heat flow signal outside regions the reference material, cpR, multiplied by
ratio – reducing the slope in which thermal effects of the sample its mass, mR.
The larger the difference of the heat flows occur is then zero. Noise and slope are
between the reference and sample sides thereby reduced to the level of that ob- Example:
of the detector outside regions in which tained with empty sample and reference To compensate the heat capacity of a
thermal events occur, the greater the crucibles (see Figure 1). sample of polystyrene (30.0 mg) using
noise and the steeper the slope of the DSC aluminum oxide powder as reference
curve. How to compensate the sample material on the reference side:
heat capacity
The different heat flows are a result of In general, the reference is an empty cru- Sample:
thermal asymmetry between the sample cible identical to the sample crucible. polystyrene, mS = 30 mg,
and the reference sides due to the heat The reference can however be adapted to cp = 1.17 J/g K (at room temperature)
capacity of the sample itself. This asym- the sample properties in order to achieve
metry is greater, the heavier the sample, better thermal symmetry, i.e. similar Reference material:
the larger its specific heat capacity, and heat capacities with similar temperature aluminum oxide powder, mR,
the faster the sample is heated or cooled. dependence on the sample and reference cp = 0.78 J/g K (at room temperature)
The unequal heat capacities can be com- sides.
pensated by using an appropriate refer- This is achieved by filling the reference The calculation according to eq (1) yields:
ence material. In the ideal case, the dif- crucible with a reference material whose 30.0 mg * 1.17 J/g K = mR * 0.78 J/g K

Figure 1. The required mass of the reference mate-

Despite the large rial, mR, is therefore 45.3 mg.
sample mass
(52 mg aluminum
oxide powder) and The ideal reference sample
fast heating rate An ideal reference material:
(20 K/min), the
• does not exhibit any thermal effects
noise and slope
can be reduced to or any discontinuities in specific heat
the level of that ob- capacity in the temperature range
tained with empty
sample and refer-
ence crucibles • does not react with the crucible mate-
(rms noise < 0.5 uW, rial or with the surrounding atmos-
slope < 0.07 mW
in the temperature
phere (especially in the temperature
range shown) by range of the sample transition).
using a reference • is easy to dispense (e.g. powder or
material (aluminum
oxide powder). liquid).
• in the case of liquids, has a higher
melting and boiling point than the
sample. Here it is advisable to use her-

METTLER TOLEDO UserCom 1/2007 21

metically sealed crucibles or to work To achieve the best accuracy, it is advis- Evaluating weak glass transi-
under pressure to prevent vaporization able to adjust the temperature and heat tions with confidence
of the reference material and the sam- flow with reference material in the sam- Composites reinforced with fibers contain
ple material itself. ple and reference crucibles. only a small amount of the matrix resin
• has a specific heat capacity whose and exhibit only a very weak glass transi-
Tips and hints

temperature dependence is known or Detecting denaturation in tion. Often it is not possible to evaluate
is the same or similar to that of the dilute protein solutions the transition with confidence because
sample. Heat capacity compensation with a ref- of the marked slope of the DSC curve. In
erence solution improves the signal-to- this case, the slope is due to the relatively
In many cases, dry α-aluminum oxide noise ratio to such an extent that proteins large temperature dependence of the spe-
powder (cp (25 °C) = 0.78 J/g K) is a suit- can be studied in dilute solution. cific heat capacity.
able solid reference material. The determination of the glass transition
Figure 2 shows that the very weak endo- can be greatly improved if carbon fibers
For dilute aqueous solutions (e.g. sugar, thermic peak of the denaturation of lys- are used as the reference material. The
starch or protein solutions, etc.), water or ozyme in solution at a concentration of advantage compared with aluminum ox-
a suitable buffer solution (cp (25 °C) = just 0.1 mass % can easily be detected if a ide powder is that the specific heat capac-
4.18 J/g K) can be used. reference solution is used. If the 105 mg ity of the carbon fibers exhibits the same
With highly filled samples, it is best to sample mass is not compensated, the temperature dependence as a large part
use the filler itself as the reference mate- denaturation peak can no longer be de- of the sample itself. The slope is therefore
rial. tected with certainty. reduced in an ideal way and the glass
transition is clearly observed.
Figure 2.
Denaturation of
proteins: the en-
dothermic peak Heat capacity compensation using a ref-
with a peak height erence material in the reference crucible
of only 6 uW can
be measured with
is a simple and effective method to re-
confidence using a duce both the signal noise and the slope
reference solution, of the DSC curve. This is especially use-
despite the very low
protein concentra-
ful if very weak thermal effects in large
tion (0.1 weight %). samples at high heating rates have to be
In contrast, without measured, i.e. under conditions that in-
the reference solu-
tion, the presence of crease the noise and slope.
a peak is question-
able, even though Lower noise is equivalent to improved
the slope of the DSC
curve was mathe- sensor sensitivity. Together with reduced
matically corrected. slope, this allows weak effects to be de-
tected and evaluated with confidence.

The results show that denaturation in

Figure 3. very dilute protein solutions and weak
Epoxy resin/carbon glass transitions in reinforced carbon-
fiber composite fiber composite materials can only be
material. The very
weak glass transi- reliably detected and evaluated if com-
tions remain almost pensation is used.
undetected in the
The unequivocal
identification of a
glass transition
would be too uncer-
tain. In contrast, in
the compensated
measurements, the
glass transitions
can be identified
and evaluated with

22 METTLER TOLEDO UserCom 1/2007

Exhibitions, Conferences and Seminars – Veranstaltungen, Konferenzen und Seminare
European Polymer Congress 2007 July 2-6, 2007 Portoroz, Slovenia
12th International Congress on the
Chemistry of Cement July 8-13, 2007 Montreal, Canada

Federated Society for Coatings, Coating Woods

and Wood Composites for Durability Symposium July 23-25, 2007 Seattle, WA, USA
NATAS 2007 August 26-29, 2007 State University, Lansing, MI, USA
AIM XVIII Convegno Italiano di Scienza e
Tecnologia delle Macromolecole September 16-20, 2007 Catania, Italy
BAKELAND Thermosets 2007
( September 23-26, 2007 Ghent, Belgium
ILMAC 2007 September 25-28, 2007 Basel, Switzerland
MEDICTA 2007. The 8th Mediterranean Con-
ference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis September 25-29, 2007 Palermo, Italy
PhandTA10 October 22-24, 2007 Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland
K 2007 October 24-31, 2007 Düsseldorf, Germany

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Courses / Kurse
SW Basic (Deutsch) 17. September, 2007 SW Basic (English) September 24, 2007
TMA (Deutsch) 17. September, 2007 TMA (English) September 24, 2007
DMA Basic (Deutsch) 17. September, 2007 DMA Basic (English) September 24, 2007
DMA Advanced (Deutsch) 18. September, 2007 DMA Advanced (English) September 25, 2007
TGA (Deutsch) 18. September, 2007 TGA (English) September 25, 2007
TGA-MS (Deutsch) 19. September, 2007 TGA-MS (English) September 26, 2007
DSC Basic (Deutsch) 19. September, 2007 DSC Basic (English) September 26, 2007
DSC Advanced (Deutsch) 20. September, 2007 DSC Advanced (English) September 27, 2007
TGA-FTIR (Deutsch) 20. September, 2007 TGA-FTIR (English) September 27, 2007
SW Advanced (Deutsch) 21. September, 2007 SW Advanced (English) September 28, 2007

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Lille 24 septembre 2007

Cours clients
Principe de la TMA/DMA 1 octobre 2007 Viroflay (France) Principe de la TGA 4 octobre 2007 Viroflay (France)
Principe de la DSC : les bases 2 octobre 2007 Viroflay (France) Logiciel STARe : perfectionnem. 5 octobre 2007 Viroflay (France)
Principe de la DSC : perfectionnem. 3 octobre 2007 Viroflay (France)

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METTLER TOLEDO UserCom 1/2006 23

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TGA 14 Giugno 2007 27 Settembre 2007 Novate Milanese
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Dr. J. Schawe Dr. R. Riesen J. Widmann Dr. M. Schubnell Dr. M. Wagner Dr. D. P. May Ni Jing Marco Zappa Urs Jörimann
Physicist Chem. Engineer Chem. Engineer Physicist Chemist Chemist Chemist Material Scientist Electr. Engineer

Mettler-Toledo AG, Analytical

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Phone ++41 44 806 73 87
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