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Assignment EM 7


Group: TM 44

Ex. 1 Fill in the following words: addition hereby fearing rights all any
Sustained hull lost rough

Any loss or damage that may sustained be by the vessel’s hull, machinery and cargo
through rough and boisterous weather during the cargo operation, I hereby note my protest
against all losses and damages caused thereby. In addition to that, the ship and its Owners
reserve their rights to extend same whenever necessary and are not responsible for any time
thereby fearing, if lost.

Ex. 2 Translate:

A ‘note of protest’ is simply a declaration by the master of circumstances beyond his

control which may give rise to loss or damage. Such declaration should be made before a
notary public, magistrate etc. Usually statements under oath will be taken from the master
or other members of the crew and they will have to be supported by appropriate log book
entries. At the time of noting protest the master should reserve the right to extend it.

O nota de protest este o simpla declaratie realizata de catre comandant in circumstante

dincolo de controlul sau, care pot duce la aparitia unei pierderi sau daune. O astfel de
declaratie ar trebui facuta inainte, de catre un notar public, judecator. De obicei,
declaratiile sub juramant vor fi luate de la comandant sau alti membrii de echipaj iar ei
vor trebui sa fie acoperiti de inscrieri corespunzatoare in jurnalele de bord.In momentul
sesizarii protestului, comandantul ar trebui sa isi rezerve dreptul de a-l prelungi.

Ex. 3 Translate into English :

In timpul voiajului, la 1 aprilie 2o2o, nava a intrat intr-o zona de ceata densa si pe cand
se afla in deriva s-a pus pe uscat pe un banc de nisip. Din fericire, marfa nu s-a deplasat
si nimeni nu a fost ranit. Nostromul a verificat zona prova si a descoperit doar o mica
basea. Nava a fost repusa in stare de plutire fara asistenta, prin pomparea apei de balast si
ne-am continuat voiajul, mai ales ca ceata s-a mai destramat.
During the voyage, at 1 april 2020, the vessel has entered an high dense fog area, and
while adrift, she ran aground on a shoal.Fortunately, the cargo didn-t move and no crew
member was injured.The bosun have checked the bow area and discovered just a little
...The vessel has repositioned in her floating state without any assistance by pumping
ballast water and the voyage goes on, especially the fog has reduced.

Ex. 4 Give synonims to the underlined words (8)

Please be informed that my vessel X reached at the roads at Y hours and is now fully
prepared to begin the loading of its grain stuff in accordance with all terms, conditions,
provisions and exceptions of the governing contract between shipper and charterer.
Be advised / arrived / terminal / eligible / start / --- / charter party

Ex 5. Supply the missing words

Chartering is an activity within the shipping industry. The definition of a charterer is a
person who reserves a ship (or other mode of transportation). The charterer finds a ship
that will deliver the cargo for a certain price, called freight rate.
Ex. 6 Use causative verbs (in brackets) in the following sentences:
(a) (got, to plot) The Second Mate - the cadet - the course
(b) (had, to check) The First Mate - the cargo
(c) (had, to lower) The Bosun - the boats - the apprentices
(d) (got, to clean) The Fitter - the bilges - the ratings
(e) (got, to adjust) The Master - the compasses

The Second Mate got the cadet to plot the course.

The First Mate had the cargo checked.
The Bosun had the boats lowered by the apprentices.
The Fitter got the bilges cleaned by the ratings.
The Master got the compasses adjusted.

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