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>From The Realist, Number 127 Spring, 1994

Urine Love


by Stanley Young

There comes a moment of decision in each of our lives when we hear that
small voice within ask: "Shouldn't I be drinking my own urine?"

The answer, according to a urine-drinkers support group I attended with a

friend recently was definitely "Yes!"

The setting was a modest two-story condo on a quiet street in Los Angeles.
Rain had been falling ealier in the evening. It was cool, and the walkway
to the front door now glistened with pools of water.

Inside, it was warm and welcoming. About ten people in the living room
stood in groups of twos and three, chatting and laughing. Classical music
played in the background, and a pile of books and pamphlets lay scattered
over the coffee table. I picked up 'The Miracles of Urine Therapy' (Water
of Life Institute, 1987) and read the blurb on the back. "The therapy
outlined in this book is an entirely drugless system of healing; the only
ingredient is a substance manufactured by the body, rich in minerals,
salts, hormones, and other vital substances, namely human urine."

I put the book down and wandered over to the kitchen. On the table there I
caught signt of a couple of slabs of cheese -- Cheddar and Brie -- a basket
with a selection of crackers, some cookies, and two large bottles of fruit
juice. One was apple.

I cut a slice of cheddar cheese, grabbed a couple of crackers and, after

only a slight hesitation, poured out a glass of apple juice and took a
small sip. It was, gratefully, sweet and I returned to the living room
where two men and a woman, all in their late thirtiesor mid forties, were
engaged in animated conversation. "... and do you gargle with it?" asked
the woman.

"Absolutely," replied the stocky, balding man energetically. "And I hold my

hand cupped like this and let jus a little slowly seep into my nose, too.
It cures my asthma."

"My filling came out yesterday," chimed in the second man, "and I can feel
it curing my tooth already. There's a big hole there but I'm not feeling
any pain at all."

I returned to the kitchen for some more cheese and found Abby, the woman
who had organized this get-together. She was wearing a fashionalbe knit
outfit in autumn colors and had an open and friendly smile. She was holding
a serving platter on which were four small carved glass goblets. Two were
filled with an almost luminescent pale yellow liquid, a completely
different color from the apple juice.

"...and is that..."
"Yes," she smiled, sensing my question. "It's my urine." She picked one of
the filled goblets off the platter and took a long sip.

"There's two more glasses here if anyone else wants to try,"she said,
offering the empty glasses to a couple standing and talking by the kitchen
door. "...if you get inspired later."

Inspiration there was, in abundance. For most of those gathered at the

apartment, urine was more than a bodily excretion. It was indeed the Water
of Life, a miraculous elixir and a long neglected cure. They washed their
faces with it. They rinsed out their eyes with it. They rubbed it into
their hair. They warmed up 4-day old urine, scrubbed it all over their
skin, and left it there to dry. And, of course, they drank it whenever they
could. "It's the runoff from your blood," said Abby, kicking off the
evening's presentation and discussion. "It's got everything you need to
cure yourself. How many of yo here tonight have tried drinking your own
urine?" she asked the room. Seven people raised their hands. "I've only
tried it a few times," admitted one tall man in the front, smiling. "I'm
not slugging it down yet or anything like that...."

Abby smiled. Everyone has to start at their own pace, she informed us, and
she had some sage advice for the new and would-be urine drinkers in the

"The first urine in the morning is the best," she said, referring to its
healing powers, not its taste. The other experienced drinkers agreed that
the first morning's "catch" was, perhaps, a trifle too gamy for the

"I suggest for the first time that you drink a glass or two of pineapple
juice, and then drink your urine afterwards," said one man. "It'll taste
just like pineapples!"

One man, an unemployed actor and self-admitted alcoholic inthe AA program,

revealed that drinking urine cured him of shingles three months ago, and he
hadn't missed a day since then.

"Now I'm so into this," he bubbled. "I soak my feet in it. I put it in my
eyes. Rub it into my hair."

The man held up a 32-ounce juice bottle he carried around with him in a
backpack. It was filled to the brim with a clear, pale yellow fluid.

"This is about a day's catch," he said. "That's about what I drink a day. I
call it Caribbean water - warm and just a little salty. Some say to age
your morning catch, and that's what I do."

With the enthusiasm of every new convert, he misses no opportunity now to

spread the good word of urine-drinking to all he meets.

"I've already lost two friends," he admitted. "They don't seem to


Perhaps his friends don't understand that, like the body, one's urine is
constantly changing. The actor related how his urine had gone "from a salty
taste, to, well, almost smoked oysters."
"Sometimes it's exquisite," added a thin woman in the last row of folding
chairs. "And if you fast on it - just urine and water - by 6 o'clock in the
evening it's *fantastic*, delicious."

Several of the experienced drinkers nodded in agreement.

"It's an ancient therapy," the actor added. "It goes back to the pyramids,
to the Vedas, to the Bible. It's holy...." He stopped for a moment, almost
unable to contain himself. "If you're suffering from mental problems, it
will realease that, too."

"Jesus used urine therapy," said a man who had just arrived and was about
to sit down on the stairs at the back of the room. He looked to be in his
late twenties. "Forty days and forty nights in the desert - what else was
there to drink? Ghandi used to do it in prison. He couldn't have made it

The young man then shifted into an explanation of Christ's "missing years."
the twelve or thirteen years when Jesus of Nazareth had wandered through
Tibet and into India where, among many other ancient Eastern practices the
young seeker adopted, he started drinking his own urine. When he returned
to the Middle East, he continued the practice. And, apparently, also taught
it to his followers.

"When they bastardized Christianity," the young man continued by way of

explanation, "they took some stuff out, and part of that was urine

How different the Eucharist might have been, I wondered. The young man's
historical analysis was, perhaps, difficult to substantiate. Not so the
words of the next man to stand and speak.

He was a professional classical guitaritst, I was later told. His face was
somewhat thin, but his skin had a natural and healthy glow to it, like the
complexions you see among those who drink lots of wheatgrass or carrot

"George had AIDS," said Abby, by way of introduction, and, I thought, to

prompt him to speak. George nodded.

"I used to have Kaposi's sarcoma on my legs, my gums were rotting and I had
recurring pneumonia." he said in a quiet voice.

He lifted the cuff of his pants to show his leg. The skin there was clear.
He had arrived at drinking urine as a last resort, he told us. All his
other attempts at curing his symptoms, using drugs and Western medical
treatments, simply weren't working.

"I used to have gray back through here and here," he said, brushing his
hand over the front and sides of his head, "and my hair was falling out."

His hair that night was slightly unkempt, but nonetheless full, healthy and
a uniform very dark brown, almost black. The same color as his untrimmed
George described how he had started the urine treatment all at once,
drinking it, rubbing it in his hair, soaking his eyes in it and so forth.
Within a year, his symptoms had disappeared and had never returned. In
fact, the vision in one of his eyes had improved from 20 over 400 to 20
over 75, and he rarely wore glasses now.

He thought about his experience a moment. "All my friends are dead who went
the normal routes," he said. "It has your life-force in it." He looked up.
"It's holy."

The room was silent for a moment.

One woman in a folding chair on the side of the room raised her hand. "But
doesn't it contain.....I mean, isn't it what the body excretes? Isn't it
waste products....?"

"It's our mindset," answered one tall woman in the far corner of the room.
"We think it's filthy," she said, emphasizing the last word forcefully.

Several drinkers in the room had other answers at the ready. Urine, they
explained, building up a mosaic of facts, is filtered blood, sterile, 96%
water, and can contain your own antibodies and hormones, which help boost
your immune system. Urine also contains a load of substances that the body
needs, including urea, a chief component of urine. And for those of you who
may have been wondering whether drinking urine might lead to harder stuff,
we were informed that the bowel and the colon trap all material you're
*not* supposed to reingest.

"After you cross the psychological barrier," said the man beside the tall
woman, "it feels harmonious. It's a real mild taste. Not at all like what
it smells."

It can fight off any pathogen on the planet," added George, the musician
who had cured himself of AIDS.

"They're curing leprosy, cancer, and the AMA is against it because it's
free," said the man who had previously talked about the urine-Jesus
connection. "I heard a story," said Abby, "about a barren couple who drank
each other's urine. They even bathed their genitals in it. It was very

"His sperm count rose," said a man across the room who had heard the same

"....and she bore many children," added Abby.

One woman who had arrived only five minutes before, stood up. She was a
naturopathic healer, and was responsible for introducing five people in the
room, all former patients of hers, to the world of urine-drinking.

She herself had learned about the practice from a friend who came back from
India raving about it. Shortly afterward, the naturopathic healer had root
canal treatment. One night, with her mouth throbbing unbearably, she
decided to drink her own urine as an attempt to get rid of the pain.

"Everybody remembers their first time," she said, smiling, and all the
other drinkers nodded and smiled in appreciation.

She was amazed to discover that within ten minutes the pain subsided and
subsequently disappeared. When, as an experiment, she stopped drinking her
urine two days later, the pain returned.

That was nine years ago. Today she does not drink all the urine here body
produces like some of those in the room. She uses it to cure cuts and
bruises, and occasionally as an eyewash, and drinks it whenever she feels
her body needs it, especially when she travels.

She had just returned from a nine-day visit to Australia, and had been
drinking a lot of her urine while there.

"All that traveling," she explained, "the change in time zones, that can
weaken your immune system. Drinking your urine gives you that little bit of
extra protection when you're weakened like that."

There was also an added benefit to drinking your own urine abroad.

"When I'm traveling it's a wonderful tool," she said. "You don't have to
worry about drinking contaminated water."

"For two weeks after the earthquake, people in Bel-Air and Brentwood had to
boil their water," said one man in the back. "If they only knew......"

"Urine." added the naturopath. "Why not? It's sterile, it's pure and it's
filtered. It's better than bottled water. It's free."

My friend, who had accompanied me to the meeting, was still thinking about
what we had both heard and seen that night.

"When I flushed my piss down the toilet the next morning," he told me
later, "I just thought: What a waste."

I have received a lot of email based on this article. Let me re-iterate
that I personally do not drink my own urine and merely put this article up
here because I found it an interesting facet of humanity.

There are those that take the practice very seriously. Indeed, I received a
recent message from someone who went to the first annual conference on the
subject held in India. He was kind enough to send me a copy of his paper on
the subject, which I include here:

Mr. Coen van der Kroon

Kinkerstraat 82-C

1053 EA Amsterdam

The Netherlands

tel/fax: + 31 20 6835510

In Search of an Explanation:

Urine Therapy, Transmutation and 'The Healer Within'.

(This paper consists of parts of Chapter 5 of Coen van der Kroon's book The
Golden Fountain; The Complete Guide to Urine Therapy, Gateway Books,
Amethyst Books 1996, ISBN 0-944256-73-2)

It has always been a kind of vocation for me to connect East and West,
ancient and modern, spiritual heritage and science. So with urine therapy:
it has a rich history, certainly here in the East. It is connected with
spiritual practice as well as with modern scientific research. A good
example is the research project at the university of Newcastle into the
effect of drinking morning urine by Indian yogis on their meditation
practice. This paper is meant to make another such a small connection.

Over the years, urine therapy has proved to be an effective tool for
healing. Most urine therapists, some of whom have been practising urine
therapy for decades, have never sought an explanation for why it works:
their own experiences were sufficient proof. For some time now, however,
there has been increasing interest in the search for a scientific
explanation. This is because urine therapists believe it is important for
urine therapy to be acknowledged as a valid method of treatment: doctors
should be well informed about the effects of this therapy so that as many
people as possible can benefit from it. Since members of the medical world
demand an explanation, the interest in scientific research has grown.
Another reason for this growing interest is that a number of 'mainstream'
doctors have also had positive experiences with urine therapy, which is
reason enough for them to investigate how and why it works. This is not a
recent development: in the 1930's, for example, the German pediatrician
Martin Krebs successfully treated many patients with urine therapy, and
subsequently published the results (1). As a physician, he was convinced
that urine therapy was an effective method of treatment, but he also
realised that other doctors would not readily accept this fact since it
conflicted with the scientific dogma which formed the foundation of their

A good deal of research has already been conducted within the medical world
into the composition of urine and its separate components. The researchers
Free and Free published a report listing two hundred substances found in
urine. They point out that these are only the most significant substances,
and that urine probably contains thousands of components.(2) Several
substances found in urine seem to be of value as medication, some of which
have already been processed and used as such.
The fact that certain individual components of urine are effective does not
prove that urine therapy is effective. Conversely, however, it can be
assumed that the components which have a particular effect as an individual
substance, have the same effect when taken as a component of urine. In
certain cases it could be imagined that the combination of these substances
with other components of urine reduces or cancels out the effectiveness,
but this is not the most obvious conclusion. We can, therefore, reasonably
assume that if an individual substance displays a certain characteristic,
it will also have this characteristic as a component of urine. The more
individually effective substances found in urine, the stronger the argument
that urine as a total entity has a therapeutic effect.
A condition of this argument is that urine as a total entity does not
contain substances with an obviously harmful effect: as yet there is no
evidence to suggest that such substances have been found in urine. The
small amounts of possibly toxic substances which can be found in urine
largely seem to have a positive effect on the immune system. If urine did
contain extremely harmful substances, it would be difficult to explain how
many people (myself included) who drink their own urine every day for years
could still be in exceptionally good health.
So research has not yet been conducted on urine as a total entity which can
be therapeutically applied. Still unanswered are questions regarding how
and why urine therapy works, since urine is used here as a total entity. A
number of hypotheses have, however, been suggested which can serve as the
basis for further scientific research. One of those hypotheses I would like
to propose here. This hypothesis deals with the immunological effect of
urine therapy and its deeper energetical dynamics. It deals with the
socalled 'healer within'. Urine therapy has often been associated with
spiritual practice which might make it seem a bit magic. But, as science is
discovering today, ancient spiritual ideas come very close to todays most
recent discoveries in the field of quantum mechanics and vibrational
healing methods.

But back to the basics: Urine therapy (using self produced urine) can be
considered to be an extension of the methods of Jenner and Pasteur.(3) An
important task of the immune system is to rid the human body of diseased or
unusable substances that have developed during the course of an illness.
When these substances reach healthy tissue, the serum or blood becomes
stronger, the activity of leucocytes (white blood cells) increases, and the
patient probably recovers. This phenomenon is known as auto inoculation or
self vaccination and can be seen as mother nature's method of healing an
illness without external intervention.
Urine therapy can be seen as a form of self vaccination: certain bodily
substances which have been removed from the body, some of which may have
been produced as a result of illness, are re introduced into the body in
small amounts. These substances are re absorbed into the blood through
either the intestines or the skin. According to this hypothesis, the immune
system is then given the chance to react appropriately.
The doctors Remington, Merler and Uhr have demonstrated that a particular
part of urine protein is able to eliminate certain pathogens.(4) This
discovery supports the assumption that urine therapy can be used to treat
or prevent certain illnesses.
In the early nineteenth century, Dr. Charles Duncan conducted research into
therapies with self produced substances, including urine therapy.(5) He
demonstrated that patients suffering from gonorrhoeic urethritis (infection
of the urinary tube as a result of the venereal disease gonorrhoea) produce
their own medication in the form of their own discharge. Auto therapy was
applied here by placing a drop of a patient's discharge directly on the
tongue, in order to stimulate the body's natural powers. This method had a
strong healing effect at every stage of the illness: if applied at an early
stage, it could cause the gonorrhoea to disappear.
Auto therapy is based on the principle that the body can use all fresh,
self produced, unaltered diseased tissue substances which originate from
the micro organisms causing the illness. Seen in this light, patients have
their own medication in exactly the form constructed by nature to heal
their condition.
The results of Dr. William D. Linscott's research suggest that auto therapy
strengthens and stimulates the immune system, in particular with regard to
the T cells. The T cell population of several patients who initially
displayed a low T cell count increased after treatment with urine

The Transmutation theory

Most of what has been said here will be valid from a strictly mechanistic
point of view. The transmutation theory, though, needs a new, wholistic
paradigm which is based more on the dynamics of energies. (7)
In recent scientific research, a shift is visible from reductionism to
wholism. It is beyond the scope of this paper to go into this matter. I
nevertheless want to take the new paradigm fully into account here in
trying to find explanations for the effectiveness of urine therapy.
Urine can be considered to contain an exact holographic picture of the body
fluids and tissues. The biofeedback of this holographic information by re
ingesting the urine may well inform the energy system in a way which helps
restoring a disturbed balance.
The medical doctor and urine therapist Abele cautiously discusses the
possible effect of urine as holographic feedback:
"The question rises as to whether urine could possibly be considered to be
a sort of liquid hologram. Once the body has been made conscious of urine
in an unconventional way (such as it being reintroduced into the body by
intramuscular injection) the whole organism evaluates it and subsequently
updates its own regulating mechanisms (at least in specific cases)." (8)

The theory of transmutation implies that the body is capable, through

energetic exchange within the body itself, to transmute certain substances
or molecules into other ones. 'Short circuiting' the system by ingesting
one's own secreted body fluids might stimulate the transmutational forces
within and challenge the body to transform unusable substances into usable
ones without being constantly disturbed by new external input. It could
possibly go as deep as to restructure disturbed DNA. This would
specifically apply to fasting on urine.(9)
An important aspect here is the theory of structured water. The body
consists for the biggest part of water and so does urine. Not all water is
the same though. The molecular structure of water can be less or more
organized and in the latter case one speaks of structured water. The more
it is organized, the better all kind of enzymatic processes can do their
job. These enzymatic processes, in their turn, are responsible and
necessary for the digestion, absorption and transmutation of all
It is scientifically proven how water in biological systems becomes more
organized. Water also becomes more organized through exposure to sunlight
and through close contact with crystals. The body is both a receptor of
sunlight and it contains a high amount of solid and liquid cristallinelike
substances. Also body fluids themselves form fluid crystals.(11) Urine is
thus a cristallinelike substance containing a high amount of structured
water. This structured water, when taken in again, promotes better
enzymatic functioning and it has a higher solubility for minerals. A higher
amount of structured water in the body system is correlated with better
health and more energy.(12)
The fact that urine is a liquid crystal substance, particularly because of
the various salts in it, implies that it contains crystalline vibrations
completely in tune with the vibrational condition of the body. Re ingestion
might give the body valuable vibrational information needed for two things.
Healthy vibrations will strengthen the already existing, healthy body
resonance. 'Diseased' or stress vibrations will counteract any unhealthy
resonance in the body. It is known that disturbing sounds of any sort can
be counteracted best by confronting it with the same sounds.
The vibratory patterns of the body, both in the bones (solid crystals) and
in the tissues and fluids (liquid crystals), play an important role in the
process of transmutation. The resonance field of a crystal can make a
protein, for example, change its form into one that is more useful for the
body, or easier adaptable by it.(13)
Seeing urine as a liquid crystallinelike substance containing a high amount
of structured water may help understanding its healing qualities on the
more subtle levels.

This is just one little step in trying to explain the energetical effect of
urine therapy on the human organism. This way of thinking should be
considered as a kind of scientific, modern 'alchemy'. There is nothing
wrong or scary about this terminology and the way of thinking that goes
with it. It is nothing new and at the same time highly modern. It provides
a chance to scientifically explain urine therapy in its fullest potential,
while at the same time taking into account its rich, spiritually
associated, history.
Urine therapy confronts us with a very concrete 'healer within' which works
both on a mechanistic and on an energetic level. The latter implies that
urine, as a holographic substance, can affect all levels of being, from the
physical, through the electromagnetical fields of the emotions and the
mind, up to the subtler genetic vibrational information of the soul. In
this sense urine therapy can be verily seen as one of the divine
manifestations of cosmic intelligence. Thus the ancient name Shivambu
Kalpa, a name ánd a therapy to be treated with appropiate respect.

Jai Shivambu!


1. Der menschliche Harn als Heilmittel; Geschichte. Grundlagen.

Entwicklung. Praxis., Martin Krebs, Hippokrates Verlag Marquardt & Cie.,
Stuttgart (Germany) 1942
2. A.H. Free & H.M. Free,'Nature and Composition of Urine from Healthy
Subjects' , in Urinalysis in Clinical Laboratory Practice, CRC Press,
Cleveland, Ohio, 1975, pp. 13 & 17.
3. B. Bartnett, p. 10, Urine Therapy; It May Save Your Life, Dr. Beatrice
Bartnett, Water of Life Institute, Hollywood (Florida, USA) 1989 ; J.
Plesch, 'Urine therapy' , Medical Press (London), vol. 218, August 6, 1947,
pp. 128 133.
4. 'Immuno Tolerance: Historical Perspective' , Physicians Handbook, 1982,
p. 13.
5. C.H. Duncan, 'Gonorrhea: Its Prevention and Cure by Autotherapy' ,
Medical Record; March 30, 1912, p. 610; idem, 'Autotherapy' , New York
Medical Journal, December 21, 1912, p. 1281.
6. Dr. William D. Linscott, 'Specific Immunologic Unresponsiveness' , 3rd
edition of Basic & Clinical Immunology, a Lange Medical Publication, Los
Altos, California, Chapter 17, 'Historical Perspective', Physician's
Handbook, 1982.
7. See e.g. Richard Gerber, M.D., Vibrational Medicine, Bear & Company,
Santa Fe NM 1988.
8. Herz/Abele, p. 27, Die Eigenharnbehandlung: nach Dr. med. Kurt Herz;
Erfahrungen und Beobachtungen, Dr. med. Johann Abele, 8e verbeterde oplage,
Karl F. Haug Verlag, Heidelberg (Germany) 1991.
9. See specifically the chapter on urine therapy and alchemy in Dr.
Schaller's Amaroli: Amaroli, Dr. Soleil & Dr. C. T. Schaller, 1st edition
1989, Editions Vivez Soleil, Genève (Switzerland) 1993.
10. Gabriel Cousens, M.D., Spiritual Nutrition and the Rainbow Diet,
Cassandra Press, San Rafael CA 1986, p. 22; Friedman, H.L., Krishman, C.V.
and Jolicoeur, C., 'Ionic Interactions in Water' , Ann. N.Y. Academic of
Science 1972, 204: pp. 77 99; Clegg, James, 'Metabolism and the
Intracellular Environment: The Vicinal Water Network Model' , in Cell
Associated Water, (Drost Hansen, W. and James Clegg; eds.) New York:
Academic Press, 1979, pp. 363 413.
11. Cousens, see note 10 above, p. 89 96; Lipton, Bruce, 'Liquid Crystal
Consciousness, The Cellular Basis of Life' , presented at First
International Crystal Conference, San Francisco CA 1986.
12. Cousens, see note 10 above, p. 23; Mikesell, N., 'Cellular Rgeneration'
, Psychic Research Newsletter, San Jose 1985, pp. 1 10.
13. Lipton, Bruce, see note 11.

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