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LaGuardia Community College

Final Exam A

Please write your quiz form number (A) next to your name on your scantron.
Good luck!

Multiple Choice: On the scantron, darken the letter that corresponds to the best
answer for each question.

1. Lymphocytes
a. can be produced in the spleen.
b. determine a person’s blood type.
c. are granulocytes.
d. consist of neutrophils, eisinophils and basophils.

2. A single motor neuron and all the skeletal muscle fibers it innervates constitute a
a. motor unit
b. muscle
c. saracounit
d. neuromuscular junction

3. Muscles that oppose the movement are the

a. agonists
b. antagonists
c. synergists
d. levers

4. Which of these vessels receives blood during ventricular systole?

a. aorta only
b. pulmonary arteries only
c. pulmonary veins only
d. both the aorta and pulmonary trunk

5. A person with Type A blood

a. has anti-B antibodies.
b. has type A antigens.
c. will have an agglutination (clumping) response if given type O blood.
d. all of the above

MATCHING: For each cell in column A, select the description in column B that
best matches the cell. Darken the letter of that choice on the scantron. (Each choice
may be used only once)

6. Plasma cells a. Develop immunocompetence in thymus
7. Antigen presenting cells (APC) b. Produce antibodies
8. T-lymphocytes c. Display MHC protein on cell surface
9. Macrophages d. Engulf/eat pathogens

TRUE OR FALSE: If the statement is true, darken “A” on your scantron. If the
statement is false, darken “B” on your scantron.

10. Red blood cells are destroyed by macrophages in the kidney.

11. Leukemia refers to cancerous conditions of white blood cells.

12. The response of muscle fibers to a single action potential from its motor neuron is
called a twitch.

13. If the myocardium does not receive blood from the coronary arteries, a myocardial
infarction may occur.

Multiple Choice: On the scantron, darken the letter that corresponds to the best
answer for each question.

14. Normal heart sounds (lub-dub) are caused by which of the following events?
a. excitation of the sinoatrial (SA) node
b. closure of the heart valves
c. friction of blood against the chamber walls
d. opening of the heart valves

15. Which of the following is a correct match of muscle type and function?
a. Smooth muscle: constrict ventricle walls
b. Cardiac muscle: constrict bronchioles
c. Skeletal muscle: contract triceps brachii
d. None of the above are correct

16. Which is NOT a function of the lymphatic system?

a. return leaked interstitial fluid to blood
b. activate the immune system
c. assist in body defense
d. contribute interstitial fluid to intercellular space between tissues

17. Sara did a 100 m sprint in 14 seconds. Which of the following pathways did she use
as a main source of energy?
a. anaerobic pathway
b. aerobic pathway
c. creatine phosphate
d. both b and c

18. Which of the following statements about the circulation of blood is NOT true?
a. Blood to the systemic route is pumped by the left ventricle.
b. The pulmonary route transports blood from the heart to the lungs and back to the
c. The first blood vessel in the systemic circuit is the aorta.
d. The coronary circulation is part of the pulmonary circuit.

19. A whole muscle consists of

a. one muscle fiber wrapped in endomysium
b. a bundle of fascicles wrapped in epimysium
c. a fascicle wrapped in perimysium
d. a bundle of muscle fibers wrapped in endomysium

20. Which of the following is characteristic of ALL leukocytes?

a. They have a nucleus.
b. They have cytoplasmic granules.
c. They are phagocytic.
d. They are the most numerous of the formed elements in blood.

21. The left ventricular wall of the heart is thicker than the right wall in order to
a. accommodate a greater volume of blood
b. expand the thoracic cage during diastole
c. pump blood with greater pressure
d. pump blood through a smaller valve

22. A person who lifts weights will most likely experience

a. Muscle atrophy
b. Muscle hypertrophy
c. Fibrillation
d. No change in muscle tone

23. Which of the following is a way muscle contractions can be graded?

a. changing frequency of stimulation
b. changing strength of stimulus
c. recruiting more motor units involved in contraction
d. all of the above

24. Baroreceptors help to regulate heart rate by informing the brain about
a. blood pressure.
b. oxygen levels of the blood.
c. blood pH.
d. carbon dioxide levels of the blood.

25. Which area controls your normal breathing rhythm?

a. VRG – ventral respiratory group
b. Pontine respiratory center
c. Expiratory center
d. Cardiac center

26. Erythroblastosis fetalis is a condition where

a. maternal anti-Rh antibodies attack fetal red blood cells.
b. fetal antibodies attack its own red blood cells.
c. fetal red blood cells are produced at an abnormally high rate.
d. fetal anti-Rh antibodies attack maternal white blood cells.

27. Which of the events below does NOT occur when the semilunar valves are open?
a. Ventricles are in diastole.
b. Blood enters pulmonary arteries and the aorta.
c. AV valves are closed.
d. Ventricles are in systole.

28. Which of the following affects oxygen binding to and dissociation from hemoglobin?
a. partial pressure of oxygen
b. temperature
c. carbon dioxide binding to hemoglobin
d. all of the above

29. Muscles that oppose the movement are the

e. agonists
f. antagonists
g. synergists
h. levers

30. The lungs have

a. 3 lobes on the right and 2 on the left in humans.
b. a double layer membrane.
c. an unchanging intrapulmonary pressure
d. all of the above

31. Which methods provide hemostasis?

a. vascular spasm, clotting, polycythemia
b. hemolysis, vascular spasm, platelet plug formation
c. emigration, clotting, hemolysis
d. vascular spasm, clotting, platelet plug formation

32. Which of the following statements is true about bulk fluids in the capillaries?
a. Bulk fluids enter the capillaries due to high hydrostatic pressure.
b. Bulk fluids leave the capillaries due to osmotic pressure.
c. Bulk fluids that exit the capillaries can reenter capillaries as lymph.
d. Bulk fluids inside lymph vessels are called plasma.

33. You can increase your blood pressure by

a. constricting capillaries
b. increasing cardiac output
c. increasing blood volume
d. all of the above

34. Lymph nodes

a. return leaked interstitial fluid to the spleen.
b. cluster along lymphatic vessels and filter lymph.
c. produce red blood cells.
d. consist of lymphatic ducts.

35. Chemoreceptors can detect

a. low amounts of oxygen
b. levels of carbon dioxide
c. both a and b
d. stretch in arterial walls

36. In an arterial blood pressure of 110/70, the mean arterial pressure would be
a. 110
b. 70
c. 90
d. 83

37. The humoral immune response involves

a. B-cells producing plasma cells which secrete antibodies
b. APCs destroying the antigen
c. T-cells binding to antigen-MHC complex on the APC to kill the antigen.
d. Memory cells producing T-cells to regulate the immune response.

38. Which of the following statements is true about internal respiration?

a. Carbon dioxide diffuses from blood to interstitial space.
b. Partial pressure of carbon dioxide is higher in tissues than in blood.
c. Hemoglobin binds more carbon dioxide.
d. Carbon dioxide is being converted into bicarbonate ions in the plasma.

39. When intrapulmonary pressure drops below atmospheric pressure
a. air is flowing out of the lungs
b. inhalation is occurring.
c. the diaphragm is relaxed.
d. all of the above.

40. The cell-mediated response

a. can include helper T-cells and cytoxic T cells
b. can stimulate the humoral response
c. fights pathogens located inside cells by using MHC proteins
d. all of the above

41. Antibodies
a. come only in one variety.
b. bind only to other antibodies.
c. can inactivate antigens and cause phagocytosis.
d. are located on the plasma membrane.

42. An autoimmune disease

a. occurs when the body produces antibodies against a foreign antigen
b. occurs when the body produces antibodies against itself
c. occurs when the immune system responds to a harmless antigen
d. triggers an inflammatory response

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