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Broad Topic:Online Addiction

Specific Topic:Addiction of Mobile Legend of Senior High School student in CNAHS


Mobile game is a video game played on a feature phone, smartphone, PDA,

tablet computer, portable media player or calculator. This does not include games
played on dedicated handheld video game systems such as Nintendo 3DS or
PlayStation Vita. The first game on a mobile phone was a Tetris game on the Hagenuk
MT-2000 device from 1994. Three years later Nokia launched the very successful
Snake on selected models in 1997. Snake and its variants has since become one of the
most-played video games and is found on more than 350 million devices worldwide.
Mobile games are played using the technology present on the device itself. For
networked games, there are various technologies in common use.
Mobile game addiction and video game addiction in general increases a person’s
risk for a number of physical and psychological health problems, as well as problems
that interfere with one’s overall livelihood. In the U.S., unemployment rates among
between the ages of 21 and 30 have risen dramatically in recent years because these
men are choosing to live at home and play video games instead of looking for work.
Also, for the first time since the 1930s, more U.S. men between the ages of 18 and 34
are living with their parents than with romantic partners which experts are attributing
partly to video game addiction.
Mobile Legends, one of the mainstay game of MOBA is very popular and in
demand among various circles. Starting from adolescence to adulthood, this game is
very loved especially in Asia. A total of 10 million accounts are known to have
downloaded this game on the Google Play Store or Apple App Store. And easy to play
for people who have never played similar games need not worry. Due to the simple way
of playing and many tutorials to play it when first opening the game. Starting from
shooting and hitting, determining the right direction of movement, using skills, playing
with other players, to how to buy items. This game is considered a Dota 2 in the mobile
version, because of the overall aspect of the game is similar but much easier to play
than Dota 2.
As of today, most people relate online games to low
a c a d e m i c performance. Through the years, studies have yielded different results.
Some of them say that they are co-related when some say that they are
not .According to Anderson and Dill (2000), there is a negative correlation
between the two. Thus, meaning that there is no relation between the number of
hours played by a player and his grades. At times, the students defend the games
they are playing by saying that they do learn something from it. A paper from
EDUCAUSE backs these students up by suggesting that the faculty learn and
know about these games so as to help students in in class learning experience
(Hitch and Duncan, 2005). Furthermore, another paper claims that these games
are not just for entertainment (Shaffer, Squire, Halverson, & Gee, 2005). They
claim that these games may be used to learn and experience different things
and interact with other people and belong to a virtual community.
As the advent of online games occurs, students failed on their grades ,they gave
more of their attention on playing online games rather than doing their school
responsibilities. Some are getting sick because they spend most of their time on playing
and choose to skip eating their food on time. They also don’t have enough money to
spend to their school works if needed because they spend it already in playing
computer games. Thus, research focuses on how online games affects the academic
performance of Senior high School General Academic Stand students of Carmen
National Agricultural High School in year 2018-2019.

Statement of the Problem

In this study, the researchers aim to know the Effects of Mobile Games (Mobile
Legends) to the Behavior and Health of SHS students. Specifically, this study seeks to
answer the following sub- questions:
1.What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:
1.1 Age
1.2 Gender
1.3 Gamer Type
1.4 Online games commonly plated
1.5 Social Status
1.6 Availability of Internet
1.7 Parents Educational Background

2.How many sessions a gamer spends of playing online games in terms of:
2.1 Frequency of playing online games
2.2 Average time span of playing online games
2.3 Length of period of playing online games

3.How does playing games affect the academic performance of the students in relation
3.1 Recent grades for 1st and 2nd grading period
3.3 Number of hours spent in studying
3.3 frequency of absences in class
Significance of the Study
In this section, the researchers expressed the value or importance of there search
study and this is where the significant contribution of the result was enumerated. This
research study will beneficial to the following:
 Mobile Legends Players.
The result of this study will help the ML players to know that there is a effects of
playing mobile games (mobile legends) in their health and behaviour

 Students.
The result of this study can give them an ideas and information about the effects
of Mobile games (Mobile legends) to the behavior and health aside from negative

 Parents. 
This study will help the parents to have enough knowledge about the effects of
playing online games among their children.

 Future Researchers.
The result of the study will be serving as a guide of other researchers who would
embark conduct of study of similar nature.

Scope and Limitation

This study aims to know what are the effects of playing Mobile Legends to the
academic compliance of a student.Respondents will only be students from Senior High
School in CNAHS, mostly students from GAS strand. The study will be gather through
surveys and questionnaires that will be answered by the respondents, and to be use as
a reference of the data. The data will only cover on what are the effects of playing
Mobile Legends to the academic compliance of a student and not any problems that is
not covered by the study.

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