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Silver Blaze

1.) An illegal product to calm the mind

Seized by the West to make a profit
Shipped off to others to find
That it can help a terror outfit i
2.) When it is done, much seems to happen but by the end, all is the same ii

3.) Once there was a queen who wanted to roam her kingdom so she went to her adviser to ask where
to go first. He replied “Teary acts ahead” and the queen went there. Where exactly did the queen go? iii

4.) To be compared to just a noise that’s happy is

Insulting and demeaning yet
When I prove to be a success
No one, on me, would have even bet iv
5.) The son of both a royal and a ruler who later achieved three crowns in his life v

6.) There were two women who went to the department store to buy a gift but they didn’t know what
to buy because when they asked their friend what she wanted, she said “Something which is half from
Grace and half from you.” What did she want? vi

7.) Too much water falling down makes it really hard to see vii

8.) Imagine again in a titanium onlooker, two people stood out viii

9.) Time stopped all around me for singing in Her Majesty’s courts and have posed a riddle with a 1.67
on meix

10.) A fugitive left a note, saying where he was going, for his crew to find. However, they could never
solve what was written for it was encoded and it went something like this: CQESJAW. Took out the
middle man for the price of an elegant costume. Where did he go? x

A day at the races or the races
Dark horse
Something silver or silver
The Hatter or Mad Hatter
The Adventure of the Gloria Scott

1.) Complete the pattern: M, M, L, J, A, _ i

2.) My little piece of heaven
It reminds of what was like before
It doesn’t matter if you’re a heathen
You’ll believe me when you go to the fore ii
3.) A man received a letter which read “Flails and metals in loft fit. Call late, 10 pm. Don’t forget to
remove the weight of the world off your shoulders.” The next morning, the man went missing
and neighbors saw going somewhere in his car. They found the letter and knew exactly where
he went. Where did he go?iii
4.) Brother Andrew was well-loved by his friends and acquaintances. He was an inspiration to those
who know his story. Yet he was also known by his haters by another name, which have done
nothing but drink their problems away. What was that name? iv
5.) To keep a snake in your midst at sea is tantamount to having a small girl who can’t speak. What
am I talking about here?v
6.) Not wanting to die in a prison cell
One perseveres to go back to the outside
Far from the corruption found inside
From the warden who made his life hell vi
7.) The love that destroys oneself and others has and shall never go out for it has sometimes been
the foundation of successvii
8.) A laughing dog is what I get which is frustrating, considering I have a gun in my hand viii
9.) Amazing how one simple lie
Can ruin two lives, an army man and a medic
What’s more, their deaths are even more tragic
A victim of a bomb and another due to infection when help was nigh ix
10.) A dead-beat ship who is clearly past his prime waves to death with fire and water while his
captain is crushed by his own shipx

R- Romans
Shawshank Redemption
Duck Hunt
The Last Voyage
The Five Orange Pips

1.) A string of 169 0 and 1’s are given.

{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0,
0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1,
0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0,
1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}. What does it mean? i
2.) Floating things reside in me
Take away a letter, I become a treat
Another letter gone and a number I will be
Get rid of one more, I'll make you squirm in your seat
What am I?ii
3.) There is no glory nor honor in this
All suffer the same fate, one way or another;
Just for fame, power, influence or bliss
We give up time, money and manpoweriii
4.) In a family with 5 children, the eldest told her father a riddle which puzzled him which led him
to ask a hint. The hint was “The secret to this unexpected answer, for now, is known to her,”
with the eldest pointing to their youngest. What was the answer? iv
5.) A kidnapper and his hostage both sat down at a dining table, the kidnapper brandishing a bottle
of poison and a bottle of scotch. He placed them at the table and got two glasses and set them
down at the table too. He then said “Let’s play a game, I’ll mix this two drinks together and we’ll
both drink the same mixture. If I pass out before you, you can go free but I’ll kill you if it’s the
other way around. You want to play? If you say no, I’ll kill you now.” The hostage took him on
and the kidnapper then poured the mixture, with the glass of the hostage having more scotch
content and the kidnapper’s having more poison content to make things interesting. They both
drank and the hostage lost and died from poison. If you were the hostage, what would you have
done differently?v
6.) A house always under construction
With rooms too many to be numbered
Some hidden, some are always wandered
But woe when it comes to its destruction vi
7.) A silent movie date where everything is right with the world leads to sadness where happiness
should be. For I was first before the whole world knew, I saw the beauty in you. vii

Skull or face appears if arranged in a square
Switch the glasses
Bicycle Song
8.) Susan was looking for her sister’s favorite game which she had no clue since the text she
received was very vague, “The back of the game is on the wall.” Yet when she looked, there was
no game like that. What game was she referring to? i
9.) No one escapes his grasp
He comes like a shadow in the night
Those he visits may scream or gasp
But they can never best him in a fight ii
10.) Two factions with the same firsts, one stood for freedom while the other stood for oppression iii

The Red-Headed League

1.) For a job hiring, the management made the applicants take a test. Here is an excerpt of the rules
given during the test:
“This test only has 1 question. You only have 10 minutes to finish the test. You are not allowed
to read the test paper before the timer starts. During the test, you are not allowed to leave the
room or crumple/damage the paper in any way, whether intentional or not. Failure to follow the
rules will result to disqualification. Are there any questions?”
With that, the timer started and they flipped their papers to discover it was blank. After the
time, there were 3 papers which had answers. The first consisted of a one-paragraph essay, the
second consisted of a concise sentence while the third consisted of a word. Which one held a
correct answer?i
2.) We commit to protect what you give
To be your guardians at the same time, thieves
Yet in this arrangement, no one really grieves
Since it’s just to live and let liveii
3.) Any act is allowed if it’s motive is good
Since men are by nature, evil and bad
No middle ground to be here should
Between love and fear, fear must be had iii
4.) To be in it is a sheer dellight but to step out is scary yet grand iv
5.) People have tried holding onto getting a piece recorded over v
6.) Smoking without smoke
Which saves the trouble of lighting a flame
Yet a fascination of death has the same name
And that is a killing jokevi
7.) Complete the pattern: R, I, O, _vii
8.) Curiosity got the better of her
Amidst the illegal methods to take a criminal down
A vengeance as the offer
For a monopoly trade in the townviii
9.) An open secret that still holds a shroud of influence and mystery, it has produced some of the
most notable characters in building our history ix
10.) They have built our homes and they have only just begun, for all we know x

The third
The Prince
N- nominal
The Adventure of the Retired Colourman

1.) Welcome, my old friend

I’m glad that we could meet again
To talk about my thoughts without end
Which cannot and would not be heard by men i
2.) The king holds all the power but does not go far while his queen can go wherever she wants ii
3.) Used in the most inhumane time in history
It has become a must when faced with torture
Seemingly weaved itself into our culture
To end oneself and never tell the story iii
4.) The place where names are made and lives forgotten
A haven where your voice can be heard
One of the earliest forms of expression
Where men were once more preferrediv
5.) There once was a bachelor who loved drinking tea when a newsboy went by. He befriended the
newsboy, wanting to get an undercut, which the boy immediately picked up on. He said, “Sir,
without your tea, you would really fit the part.” The bachelor did not get what the boy was
saying so he called his closest friend and his friend laughed upon hearing this. What did the boy
call the bachelor?v
6.) Oh how the mighty have fallen
Pushed too much down to the cliff
From atop the mountain Stratton
Due to success’s stinking whiffvi
7.) A writer meets his number one fan
In the aftermath of a blizzard, nevertheless
Their interactions reveal the image of a stan
And makes his next creation a successvii
8.) It gives no warning and wants to always succeed yet brings pain and sorrow to all those it
9.) Three men were adjacent cell neighbors in prison and yet when one escaped, the other 2 knew
something about it. The only odd thing noted was after the incident, a clanking was heard which
may be a code but the police have no idea what it means. The guard who noted the occurrence
had this as proof, 1,2|3,4|3,1|4,4|1,5|1,4, and says that it was found in the possession of one
of the inmates. What was the message?ix

The Sound of Silence
Suicide pill or cyanide pill
Theatre or theater
The Wolf of Wall Street
10.) Ken was friends with a certain colonel and was privy to a lot of secret information. He was
suspected of espionage but no evidence was found against him. One day, all of a sudden, he
confessed of being a spy and said “Combine us and the truth shall be found. With that, they
found a bundle of classified information. Where did they find it? i

The Adventure of Charles Augustus Milverton

1.) She can take long or be very quick

Albeit being blind, in her own right
Many want to gain her hand and be her pick
And those who anger her should be in fright i
2.) It’s hard to think that a worker on a farm would later become known as an evil man ii
3.) A letter which contains all the colors of the world is the most coveted and feared thing to have iii
4.) The wolf hides beneath sheep’s clothing
Pretended to be a part of the herd
While waiting for others to bring
A conspiracy buried back to be heardiv
5.) I’m filled with woe and sorrow
Because they all deserted me
Don’t want another tomorrow
So I’ll lay down and die, leave me be v
6.) I am myself yet I am also someone else. We are considered as one. What am I? vi
7.) The truth is buried beneath a heap of lies
And what is private seems to be owned by all
Because nothing’s more interesting than someone’s fall
And never heard are the mercy criesvii
8.) My mark of shame has become my mark of honor, anyone who says otherwise must get a
chilling to be worth itviii
9.) A rich maiden wanted to post something in her account when she realized that she had
forgotten her password. Remembering that she wrote it in her diary, she opened it to see that it
contained gibberish, “MNREGLAIS” Remember the Rubicon. What was her password? ix
10.) My uncle taught me to invest in real estate and to take chances which sometimes can lead to
jail. He also taught me the wonders of an auction and to stay out of debt as much as possible.
Who was my uncle?x

Serpent’s Song
An agent
A Scarlet Letter
Mean Girls
Rich Uncle Pennybags or Mr. Monopoly

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