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Bullying basics
by By Jose Pujalte Jr.

We talk often now of how China (3,704,426 sq mi) is bullying the Philippines (115,831 sq mi)
over pieces of rock and corals in the West Philippine Sea. A cursory look at any map shows us
just how huge China is compared to the Philippines. It is after all the 4th largest country, after
Russia, Canada, and the US. Of course, it’s not just about size: China is stronger in military and
economic terms so there are many ways of losing to a giant. Now we know exactly what bullying
means because it has happened to you and me at one time or another.

Bullying Defined. What follows is an iteration of portions in, a US

Department of Health and Human Services website. “Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior
among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance.” Kids that bully
have physical strength, access to embarrassing information, or popularity, and use these to
control or harm others. The behavior is repeated and, over time, may have serious and lasting
problems for those who are bullied and those who bully.

Types of Bullying. There are three types. In verbal bullying, there can be teasing, name-calling,
inappropriate sexual comments, taunting, and threatening to cause harm. Social or relational
bullying is hurting someone’s reputation or relationships. Leaving someone out (of the loop) on
purpose, telling other children not to be friends with someone, spreading rumors about someone,
and embarrassing someone in public are all examples of social bullying. Physical bullying is
hurting a person’s body or possessions. Obviously this can take the form of hitting, kicking,
spitting, pinching, tripping, pushing, or even making rude hand gestures. Taking or breaking
someone’s things is physical bullying too.
“Blowing out someone’s candle doesn’t make yours any shiner.” Calling someone stupid
doesn’t make you smarter. Bullying is everywhere. This is the reality of where some people were
being bullied because of how weak they are to stand up and protect themselve.It is will always be
a part of the issues that must be resolved immediately.

There are many forms of bullying: verbal, physical and cyber. In the Philippines, we have
the ability to speak what’s on our mind or what we called freedom of speech. We are given an
opportunity to express opinions without restraint.We are truly lucky to have this kind of right to
speak without fear of being punish, However, because of this freedom some people abused this
right and blurt out things that may hurt the feelings of other people. My opinion about this matter
is that bullying doesn’t make you stronger but a fool who steps on people who are weaker than
them in order satisfy their ego. It doesn’t mean that you pulled someone down, they will never
have the courage to stand up again. They will rise far above you and will be the one looking
down at you.

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