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A Simple Baby Pullover

by Erica Kempf Broughton

Materials: 1(2,2,3) Skeins of Cherub Aran by Cascade (worsted/aran, 240 yards per skein, 100% Acrylic)
1 set of US size 7-8 circular needles, 16 or 24 inch length
3 buttons (1/2 or 3/4 inch wide)

Approximate Age: 0-6 months (6-12 months, 1-2 years, 2-3 years)
Sweater Chest Measurements: 17.5 inches (19 inches, 21.5 inches, 23 inches)

Gauge: 20 sts = 4 inches in stockinette

Stitch Dictionary: kfb – knit into the front and the back of the same stitch
pm – place marker
yo – yarn over
k2tog – knit 2 stitches together
2x2 ribbing – k2, p2 repeat to end of row

This sweater is worked flat (back and forth) on circular needles to start with and all sizes are worked identically for quite
a while.

CO 62
Knit 3 rows

Next row, place stitch markers as follows: K13, pm, K9, pm, K18, pm, K9, pm, K13
These markers are now dividing your sweater into front, back and both sleeves as shown
lllllllllllll M lllllllll M llllllllllllllllll M lllllllll M lllllllllllll
front arm back arm front

Row 1 (Buttonhole Row): K1, K2tog, yo, K1, P to 4 stitches from the end, K4
Row 2: (K to 2 sts before the stitch marker, kfb, k1, slip marker, kfb) repeat at each of the 4 stitch markers
Row 3: K4, P to 4 stitches from the end, K4
Row 4: Repeat Row 2
Row 5: Repeat Row 3
Row 6: Repeat Row 2

Work these 6 rows a total of 3 times. On your very last repeat of row 6, knit to the last 4 stitches

The sweater will now be joined to be worked in the round.

You will be doing this by using the last 4 stitches of row 6 (that have not yet been knit) and the first 4 stitches on the
other end of the needles. K2tog, one stitch from each needle (this is very similar to a 3 needle bind off). Do this for each
of these 4 stitches. Your sweater is now joined in the round, with the button band marking the beginning of each

Round 1: K
Round 2: (K to 2 sts before the stitch marker, kfb, k1, slip marker, kfb) repeat at each of the 4 stitch markers

Work Rounds 1 and 2 a total of 4 (6, 9, 11) times - 44(48, 54, 58) stitches between the stitch markers for the back

Separate Sleeve Stitches

K to first stitch marker, slip all stitches between the first and second stitch marker onto waste yarn (this will become the
right arm), K to third stitch marker, slip all stitches between the third and fourth stitch marker onto waste yarn (this will
become the left arm), knit to end of round. You should now be able to see how this looks like a tiny sweater.

Sweater Body
Knit every round until sweater measures 8(9.5, 11, 13) inches
Work 8 rounds in 2x2 ribbing
Bind off all stitches loosely

Going back for the sleeves

Slip all the stitches on waste yarn for one sleeve back onto your needle, picking up 2-4 stitches in the armpit to close
Join yarn and knit every round until sleeve measures 2 (2.5, 3, 3.5) inches from armpit.
Work 8 rounds in 2x2 ribbing
Bind off all stitches loosely
Repeat for second sleeve

Weave in all ends, sew buttons onto buttonband opposite buttonholes.

Hurry and put it on the baby in question before they stop letting you dress them!

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