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Assignment # 4

Santos, Ma. Alcyra Aira M.

1. Explain thoroughly what is RA10173.
2. What is the importance of Data Privacy?
3. What can we do to protect ourselves in terms of data Privacy?
4. Compare and contrast data security and data privacy.
5. Enumerate and explain at least three recent advancements in data
6. What is blockchain technology?
1. RA 10173, or the Data Privacy Act of 2012, it is the policy that protects
individuals from unauthorized processing of personal information that is
(1) private, not publicly available; and (2) identifiable, where the identity of
the individual is apparent either through direct attribution or when put
together with other available information. The State recognizes that role of
information and communications technology in nation-building is vital.
Hence, it is also an inherent obligation of the State to ensure that the
personal information of the government and those people in the private
sector are secured and well-protected.
2. The phenomenal rise of internet use around the world, and with almost
everything today found in the cloud, data protection laws have become
important tools in protecting the privacy of individuals and consumers
everywhere. Without these laws, personal information is vulnerable to
misuse, which can not only lead to a breach of privacy but to cybercrimes
like identity theft and transaction fraud, as well. It is already given that
when a data that should be kept in private gets in the wrong hands, bad
things can happen. The Data Protection Act contains a set of principles
that organisations, government and businesses have to adhere to in order
to keep someone’s data accurate, safe, secure and lawful. Also, it is
important because it provides guidance and best practice rules for
organisations and the government to follow on how to use personal data.
3. a. Password-protect everything.
b. Keep your computer virus-free.
c. Secure your browser.
d. Switch search engines.
e. Be careful what you share on social media.
f. Ask why others need your information.
g. Don't fall for scams.
h. Only use software you trust.
i. Only use secure Wi-Fi connections.
4. Data privacy or Information privacy is concerned with proper handling,
processing, storage and usage of personal information. It is all about the rights of
individuals with respect to their personal information. On the other hand, Data
security is focused on protecting personal data from any unauthorized third-party
access or malicious attacks and exploitation of data. It is set up to protect
personal data using different methods and techniques to ensure data privacy. In
addition, Data security ensures the integrity of the data, meaning data is
accurate, reliable and available to authorized parties.
5. Cloud data protection (CDP): It involves encrypting sensitive data before it
goes to the cloud with the enterprise (not the cloud provider) maintaining the
keys. Protects from unwelcomed government surveillance and helps remove
some of the biggest impediments to cloud adoption—security, compliance, and
privacy concerns.
Tokenization: Substituting a randomly generated value—the token—for
sensitive data such as credit card numbers, bank account numbers, and social
security numbers. After tokenization, the mapping of the token to its original data
is stored in a hardened database.
Big data encryption: Using encryption and other obfuscation techniques to
obscure data in relational databases as well as data stored in the distributed
computing architectures of big data platforms, to protect personal privacy,
achieve compliance, and reduce the impact of cyber attacks and accidental data
6. The term "blockchain technology" typically refers to the transparent,
trustless, publicly accessible ledger that allows us to securely transfer the
ownership of units of value using public key encryption and proof of work
methods.The technology uses decentralized consensus to maintain the network,
which means it is not centrally controlled by a bank, corporation, or government.
In fact, the larger the network grows and becomes increasingly decentralized, the
more secure it becomes.
Data Privacy vs. Data Security [definitions and comparisons]. (2020, April 15).

Retrieved from

NortonLifeLock, W. for. (n.d.). What Is Data Privacy and Why Is it Important?

Retrieved from

Press, G. (2017, October 18). Top 10 Hot Data Security And Privacy Technologies.

Retrieved from


Starting a Business in the Philippines: Work with Us. (2019, November 7). Retrieved



What is blockchain technology? (2020, March 30). Retrieved from


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