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Viturus Libertas State Superior Court Judge Judge Anna Von Reitz

Judge ann von reitz 1:50:01 JUDGE ANNA VON REITZ - TAKING BACK AMERICA - Exclusive
Full Interview W/ Victurus Libertas 20,254 views•Mar 3, 2018 539 37 SHARE SAVE Victurus
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Oh God we're here to show you a few cool products that we finally have available on the marketplace
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hey guys I'm so excited tonight our guest is a state Superior Court judge she's an author and advocate at
our original republic and an educator just so many through her website anna von we're
delighted to have to our show tonight judge Anna bond rates hey Joanna how are you thank you okay
so judge Anna we have been fans of yours for so long and thank you so much for being here and we
would like to start with you and I like you said we've been researching this kind of stuff for a long time
but we have a lot of newbies who have joined our channel and so what we'd like to do is explain to
them where we came from where we are right now and where we might be going as a civilization can
you help us with that

anna: well I can try basically things got off track during the civil war now we have all been taught to
call it the civil war but it wasn't actually a war with dysentery conflict and there's a difference I guess
the way to put it is that in a lawful war there's a declaration and there's an end there's a peace treaty but
in a commercial conflict where you've got mercenaries on both sides it's not that clean-cut kind of affair
it's it's a it's an illegal war let's put it that way and it does not have the standing or the repercussions or
meaning of a true war so what happened here in the 1860s was not a war even though that's what we
call it it's not it's a commercial mercenary conflict and

the reason that we can be sure that that is true is that there was no formal declaration of any war by the
risk ever and there is no official peace treaty ending it either those two things which should be there
aren't there and I can pretty much definitively challenge anybody with a million dollar reward to find
an actual declaration by Congress commencing any war or any actual peace treaty ending it so and I
know when it interrupts but do we have those on all of these other wars since yes we do okay all right
good but it's questionable that those wars were lawful either because the entities that were involved that
we're actually making these declarations don't appear to be lawful government entities they are they all
appear to be corporations and operating as corporations and when a corporation when a government
steps down and assumes the character of a commercial corporation it loses all claim discovered team
becomes just another commercial corporation so it would be like IBM declaring war on GM Wow

okay you know that's sort of a war by definition that's kind of a euphemistic thing like the war on drugs
right yeah these other things terrorism right basically they're just keeping this rolling forward they're
they're pretending that they're at war but they're you know no corporation can actually declare a real
war so what they're doing is basically doing a bunch of legalistic chicane Rhian semantics deceits in
order to bring forward these false claims and essentially the same thing happened with us and with our
estates after the war the the southern states were in ruins and the northern states were bankrupt thanks
to Lincoln and the Grand Army of the Republic, which is what they called the Union Army,

was in charge under a set of rules that were set up in 1863 called the Lieber code now the Lieber code
has since morphed into the Hague conventions and that's another whole story I won't go into but
essentially we have a situation where we have the actual states and the actual people and the actual
government that we rode which we all think of as the [national] United States right then

we have the municipal United States which is a government that was allowed to Congress under the
original Constitution to rule over the rule over the to rule over the Washington DC meanest felony okay
so they were given the the right to have their own oligarchy take control of Washington DC which they
then parleyed into an international city state so they have their own little bailiwick over there which is
called the municipal United States and then finally we have the territorial United States which is still
run by the military Wow okay and we grow up and we're blissfully unaware of all this right right but

we've got three different governments one the United States of America unincorporated one the United
States municipal and one the real and all these things are happening all around us all the time and
they're all feeding off of us because they all get their money from us right right and so we've been
carrying around all of these different levels of government plus county governments plus municipal
governments formed as boroughs counties townships you know you name it and last but not least
they're trying to foist off a regional government on us to through the United Nations though each one of
these levels of government goes out and they play a game it's really kind of funny because what they do
is they describe you or they describe your property and they infringe on your common law copyright in
order to do it and by describing I'll give you an example with blood property say that you your house is
identified as a 911 Spring Street okay and it also has another property description that the tax assessor
gives it which might be 19-2 zero one four platinum per ad of the springfield coney plant okay it might
be a municipal designation like lot twelve block three of the fairyland park subdivision now you they
keep changing all these different descriptions that's what they're foreclosing on they're not foreclosing
on your house they're just the descriptions the locations that they have Wow yeah they just copyright
this description and they arbitrarily claim the facts theirs and they have the copyright to the description
right they put that in as a title a title like a time to a book Yeah right and they foreclosed on that title
huh interesting cambree it's all fraud is the same thing that they've done with people though -

man: right I'll ask can you go through that a little bit with birth certificates and all that kind of deal right
what's supposed to happen is that baby is born the parents are supposed to give notice to the
community and copyright the name basically nail down the common law copyright of the child's name
by recording it notice I said record it record is land jurisdiction registering anything puts it in the sea
jurisdiction huh but because our parents didn't know this word told this they don't do it you know they
might write your name down in the family Bible and that does create a record but that's not a public
record of you holding your own name and everything right so instead what happens is that the hospital
posts your given name in a birth announcement right hmm yep after however long a week two weeks
whatever your nobody comes forward to claim that baby the hospital then turns it over as a abandoned
vessel right name and it gets registered by the state of organization basically Department of Health and
Human Services and you're considered a ward of the state as if you had been left on the hospital's
doorstep right so now that can't be righted your given name and on your birth certificate you'll see that
the actual name is all capital letters and that's how you make a corporation a corporate entity could be a
could be a cooperative it could be an estate it could be a trust of any kind a foundation a Sikh or best
Corp LLC all of those things are named with all capital letters so when you see that birth certificate
you'll notice that there's your actual birthday right and then there is a file date which is always a few
days or a week or two later well the birthday is the record of you being born right and the birth date is
the record of the thing the estate or the public transmitting utility or whatever else being registered right
that's its birthdate so is this birth certificate has two functions its first function is as a insurance
indemnity receipt when they seize your property they have to insure you against loss and damage so
when they prolong your property like this and step in as your it's called a usufruct where they make
use of your assets for their benefit they have to insure you against loss or damage okay so your birth
certificate is an indemnity insurance receipt okay and the other thing it is it's a bond a lot of people are
confused about what bonds are a bond is an IOU it has no no value but what you give it okay and
they figure out using accounting and actuarial tables how much money you might be expected on an
average to make in a lifetime and they bond your estate for that amount and that includes your labor
whatever you might accrue as a homeowner or you know stocks blah blah blah okay so they they put
out this IOU out there this bond in your name the old capitals name the estate name and then they sit
back and they benefit from trading that from putting insurance policies and collecting on that one of the
most repulsive things they do is they take your money that you spend on taxes and things of that nature
and they take out a life insurance policy on you so that when you die they get paid

man: Wow so judge in it do you have a birth certificate or have you remedied this in some way for
yourself well because it's an insurance and guarantee receipt it's actually a very good tool for you once
you figure out their game so now you know what a birth certificate is okay now you go and you get that
that birth certificate authenticated and that is a process of going to the state secretary of state with a
birth certificate and saying okay I'm on tour office to authenticate that this is genuine actual birth
certificate okay so the state Secretary of State goes through and they go oh yeah I uh everything checks
out boom they stamp it they put a cover sheet on the birth certificate you got some vital statistics and
then next you take it to the United States Secretary of State in this case Rex Tillerson his office and you
do the same thing you say hey I want this authenticated and they go through the same process and they
put their cover sheet on top of it so what you get back at the end of the day is the three-page document
it has the US Secretary of State's verification that is a genuine article you have the State Secretary of
State's verification that it's a genuine article and you have the birth certificate that you got from the
vital statistics people and so you know you kind of I call it you've built the lawnmower okay you now
have the the absolute proof that this is what was done this is who did it to you and this is who is liable
for having done that to you all right that's step one okay so you don't have an authenticated birth
certificate and I wanted just very briefly a lot of people have questions why is it authenticated why isn't
it certified why isn't it dad apostiled okay well the plain fact of the matter is is that there are different
conventions that that different groups of countries have for guaranteeing the authenticity of documents
that pass back and forth between them and international business and so all of the Hague Convention
come countries that signed on to the Hague conventions do between themselves as for that purpose for
guaranteeing that records are correct but all the countries that never signed on to the Hague conventions
including the United States of America use authentication so that's why when you're acting as an
American state national you are acting under the auspices of the United States of America not the
United States and that's why you have to authenticate your birth certificate for use in international trade
instead of getting a NAPA steal and you know people get very confused and sometimes they get
runaround because nowadays for a state Secretary of State's office to have to do an authentication some
of them OCAD it say what's that know but that's just their ignorance coming out we have to keep on
them and make sure that they continue to do their job so anyway that's why it's an authentication
instead of an admin steal and when you when you want an authentication you tell the state secretary of
state and the US Secretary of State's office that you need it for doing business and Indonesia or one of
the other countries that never signed on to the Hague conventions and that's really all it's necessary
okay so anyway that's why you get it authenticated and that's the overall purpose is just to have a copy
of the document that is guaranteed to be genuine okay so that you can go into any court and they can't
waffle or say oh well this isn't quite official and you know give you all that other runaround okay okay
so now you have an authenticated birth certificate what else do you need well you need to go back and
correct that whole business where your parents didn't claim you okay you have to go back and claim
your own name in the state and at this point they have seized upon your trade name and copyrighted
ooh that trade name by the way it's it's the British crown corporation that holds the copyright to your
trade name but anyway they only hold it in a secondary capacity because you were born before their
franchise was born you are the holder in due course you have first dibs in commerce it's always first in
line first in time has the claim and so you are the true holder in due course of your Christian trade name
which is your first middle last upper and lower case name that you were always taught to use in grade
school right mm-hmm so you go back in and you claim back your own name and you do this using a
common law copyright it's going back all the way to your birthday and you reconvey your property to
the land and soil of the state where you were born now we have a form called a certificate of assumed
[Certificate of Assumed Name -- claim back your own name, and all derivatives,via a common law
copyright, -- reconvey your propety to the land and soil of the state we were born in, --gives us a
standing writ of habeus corpus on the public record (bring the man forward to determine if his
confinement is legal. This habeus corpus (I have the body) gives us the right to go into court - I am the
subrogee for the Defendant, I am the Priority Creditor, I am the Paramont security interest holder.]

that does all this plus it gives you a standing writ of habeas corpus established on the public record and
once that's done and it's recorded and you have control of not only your trade name but all of the
derivative names that were spun off of it you never have control of the quote unquote strawman name
in all capitals verse middle last the public transmitting utility name which is upper and lowercase or it
can be all caps with just nothing but a middle initial okay and there are all sorts of different variations
every kind of variation you can think last name first first name last upper middle lower case all camps
with a middle initial without a middle initial with this punctuation with that punctuation it doesn't
matter these are all they're all different derivatives is what they're called your trade name so you claim
them all you claim the whole thing okay everything your your trade name and every variation

possible okay and at the same time you establish a writ of habeas corpus and that allows you to go into
their courts and take over administrative Lea and basically tell them what to do instead of that
administrating your estate and telling you doin laying down the law and finding you and putting you in
jail you tell them what you're going to do you walk in and you say hey I'm the subrogee of the
defendant I'm the priority creditor I am the Paramount security interest holder and guess what
you're not so now that we have it straightened out about Who I am and what my role is I have owned
all the bonds that the prosecutors brought forward and I want all charges eliminated there's another
thing they can do about it boom that's it and this and this can be done even in the in the courts that were
brought into not not just common law courts this can be done in you know what

man: so what happens if ignorant they don't care and they just throw you throw you in jail anyway out
of force

anna: and there are some very ignorant judges out there most judges realize that what they're doing in
these courts is not anything to do with actual law mm-hmm it's just an administrative process but there
are some that are corrupt and there are some that are ignorant and we do wind up with some cases of
them in one way or another presuming and imposing upon people under false presumptions and false
pretenses okay however we now have enforcement excellent

man: tell us about the importance yeah because I had heard a previous interview with you talking about
needing to do this one County at a time is that correct

anna: well we need to get our ducks up off the couch and form our it's called the county girl assembly
okay okay now you'll remember in the Constitution it says you have the right to peaceably assemble
right yes hmm it doesn't say peaceably associate so you're talking about a jury assembly not a journal
Society okay because the assembly is what forms the court on the land jurisdiction and we the living
people our land jurisdiction beings and we function and control the land jurisdiction of our country
okay why are we land assets and land beings well number one we're born on the land but number two
from dust thou art dust and to dust thou returnest okay so we come from the land and we go back to the
land and as a result we are land beings and land assets and guess what we are owed the law of the land
all right you have to kind of step back a little bit and think about this in terms of land and sea land is the
national jurisdiction okay and what are our nation's in this country our states are our nation every state
is a nation okay yeah so you are born as a Minnesotan or Wisconsin ayat or in Illinois and Nora you
know Texas accent that's your nation that's your nationality and more generally of course we call
ourselves Americans American is is kind of a melting pot term that could apply to anybody and I'm
either continent of North or South America right it could be somebody and you know Venezuela
American isn't terribly useful because of that it's much more to the point when you're talking about
your nationality - look I'm right in the eye and say hey I'm a Minnesotan I'm a Texan interesting yeah
okay that's my nation and this is my nation state okay the actual land that you're standing on is
your nation state and you have control of your national land jurisdiction okay so that's something that
Americans have to remember - over the years it's become very common consider yourself kind of all
together right that there are no separations or differences and it's all just one big thing but that
only happens in international jurisdiction

what happened is that the original States saw the benefit of delegating some of the responsibilities
combining and then delegating those responsibilities so what they did is they formed essentially what
we would recognize today as a holding company an unincorporated holding company called the United
States of America okay this holding company held all of the stances international jurisdiction both on
the land and on the sea

-->> so the United States of America is a holding company holding all of the internation jurisdiction
both on the and and the sea

ah okay and out of this slush pile of international powers right they delegated 19 of those powers to the
United States okay so the United States was a separate government controlled by Britain all right they
came in here as purveyors of governmental services and so their entire role was to come here and
provide us with good-faith service to provide us with these 19 services governmental services which
they are called powers right but the exercise of those powers results in a commercial service contract
and that essentially is what the Constitution did it set up that whole deal where it set up the United
States government right set up the commercial service contract delegated those 19 powers so that that
entity could provide those 19 services right and the United States of America retained all the different
powers that were not specifically enumerated

commented okay so the USA stands above the US and always has the United States of America which
is an unincorporated body politic and an unincorporated holding company has always had the the
primary role the primary role and responsibility in the US

and that's the way it's designed and that's the way that's why you have amendment 10 which says all
rights that are not specifically delegated are retained by the states and/or the people right that's why you
have the Tenth Amendment mmm-hmm okay and also the United States of America having delegated
those powers is in a position to take those powers back if the u.s. fails to live up to its contract if it
Welch's if it breaches if it fails to perform we have the ability and the responsibility to say you know
Joe Blow you have a contract with us you didn't do what you said you were gonna do you went
bankrupt we don't accept the successor to you to your bankruptcy

I mean put yourself in the position of [Music] okay I liken it to a condo association how condos work
right mm-hmm you have something it looks like a large apartment complex but every quote-unquote
apartment and there is actually its own little world its own little house within this larger framework
well it's the same way with the states and the USA okay so you go out and you hire somebody to take
care of the condominium grounds the the jointly shared grounds right you got this company that comes
in and they trim the trees and they take out the garbage and they do the snow plowing and all that other
stuff right they provide these services like does it sound like the 19 enumerated services yeah yeah it
sure it does doesn't it they're out there they're doing their job and then BOOM that company goes
bankrupt alright

so what happens well I can tell you what did happen company misses went bankrupt and then another
company showed up was booted up by the same exact people okay another company was booted up
they changed the name slightly they changed the color of the truck and they come right back in there
and they continue doing all of these jobs right and if you don't object then a process of assistant takes
place mm-hmm they just assumed the contract and they continue on doing the work but it's a different
company and that's what's been happening

here so who's oh who so who's failing like the Federal Reserve is that one of the entities that you're
talking about ended so and who is in charge of the United States of America that can say hey we're
firing you we want to go back to our sovereign ways well essentially that's what's already happened oh
yeah back in like 2008 well actually let me take it back further

okay first we have a company called the United States Inc right it goes bankrupt in 1863 okay they
reorganize and they spawned another company called the United States of America Inc but that's not
the United States of America which is an unincorporated body politic it's a corporation named after US
infringing on our copyright and seeking to deceive people into thinking it's us right so that would be all
capital letters in as well right it was up for a lowercase identified as an Inc as an incorporation okay
then that went bankrupt in 1907

and guess what they flipped right and they introduced the United States of America Inc with a small T
on me the they changed the name just a tiny bit oh you gotta be kidding me that we've been dealing
with okay so the company that was formed right after the Civil War during and after the Civil War went
bankrupt in 1907

the the perpetrator the the next one in line was the United States of America with a small T on the buh
and that went from nineteen that bankrupted in 1933 so there's a period of time there when the small T
version was operating from 1907 to say 1933 and then it went bankrupt and then we got the the the
united states with united states all caps and that too is another incorporation but this was a Municipal
Corporation of the Washington DC Municipal Corporation and the District of Columbia okay so you've
got all these different providers of these services and they are charging us for all these services right
and they're just running wild yes there's nobody you minding the store the service providers are just
selling us whatever services they want to provide for us and and charging us on our estates for all these
services that they are just racking up so in it's gotten to the point where they're they were charging us
for the service of incarcerated us yeah I mean is that so isn't that what's going on right now though is
that what is is that what our government is right now we're there that's a service for us is our
government a service for us that we're paying we're trying to do

they were they were setting up the situation similar to Nazi Germany where they were going to come in
here they were going to claim all of our property and assets they were going to kill us off but millions
and collect the life insurance policies on us and then collect all of the quote unquote abandoned
property all the dead people right then they leave behind all this abandoned property yeah they were
going to set up a concentration camp system and just run us right through it and then they were going to
charge the survivors for all this service they did do push they said that's incredible and and most of the
people just buy it hook line and sinker well I wouldn't have known until it was right on him yeah but
thankfully there were some of us that were awake and we had seen what went on and that Nazi
Germany we recognized the signs of it and you know when they got to down to buying millions of
body bags building 800 fema camps and started running railroads to them and buying billions of rounds
of ammunition and distributing it to privately owned some contractors like at DARPA and FBI and
FEMA and all these other alphabet soup agencies which are not government they're just some
contractors of government then we raised our hands and we said now enough of this this is not going to
happen we're going to expose you from here to breakfast and go after you so this happened around

is that what you're saying well what happened is all this started actually with the end of the bankruptcy
of the United States of America incorporated with the small T version that FDR booted up bankrupted
back in 1933 that came out of bankruptcy in 1999 and at that point we raised our hand and said hey hey
guys we're going home we're back on the land and we're not messing around with you anymore and the
next 20 years were various actions that were taken to object now it was during this time that we went
all the way to Rome and banged our dish on the floor like angry dogs and and wound up talking to the
Pope and doing all sorts of other things and getting all sorts of paperwork done at The Hague and
various groups around the country got organized to resuscitate their counties in their states and all this
has been going on I mean it's been happening here for twenty thirty years and it just has gotten to the
critical mass where enough people are informed so that they're concerned and they're actually taking a
much more serious view and taking personal action and during that time the the abuses of the courts
and of the police and the the subcontracting agencies have gotten worse yes and the propaganda on the
TV and radio has gotten worse and the shall we say the cognitive dissonance between all the Yankee
Doodle Dandy you planned the free stuff and the actual gut-wrenching fear that many people have felt
when approached by the IRS or the FBI or some of these other agencies like be ATF it all sounds very
Hollow all the sudden doesn't it you realize that you're being coerced and you're being victimized and
that your rights are not being respected and that these people are on your soil causing trouble for you
and you are employing them right hey so you know since when does my gardener get to boss me
around I would like to know just exactly what is the basis of this premise that you think you can come
in here and tell me what to do when I'm paying your salary hello America yeah so and let's circle back
real quick because I don't think a lot of people well some people don't understand that that so the our
court system is we're talking about Admiral time laws that's correct maritime maritime I'm sorry
maritime law maritime is the interface between the actual sea and the land right there's that that
intertidal zonethat's maritime that's Commerce that's the Merchant Marine service okay you're heard of
the Merchant Marines mm-hmm okay these guys have their own law their own thing then you have
Admiralty that's the high seas that's out and away from that intertidal zone where you're actually out
outside of any country's sphere of influence and you're in true international jurisdiction and you know
that's all under the Queen right so do we have that here in the United States absolutely okay that's part
of our court system now correct our legal system it's part of their system right we wind up we get
sucked into their court system I have their franchises have you ever studied magic at all because there's
a thing in in the tradition of magic called a poppet like a voodoo doll yes well the strongman functions
like a poppet or a voodoo doll if they use it like a handle to grab hold of your assets and control you
and your assets without actually addressing you and that's how they get away with it because there's no
law against raping pillaging murdering and stealing from a corporation a fiction right and they're all
dealing in fiction so no you know you can't you can't say you harm to my fiction because a fiction
doesn't exist right so how do you bring them back into reality you claim the copyright to your trade
name and all of its derivatives and all of its punctuation and all of its variations and then you sit
back and you go hey I'm the Sun Brigade I'm the priority creditor so basically you're saying claim
yourself back yes claim your name and restate your stages attached to your name

man:so let me get this right so right now according to the government we're just corporations each were
individual corporations you corpse right is that how they get away with extorting federal income tax
from us as well because we're a corporation instead of an end because because yeah 100% corporations
income is corporations so if there's an income tax it's against a corporation by definition

it cannot be a tax against living being yeah and I believe in that seventy seven thousand pages of the
IRS Code not one time do they define what income is because they can't yes but no the real stick here is
that income applies to corporate accruals definition it applies only to corporate accrual once somebody

claims back their name the IRS won't even mess with them or they may possibly try to intimidate them
what is your take on it okay I'll try anything yeah things are just private bill collectors they have no
right private bill collectors let me give you a little rundown on the history of the of the income tax
it began in the 1100s in France in England and it was called Peters Pence it was an income tax that was
created by the Roman Catholic Church to pay for the Crusades and it was collected by their specific bill
collectors who were black-robed men who wore white wigs they were called galley and they were
priests of the pagan goddess Sibyl they came to Rome in the second century BC and they've been bill
collectors for the Pope's and Roman Puck Jews ever since okay so on the 15th of every April
they come around and they would collect an income tax called Peter's pence and they're still doing the
same thing now only they're doing it through the Internal Revenue Service and they are using judges
and barristers and you'll note that the British barrister still wear white wings the galley yep so it's all
connected all across the history and if you start studying the history you'll see that nothing much has
changed and that income taxes has been illegal in America,

but it's not illegal in the US mm-hmm yes right yep so they can't charge us living people anything but
they can charge our corporate person however much they want as long as you let them have a corporate
person and and

man: you also educated me a little bit via email I mean there are specific names that people need to
really pay attention to such as person man woman and human so I wasn't aware of the human would
you tell our audience what human means a hue of man the you know just like a color has a human all
right so it means the color of man in the sense of color of law it appears to be a man but isn't and so you
don't want people calling you a human because on other definitions that you'll find if you look at old
Admiralty law dictionaries and stuff you'll see that one of the definitions of the human is a monster

right like a strongman okay something that appears to be a man but isn't and so you know what I mean
it comes to my mind to sasquatch you're not even sure it exists but if it does does it have rights and why
should it have rights maybe there's interest maybe maybe it's actually an animal it only appears to be a
man right you know I'm for animal rights and that I don't think anything should be cruelly treated right
but I'm not going to go out and stand there and stake my rights on a claim that is questionable I am
what my natural and unavoidable god-given rights thank you yeah and if this is fascinating information

when did you start when we used awakened when did you start studying this I caught a broadcast and I
always thought it was c-span but it couldn't have been seized man it must have been the predecessor
beast man because it was during the the confirmation hearings for Nelson d Rockefeller as Jerry Ford's
vice-president and I was home one day watching TV and I just happened to turn on the TV and there
that you know the committee was all seated in the rotunda they were talking to Nelson D Rockefeller
asking him questions and the question came up mr. Rockefeller how much money did you make last
year personal income he said something like Oh 480 million it was I don't recall exactly but it was a lot
back then I mean it was pretty dropping amount of money and then the next question was and how
much federal income tax did you pay and he stood there just stony-faced as you please and he said
none okay and so you could kind of sense him and hear the breath going out of the room right yes and
then the chairman of the committee who was doing the question he kind of fussed around in the chair a
little bit leaned over and he said I read to understand that you made four hundred and eighty million
dollars in blah blah blah income and you didn't pay any taxes any federal income taxes at all and
Nelson just kind of sat back in his chair said none wow so they have known about this game for a long
time so light bulb went up at that point right let's see yeah I just paid a third of my my little waitresses
paycheck yeah government for all these different federal taxes and he made that kind of money and he
paid zero none I want to know what he knows right okay and

so none listen this takes wading through the federal code and it is literally code no okay so this federal
leas language is the probably the very worst gobbledygook on the planet that you're ever going to read
the IRS code yes and throughout the IRS code - as a non-resident alien and for most Americans it
would never ever occur to them that they were by any means a non-resident alien I mean that's like
you're talking about someone who comes over from Mexico and does a day trip and those goes back
home right that's a non-resident alien huh all right but that's what the federal law federal code uses to
refer to us right and you have to flip it around on its head and look at it from their perspective as a
foreign government yes okay they're a foreign government and with me you're reading their code now
you are a non-resident alien so first you have to catch on to things like that is reading this
gobbledygook which is you know deliberately and horribly deceptive and convoluted and new just
utterly messed up intentionally yeah so I slog through 125,000 pages of that and by the time I got done
with that I had an education in Fed Belize and so I I still was clinging to my rather naive belief in
America land of the free right and I realized that I was being bamboozled somehow and I had a pretty
good idea that it wasn't good and that was something that I you know had caught on to some of it and at
that time I see is probably about 20 years afterward

I was running a commercial art gallery and my husband's an artist he's very fine artist he's a a member
of the well painters in America so he you know he's up there and has been for a long long time we had
our own hour so I was a good little person I made up all these questions about a change that we were
looking at an expansion for our business and I had questions about how that would affect taxation I
took all these questions into the local IRS office made an appointment with the top dog at the IRS
office and I went into the office and asked all these questions beyond answers and wrote them down at
the end of the interview I said okay well I think I understand this would you go back over and just
quickly read the question and the answer you gave me and initially did I have it right

oh no I couldn't do that yeah no oh no there can't be any accountability there would be like going to say
Department of Natural Resources walking into their office and saying when is one season this year
right and they say well it's you know September 30th to October 10th right and you asked them to write
that out and confirm that or give you something to prove that yeah they won't right and I do right there
and then any any doubt any lingering suspicion that I could be wrong and that maybe this was actually
something legitimate this income tax I knew Wow I had knew that it was a scam yeah

and that was the most horrifying scary moment that you can think of it was like being at the top of a
really tall roller coaster and having the bottom go out so this was so you this is a scam in the tax system
and then you started learning more than right at that point so much more right and it didn't get better
did it different areas

I found out that as a result of the 1907 bankruptcy all of our land had been hell as surety for that
bankruptcy they came in and they laid claim to all of our land and they are --sold it out either as
residential industrial or agricultural and they took a title on all that land all of it as a surety for the
bankruptcy that started 1907 when that babe recei of 1907 settled in 1953 the rats said oh well we can't
possibly know who this land actually belongs to anymore so they put it into two giant land Trust's
Department of Agriculture and one whence the Interior Department the private land that had been
private land was clogged up by the Department of Agriculture and the public lands was glommed up by
the Department of the Interior and that was managed by my Bureau bland land land management okay
so actually they took title to all of our land as surety for their debt and then they made a false claim of
abandonment and rolled it all over and to trust okay and they continued to hold the title okay yeah so
they stole by this chicane REE which it's a nothing but open fraud okay and then they pulled the same
thing with our labor our labor assets and our private personal property with the 1933 bank that's when
they stole our our actual silver dollars our labor the value of our labor our our names all of it they used
all that as surety for their debts - and they they've just been nothing but a bunch of you know rotten
criminal no good who is it so is it is it the crown is it the Rockefellers is it the Rothschilds who actually
started all of these scams well there are actually two colluding game gangs yeah there's a Dutch game
and there's an English game and that started all this and then over time the the Dutch gang included
some French elements so we've got basically we've got Western European country corporate
governments in here fooling around with us and and trying to seize upon our assets via this legal
chicanery all right so these bankruptcies that you're talking about is are these from mismanagement are
these planned bankruptcies set up so that they can discharge their debts against us leave us holding the
bag for their debts and so we become in bet indebted for their debts and they continue to hold us as
Ward's of their state or their their next generation service provider is it is it a possibility that this might
happen again and it seems like now what are we 20 trillion dollars in debt and is is this money being
offshored yeah I know more than 20 trillion dollars okay what they're talking about there

ts: 1:00

with that 20 trillion dollar thing is their debt, right? right right and so now the next question is okay
they're twenty trillion dollars in debt

so who's holding the credit?

right right because in a debt credit system, every time that you pay a debt with a debt what happens?

you create a credit right.

you never actually get paid in this system until you foisted off those those debt notes on someone else.

okay so credit is created for one party and the debt is created for the receiving party.
it's backwards of anything that you normally think of.

alright because you're trading a debt it's like a negative number I'm holding a negative seven and I give
you that negative seven as a payment so now you've got negative thirty right you had negative thirty
dollars in your pocket and yet we're spending this as if this were real and as if this made any sense right
mmm oh

it doesn't it's it's just a bookkeeping being so is all but you know that if there's a twenty trillion dollar
debt somebody is holding the other side of that as a as a twenty trillion dollar credit,
but you never hear about the national credit do you all right.
well the answer is is that you're holding the choice that the twenty trillion dollar credit

and they're just not doing their bookkeeping and bringing the two sides of it together to zero it out it's
it's bookkeeping prod essentially well the big I mean the issue here is I see is that they're saying that
they're not saying it's there twenty trillion dollars in debt we're saying hey

we're a bit we're a team here and you owe twenty trillion as well and and
they're you extort money from us in taxes to try to pay off this debt

but they've already received there is no debt is it possible to have the transaction that doesn't zero out
absent a contract stipulating otherwise

I mean I go to the store I buy ten dollars worth of gas right okay I give them the $10 they give me the
gas right mm-hmm it zeros out right one side and $10 on the other there you go all right so this idea
that there can be a 20 trillion dollar national debt without there being a 20 trillion dollar national credit
is bogus, it always has been and yet they pump this up no end

you know trying to make an excuse for why the American people shouldn't you know pay it again
accept higher taxes or whatever else and it's just nothing but BS

so that's it's bookkeeping it's dishonest bookkeeping and began as a result of Fast Eddie O'Hara Fast
Eddie O'Hara was Al Capone's bookkeeper and he's that a new bookkeeping system which is known as
cooking the books or keeping two sets of books double accrual bookkeeping instead of carriage
bookkeeping and guess who adopted Fast Eddie O'Hara's bookkeeping system

in 1946 the government the General Accounting Office switched over to double-accrual bookkeeping
and the hands kept a straight set of books ever since

so they were indicted, nice people, but then they said hey that's a good idea what they're doing but no
and item and then we'll do what they're doing pretty incredible

so what we've talked about up till now is pretty bleak but there's good news right and the do you see
good news in the future there's been an awakening right here in the last ten years or less well let's see
an awful lot of people have started taking charge of the IRS,

and they're no longer the bully boys they were as a result because when you're well informed and well
armed and you know where the bear went in the buck week you know, how to write a letter you can
claim your exemption and kick them right out of your life,

and you can even do it ten years retroactively Li

you have no obligation unless you are a federal employee or a federal dependent and

basically what that means are there are certain there are certain people that are legitimately federal
citizens right people who are in the military military dependents federal civilian employees their
dependents people that are really legitimately truly Ward's of the state like like people who are in
insane asylums you know this it's who this applies to and also unfortunately which

is how this all began black Americans after the Civil War,
they were never granted actual state citizenship the rotten no good governmental services corporation
that booted up in the wake of the Civil War came in and
claimed title to the black slaves that had been the plantation slaves that had been supposedly freed
British crown came right back in after the fact claimed title to them and

what happened is that although private slave ownership was outlawed public slave ownership had just
begun and it was actually from that that all the rest of this has happened

because we were not sharp enough to figure out what these rats were doing and object to it and put a
enslaved the black people of plantation slaves as public slaves

then they extended this to all federal employees,

after us they've been able to work this by controlling the courts and by controlling the banks talking
about banks what do we see as far as the the future of the monetary system yeah,

man: I would like your opinion on crypto currencies and the cashless society that we see inevitably
coming in well

anna: okay I don't believe in money I never have to me it's a ridiculous concept it's just absolutely
stupid you know give me this little piece of metal stamped with something on it and tell me that that's
worth three bushels a week yeah right - how what right this makes no sense and I used to go around
and around one of my friends about the paper in your wallet,

then I take it out I'd have this bill in front of my say look this is just paper, right I mean it doesn't even
make good toilet paper you can't write a note on it it's useless it's a world-class 1 p.m.

what are you doing what are you thinking you're slaving your life away for this?

well it's just more Clinton plan it's more what I call it idolatry.

because what happens is people don't have the sophistication and the discernment to make a distinction
between a symbol of value and actual value?

whatever it is that's being used as the symbol of value become synonymous with the actual value in
their minds right

and that is that's a logic mistake of major proportions

that then offers the opportunity for flim-flam artists and and con men to come in and profit themselves

and so I think the entire concept of money useless and

I think that this is just part of a greater problem in that I keep encountering people who can't think and
because they can't think they can't feel and because they can't feel they can't properly value anything
and this is a scary gigantic problem worldwide

now if you stop in you you observe you know that you never feel anything except from what you think
thought always precedes a feeling

you have to think something in order to feel anything

okay well if your thinking is wrong your feeling is wrong
alright then if your thought and your feeling is wrong then you don't have a basis to judge the value of

I mean how else can it be that we don't value a human life yes how is that possible it's because our head
is screwed up it's because our feelings are not there as they should be I mean we have to retrain
ourselves to think which will then help us to feel and when we get our thinking and our feeling together
then we'll be able to look around and say oh

what's really valuable why yeah ensures a proper action whenever your thinking is correct and your
feeling is correct then the correct action follows yes yeah I agree 100% our value system is all screwed
up I completely agree with that and what's important and our priorities are messed up as well
man: however I was just you know somebody in Cambodia or somebody in China I might want their
product so how do you do commerce without money

in that sense you know we've only had one quasi successful monetary system in the history of the
world and that was based on precious metals

yeah great the problem with that as I said is that people mistake the symbol of value for the value and
whatever you choose whether it's gold silver or peanuts is the standard of value whatever commodity
you choose is to establish that benchmark against okay

is going to be subject to hoarding and manipulation of all kinds, counterfeiting and also you're going to
set up the situation where whoever has that particular commodity, it's going to dominate and control
and benefit and everybody else is going to suffer,

so you know it doesn't matter whether it's OPEC with the oil or it's the Queen of England with the gold
or if it's you know Joe small who's controlling all the telluride it just doesn't matter as long as it's based
on a commodity or even the basket of commodities this is the kind of runaround we get and we also
have the problem of in elasticity and I don't know if you ever stop to think about that but one of the big
things that happened in the 19th century was that gold and silver there's only so much and as a result
these problems accrue when the need for a medium of exchange exceeds the supply of that and so
coming out of the 19th century the big drive toward the fiat currency is that fiat currency is elastic you
can print more of it the demands of the marketplace exactly so you can have more of these little
symbols running around serving the needs of all the people right right okay so

I think all of this is crazy to me it's like we might as well go out at midnight go out to the toolshed nope
enough the door to the hole [Music] well I agree that we need to simplify things you know as a matter
of fact

woman: Andy and I have some property up north a little bit with a cabin and some acreage a few acres
not too much but I'll tell you what it's a it's a very simple life and it's recharging and it's what we love to
do yeah I've said for years that the majority of the people on this earth bow down to a green god that is
the dollar bill and I'm like they their whole life revolves around it and they worship that and I'm like
what is going on it's idolatry yeah great abomination is about

it all started the ancient kingdom of summer where the Queen Semiramis started doing this the
Sumerians had a lot of grain and in order to trade they would have to take baskets of grain from one
part of wherever to another and they were constantly moving all this grain around right so she noticed
that a basket of grain was trading for the same as a little gold coin in the marketplace so she had these
little gold coins made and stamped them with a basket of wheat right and so this this came to symbolize
a basket of wheat,

in trade I guarantee that there was a basket of wheat in the Sumerian Treasury to back up this little gold
coin right right and then we had the Sumerian version of inflation where suddenly it's the same little
gold coin but there are two baskets of wheat on it and then finally there's three little baskets wheat
stamped on the same sized coin and finally the entire coin is covered with baby baby tiny basket sweet
you know right this is what all this is about it's idolatry,

it's dualism that for whatever reason most humans are not able to grasp the symbolism t
hey don't get it and so that opens up the the possibility bunch of shysters getting in there in con men
who disconnect the the medium of exchange from the actual fact of what supposedly being exchanged

I'm sorry I didn't mean to interrupt oh well

I'm just saying the only way that you can have a possibly possibly honest system it's to include the
value of all commodities and all labor and all natural resources roll it up in one big wad and let your
currency worldwide symbolize that

because otherwise what happens is the same thing that you get with the commodity markets if you're a
producer of a commodity then you have an unfair advantage in the commodity markets and it doesn't
matter what commodity it is because you can sell futures you can hedge your bets you can set your
prices you can get together with your buddies manipulate the market if you have enough market share
yeah I mean there are all sorts of things you can do with modenese if you're a producer,

but if you're not a producer you're just to go and so we have a situation where we have some countries
that have a lot of Labor but don't have a lot of natural resources right and there are the goats they're
always the ones that are standing behind the ball here and in order to have a world that's really thriving
and healthy and everybody has what they need you don't have poverty starvation and disease and all the
miseries that we currently have this is if everybody can bring something to the marketplace and be a
producer mm-hmm

so you know if we would set up a system where all of these elements that we trade were included and
were part of the quote unquote basket of commodities including Lee then we could have an honest
currency until we do that we're going to have a situation where words all this chiseling and
manipulation and hoarding and you know insanity that has gone on for thousands of years 8,000 years
since my Aramis stamped her a little basket of wheat on a gold coin figured out a better way and it just
strikes me as ridiculous that with as much brain power and as much technology and everything else that
we have now that we haven't been able to figure our way out from the tool shed and stop worshipping
the tool and start worshipping the you know sky portion

we stopped worshipping the creation start worshiping the Creator amen

man: you know I keep on saying as long as man is governing man we're never gonna have a perfect
system and that's just the way it is because inherently people are greedy and they're selfish the need and
what we need is a system that is fair and transparent and honest people to trade yeah and everybody has
something of value that they should be able to trade everybody does I mean you can find something
within yourself but it challenges people to find out what is you know what they have that they can
bring to the table my belief is everybody has something that they can bury yeah well

this is a world of abundance and there is no way that one person should ever go to sleep hungry or
without a bed or without shelter never it should not happen if anybody's starving or going without it's

because of us it's because we're not doing our job we're not sharing we're not figuring things out
because it certainly it was not any lack in our environment no yeah I agree so what is your what is your
advice to people

I know first of all I would say the birth certificate claim your name back and after that what are the next
steps that you would suggest people take claim your land back to
talking earlier about how they just come by and they arbitrarily assign a name in the number or
whatever a description to your land now I found out about this strange right you know God has
prepared me all along the way he's putting these things in my face

I was out in my front yard one day and this little white car pulled up in the ditch in front of my house
this young lady got out of the car and she her clipboard so I wandered over there and I said I were you
too she says oh I'm out of assigning Street numbers hey that's her job Wow so you know and I talked to
her a little bit and she explains that she's been hired to go out and assign street numbers to all these
parcels and she's just arbitrarily going along

well I think I'll call that 123 66 South Park Road and this one over here I'll call 2390 South yeah yeah
doesn't really matter I mean you know it doesn't matter it could be four hundred you know birch wood
Park if you want you know she's just arbitrarily out there assigning a name to the street and number to
the house parcel right this release gets my wheels running because I'm thinking let's see this is the way
my land was described on my deed or mine yeah and

then I give to digging into it more and I find out well let's see there's a plat description there's a lot
block description there's a street number description you know and I'm paying for all of this I'm paying
at some level something for all of it mm-hmm so this is just another scam listen,

this is calling you a birthday cake an anniversary cake and a Merry Christmas cake okay yeah and
you're getting to pay for all these different cakes right yeah so that all of these different entities can feed
you the fact of the matter is is that

when they took title to our land they took our land out into international jurisdiction and in order to get
our land back to actually own our land

- we have to get our own political status straight note and identify ourselves as you know actual
American State Nationals because US citizens can't own land in the States

Wow okay so first and foremost you have to get your own state your own name back yeah and then
you can go in and you can get your land back

you can reclaim your land and the way you do that is by doing a metes and bounds of a physical
survey, you actually attach the description to the physical boundary stones or boundary markers
of your land, just like they did back in those the day right yeah and so you do the meets and

and you correct the deed you do a deed correction you give the meets and bounds description
which is a physical land use description and you rename it, and you copy write the name, so for
example I paid off anything I owed on my piece of land okay and I did a deed correction, I just
did it by the metes and bounds description, you know using boundary markers in my case
colored boundary markers, then I I just rmally arbitrarily renamed at 4711 Birchwood Road and
did my little C with a circle around it my copyright mark and recorded that huh and that was
that you know I gave a copy to the the tax assessor's office I went over to the tax assessor's office
I gave them a copy of my correct deed I had them date stamp in a copy for me so that I could
prove I had actually registered recorded with in terms of telling them what I done right yeah they
recorded that and
man: where did you record that with the land recording office and so does that mean that you no longer
have property taxes

anna: I no longer have property taxes but I hadn't had property taxes for a number of years prior to that
only different means rationale now most of us get a propety tax bill every year and we assume that this
is for services rendered right well

we you know we think about Oh snow plowing and and sanding the roads when they're icy and cutting
the you know ditches and you know keeping the utility lines clean all these different kinds of things fire
service areas blah blah that are provided by the government the local government right yeah so I this is
years ago, before I before I did the metes and bounds before I corrected the description before I
bearded the tax assessor's in their dens and before I straightened out my own name and reclaim my own
estate, I went to the property tax unit at the local government nice and okay well you're providing
me with all these services but I don't have a contract with you so I straighten this out,

I want to know exactly what I'm paying for and you know I want to look around as if I'm getting
rooked yeah yeah sure services you're providing and how much it's costing me and contract with
you for those services I want and we'll just do this as a business deal I can do it let me guess I
made you this offer you know I realize that you are providing services,

I don't want to be unfair cheat anybody or anything I just you know I made the offer to look
over the services you provide and it makes sense for me,

nothing zero he pins drop nothing at all no reply 30 days, after that I ran him back and say okay
well I made this offer and yeah I heard from you so I assume that you're not interested in
contracting to provide services to me and any services that I receive I will accept free gratis,

man: and they never contacted you again well that's awesome we're gonna do that we certainly know
this is all fascinating stuff sorry we're keeping you so long I just you know I knew I knew I was gonna
be asking a lot of questions and we're getting a lot of information I do have a couple other questions the
right to travel and tolls what can we do about that

anna: you know I mean it doesn't seem like tolls should be legal they sell off an interest in a road that
has been funded by public funds to a private investor and be told for the use of that road

now the question is did the people that sold that Road have the right to do so and do they have the right
to the land underneath the roads and the answer is almost always no

so I saw it's another bogus you know make a buck scam by the course okay so that's that's something
that will probably be done away with here but not a real high priority at the moment right the other
thing the right to travel you have the absolute right to travel the Motor Vehicle Code was never
designed to do anything to interrupt that ever

the Motor Vehicle Code was excused and the excuse for the Motor Vehicle Code was Public Safety
and the use that certain companies get out of public roads to make private profits for example a taxicab
company or a long-distance trucking firm or courier service would be these guys make their living off
of using a public resource right and so that's why they were taxed and that's why they were regulated
and that's why they were licensed
any time you have a license you are applying to do something that would otherwise be illegal right
right because they right because they are drivers of vehicles correct yeah they're they're doing this as a
profession yes to make money yes it's benefiting from a public resource right right but me going
down at the grocery store that's just me going down the grocery store that's me Pratt in my private little
vehicle going to the grocery store for my private business it has nothing to do with making any profit
off of anybody or anything it's just me traveling and they have no right to say boo about that nobody
has any right to say boo about that so you're right you have the absolute right to travel

now I have kind of mixed emotions about driver licensing in that I don't approve of licensing it you
know for for Joe average but on the other hand I do want to see some degree of responsibility that
people should know the rules of the road they shouldn't be just willy-nilly out there you know
ignorantly stumbling around without any training sure so I think that if you're going to use public roads
you should have some training and some capability and the level you should be able to pass a driving
test okay yeah but after that I don't think that if that you should be licensed I think you should have an
ID and that should be it technically we're only required to give our name and our address as an
identification [David Straight says he uses his passport. It does not have an address?] So now people
come to me all the time because they're being harassed you know then being pulled over and they're
free to being pulled over and they're afraid of the police blah blah blah well it's actually the own darn
fault because you can well in my case
- I just put a little label on my driver's license and that Flags them right there okay I'm not a citizen,
- I'm not using the roads ready you know profit gain okay
- I'm retired from all that yeah okay so I have a little label front and back on my driver license which
says retired that's it five folks and anybody at any age can retire from any obligation of
citizenship citizenship cannot be imposed upon a person against their will it is a major league war
crime to do so

involving piano wire around your neck and firing squads,

so you know they cannot impose citizenship on you,
they cannot steal your nationality,
you know you are actually holding the cards,
you just don't know that you're holding the cards yeah and it's the same thing with your car

you are exempt your private vehicle your private car your auto is exempt if you say it is
if you get Z plates, the regulation of the vehicle code that exempts your your own car your truck that
you're not using for commercial purposes is Regulation Z

so you go to the DMV and you say I want Z plates and they have a little sticker it's a black and white
sticker it says Z a number right and you put it on just like you put on other tags,

I know renewable tags right this is a one-time-only put it on boom that identifies it as a private car that
you're claiming your exemption and then they won't bother you and any state offers,

this how much did the Z plates cost they cost a little bit more than the Renewable,
I paid $200 for mine okay normally I would be paying 160 a year and anybody can apply for a Z plate
a sticker
so we have to go through what you went through to become and
man: then do you have to get your car inspected and get the tags renewed and all that it Wow if
anybody gives us a hard time we're gonna tell them that Anna told this weaker contention because she
said no I'm doing it by the way this is so much information like I'm taking notes

man: yes each one we're gonna to have you back on multiple times if you would please she's not
limited time though I know each one of these subjects is like at least two hours long so we're just we
have just touched the service on a lot of these things which brings me to this you have a website with a
lot a lot of this information right that we can learn from

anna: I'm constantly adding to my website and you know as more and more information comes to light
we keep adding and amending you know it's this kind of boiling pot of insights new information that
comes up right now I'm doing something that people have been after me to do for a long time and that
is I'm doing a step by step for them going over some of the things that we went over this afternoon you
know a detailed explanation what the birth certificate is and how it functions and how did how to deal
with that then I'll be posting the most updated certificate of assumed name if we had more money we
could do more as it stands we ferreted out the eight session laws not statutes the session laws that
govern the common law copyright of assumed names and

[The session laws reproduce each individual bill, as it passed, during a particular session. The statutes
give you the Colorado Revised Statutes — the permanent, statutory law of the state — organized by
subject matter title, article, part, and section. //

we found them in Alaska and was and Washington State and a few other states but because these are
Federated States what is true in one state has to be true in the other okay so you can you can go ahead
and do the claiming anyhow so we're going to post the certificate of assumed name the latest and
greatest and people can use that as the template just take out my name and you know redo it in the
same style and use your own name and your own address and whatnot you know either record those or
send a record copy to yourself there are two ways of recording land jurisdiction documents one is to
record by the land recording office okay and the other is stalkers now you may have noticed that land is
international and soil is national and what you wind up with is red ink instead of blue ink never notice
that a postal stamp is a cancellation stamp is always ready that's a land jurisdiction stamps that you see
coming in off the courts those are always blue see jurisdiction okay so anyway when you get your
certificate of assumed name done you can take it to the local land recording office some of them object
and won't record it unless it has the section law from that specific state then you can either pay a
paralegal to go dig up that session log regard guaranteeing your copyright rights for assumed names or

you can send yourself a record copy I prefer to get it get it straight look it up the law and cite it and get
it recorded in the public land recording office which is what I did but you can also send yourself a
record copy and this applies to anything that you want to get a record of you send yourself a registered
letter and when it comes back you just put it in the file along with your file copy of whatever is in that
letter and if any question comes up you certify a copy of the file copy you have this is a true complete
correct copy of the document bla bla sine D by Anna Maria Risinger dated yeah and then you could
walk in and you have this little envelope and you wave it at the touch here I have a record copy an
unsealed record copy you have absolute proof that you set this and you have the registration number
from the registered mailing which is the record number and you have the red stamp so my comes to any

[ask Dr. Tom about this. maybe, we should put the Declaration of Trust or Indentures or the corrected
survey, deed, and name of property]
kind of altercation with the courts that's as good as having it recorded at the Lyon jurisdiction office so
if you can't get it recorded by the land recording office because they're being butt heads basically you
can always do a registered mailing to yourself beautiful there is a way oh yes incredible information
well you know we've kept it so long

I'm gonna just let me end up by saying this because you you alluded a few times that there's a lot of
changes coming up and what changes are coming up I mean I know we could go on for another hour
but just high level changes that are coming up who are initiating the changes how definite are these
changes and is there anything we can do to help oh yeah

the supposed presumed interregnum of our government has ended and never really was so they've just
been saying and telling the rest of the world that that our government is an interregnum it's taking a
break it's on pause for 150 years so as it turns out his ancestors are the ones that donated I won't say
donated who they took under the fledgling Republic

and they basically acted as heads of state and all of the Great Seal and all of that is under their coat of
arms under their kingship hmm and so he he just had enough of it and sent out a notice that the
interregnum has ended if it ever existed and and issued a proclamation to go with it that detailed a lot of
this and so that's a big change that's a huge change that's noticing the world that hey you know I'm
kicking the body politic is still here and no we haven't dependent land or property or anything else and
all of you grubby bakers and all your charlatan lawyers can just get back into your little box and stay
there because we're not putting up with it anymore so the notice has been put out there has there been
recognition of course so that's a big change another big change

we explicitly stated our currency is the American Silver Dollar otherwise known as the Enid State
silver dollar hello I mean shouldn't ID be big news but it is because you know for a long time
everybody was assuming it was the Federal Reserve Note

we located the record where the US Navy Municipal Corporations infringed on our copyright and
created a corporation called the United States of America in all caps and if you notice that is what they
have on their Federal Reserve notes and that is their excuse for trying to truck just for all of their debts

so we seized upon that trademark and we put it in trust and we leaned it nice that's a big change so that
was recorded and that's all legal and that's been put into place okay stamp recorded though and let's see
so when is this going to affect the common person individual my neighbor was my neighbor going to
believe me as soon

as you all get your paperwork in order and learn how to use it you're going to be driving these judges
absolutely they're gonna run off the bench while these bill collectors the IRS they're gonna get back in
their little box so I'm seeing the IRS go back you know Moxon I'm seeing them go back yeah so this is
individual empowerment empowerment you're talking about

man: you're talking about one person at a time taking back their ok ownership back ok I got you should
be responsible for their own actions that's right oh I got it did you see that light bulb that went over my
head all the Sun is so bright in here yeah oh yeah I got well we're getting busy tomorrow with self
governing I like it Oh judge annex um thank you so much for all the information you gave us and thank
you for all your time we know that you have limited time so we really appreciate you coming in and
we'll definitely want you back on at some point you're a breath of fresh air and you're so much
knowledge in our audience is just going to love you and we all thank you so much take care too much it
seemed like you were very clear with everything I understood everything clearly so and I took a lot of
notes and I'll put those in the description and will also direct them to your website which will be a big
help yeah well I'll see if you can drum up some extra donations for us

anna: because right now we're really aren't TechEd and I know it's Christmas everybody's looking at
taxis and everything else but I've got seven dollars in my account to take care of twenty people now tell
it tell know how to donate I have a PayPal account okay at that's a V a NN a vo n
( at and I have a mail address and mail address and check should
be made out to Anna Maria right singer which is RI easy ing er at Carol post office box 520994 five
two zero nine nine four in Big Lake Alaska nine 99652 nine six five two and I think it's important that
people know that all of this has been done out of pocket by just average Americans like that yeah and
you know it's a huge expense over the years not to mention all of the hours that have gone into this
have never been paid you know I've got a grouping law firm that are there people that have been mister
judges who have torn up their bar cards and said enough of this and have taken up the fight and it's also
researchers historical researchers who've been you know financial auditors CPAs wonderful people that
have come forward and helped unravel all this and make this possible but they've all been on game is
this part of the twenty people that you're talking about well yeah I've got twenty people who need help
you know are like me and they're able to do it without taking out of the kitty you know we've got some
some really bright young men who had families who you know are donating massive amounts of time
to this and we need their help but we can't pay them a salary what we do is we try to pay bills that come
up you know we just had you know c41 other wives we had child that broke their arm and need you
know money get their arm set and you know things like this come up sigh another guy is water if you
don't have a salaried job if you're if you're working to free America yeah yeah I get you know so this is
what we do we try to help with things like bills if they need a little extra food budget things like that we
don't give up we can't afford to hire them right but you know we use the nation's for those kinds of
expenses that

woman:we can we have we have a good we have great subscribership so we'll do whatever we can to
get the message out and to help you guys and the one that once again I want to thank you for your time
we really appreciate it and thank you for all the information yes god bless you and have a great holiday
season and I was trying to take notes but if you wouldn't mind if you would just can you would you
send me an email with that stuff written out so that I can be sure I get everything correct and I'll put it
in the description so people can be sure to get that the donations to you okay thank you thank you so
much have a great night thank you

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