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M’hamed Bougara University/ Boumerdes Module: Writing

Department of Foreign Language Group: 06

Division of English

I. Punctuate/ capitalize the following sentences:

1. i took five items my jacket a fishing rod a peanut butter sandwich a tooth pick and a
pen knife.
2. theres no room for error said the engineer so we have to double check every
3.  in last weeks new yorker one of my favorite magazines I enjoyed reading lelands
article how not to go camping
4. several countries participated in the airlift  Italy belgium france, and luxembourg

II. Analyze the sentences that constitute the following paragraph by:

1. Mentioning the type of sentences : simple sentence, compound, complex, or,

compound complex sentence
2. Identifying Main clauses, subordinate clauses, and additional phrases.

The Mayans began to create their civilization in the southern Gulf Coast region and present-
day Guatemala. The result was remarkable for their brilliant achievements. Although they had
no wheeled vehicles and no beasts of burden such as horses or oxen, they moved great pieces
of stone to build their temples. They had no iron tools; however, because they shaped their
stone blocks so skillfully, their pyramids still stand. The pyramids were the center of Mayan
religious ceremonies. The Mayans built many city-states, and the ruins of at least eighty have
been found. The tallest pyramid was as high as a twenty-story building. A small temple was
constructed at the top, where priests conducted ceremonies. These pyramids were surrounded
by plazas and avenues. The Mayans were able to build complex structures and to invent an
accurate calendar because they knew mathematics well.

III. Write a small paragraph including: a topic sentence, arguments, examples, and a
concluding sentence

Computers are being used more and more in education and so there will soon be no role for
the teacher in education. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

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