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My History;

A Walk to Memory Lane

Table of Contents

Introduction ……………………………………………………

Chapter 1: Place of Birth....................................................

Chapter 2: My Family ………………………………………..

Chapter 3: School Days …………………………………….

Chapter 4: My travels ……………………………………….

Chapter 5: Family Trials …………………………………….

Chapter 6: My Future ………………………………………..

Concluding Statements ………………………………………


This is a narrative of my life that includes experiences such

as my childhood and my upbringing. This will include my family,
how my family shape me into the person I am from infant up to
now that I am adult. The place of my birth and where I grew up
will also be part of this narrative. Many people and experiences
mold me into the person I am today and I will share who, what,
when, why and how’s of my life.
Chapter 1:

Place of Birth

I was born in Taguig

City. My mother met my
father when she decided to
go to Manila to try and take a
chance to work as a maid
there. My 17 years old
mother met my father who
was an auto denter. My
father at that time was a
married man but separated
from his former wife. They
eventually grew close and
became official shortly
before my mother turned 18
years old.

For the first 5 years of them being together, they tried to

have a child but failed nonetheless. So when my mom conceived
me, they were ecstatic. At that time, they were living in an
apartment in Taguig City.
Chapter 2: My Family

The place I was born and raised are two different

places. I was raised in Davao City, that was my mother’s
hometown. We got in Davao city when I was 3 years old.
At that time my father decided to go abroad to provide for
us because they both wanted to give me a comfortable
life. My family consisted of the 3 of us and my mother’s
side of the family. It is because we are at my mother’s
hometown, I was close to my mother’s side of the family.
We were close-knit, with my father working away from us,
I ought to feel alone without him but with my mother’s
family, I seldom felt sad with it.

These pictures
were some of the
many photos we
took every time
there an occasion.
My aunts and
uncles often visit
where we live
because it was the
house they grew up
but because they build their families they moved out.
Growing up, I was close to all my cousins, uncles and
aunts. They often called me “the favorite of the family”. I
was loved and cared for all my life.
My family loves to prepare foods for occasions such
as birthdays, fiesta and even anniversaries. Almost all
occasions within the family is shared to the whole family.

Even if the venue for the occasion is far away from

one’s house,
they would still
make time to
visit and attend

Most of my
birthdays were
spent with the
whole family, we
celebrate it by
gathering together and spending time to catch
up. That is why I was close to my cousins. As an only
child, I loved the company of my cousins for they fill the
loneliness I sometimes felt.
Whenever my father goes home
from abroad. He would take the
whole family or the
ones that are
available for a
certain day for a
bonding were we
go sightseeing
around the city or
simply treating for
These photos are some of the photos we took back at my
3rd Birthday. Up to this day, I still loved how much pictures
we had back in the day.
This photo is more recent than the rests. This was
taken on my grandfather’s 70th birthday, most of the
family members were present. The only one who cannot
attend was my father, he was still in abroad that time. But
we video chatted him as to not feel left out. We mostly
enjoyed this day.
Chapter 3:

School Days

S c h o o l l i f e i

home in which I gain friends, knowledge and experience. I studied

at Anthony and Mark Cavanis Elementary School which was a
catholic school. Besides home as where I developed my ideals
and beliefs, I was developed towards Christianity. I believe in God
for as long as remember and studying at a Christian school
strengthen it.
My elementary days were mostly fun, I lived as a kid without
much problems. I was a consistent honor student except in Grade
1. I remembered being scolded by my mom for not achieving
enough and that drove me for always aiming to be within the top
10. Since then I always strive to prove my parents that I can
actually do it. And graduating as the First Honorable mention in
high school was a really fulfilling moment for me. As a kid, I
thought that it
is the only
thing I can give
to my parents
who are doing
their best to
raise me.
I was not
most of the
kids who are
Even though I
look noisy, I
am very shy
growing up.
Entering High
School in a different school was a tough thing for me because I
am not good at new people. I am not like those people who can
make friends easily. University of Mindanao Ilang-Tibungco High
School is the school I decided to attend. Most of my elementary
classmates preferred the sister school of my elementary school
but I decided to go to UMITHS for my mother also preferred it.
Junior High School was a confusing yet fun school years of
my life. I still thrived to be on the school’s honors list, I was
constantly either in fifth or fourth. I was not really expecting to be
in that high position for I know there are more intelligent students.
But thankfully my efforts paid off. It may not be the 1 st place but I
was still very thankful for it.
In these years, I experienced many things. I even had my
first experience in going to downtown on my own without asking
my parents for permission. That was a nerve wracking
experience, but looking back it makes us laugh at how reckless I
was. I learned many things in those years. I even gained my
precious best friends. Remembering all those petty fights we
had in
makes it
all the

Graduating in Junior High School was really fulfilling and
scary for again I have decided to go to a school where I think
would help me be more open to the world. Entering in University
of Mindanao Maa/Matina branch as a Grade 11 student was very
challenging for me. Besides not having uniform, it was actually
very far from home. I have to wake up very early for me not to be
late for my class. There were many challenges I have to go
through in my decision to attend the said school but thankfully I
got through it all. In there were there were thousands of students I
was not really expecting in being an honor student. I was
disappointed about this fact but then I again. I was surprised upon
the news of me being able to be included in being an honor
student. I only got to know nearing the end for grade 11.
For the two years I spent in UM, I earned many friends too. I
even got exposed to travelling alone which I was not accustomed
back in Junior High School. Also I got to be more familiar with
places I never knew in Davao. Those experiences introduced and
let myself experience how big the world is. It given me the
realization how closed off I was in the past. I can even call it life
changing. It
helped me
prepare for
a bigger
which is
then again
nothing can
prepare me
for the
thing called
College. As
a currently
college student I can certainly say that all those other school
years are child’s play. This is the real deal. This is the one that will
prepare a student to survive in the real world. I was especially
surprised at how big of a difference being in a private and public
school. I attended private schools my whole life that being in a
public school really throw me off. It was different from before
especially in how I always achieved back when I was in private
schools but then I really struggled in public school. That opened
my eyes how relaxed I become. It took me two “singko” or failing
mark to wake me up that reality is often harsh. Up until now, I
struggled adjusting at how things run in college. Slowly but surely
I stand back up and do my best to survive my life in college. I
hope someday I could proudly say that I survived the hellish years
of my college and that finally I got to get my dreams in being an
Chapter 4
“My travels”

Me and my family doesn’t always travel to places. The only time I

got out of Davao City are the time when we went to Camiguin to
visit my father’s family. I was young back then but I remembered
a few memories from that trip. We went to that cemetery that was
submerged in the water also known as the Sunken Cemetery. We
even got near to Mt. Hibok-Hibok and went to a cold spring resort.
I was only an infant
when my parents went to a
nature center. I only got to
know this through pictures.
But based on the pictures,
I certainly enjoyed
watching the nature even if
I was an infant back then.
My parents faces in the
pictures were of happy
faces. They also must’ve
enjoyed that activity.
Chapter 5
“Family Trials

I was raised in a family that values relations. My family often

experienced trials but always ended making up for the sake of
their children. I cannot really say that learning about my father’s
first family was a family trial but I was thankful that my father told
me when I was young enough to understand because if he said it
to me when I was older I would have been confused or even
angry. Knowing that my father was married when my mom and
him eloped even though he was separated with his wife before he
committed with another woman would give me a different
impression f he told me too late.
Since then, being conscious of having older sisters, I would
only check up on them if they are doing good. But I never thought
of getting close to them, it sounds selfish but I’m okay of having or
not having siblings because I have my mother’s side of the family.
My cousins were like my siblings. And so if my father decides to
let them live here in Davao, then it would be fine for me if not I am
still fine with it. In other words, I’m indifferent of knowing that I
have older sister from another woman.
Many trials happened within the family, just like money
problems, misunderstandings, miscommunications and many
more. But then, at the end of all of it we still stay together as a
family and try to make up for those trials.
Chapter 6
“My Future”

The future is fascinating yet scary. Unexpected things may

happen in the future. I always aim for a more comfortable future. I
want to give back to my parent’s hard work in raising me. I want to
give them that things they wanted. I hope my future would be as
bright as the light my parents gave me.
I have many hopes and dreams for the future. And I am still
a bit scared of how the future will unfold. Wanting to be a licensed
Engineer is not an easy road to take. As for the present, I am
struggling in doing my best to have the future I hoped and dream.
But still, I will persevere and I hope that I would not lose my hopes
and dreams in the future.
Concluding Statements

This is my life so far and I hope that I would never forget my

history and live my life in the future where I can enjoy it more and
experience more things, hopefully good experiences. I may not be
into traveling, but someday I wanted to travel all over the world.

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