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Beautiful People, Ed Sheeran, Khalid

[Ed Sheeran]
We are, we are, we are
L.A. on a Saturday night in the ______________________
Sundown and they all come out
Lamborghinis and their rented Hummers
The _______________'s on, so they're heading ______________________
Everybody's looking for a come up
And they wanna _______________ what you're about
Me in the _______________ with the one I love and
We're just tryna ________________ everything ________
We don't fit in well 'cause we are just _____________________
I could use some help _____________________ _________ of this conversation, yeah
You look ________________, dear, so don't ask that question here
This is my only fear: that we _______________________
__________________ people
_________________ top, designer clothes
Front row at _________________ shows
"What d'you do?" and "Who d'you know?"
______________ the world of beautiful people
Champagne and rolled-up notes
Prenups and __________________ homes
Surrounded, but still _________________
Let's leave the __________________
That's not who we are
We are not ___________________
Yeah, that's not who we are
We are not ____________________

L.A., ______________ for hours last night and we made it nowhere
I see ________________ in your eyes when we're halfway there
I'm not fazed by all them lights and __________________ cameras
'Cause with my _____________ around you, there's no need to care
We don't fit in well, we are just ___________________
I could use some help getting out of this ______________________, yeah
You look stunning, dear, so don't ask that ___________________ here
This is my only _____________: that we become
Beautiful people...
[Ed Sheeran, Both, Khalid]
That's not who we are...

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