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Dr. D. Y.

Patil Institute of Technology, Pimpri, Pune-411018

Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Subject: Mobile Communication Class: BE Semester: II

Experiment No. 8

Aim: Write a program to simulate OFDM transmitter and receiver to elaborate operation of
OFDMA Multiple access techniques for evaluating bit error rate.

Resources required/Apparatus: PC with MATLAB

Theory: The set of 4G wireless standards is based on the revolutionary new technology of
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM). Orthogonal Frequency Division
Multiplexing forms the basis of fourth generation wireless communication systems. OFDM is
used in 4G wireless cellular standards such as Long Term Evolution (LTE) and WiMAX
(Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access). OFDM is a keyword broadband wireless
technology which supports data rates in excess of 100 Mbps. OFDM is a combination of
modulation and multiplexing. In this technique, the given resource (bandwidth) is shared among
individual modulated data sources. The multiple access technology based on OFDM is termed
Orthogonal Frequency Division for Multiple Access (OFDMA).
Necessity of OFDM:
OFDM is very effective for communication over channels with frequency selective fading
(different frequency components of the signal experience different fading). It is very difficult to
handle frequency selective fading in the receiver, in which case, the design of the receiver is
hugely complex. Instead of trying to mitigate frequency selective fading as a whole (which
occurs when a huge bandwidth is allocated for the data transmission over a frequency selective
fading channel), OFDM mitigates the problem by converting the entire frequency selective
fading channel into small flat fading channels (as seen by the individual subcarriers). Flat fading
is easier to combat (when compared to frequency selective fading) by employing simple error
correction and equalization schemes.

An OFDM system is defined by IFFT/FFT length – N, the underlying modulation technique

(BPSK/QPSK/QAM), supported data rate, etc. The FFT/IFFT length N defines the number of
total subcarriers present in the OFDM system.
Fig. 1 Model for simulating the OFDM system

In the figure, symbols represented by small case letters are assumed to be in time domain,
whereas the symbols represented by uppercase letters are assumed to be in frequency domain.
Consider data bits D = {d0,d1,d2,…). Select number of subcarriers required to send the given
data. As a generic case, assume N subcarriers. The data (D) is first converted from serial stream
to parallel stream depending on the number of sub-carriers (N). Decide digital modulation
techniques such as BPSK/ QAM. Apply IFFT algorithm on generated symbols and add cyclic
prefix bits . Finally, the resultant output from the N parallel arms are summed up together to
produce the OFDM signal. The channel in this case is modeled as a simple AWGN channel.
Since the channel is considered to be an AWGN channel, there is no need for the frequency
domain equalizer in the OFDM receiver as shown in Fig. 1. Reverse the process at the receiver
side. Compare the transmitted and received bits to compute bit error rate.

Simulation of OFDM system in an AWGN environment

To simulate an OFDM system, following design parameters are essential. Consider the OFDM
system parameters as defined in IEEE 802.11[IEEE80211] specifications.
Given parameters :
N=64; % FFT size or total number of subcarriers (used + unused) 64
Nsd = 48; % Number of data subcarriers 48
Nsp = 4 ; % Number of pilot subcarriers 4
ofdmBW = 20 * 10^6 ; % OFDM bandwidth
Derived Parameters:
deltaF = ofdmBW/N; % Bandwidth for each subcarrier - include all used and unused subcarriers
Tfft = 1/deltaF; % IFFT or FFT period = 3.2us
Tgi = Tfft/4; % Guard interval duration - duration of cyclic prefix - 1/4th portion of
OFDM symbols
Tsignal = Tgi+Tfft; % Total duration of BPSK-OFDM symbol = Guard time + FFT period
Ncp = N*Tgi/Tfft; %Number of symbols allocated to cyclic prefix
Nst = Nsd + Nsp; % Number of total used subcarriers
nBitsPerSym=Nst; % For BPSK the number of Bits per Symbol is same as number of

Matlab Code

%IEEE 802.11 specification

clear; clc;
%--------Simulation parameters----------------
nSym=10^4; %Number of OFDM Symbols to transmit
EbN0dB = -20:2:8; % bit to noise ratio
%--------OFDM Parameters - Given in IEEE Spec--
N=64; %FFT size or total number of subcarriers (used + unused) 64
Nsd = 48; %Number of data subcarriers 48
Nsp = 4 ; %Number of pilot subcarriers 4
ofdmBW = 20 * 10^6 ; % OFDM bandwidth
%--------Derived Parameters--------------------
deltaF = ofdmBW/N; %=20 MHz/64 = 0.3125 MHz
Tfft = 1/deltaF; % IFFT/FFT period = 3.2us
Tgi = Tfft/4;%Guard interval duration - duration of cyclic prefix
Tsignal = Tgi+Tfft; %duration of BPSK-OFDM symbol
Ncp = N*Tgi/Tfft; %Number of symbols allocated to cyclic prefix
Nst = Nsd + Nsp; %Number of total used subcarriers
nBitsPerSym=Nst; %For BPSK the number of Bits per Symbol is same as num of subcarriers
EsN0dB = EbN0dB + 10*log10(Nst/N) + 10*log10(N/(Ncp+N)); % converting to symbol to
noise ratio
errors= zeros(1,length(EsN0dB));
theoreticalBER = zeros(1,length(EsN0dB));
%Monte Carlo Simulation
for i=1:length(EsN0dB),
for j=1:nSym
s=2*round(rand(1,Nst))-1; %Generating Random Data with BPSK modulation
%IFFT block
%Assigning subcarriers from 1 to 26 (mapped to 1-26 of IFFT input)
%and -26 to -1 (mapped to 38 to 63 of IFFT input); Nulls from 27 to 37
%and at 0 position
X_Freq=[zeros(1,1) s(1:Nst/2) zeros(1,11) s(Nst/2+1:end)];
% Pretending the data to be in frequency domain and converting to time domain
%Adding Cyclic Prefix
ofdm_signal=[x_Time(N-Ncp+1:N) x_Time];
%--------------Channel Modeling ----------------
r= sqrt((N+Ncp)/N)*ofdm_signal + 10^(-EsN0dB(i)/20)*noise;
%Removing cyclic prefix
%FFT Block
%Extracting the data carriers from the FFT output
R_Freq=r_Time([(2:Nst/2+1) (Nst/2+13:Nst+12)]);
%BPSK demodulation / Constellation Demapper.Force +ve value --> 1, -ve value --> -1
R_Freq(R_Freq>0) = +1;
R_Freq(R_Freq<0) = -1;
numErrors = sum(abs(s_cap-s)/2); %Count number of errors
%Accumulate bit errors for all symbols transmitted
theoreticalBER(i)=(1/2)*erfc(sqrt(10.^(EbN0dB(i)/10))); %Same as BER for BPSK over
simulatedBER = errors/(nSym*Nst);
hold on;
grid on;
title('BER Vs EbNodB for OFDM with BPSK modulation over AWGN');
xlabel('Eb/N0 (dB)');ylabel('BER');legend('simulated','theoretical');

Conclusions : Please write brief answers to the following questions.

Que 1 : What is the need of Multiple access schemes ?

Que 2: Draw TDMA frame structure of GSM ?
Que 3: Describe and Compare TDMA , CDMA and OFDMA access techniques ( 3 points) ?
: Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Technology, Pimpri, Pune-411018
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Subject: Mobile Communication Class: BE Semester: II

Experiment No. 5

Aim : Write a program to measure bit error rate in presence of Hata propagation model and
establish Link budget

Resources required/Apparatus: PC with MATLAB

Theory: In order to plan the installation and deployment of a wireless network, one needs to
characterize the performance of the communication system in terms of the transmitted power and
total load in terms of users that can be supported by the network. Link-budget of wireless link is
a systematic listing of power losses and gains of different intermediate components in the
transceiver chain.
Hata Model

The Hata model is a popular model for signal strength prediction proposed initially by the
Japanese engineer Masaharu Hata in his 1980 paper titled “ Empirical Formula for Propopgation
Loss in Land Mobile Radio Services “. The Hata model presents an analytical approximation for
the graphical-information based on another Okumura model. Parameters required for simulations
:Hbts= Height measured from the base of the BTS tower to the radiation centerline
Tbts = Terrain elevation at the location of the BTS
Htav= Height of the average terrain (from 3 Km to 15 km distance from the BTS)
Hm=Height of the mobile antenna in meters
f= Range of frequencies in MHz
d=Range of Tx-Rx separation distances in Kilometers
Pt = Power transmitted by the BTS antenna in Watts
Gt= BTS antenna gain in dBi
Hb= Hbts+ Tbts - Htav = Effective Height of the BTS antenna in meters
models =
Big City (Urban model
Small & Medium City (Urban model)
aHm = (1.1*log10(f)-0.7)*Hm-(1.56*log10(f)-0.8);
Sub-urban environment
aHm = (1.1*log10(f)-0.7)*Hm-(1.56*log10(f)-0.8);
Open Rural environment
aHm = (1.1*log10(f)-0.7)*Hm-(1.56*log10(f)-0.8);
A = 69.55 + 26.16*log10(f) - 13.82*log10(Hb)-aHm;
B = 44.9 - 6.55*log10(Hb);
Path Loss (dB)=PL=A+B*log10(d)+C;
Received Signal Level(dB) =Pr = 10*log10(Pt*1000)+Gt-PL
%Matlab code to simulate Hata-Okumura Models
clc;clear all;
%----------Input Section---------------
Hbts= 50 ;%Height measured from the base of the BTS tower to the radiation centerline
Tbts = 350 ;%Terrain elevation at the location of the BTS
Htav= 300;%Height of the average terrain (from 3 Km to 15 km distance from the BTS)
Hm=3 ;%Height of the mobile antenna in meters
f=900 ;%100:100:3000; %Range of frequencies in MHz
d=0.5:0.5:15; %Range of Tx-Rx separation distances in Kilometers
Pt = 0.020; %Power transmitted by the BTS antenna in Watts
Gt= 10; %BTS antenna gain in dBi
Hb=Hbts+Tbts-Htav ;%Effective Height of the BTS antenna in meters
%Cell array to store various model names
models = {'Big City (Urban model)';'Small & Medium City (Urban model)';'Sub-urban
environment';'Open Rural environment'};
display('Hata-Okumura Model');
display(['1 ' models{1,1}]);
display(['2 ' models{2,1}]);
display(['3 ' models{3,1}]);
display(['4 ' models{4,1}]);
reply = input('Select Your choice of environment : ','s');
if 0<str2num(reply)<4
modelName = models{str2num(reply),1};
display(['Chosen Model : ' modelName])
error('Invalid Selection');
switch reply
case '1',
if f<=200
case '2',
aHm = (1.1*log10(f)-0.7)*Hm-(1.56*log10(f)-0.8);
case '3',
aHm = (1.1*log10(f)-0.7)*Hm-(1.56*log10(f)-0.8);
case '4',
aHm = (1.1*log10(f)-0.7)*Hm-(1.56*log10(f)-0.8);
otherwise ,
error('Invalid model selection');

A = 69.55 + 26.16*log10(f) - 13.82*log10(Hb)-aHm;

B = 44.9 - 6.55*log10(Hb);
title(['Hata-Okumura Path Loss Model for : ' modelName]);
xlabel('Distance - Kilometers');
ylabel('Path Loss (dB)');
%Compute Received Signal Level
Pr = 10*log10(Pt*1000)+Gt-PL
title(['Hata-Okumura Model for : ' modelName]);
xlabel('Distance - Kilometers');
ylabel('Received Signal Level (dBm)');

Conclusions: Write answers in brief to following questions

Que 1: Write expression for net signal power at the receiver?
Que 2 : Derive an expression of received power for Free space propogation model ?:
Que 3 : What is meant by Small Scale Fading ?
Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Technology, Pimpri, Pune-411018
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Subject: Mobile Communication Class: BE Semester: II

Experiment No. 4

Aim: Write a program to simulate experiment on GMSK/QPSK/QAM modulation over AWGN

to evaluate Bit error rate

Resources required/Apparatus: PC with MATLAB

Theory: The move to digital modulation provides more information capacity, compatibility with
digital data services, higher data security, better quality communications and quicker system
availability. Developers of communication systems face following constraints:
1. available bandwidth
2. permissible power and
3. inherent noise level of the system
The RF spectrum must be shared, yet everyday there are more users for this spectrum as demand
for communication services increases. Digital modulation schemes have greater capacity to
convey large amounts of information than analog modulation schemes.
Phase shift keying (PSK) involves the switching of the instantaneous phase of the carrier
between 2 or more levels according to the baseband digital data. A MATLAb script to generate
Binary PSK is given below :
clear all;

close all;

fc=1000; % Frequency for "0" bits
e0=cos(2*pi*fc*t); % BPSK output for "1"
e1=-cos(2*pi*fc*t); % BPSK output for "0"
n=['The binary data is ',num2str(b)];
for i=1:length(b)

axis([0 length(bin) 0 1.5]);
hold on;

axis([0 length(tm) -1.5 1.5]);
hold off;

xlabel('Time index');
legend('Random binary','BPSK output');
title('Simulation of Binary Phase Shift keying');


For the QPSK modulation, a series of binary input message bits are generated. In QPSK, a
symbol contains 2 bits. The generated binary bits are combined in terms of two bits and QPSK
symbols are generated. From the constellation of QPSK modulation the symbol ‘00’ is
represented by 1, ‘01’ by j (90 degrees phase rotation), ‘10’ by -1 (180 degrees phase rotation)
and ‘11’ by -j (270 degrees phase rotation). In another form of QPSK, these phase rotations are
offset by 45 degrees. So the effective representation of symbols in this form of QPSK is ‘00’=1+j
(45 degrees), ’01′=-1+j (135 degrees), ‘10’ = -1-j (225 degrees) and ‘11’= 1-j (315 degrees).
Here we are simulating a 45* rotated QPSK system. Once the symbols are mapped, the power of
the QPSK modulated signal needs to be normalized by 1/sqrt(2).
For the channel model “randn” function in Matlab is used to generate the noise term. This
function generates noise with unit variance and zero mean. In order to generate a noise with
standard deviation - σ for the given Eb/N0 ratio, use the above equation, find σ, multiply the
“randn” generated noise with this σ, add this final noise term with the transmitted signal to get
the received signal. For a pi/4 rotated QPSK system, since the modulated signal is in complex
form (due to sine and cosine basis functions),the noise should also be in complex form.
QPSK receiver employs two threshold detectors that detect real (in phase arm) and imaginary
parts (quadrature arm). The detected signals are sent through a parallel to serial converter
(implemented by “reshape” function in MATLAB).
% Demonstration of Eb/N0 Vs BER for QPSK modulation scheme

%---------Input Fields------------------------
N=1000000;%Number of input bits
EbN0dB = -4:2:10; % Eb/N0 range in dB for simulation
data=randn(1,N)>=0; %Generating a uniformly distributed random 1s and 0s
oddData = data(1:2:end);
evenData = data(2:2:end);
qpskModulated = sqrt(1/2)*(1i*(2*oddData-1)+(2*evenData-1)); %QPSK Mapping
M=4; %Number of Constellation points M=2^k for QPSK k=2
Rm=log2(M); %Rm=log2(M) for QPSK M=4
Rc=1; %Rc = code rate for a coded system. Since no coding is used Rc=1
BER = zeros(1,length(EbN0dB)); %Place holder for BER values for each Eb/N0
for i=EbN0dB,
%Channel Noise for various Eb/N0
%Adding noise with variance according to the required Eb/N0
EbN0 = 10.^(i/10); %Converting Eb/N0 dB value to linear scale
noiseSigma = sqrt(1./(2*Rm*Rc*EbN0)); %Standard deviation for AWGN Noise
%Creating a complex noise for adding with QPSK modulated signal
%Noise is complex since QPSK is in complex representation
noise = noiseSigma*(randn(1,length(qpskModulated))+1i*randn(1,length(qpskModulated)));
received = qpskModulated + noise;
%Threshold Detector
detected_real = real(received)>=0;
detected_img = imag(received)>=0;
%Bit Error rate Calculation
BER(index) = sum(xor(data,estimatedBits))/length(data);
%Plot commands follows
title('SNR per bit (Eb/N0) Vs BER Curve for QPSK Modulation Scheme');
xlabel('SNR per bit (Eb/N0) in dB');
ylabel('Bit Error Rate (BER) in dB');
grid on;
hold on;
theoreticalBER =0.5*erfc(sqrt(10.^(EbN0dB/10)));
grid on;
Conclusions : Write in brief answers to the following Questions :
Que 1: Comparison of Analog Modulation Schemes with Digital Modulation.
Que 2: Mention theoretical bandwidth efficiency limits for each modulation formats..
Ans :
Modulation format Theoretical bandwidth efficiency
BPSK 1 bit/sec/Hz
1024- QAM

Que 3 : List services and features of different generations of cellular networks.

Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Technology, Pimpri, Pune-411018
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Subject: Mobile Communication Class: BE Semester: II

Experiment No. 7

Aim: Prepare a Case study on Visit to Mobile Telephone Switching Office (MTSO).

Resources required/Apparatus: Mobile exchange


Conclusion :

Que 1 : Explain the call routing process for voice and Data from your visit.

Que 2: List Specifications about the visited exchange .

Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Technology, Pimpri, Pune-411018
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Subject: Mobile Communication Class: BE Semester: II

Experiment No. 1

Aim: Perform and explain PSTN switching using TST switch.

Apparatus: CRO, connecting wires, experimental kit.

Theory: The PSTN TST System consists of following sections:

 Input signal Generator: This section generates a fixed frequency four Sine wave
signals. The pot is used to vary the amplitude of sine wave signal.
 Sampling Pulse Generator: To generate time division switching a Sample and Hold
circuit is used. The sampling pulse generator is required to provide sampling signal to
sample and hold circuit.
 Time Division switching section – T switching: To generate TDM signal, Sample &
Hold circuit and Analog switches are used. The sampling pulse generator is required to
provide multiplexing of four different signals. The four input signal are given to four
different input of multiplexer. This passes signal-1 during “00” counting pulse of counter
which counts sampling pulse. Signal-2 is sampled during “01” count. Similarly signal-3
and signal-4 are sampled during “10” and “11” counting. Thus at the output the
multiplexed signal is available.
 Space Division switching section – S switching: To transfer Time division switched
into space switching, a 4 * 4 space switching circuit is used. It accepts inputs at X1, X2,
X3 and X4 input points. The out points are Y1, Y2, Y3 and Y4. Any one input can be
switched to any one output point by control inputs. The control input consists of four
address inputs A, B, C and D. Output depends on values of A, B, C, D and strobe inputs.
The truth table is given in the observation table.
 Time Division switching section – T switching: This section is based on Demultiplexer
and low pass filter. The TDM and sampling signal is applied to this section. This passes
signal-1 to the output 1 during “00” count of sampling pulse while it passes signal-2 to
output-2 during “01” count of sampling pulse. Similarly signal-3 and signal-4 are passed
during to output on “10” and “11” count respectively. Thus it demultiplexes four signals.
After that these four signals are passed through four different Low pass filters which
passes only low frequencies up to 3.4 KHz and reduces all other frequencies. By
removing high frequency we recover original modulating signal.
1. Connect CRO channel 1 at the Input signal generator and set the amplitudes of sine wave to
2Vp-p and measure its frequency.
2. Connect signal input terminals of MUX-1 to sine wave signal s1 & s2 of sine wave generator
with amplitude 2 Vp-p.
3. Connect signal input terminals of MUX-2 to sine wave signal s3 & s4 of sine wave generator
with amplitude 2 Vp-p.
4. Keep Frequency pot of sampling pulse generator in mid-position.
5. Connect CRO Channel 1 at TDM output signal (T-switching). Observe TDM signal.
6. Keep all control input (ABCD) to low value. Keep data control input to low value. Apply
strobe pulse by pushing pulse switch. This will reset all outputs i.e. all gates are blocked and no
output are available at Y1,Y2 outputs
7. Now keep ABCD to low, Data to high and apply strobe. The output will be available at Y1
points which in turn DEMUX by demultiplexing circuit and recovered outputs are available at
signal 1 and signal-2 to test points. This explains TST switching.
8. Connect CRO to channel2 at demultiplexed output1 of demodulator section. Observe
recovered sine wave signal-1.
9. Connect CRO to channel2 at demultiplexed output2 of demodulator section. Observe
recovered sine wave signal-2.
10. Connect CRO to channel2 at demultiplexed output2 of demodulator section. Observe
recovered sine wave signal-3.
11. Connect CRO to channel2 at demultiplexed output2 of demodulator section. Observe
recovered sine wave signal-4.
12. Now change value of ABCD, data strobe as per truth table given below to observe space
switching of input signals.

13. Draw necessary waveforms on graph paper.

Observation table:-

A B C D Strobe Switching outputs

Please make use of the following truth table for making the required switching in space block.

Table 1: Switching Table of Space Block


0 0 0 0 X1 Y1 0 0 0 1 X1 Y3

1 0 0 0 X2 Y1 1 0 0 1 X2 Y3

0 1 0 0 X3 Y1 0 1 0 1 X3 Y3

1 1 0 0 X4 Y1 1 1 0 1 X4 Y3

0 0 1 0 X1 Y2 0 0 1 1 X1 Y4

1 0 1 0 X2 Y2 1 0 1 1 X2 Y4

0 1 1 0 X3 Y2 0 1 1 1 X3 Y4

1 1 1 0 X4 Y2 1 1 1 1 X4 Y4

Conclusions: Plz write answer to the following questions

Q1: Differentiate between Voice traffic and data traffic.

Q2: With neat diagram explain Time Division Switching.
Q3: Classify Telecommunication Switching Systems?
Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Technology, Pimpri, Pune-411018
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Subject: Mobile Communication Class: BE Semester: II

Experiment No. 2

Aim: Write a program in MATLAB to simulate Loss Call system model of Traffic


Apparatus: Algorithm, Traffic Table, Machine with MATLAB and Printer.

Theory: The capacity of a switch system is expressed as the maximum number of originating
plus incoming calls that can be processed in a high traffic hour. The call volume offered to a
switch depends on geographical area, class of service mix and time of day. There are basically
two types of systems: 1. Lost system 2. Delay system. Telephone and Mobile network is a lost
system where overflow traffic is rejected. In other words, the overflow traffic experience
blocking from network. There are three ways in which overflow traffic is to be handled:
 The traffic rejected by one set of resources may be cleared by another set of resources in
 Traffic may return to the same sources after some time.
 Traffic may be hold by the sources as if using serviced but actually only after resources
become available.
In order to obtain analytical solutions to tele-traffic problems it is necessary to have a
mathematical model of the traffic offered to telecommunication systems. A simple model is
based on the following assumptions:

Pure Chance Assumption implies that call arrivals and call terminations are independent
random events
Statistical Implies that probabilities do not change.
Full availability Every call that arrives can be connected to any outgoing trunk which is free.
Calls which
Implies that any call which encounters congestion is immediately cleared
congestion are from the system.
The loss probability for a full availability group of N trunk offered with traffic A erlangs is
given by:

Algorithm: A group of 5 trunks is offered 2 E of traffic. Find the Grade of service, the
probability that only one trunk is busy, the probability that only one trunk is free, the probability
that at least one trunk is free.

% Write a program to simulate LCC model

% Input for this pgm - A, N
% Output of this pgm - B
%Roll No-

clear all;

n=input('Enter the no of servers=');

c=input('Enter the no. of calls per hour=');
th=input('Enter the holding duration of eah call=');
fprintf('\n The value of Offered traffic A=%d',A);

%--------------------------------- Specified A and N

for N=1:1:n


fprintf('\n The value of Numerator Num=%d',Num);

for k= 1:1:n


fprintf('\n The value of Denominator Den=%d',Den);


grid on;


xlabel('No of trunks = ');

ylabel(' Blocking probability=');
title('Program to simulate LCC model');

Conclusion: If the offered traffic A increases, the number of trunks N must obviously increase to
provide a given grade of service.

Que 1: Explain in brief the Queuing system model of Traffic Engineering?

Que 2: Define Grade of Service?

Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Technology, Pimpri, Pune-411018
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Subject: Mobile Communication Class: BE Semester: II

Experiment No. 3

Aim: To perform GSM related events using AT commands.

Apparatus: GSM trainer kit, SIM card, PC with FALCOM software and
serial interface network.

Theory: The practical describes AT command based messages encharged

between applications to manage GSM events. This software provides an
interface by means of which we can enter commands. Every command
starts with ATCA & ends with CR (character). SIM insert & removal are 2
important tasks which we have to perform carefully. This is use for
observation of response of AT commands. Table shows general
comparison between GSM and CDMA.

Table: Specifications of GSM

Sr. No. Description GSM

Full duplex channels 125
2 Single channel bandwidth 200KHz

3 Multi-access use TDMA

4 Use per channel 8

5 Modulation GMSK

6 Data rate possible 270-833kbps


1. Insert SIM.
2. Run software.
3. Connect COM1 to COM1 of the Hardware kit.
4. Software will RUN AT commands &will show signal strength.
5. From software panel, make voice call.
6. Do same for by AT commands.
7. Also verify commands for various operations like sending & receiving SMS.
8. RUN various AT commands
Connection Diagram:

Observation Table:

Perform various AT commands,

1. ATD: - dial command D ATD < num > Where <num>

is destination phone number

e.g.: ATD 9988001122; this command dials a destination number for making a call.
2. AT-H: - Hang up command H.
It is used for application to disconnect remote
user case of multiple cells.
3. ATA: Answer the call.
4. ATDL: Redial last numbers.
Last dialed number is displayed follower by I for service calls only.
5. AT+CMGR: Read message.
This command allows application to read necessary message (by
memory selected by command)
Syntax: AT+CMGR<index>
7. AT + CMGL: List message
8. AT+CMGS: Send message.
9. AT+CMGD: Delete message.
Conclusion: Write in brief answers to the following questions.

Que 1: Draw the block diagram GSM Architecture?

Que 2: Explain step by step process of call connection from mobile to PSTN?

Que 3 : List handover mechanism in GSM

Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Technology, Pimpri, Pune-411018

Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Subject: Mobile Communication Class: BE Semester: II

Experiment No. 6

Aim: Voice over Internet Protocol to communicate with peers using Skype service.

Apparatus: Internet connection, Skype software, Laptop.

Theory: Voice over data networks is primary constructed of computer servers and gateways.
Servers control the overall system access and processing of calls & gateways convert the voice
over data network data to signals that can be used by telephone access devices.

In addition to providing the essential telecom service features, voice over data (VoIP) telephone
service can perform advanced features such as:

1. Unified messaging: Unified messaging is a multimedia messaging system that allows you to
store, manage, transfer and retrieve different forms of messages.

2. Videophone: A videophone is a communication device that can capture and display video
information in addition to audio information. The use of videophones with an internet
telephone service allows the video portion of the communications session to share the data

3. Simultaneous whiteboard displays: A whiteboard is a device that can capture images or

hand drawn text so they can be transferred to a video conferencing system. Whiteboards
allow video conferencing users to share images and/or hand written diagrams with one or
more videoconference attendees.

4. Audio conferencing: Audio conferencing is a process of conducting a meeting between two

or more people through the use of telecommunication circuits and equipment’s.

5. Distant learning through Webinars: Audio chat rooms are real time communication services
that allow several participants to interact much like an audio conference session.
Connection Establishment:

Skype is a proprietary Voice over Internet Protocol service allows user to communicate with
peers by voice, video and instant messaging over the internet. So here’s how you do Skype to
Skype calling:

1. If it’s your first call you’ll need to add the person you want to call to your contacts by
searching for their Skype name. If they are on Skype too, calls are free.

2. Otherwise just check who’s available – if the little icon next to their name is green they
are online and ready to talk.
3. Once you have found the person you had like to talk to, just push the green call button
to start chatting, wait for them to answer, and you can start talking.

4. S, open up Skype, find a person to chat to, push the button and away you go.

5. It’s free to call other Skype users, worldwide.

6. So download Skype and make a voice call today.

7. What does it all cost?

Free - Skype to Skype Calls, One to One Video calls, Instant messaging etc.

Note: Full details on how to use Skype are available from their website at

Experimental Setup:

Conclusion: Write in brief answers to the following questions:

Que 1: List Challenges of 5G Technology .

Que 2 : Compare 3G, 4G and 5G

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