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After watching and listening to the presentation of the Reporters about Motivation.

find the presentation well done and prepared in a way that they prepared a short games that at

first you wouldn’t know the purpose of the activity but it entice the participation of the class. I

realize that Teachers/Professors have a lot of things to do with their student’s motivational

level. A student may arrive in a class with a certain degree of motivation. But the teacher’s

behaviour and teaching style, structure of the course, the nature of the assignments and

informal interactions with students all have a large effect on student motivation. The topic was

very familiar to all in which everyone could relate and understand easily. They give examples to

explain further the meaning.

In the presentation they discussed motivation, importance of motivation, classes of

motivation, kinds of motivation, motivation cycle and theories of motivation. Understand that

teachers have really important role in motivating the students. It is also noted that motivation

has several effects on students learning and behavior. Motivation directs behavior toward

particular goals. It affects the choices students make. For example, whether to enroll in an art

class or physics. In the motivational aspect the role of teachers in the educational process is the

creation of a climate and a positive attitude that encourages learning and their long term

success. Increasing the collaboration and communication between the student and instructor

are two basic factors of motivation of learning.

I learned that extrinsic motivation is motivated to perform an activity to earn a reward

or avoid punishment. Example of extrinsic motivation is money, fame, grades and praise while
Intrinsic motivation is motivated to perform an activity for its own sake and personal rewards.

Example of intrinsic motivation is playing, improvising, and engaging in a hobby).

In conclusion, teachers cannot make someone motivated but they can create motivating

learning environments. Students feel motivated when they feel some sense of autonomy or

control, they feel connected to the class and schools and they feel as if they possess the skills

necessary to meet the challenges of school.

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