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Condicional Zero

1. Plants ________ (die) if they _________ (not/ get) enough water.

2. If my husband __________ (has) a cold, I usually __________(catch) it.
3. If you __________________ (mix) red and blue, you ____________ (get)purple.
4. If people ______(eat) too much, they________ (get) fat.
5. If a bee ________(Sting) you, it ______(die).
6. If she_________ (practice) basketball every day, she________ (can be)a professional.
7. People_______(smell) bad if they _________ (do not take) a shower at least once a week
8. I ___________(Heard) on the news that if you ________ (do not eat) sugar for a month,
you lose weight
9. If I _________ (study) too much, I _______(get) tired

10. If you (drop) an egg, it (break).

11. If I __________(not sleep) well, I ____________(look) like a zombie in the mornings.

Primer Condicional

1. If it (will rain/rains) ______________ tomorrow, we (will stay/stay) __________ at home.

2. If Mary (will get/gets) to work early, she (will have/has) time to

finish the report.

3. Small shops (will close/close) if so many people (will go/go) to


4. We (will visit/visit) the new museum if it (will not rain/does not

rain) .

5. If you (will take/take) the top off, you (will get/get) the water out.

6. If you (will walk/walk) down this street, you (will find/find) the
post office.

7. The paella (will not burn/does not burn) if you (will turn down/turn

down) the heat.

8. My daughter (will finish/finishes) university by 2017 if she (will

start/starts) this year.

9. If they ______(will do/do) the homework, I (take/will take) them to the movies

Segundo condicional

1.If I _________ 500 dollars to spend, I would buy an electric guitar.

a. Would have b. had c. have
2. If we found a bag full of money, we __________ it to the owner
a. Would return b. Returned c. Return
3.She ____________ to the party if she didn’t have to study for the final exam.
a. Could went b.went c.would go
4. If I ____________ you, I wouldn’t cheat on the test.
a.Be b. were c. would was
5. He would be a basketball player if he ________ taller.
a. were b. would be c. is
6. If we ____________ a famous actor, we ___________ him/her for lunch.
a. would meet … invited b. would met…. Invite c. met… would intive
7. She ___________ a great mother if she ___________ children.
a. would be…. Had b. is… had c. were…. Would have
8. If I __________ more, I __________ so thin.
a. eat… would be b.ate…. would’nt be c. would ate… weren’t

Tercer condicional

If it (would have rained/had rained) yesterday, we (had stayed/would have

stayed) at your house.

2) If Mary (had got/would have got) to work earlier, she (had had/would have

had) time to finish the sales project.

3) The small grocer's (had closed/would have closed) if everybody (would have

preferred/had preferred) the nearby hypermarket.

4) We (had visited/'d have visited) the new museum if it (wouldn't have

snowed/hadn't snowed) .

5) If you (had taken/would have taken) the top off, you (had had got/would have

got) the petrol out

6. If you (had walked/would have walked) down that road, you ('d found/would

have found) the chemist.

7. _______ you have gone if you________ (knew?)
8. If only I had woken up earlier, I would have arrived on time!
9. If I ________ (go) to Marta's party, I ________never have met my wife.

C. Pitagoras said that if you add the squares of the legs you get the square of the
hypotenuse of a triangle. _____________________
P. If he tells the truth, they will forgive him.__________
O. If you find a mistake, I will correct it________
t. If I had seen her, I would have told you._______

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