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Reflection on Genesis chapter 1: The Creation

In the first page of the first book of God’s written Word for His people, we can clearly see and
observe that this God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is the God who speaks. He created
everything; living and non-living things, visible and invisible, big or small, in the past, in the
present and in the days to come. He is above and beyond time itself, or better yet He governs it.
Entirety is in His hands, He is in control. When He speaks, everything submits. When He speaks,
everything listens and follows. It is the nature of God to speak. With this truth, this simply puts
us in both a joyfully comforting and wholly dangerous place. We somehow find ourselves both
in the loving and consoling arms of our parents and hanging on the edge of the cliff. To know
that God speaks is terrifying because of the truth that we do not have control to the things He
will utter. It is terrifying since we always want to be in the position to command and in the
authority to speak so that others might listen. On the other hand, it is reassuring for the reason
that His audible voice resounds perfectly to the ends of the earth. Loneliness loses some of its
fangs. He is discernable in His creation and made himself known to us. At the same time, when
He speaks, everything listens, obeys, bows down and submits. Everything He did is “good and
very good”

In the first page of the first book of God’s written word for His people, we can clearly see and
observe that this God blatantly wants to reveal himself to us.

“I AM the Alpha. I AM the Omega. Behold, I am the tremendous, amazing, remarkable

and majestic Creator. I created everything for you to enjoy, be sustained and to be filled. I
prepared everything you need. I created you in my own likeness. I blessed you and gave
you dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the heavens and over every living thing
that moves on earth. I rested and blessed the seventh day in order for me to enjoy your
presence and company and to walk with you in the garden.”

He somehow reveals, but not completely for He is too big, too wide, for our finite capacity to
grasp and understand Him, himself to us and initiates to have a genuine relationship with Him.
He is the God who created and started everything, too huge, too splendid and too magnificent but
also personal and relational. When reading the first chapter of Genesis, it is like God is saying
“Ok, first things first. This is me. I am reliable, trustworthy, almighty, powerful, sufficient, all-
knowing and loving. Believe in me. Trust me. I will be your God and you will be my people. I
will provide everything for you, you will never lack. Put your faith in me.”

We can somehow conclude, therefore, that the creation story not just conveys the truth of
creation, but also declares that God is the God who speaks hence we should listen and God,
although Holy, is personal and relational hence an intimate God.

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