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Due to advances in poultry genetics, Broilers may be confirmed in modest

Successful rearing of broilers starts well knowledge of nutrition, bird management building conditions. A cement floor is
before the arrival of the baby chicks. They and disease control, broilers grow very fast.
must be provided with the correct preferred, but it may be compacted dirt
Their growth rate is dependent on the or clay. The litter must be dry and least
environment: temperature, humidity, amount of energy
ventilation and house layout. three inches deep. The litter may be wood
(calories) in their shavings, chopped dried grasses, rice
feed. A 3-feed pro-
hulls, cut newspaper, or sand. Wet areas
gram is most effi-
cient and cost effec-
especially beneath waterers should be
tive program. A bird removed and fresh litter put down.
eats a greater amount of feed during the
last two weeks. The finisher/withdrawal in
the 3-feed program is the most economical
feed thus the favorable economics of the
Any delay in placement of chicks from their program. In open-sided house expect the
arrival boxes will result in dehydration, following:
potentially impair growth and even death.
Spread litter evenly. Uneven litter can restrict Starter Grower Finish/With.
access to feed and water and lead to a loss of Period 2wks 3wks 2wks
flock uniformity. Arrange equipment to Amount 1.5lb 3.0lb 4.5lb
enable the chicks to easily reach feed and 17% 33% 50% Ventilation is important and ammonia
water. Empty the boxes gently near feed and Bird Wt. 0.6lb 3.4lb 5.0lb odors should be avoided. Tall grass and
water over the entire brooding area. shrubs around the house should be cut to
Leave the chicks to settle 1 to 2 hours. 3-FEED PROGRAM EXPECTA- allow air flow. The house should be
Later check to assure to assure birds have TIONS aligned East and West to avoid extended
found access to feed and water. Dehydration Age 49days sunshine from entering the side of the
on the day of arrival is the main cause of Ending weight 5.0lb house. Sometimes, fans will be necessary
death. Many chicks can be saved by taking Feed consumed 9.0lb to reduce heat stress and remove
them one by one, dipping their beaks into Feed conversion ratio 1.8
water and leaving near waterer. ammonia odors. Wire surrounding all
Brooding: Chicks require warmth. In sides of the house should be small
tropical climates, the use of brooders is enough to keep wild birds from entering.
especially important at night. A thermometer Wild birds carry disease and eat
should be located at the chick level. considerable feed reducing efficiency.
Temperatures Succeeding flocks may be put down on
First week (brooder)…..90 to 92 deg. F. the same litter provided that all wet areas
First week (house)……..84 to 88 deg. F. are removed, that the house is thoroughly
Second week (house)….80 to 84 deg. F. disinfected and fallen feathers eliminated.

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