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Mathematics: Lecture 3 ‫مدرس مساعد ازهار مالك‬

Differential Equations:

C. Higher order Differential Equations:

How to find roots of an equation:
Let x n  a1 x n1  a2 x n2    an  0 be an eq. of degree n, we denote this eq. by f ( x)  0 then:

1) r is a root of the eq. f ( x)  0 if f (r )  0 .

2) r is repeated root of the eq. f ( x)  0 if f (r )  0 .
3) If r is a root of the eq. f ( x)  0 , then r must be a factor of an .

4) If r is a root of the eq. f ( x)  0 , then ( x  r ) divides f (x) .

Ex.: Find all roots of x3  4x2  3x  18  0

Solution: an  18 :  1,  2,  3,  6,  9,  18

f (2)  8  16  6  18  0 , 2 is a root of the eq.

There are two methods to factorize f(x): long division & fast division.

First method: Fast division

1 4 -3 -18
2  2 12 18
1 6 9 0
 x2  6x  9  0
 ( x  2)( x 2  6 x  9)  0
( x  2)( x  3)( x  3)  0
x1  2, x2  3, x3  3
The roots are 2, -3, -3

Second method: long division

x3  4 x2  3x  18  0
 ( x  2)( x 2  6 x  9)  0
( x  2)( x  3)( x  3)  0
x 2  6x  9
( x  2) x  4 x 2  3x  18

 x 3  2x 2
6 x 2  3x
 6 x 2  12 x
9 x  18
 9 x  18

Mathematics: Lecture 3 ‫مدرس مساعد ازهار مالك‬
Differential Equations:

Higher order linear Differential Equations:

The general form with constant coefficient is:
y ( n)  a1 y ( n 1)    an 1 y  an y  F ( x) ...... (1)

If F ( x)  0 then (1) is called homogenous, otherwise (1) is called nonhomogenous.

The general solution

The methods of solving second order homogenous D.Eqs. with constant coefficients can be
extended to solve higher order homogenous and nonhomogenous D.Eq. with constant coefficients.

a) Homogenous: the characteristic equation of nth order homogenous D. Eq.:

y ( n)  a1 y ( n 1)    an 1 y  an y  0 is:
r n  a1r n 1    an 1r  an  0
Let r1, r1 , r2 , ... , rn be the roots of characteristic equation then:

1) If r1 , r2 , ... , rn are all distinct then the solution is:

y h  c1e r1x  c2 e r2 x    cn e rn x

2) If r1 repeated m times, then yh will contain the terms:

c1er1 x  c2 xe r1 x  ...  cm x m 1er1 x

3) If some of roots are complex ( r    i ) then yh will contain

(c1 cos x  c2 sin x)ex

Ex.1: solve y''' -3y''+2y'=0

r 3  3r 2  2r  0  r (r 2  3r  2)  0
r (r - 2)(r - 1)  0
 r1  0 , r2  2 , r3  1
are all distinct
 yh  c1er1 x  c2er2 x  c3er3 x
yh  c1  c2e2 x  c3e x

Mathematics: Lecture 3 ‫مدرس مساعد ازهار مالك‬
Differential Equations:

b) Nonhomogenous: the general form of nth order nonhomogenous differential equation is:
y ( n)  a1 y ( n 1)    an 1 y  an y  F ( x) ...... (1)

The general solution is yg  yh  y p

Methods of finding yp:

1) Undetermined coefficients
We can extend the methods of solving second order non homogenous D.Eqs. with constant
coefficients to solve higher order nonhomogenous D.Eq. with constant coefficients.

Ex.1: y(4)-8y''+16y=-18sinx
yg  yh  y p

r4-8r2+16=0  (r2-4)2=0  r2=4  r=±2
let yp=Acosx+Bsinx, y'p=-Asinx+Bcosx, y''p= -Acosx-Bsinx
y'''p= Asinx-Bcosx, y(4)p= Acosx+Bsinx
y g  c1e 2x  c 2 xe 2x  c 3 e -2x  c 4 xe -2x - sin x

2) Variation of parameters
In this method, the particular solution yp has the form yp=v1u1+v2u2+… +vnun
Where u1, u2, …, un are taken from yh=c1u1+c2u2+… +cnun.
To find v1, v2, …, vn, we must solve the following linear eqs. For v'1, v'2, …, v'n:

Mathematics: Lecture 3 ‫مدرس مساعد ازهار مالك‬
Differential Equations:

v1 u 1  v2 u 2    vn u n  0

v1 u 1  v2 u 2    vn u n  0

( n2) ( n2)
v1 u 1  v2 u 2    vn u n 0
(n - 2)

( n 1) ( n 1) ( n 1)

v1 u 1  v2 u 2    vn u n  f ( x)

Exercise: Solve
1) y'''-6y''+12y'-8y=0
2) y'''-y=0
3) y(5)-2y(4)+y'''=0
4) y'''-6y''+2y'+36y=0
5) y(4)+8y'''+24y''+32y'+16y=0
6) y(4)-4y''+4y=0

Problems: Find the general solution

1) y(4)+8y''+16y=0

2) y(4)+y=x+1

3) y'''-3y'+2y=ex

4) y(4)-16y=0

5) y'''-y'=4x3+6x2

1- Calculus & Analytic Geometry (Thomas).
2- Calculus (Haward Anton).
3- Advanced Mathematics for Engineering Studies )‫ رياض احمد عزت‬.‫(أ‬
4- Modern Introduction Differential Equations, Schaum's Outline Series.

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