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International Journal of Psychophysiology 47 (2003) 187–198

Preferred EEG brain states at stimulus onset in a fixed

interstimulus interval auditory oddball task, and their effects on
ERP components
Robert J. Barrya,*, Vilfredo de Pascalisb, Darren Hoddera, Adam R. Clarkea,
Stuart J. Johnstonea
Brain & Behaviour Research Institute and Department of Psychology, University of Wollongong, Wollongong 2522, Australia
Dipartimento di Psicologia, Universita di Roma, 00185 Rome, Italy

Received 7 May 2002; received in revised form 16 October 2002; accepted 21 October 2002


Previous work has indicated the importance of ongoing EEG activity in the elicitation of the event-related potential
(ERP), supporting the conceptualisation of the ERP in terms of amplification and attenuation of component
frequencies in the EEG. We investigated the importance of the phase of narrow-band EEG activity in generating N1
and P2 components in the auditory ERP. An auditory oddball paradigm requiring a button-press response to targets,
with fixed interstimulus interval (ISI) and 15% target probability, was utilised. The continuous EEG at Cz was
recorded from 16 subjects as the raw data set. Offline digital filtering was used to separate the EEG into 13 narrow
bands from 1 to 13 Hz. For each band, the phase at the onset of each non-target stimulus was determined. These
were used to sub-average the unfiltered data stream at each of four phases for each of 13 frequencies for each subject.
Phase effects were examined in terms of two orthogonal dimensions of electrical brain activity: Cortical negativity
and negative driving. Stimulus onset varied as a function of these dimensions in a non-random fashion across
frequency, indicating the preferential occurrence of particular phases, interpretable as preferred brain states. Large
differential effects were also apparent in N1 and P2 amplitudes. These data indicate important aspects of brain
dynamics, suggesting that in a fixed-ISI paradigm the component frequencies of the EEG are dynamically adjusted
in order to provide particular brain states at stimulus occurrence to facilitate the brain’s processing of the stimulus.
䊚 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: EEG; Auditory ERP; EEG Phase; Narrow-band filtering; Brain dynamics

1. Introduction tations of that stimulus. Averaging is necessary to

increase the signal:noise ratio of the small stimu-
The event-related potential (ERP) elicited by a lus-related response hidden in the background EEG
stimulus is actualised as the averaged time-locked activity, by removing the random EEG ‘noise’.
electrophysiological response to repeated presen- There are a number of problems with this simple
*Corresponding author. Tel.yfax: q61-2-4221-4421. conceptualisation, which may be overlooked in
E-mail address: (R.J. Barry). common discussion. The first of these is with the

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188 R.J. Barry et al. / International Journal of Psychophysiology 47 (2003) 187–198

concept of the ERP itself. This ERP has no Perhaps the most widely studied frequency
concrete existence outside the average which range in these reports has been the alpha band. In
formed it, yet it sometimes appears to be concep- a recent study, Barry et al. (2000) concluded that
tualised as the response to each stimulus. Perhaps amplitudes of both the N1P2 and N2P3 complexes,
the average does not provide a good estimate of elicited by targets in an auditory oddball paradigm,
the trial-to-trial response, which could well be were directly proportional to prestimulus RMS
highly variable (e.g. Anderson et al., 1991; Ford alpha amplitude—i.e. these components are larger
et al., 1994). The second problem is with the when stimuli are presented during high-amplitude
concept of the EEG itself. If the ongoing EEG is alpha states. These data supported the previous
considered as background ‘noise’, and hence a findings of Brandt’s group with N1P2, and Jasiu-
problem to be eliminated in the averaging process, kaitis and Hakerem (1998) with P3. Barry et al.
the possibility that the ongoing EEG plays a (2000) noted that contradictory reports of
fundamental role in the genesis of the ERP may enhanced ERP components with lower levels of
be overlooked. prestimulus alpha, and vice-versa, often appeared
An alternative conceptualisation is to explicitly to be associated with paradigms in which stimuli
recognise that the average ERP is just that—an were selectively presented when subjects were in
average—and that this average says little about particular states (e.g. Basar¸ et al., 1998; Price,
the brain’s response to any individual stimulus. 1997; Rahn and Basar,¸ 1993). Such paradigms are
The responses to individual stimuli may vary markedly different from common ERP studies,
widely, perhaps largely depending on the nature of which instead present stimuli on a scheduled basis
the EEG at stimulus onset. At the cellular level, independently of fluctuations in the momentary
this has been demonstrated by Arieli et al. (1996). state of the subject. It is the effect of prestimulus
Using visual stimulation in cat, these authors EEG state in the latter type of experiment which
concluded that ‘the processing of sensory input in constitutes the present focus of our work.
the visual cortex involves the combination of a Although the relationships between prestimulus
deterministic response and ongoing network alpha and the N1 and P3 ERP peaks have been
dynamics’ (p. 1870). Further, Makeig et al. (2002) widely explored, a few other EEG frequencyyERP
recently described the human ERP to non-target component linkages have also been examined. For
stimuli in a visual selective-attention task in terms example, Stampfer and Basar ¸ (1985) concluded
of its generation by ‘partial stimulus-induced that the ‘N100 peak is formed mainly by 3.5–8
phase-resetting of multiple electroencephalograph- Hz, and 8–13 Hz activity; the P200 peak is formed
ic processes’ (p. 690). In this alternative concep- by the superposition of the first peak of 1–3.5 Hz
tualisation, the ‘background’ EEG activity is seen activity and the first positive peak of 3.5–8 Hz
as exquisitely reflecting the brain’s momentary activity’ (p. 187). Basar
¸ et al. (1984) concluded
state of activity, and subtly determining the that ‘the endogenous N100 wave is related to the
response to the stimulus, as reflected in both alpha activity, and« waves with latencies higher
behavioural and ERP outcomes (Basar, ¸ 1980). than 300 ms are related to activities in the theta
Supporting evidence for this approach is provided and delta frequency range’ (p. 19). Kolev and
by studies of the effect of stimulus presentation in ¨
Schurmann (1992) confirmed the important role
particular brain states. For example, there has been of theta and alpha oscillations in the formation of
a substantial number of studies examining the ERPs in a non-response single-stimulus paradigm,
effect of differences in the amplitude of particular essentially confirming the dependence of the com-
EEG frequencies in the prestimulus period upon ponents of the N1P2 complex on modulation of
ERP components (e.g. Barry et al., 2000; Basar ¸ these frequencies. This appears to be compatible
and Stampfer, 1985; Basar ¸ et al., 1989, 1998; with a study by Brandt et al. (1991), which
Brandt, 1997; Brandt and Jansen, 1991; Brandt et reported that N1P2 amplitudes produced by visual
al., 1991; Jasiukaitis and Hakerem, 1998; Price, stimuli presented with a quasi-random interstimu-
1997; Rahn and Basar,¸ 1993). lus interval (ISI) were directly related to presti-
R.J. Barry et al. / International Journal of Psychophysiology 47 (2003) 187–198 189

mulus alpha amplitude, and inversely related to omitted every third or fourth tone, leading them to
prestimulus delta and theta amplitudes. There was state that ‘phase-reordering at the time of stimulus
no relation with beta activity. Over all bands, omission is due to the behavioural state resulting
prestimulus power predicted some 45% of the total from the application of repetitive stimuli’ (p. 9).
variance in N1P2 amplitude. Basar-Eroglu et al. The importance of such a preferred phase
(1992) and Demiralp and Basar ¸ (1992) explored appears to arise from its impact on functional
this further, noting that delta and theta activity aspects of brain state and behaviour. For example,
seemed important in relation to late ERP compo- ´
Remond (1969) demonstrated that the phase of
nents in the oddball task (presumably the P3) alpha activity at stimulus onset was important in
while theta activity appeared important in relation determining the amplitude and topography of the
to early components (presumably the N1P2 com- subsequent alpha activity. Other early work (e.g.
plex) in a stimulus omission study. Basar ¸ et al. Callaway and Yeager, 1960; Dustman and Beck,
(1998) discussed earlier in relation to alpha activ- 1965; Trimble and Potts, 1975) concentrated on
ity, also explored the impact of prestimulus theta the differential effects of stimulation at negative
in elicitation of the visual evoked potential. Yor- and positive peaks of the alpha cycle. Generally,
danova and Kolev (1996, 1997) and Yordanova et maximum excitability occurred when stimuli were
al. (1996) have reported further work on the presented at negative peaks, an effect apparent in
development of the theta-P3 relationship with chil- both ERP components and reaction time measures.
dren and adults. That is, studies to date have found Such findings appear to interleave with other work
that activity in the delta, theta, and alpha EEG which links cortical negativity with increased brain
frequency ranges affect ERP components, but fre- excitability (e.g. Pleydell-Pearce, 1994; Rockstroh
quencies beyond the alpha range appear to have et al., 1989). Together they suggest that, at least
little direct involvement in the generation of the within fixed-ISI paradigms, the brain reorders the
major ERP components. phase of its alpha activity, and perhaps other
Embedded in many of the reports cited above, frequencies, to preferentially display negativity at
particularly those from the Basar ¸ group, is the stimulus onset, and that this optimises its excita-
suggestion that with regular stimuli, phase adjust- bility and hence affects behavioural and ERP
ments occur in the prestimulus EEG. For example, outcomes.
¸ and Stampfer (1985) reported that, in a
Basar Jansen and Brandt (1991) investigated the
fixed-ISI paradigm with alternating target and non- effects of alpha phase using visual stimulation
target stimuli, the delta activity before target stim- presented at irregular intervals, with no task requi-
uli shows ‘evidence of a stable phase-reordering rements. They used 1000 stimuli with ISIs varying
or ‘preferred phase angle’, at the point of stimu- from 2 to 6 s, and divided the prestimulus alpha
lation. In the examples shown, there is evidence cycle into eight phases. Generally, alpha activity
of a maximum negativity at the time of stimula- was found to continue into the poststimulus period,
tion’ (p. 167). In the same study, alpha activity and the first or second negative peak was identified
was also ‘associated with increasing phase align- with the N1. Its amplitude and latency varied
ment at the point of stimulation’ (p. 170), and a substantially with alpha phase at stimulus onset.
figure suggests that this also involved a preferential N1 was found to be maximum when stimulus
occurrence of EEG negativity; further, the subse- onset was near a positive-going zero crossing.
quent alpha peak appears to largely determine the Smaller effects were obtained in relation to the
timing of the N1 component. Such observations P2, which was considered to be related to partial
led them to conclude that ‘a regular pattern of blocking of the alpha activity. Unfortunately, this
stimulation can induce a ‘preferred’ phase angle, interesting study presented data from only 5 sub-
which appears to facilitate an optimal brain jects, and it is unclear how these individual results
response to the sensory input’ (p. 175). Similar can be generalised. Also, the study employed an
findings were presented by Basar ¸ et al. (1984) in eyes-closed condition, which, together with the
a study which presented tones at 1 s ISIs and absence of a task, would be expected to result in
190 R.J. Barry et al. / International Journal of Psychophysiology 47 (2003) 187–198

relatively high alpha amplitudes. Phase determi- variability across five occipito-parietal sites. Larger
nation was then restricted to selected 1 s presti- N100s and shorter reaction times were obtained
mulus epochs with high alpha level ()100 mV). when prestimulus alpha phase synchronicity was
This high level of alpha activity further limits the high. Unfortunately, this measure appears to be
generalisability to common ERP paradigms. More confounded with alpha amplitude, in that highly
importantly, their phase determination was based synchronised alpha in the occipito-parietal region
on peak and trough identification in the EEG is likely to be of high amplitude. It is thus unclear
(bandwidth 0.032–35 Hz, which was ‘smoothed’ whether a measure of phase synchronicity has
with an unspecified filter), and trials were accepted potential value independently of prestimulus
if the period of the cycle used to determine phase amplitude or power measures. In a later study
corresponded to a frequency between 5 and 20 Hz. further exploring the use of circular statistics in
This extension beyond the normal alpha limits this field, Haig and Gordon (1998a) established,
makes interpretation of the results extremely in a fixed-ISI auditory oddball paradigm, that
problematic. single-trial target ERPs which had a detectable P3
More recently, Brandt (1997) confirmed that component differed from those which did not, in
poststimulus filtered alpha was enhanced when terms of the mean alpha phase at stimulus onset.
stimuli were presented in the half-cycle associated Some three in four trials had P3s, and their mean
with a positive rather than a negative zero-crossing. phase at stimulus onset was late in the period
This means that stimuli presented in the half cycle Brandt (1997) referred to as ‘positive zero
between a prestimulus negative peak and the fol- crossing’, while the one in four trials without P3s
lowing positive peak were most influential in had mean phase at stimulus onset earlier in the
generating an enhanced negativity approximately same period. However, their topographic analysis
100 ms poststimulus onset, activity presumed to used averages with and without P3s, and their
underly the N1. Unfortunately, Brandt examined corresponding mean alpha phases at stimulus
these poststimulus effects only in terms of the onset, which were defined independently at each
alpha frequency range rather than the broad-band site, making it difficult to speculate on any under-
ERP itself. Thus, while these studies have served lying mechanisms.
to illustrate that EEG phase at stimulus onset is an The current work adopted a different approach
important characteristic influencing the brain’s to the measurement of phase, in an effort to
response, a systematic exploration of the effects of facilitate the relating of phase measures to a wider
phase is lacking. range of concepts which appear useful in this
One of the impediments to research investigating arena. Fig. 1 shows a simple sine wave, drawn
phase effects is the difficulty of conceptualising, with negative up in order to relate to common
measuring, and analysing the phase of a frequency ERP conventions, with 4 phase divisions at inter-
component as an independent variable in the vals of py2. Phases B and C subdivide Brandt’s
experimental paradigm. For example, Brandt (1997) ‘positive zero crossing’ period, while D
(1997) used the approach of Winfree (1987) to and A correspond to his ‘negative zero crossing’
investigate the occurrence of phase-resetting at period. Haig and Gordon’s (1998a) phase measure
stimulus onset. This is a highly mathematical was defined in terms of 08 at a positive peak and
approach which appears useful in the detection 1808 at a negative peak, so that Phase A corre-
and description of the phenomenon of phase- sponds to their range of 90–1808. Rather than
resetting rather than an understanding of its func- work with such mathematically defined divisions
tional role in ERP and behavioural outcomes. In as independent variables, an attempt was made
another approach, Haig and Gordon (1998b) intro- here to relate them to more intuitively meaningful
duced the use of angular or circular statistics to physical concepts, so that their effects on ERP
handle phase measures, and used this approach to measures could be better explored. Thus, this study
relate ERP outcomes to prestimulus alpha phase investigated two easily conceptualised physical
synchronicity, defined in terms of reduced phase variables. Cortical negativity can be examined in
R.J. Barry et al. / International Journal of Psychophysiology 47 (2003) 187–198 191

bands, which may constrain the interpretation of

the EEGyERP relationship. One potential problem
with any narrow-band filtering approach is ‘ring-
ing’ in the filter. This refers to an unplanned and
unwanted high level of amplification which may
occur with frequencies near the turning points of
the filter. An ideal filter has an amplification of 1
in the pass band, and 0 beyond. Real filters have
amplification ripples in the pass band, which may
be relatively large near the cut-off frequencies,
leading to ‘ringing’. It was suggested by Brandt
and Jansen (1991) and Barry et al. (2000) that
some of the conflicting data apparent with the
examination of alpha frequency effects using dig-
ital filtering may have been caused by ‘ringing’.
Barry et al. (2000) specifically checked their alpha
Fig. 1. Definition of the four phases of the EEG waveform filter characteristics with white noise to ensure that
used in this study.
‘ringing’ was not a problem in that study.
Thus the present study investigated the occur-
the comparison of the effects of (AqB) vs. (Cq rence of different phases of EEG activity at stim-
D). This represents perhaps the earliest aspect of ulus onset in a fixed-ISI auditory oddball task, at
research into phase effects, investigated by pre- frequencies up to, and including, the alpha range.
senting stimuli at the negative or positive peaks of We also examined their effects on the amplitude
alpha waves. A second physical variable, negative of ERP components. Because we sub-averaged
driving, can be examined in the comparison of ERPs in terms of phase at stimulus onset, only the
(AqD) vs. (BqC). This relates to the nature of responses to the more-numerous background stim-
the changing of the cortical negativity variable— uli in the oddball task could be examined. This
is it increasing (phases A and D) or decreasing effectively limited analysis to the N1 and P2
(phases B and C)? Negative driving covers components. Effects in these components were
Brandt’s ‘negative zero crossing’ vs. ‘positive zero derived by examining narrow-band filtered EEG,
crossing’ effects. Note that both (AqD) and (Bq in 1 Hz bands, in terms of the four phase periods
C) cover negative and positive phases, and hence defined above, and analysing the occurrence of
effects of negative driving are independent of the these brain states and the subsequent ERP out-
effects of cortical negativity. comes in terms of the different combinations of
Although some of these studies have used Fast phases representing variation in the variables of
Fourier Transforms (FFTs) to obtain spectral infor- cortical negativity and negative driving defined
mation regarding prestimulus EEG (e.g. Brandt above.
and Jansen, 1991), many have employed band-
pass filtering of the EEG on a trial-by-trial basis. 2. Materials and methods
These have used either traditional band definitions
(e.g. 8–13 Hz alpha: Barry et al., 2000; Brandt, 2.1. Subjects
1997; Haig and Gordon, 1998a,b) or closely relat-
ed bands derived from peaks in the individual’s Sixteen undergraduate subjects (11 females, 5
amplitude–frequency characteristic curve (e.g. males), aged between 19 and 47 years, participated
¸ et al., 1984). The present study aimed to in this study as one means of satisfying a course
pursue this issue with very narrow-band (1 Hz requirement in Psychology. All claimed normal
bandwidth) digital filtering. This was an attempt hearing, and gave written informed consent in
to pass beyond the limits of the traditional EEG accordance with a protocol approved by the Uni-
192 R.J. Barry et al. / International Journal of Psychophysiology 47 (2003) 187–198

versity of Wollongong Human Research Ethics ameters of each filtered data stream at the instant
Committee. of each stimulus onset: (1) whether the voltage
was negative (A or B) or positive (C or D), and
2.2. Procedure (2) whether the slope (first derivative) of the
voltage versus time signal was negative (A or D)
Continuous EEG was recorded from 17 scalp or positive (B or C). These four phases were then
sites using an electrode cap with tin electrodes, used to ‘bin’ or sub-average the unfiltered (wide-
referenced to linked ears, with a gain of 50 000, a band) EEG segments associated with each stimu-
time constant of 5 s, and upper cut-off frequency lus. This formed four averaged wide-band ERPs
of 35 Hz. Vertical EOG (VEOG) was recorded, differing in narrow-band phase at stimulus onset,
from electrodes above and below one eye, with a for each of the 13 narrow frequency bands, for
gain of 20 000. All impedances were below 5 kV. each subject.
Data were continuously sampled at 256 Hz and For each subject, FFTs of 1 s raw EEG epochs
stored for off-line analysis. centred at stimulus onset were averaged for the
Subjects sat in a reclining chair in an air- acceptable epochs (VEOG-100 mV, no button-
conditioned sound-reduced room separate from the press) for non-target stimuli, in order to evaluate
recording equipment. Each subject participated in the frequency composition within the 1–13 Hz
two blocks of an auditory oddball task with 15% range. This allowed an estimation of the relative
target probability. Each block contained a random importance of phase effects at different frequencies
mix of 102 standard (background) stimuli of 1000 in determining the ERP outcomes. The occurrence
Hz and 18 deviant (target) stimuli at 1500 Hz. ISI of each phase at stimulus onset was examined as
was fixed at 1300 ms. All stimuli were 40 ms a function of frequency to investigate the occur-
duration with 16 ms riseyfall times and presented rence of preferred brain states in this paradigm.
via circumaural headphones at 80 dB SPL. A The averaged ERPs at each phase were used to
button-press response to the target was required. determine N1 and P2 amplitudes relative to a 200
During this task, subjects were requested not to ms prestimulus baseline period, and these were
blink, and to remain fixated on a small cross on a examined as a function of phase at each frequency.
computer monitor.
2.4. Statistical analyses
2.3. EEG post-processing The dependent variables of interest were the
proportion of stimulus events which occurred in
Only Cz data from the 204 background stimuli each phase range, and the amplitudes of N1 and
presented to each subject were analysed for this P2. The first of these addressed the question of
study. Trials with button-presses or ocular artifact preferred brain states, and was examined using
(VEOG)100 mV) were rejected. For each 1 Hz proportions tested with the binomial test. The
band from 1 to 13 Hz, the recorded EEG was impact of these phases on each of the ERP com-
passed through a narrow-band finite-impulse ponents was examined using paired t-tests. Activity
response digital filter, and the signal phase-shift as a function of phase was explored in terms of
was adjusted to 0. Testing with white noise con- two orthogonal factors: Cortical negativity—phas-
firmed that the pass-band of each filter was centred es AqB vs. CqD, and negative driving—phases
at its nominal frequency, with 3 dB reduction at AqD vs. BqC. Because of the number of tests
"0.5 Hz, 17 dB reduction at "1.0 Hz and 024 used (phase effects tested at each of 13 frequen-
dB at and beyond "1.5 Hz. There was no sugges- cies), the Bonferroni correction was employed for
tion of ringing in any set of filter characteristics. all significance tests.
For each filter band, for each non-target stimu-
3. Results
lus, the phase at stimulus onset was determined
using the four ranges defined in Section 1. This The number of ERP responses accepted from
determination involved the evaluation of two par- the 204 background stimuli ranged across the 16
R.J. Barry et al. / International Journal of Psychophysiology 47 (2003) 187–198 193

Fig. 3. Mean power at each frequency relative to that at 1 Hz.

Fig. 2. Grand mean ERP at Cz.

subjects from 60 to 140, with a mean of 102.2

(S.D.s18.6). The mean ERP to these background
stimuli, averaged across subjects, is shown in Fig.
2. Prior to stimulus onset, a CNV of some y1.7
mV is apparent, developing substantially in the
200 ms immediately before stimulus onset. There
is a marked N1, with amplitude of y6.3 mV and
mean latency approximately 90 ms, followed by a
clear P2 with amplitude 2.2 mV at 220 ms.
FFTs of 1 s epochs centred on stimulus onsets
for the accepted epochs were converted to relative
power in terms of that in the 1 Hz bin, and the
average across subjects is shown across the 1–13
Hz range in Fig. 3. These data indicate the impor-
tance of low frequency data, particularly in the 1–
3 Hz delta band, relative to higher frequencies, in
these epochs.
An example of phase binning for a representa-
tive subject (S1), with means for the 1 Hz filtered
data stream, is shown in the top panel of Fig. 4.
Note the appearance of large amplitude 1 Hz
activity, as indicated to occur generally in Fig. 3.
Also note how the procedure successfully identi-
fied and separated the filtered 1 Hz activity into
four phase ranges matching the specifications of
Fig. 1. The bottom panel of Fig. 4 shows the
corresponding unfiltered broad-band data stream
from this subject, separated into four sub-averages
on the basis of the 1 Hz phase at stimulus onset. Fig. 4. Filtered 1 Hz EEG activity for S1 separated by phase
For this 1 Hz example, the prestimulus CNV is (A, B, C, D) at stimulus onset (top panel) and the correspond-
apparent only in the ERPs associated with stimulus ing mean broad-band ERPs (bottom panel).
194 R.J. Barry et al. / International Journal of Psychophysiology 47 (2003) 187–198

(alpha), with the converse apparent at 4, 5 and 6

Hz (theta). With negative driving, negative-going
phases occurred significantly more often than pos-
itive-going phases at 3 and 4 Hz (spanning delta
and theta), and at 13 Hz (alpha), with the converse
effect at 6, 7, 8 and 9 Hz (spanning the theta and
alpha bands).
The amplitude of the N1 and P2 components
both varied significantly as a function of phase at
stimulus onset, and differentially as a function of
frequency. Fig. 6 (top panel) shows that with
cortical negativity, N1 amplitude was significantly
reduced if stimuli occurred in negative phases at
2, 3, 4 and 5 Hz (delta and theta bands), but
increased if stimuli occurred in negative phases at
9 and 10 Hz (alpha band), relative to the effects
of stimulus presentation in positive phases at those

Fig. 5. Occurrence of different phases at stimulus onset for

each frequency band, separated in terms of cortical negativity
(top) and negative driving (bottom).

presentation during phases A and B. These phases

also seem to be associated with a much larger
N1P2 complex than phases C or D.
Across subjects there were marked differences,
as a function of frequency, in the occurrence of
the different phases. The two panels in Fig. 5
indicate the proportion of stimuli which occurred
as a function of cortical negativity and negative
driving, with significant differences indicated. If
there were no preferred brain states at stimulus
onset in this task, i.e. if phase at stimulus onset
occurred by chance, we would expect 50% of trials
to fall in each category of the two experimental
variables. This is clearly not the case with either
of these variables. With cortical negativity, nega-
tive phases occurred significantly more often than Fig. 6. N1 amplitude as a function of cortical negativity (top)
positive phases at 2 Hz (delta), and 10 and 11 Hz and negative driving (bottom) at each frequency.
R.J. Barry et al. / International Journal of Psychophysiology 47 (2003) 187–198 195

reduced at 5 and 6 Hz (theta), relative to presen-

tation during positive-going phases (Fig. 7, bottom

4. Discussion

4.1. Preferential brain states

Across the frequency range explored, there were

marked differences in the occurrence of different
phases at stimulus onset. Cortical negativity
occurred preferentially in both the delta (from 1
to 3 Hz, but reaching significance at 2 Hz) and
alpha (at 10–11 Hz) bands, with the opposite
effect apparent in the 4–6 Hz theta range. The
size of this last effect is particularly substantial,
with cortical negativity occurring in only 1y3 of
the epochs. The preferential occurrence of cortical
negativity in the delta and alpha ranges confirms
the observations of Basar¸ and Stampfer (1985).
The relative power distribution across the epochs
examined (Fig. 3), with greater power at lower
frequencies, suggests that the low frequency delta
effect is most important. This low-frequency phase
reordering, leading to a preferential occurrence of
cortical negativity in the delta range, appears to
underlie the substantial CNV noted in these data.
This link is suggested by Fig. 2, which indicates
that the quarter-period of the CNV component in
Fig. 7. Amplitude of P2 as a function of cortical negativity these ERP data is approximately 200 ms, indicat-
(top) and negative driving (bottom) at each narrow-band ing a frequency equivalent of 1–2 Hz. The gen-
eration of the CNV may simply reflect the
preferential occurrence of cortical negativity, with
frequencies. For negative driving, Fig. 6 (bottom the attendant excitabilityyactivation providing an
panel) indicates that negative-going phases pro- important element in the mechanism underlying
duced much larger N1 amplitudes than positive- the proposed facilitation of the ‘optimal brain
going phases at 1, 2 and 3 Hz (delta), and 4 and response’ (Basar
¸ and Stampfer, 1985).
5 Hz (theta), with the converse but smaller effect Cortical negative driving, defined as increasing
at 7 Hz (theta) and 9 Hz (alpha). negativity at stimulus onset, occurred preferentially
Fig. 7 (top panel) shows that the amplitude of for frequencies across the boundary between the
the P2 component was markedly affected by cor- traditional delta and theta bands at 3–4 Hz, with
tical negativity at low frequency, being much larger a smaller effect in the alpha band at 13 Hz. The
for stimuli presented at negative phases than at first of these effects is very large, with negative
positive phases for 1, 2 and 3 Hz (delta). There driving occurring in 2y3 of the epochs. The oppo-
were no cortical negativity effects at higher fre- site effect in preferential phase occurrence was
quencies. With negative driving, P2 was much apparent in the 6–9 Hz range, again spanning two
reduced for stimuli presented during negative- traditional bands (theta and alpha). This type of
going phases at 1 and 2 Hz (delta), and also phase reordering may be a new effect, as previous
196 R.J. Barry et al. / International Journal of Psychophysiology 47 (2003) 187–198

work has not explored preferential phase occur- driving phases. There is also some reduction in
rence in relation to this variable. The absence of N1 amplitude for stimuli presented during negative
negative driving effects at frequencies below 3 Hz driving in the 7–9 Hz range. Together these
suggests that negative driving is not associated indicate that, with frequencies up to 5 Hz, N1
with the CNV in these data. amplitude is strongly enhanced when stimuli are
The marked differences in occurrence of the presented in phases of negative driving and
phases at stimulus onset, as a function of frequen- reduced when stimuli are presented during phases
cy, indicate substantial phase re-alignment, pre- of cortical negativity. Weaker effects, but in the
sumably associated with the fixed-ISI in this opposite direction, occur with frequencies in the
paradigm. It needs to be considered in future work alpha range. Such effects confirm the important
how the frequency-dependent preferential occur- contribution to N1 by both slow wave and alpha
rence of these phases develops over trials in a activity reported in previous work by Basar’s ¸
fixed-ISI paradigm, and also whether it is apparent, group (e.g. Stampfer and Basar,
¸ 1985), although
perhaps to a lesser degree, in paradigms with the delta contribution has not been as clear in
varying ISI. The role of expectancy in these effects previous work. The actual enhancement of N1
is also of interest. Expectancy may be the con- with cortical negativity in the alpha band was
scious correlate of the preferential occurrence of ¸ and Stampfer (1985) and is also
noted by Basar
the brain states explored in this study, and it might compatible with the early work on alpha-cycle
be useful to explore links between the cognitive effects (e.g. Callaway and Yeager, 1960). The
and physiological outcomes (particularly in rela- weaker effect with negative driving in the alpha
tion to the CNV) of ISI manipulation. frequencies is compatible with the findings of
An alternative interpretation, that these effects Jansen and Brandt (1991) that N1 was enhanced
merely reflect entraining of the EEG with the for stimuli presented when alpha was near a
fixed-ISI, appears unlikely. The stimulus onset positive-going zero crossing.
asynchrony here was 1372 ms, corresponding to a
frequency of 0.73 Hz. Such a frequency would be 4.2.2. P2
substantially passed in the 1 Hz filter, and hence The amplitude of P2 reflects cortical negativity
simple entrainment might contribute to the mag- at stimulus onset strongly in the 1–3 Hz delta
nitude of the 1 Hz data streams, such as those range, beyond which there is no discernable impact
displayed in Fig. 4. But essentially no 0.73 Hz of this variable. In contrast, P2 amplitude is
activity would be passed by the other filters, and reduced by negative driving at stimulus onset
hence entrainment frequency effects could not strongly for delta activity from 1 to 2 Hz, and also
underly the significant phase differences shown in (but less strongly) in the 5–6 Hz theta range.
Figs. 5–7 which occur at frequencies above 1 Hz. Together, these data (particularly the extremely
large delta effects, associated with )4-fold ampli-
4.2. ERP component effects fication) confirm the important contribution of the
delta and theta bands to the formation of P2, as
4.2.1. N1 noted by Stampfer and Basar ¸ (1985). The impact
N1 amplitude is reduced for stimuli presented upon P2 amplitude of cortical negativity in the
during cortical negativity at 2–5 Hz; while delta range appears to be much stronger than
enhancement is apparent at 9–10 Hz. The first of previously reported. However, there was no sup-
these effects is quite substantial, with N1 ampli- port here for Jansen and Brandt’s (1991) report
tude reductions of approximately 40%. In contrast, that P2 amplitude was affected by phase effects in
N1 amplitude is strongly enhanced by negative the alpha band. The concern was raised earlier
driving for stimulus onsets at low frequency, par- about their widening of the definition of alpha to
ticularly 1–3 Hz, but extending to 5 Hz. The size include activity between 5 and 20 Hz, and we
of this effect is extremely large, with N1 amplitude suggest that their wider frequency range may
being amplified by a factor of 5 during negative underlie the discrepant results.
R.J. Barry et al. / International Journal of Psychophysiology 47 (2003) 187–198 197

4.3. Functionality of preferred brain states methodologies, such as wavelet analysis, should
also be pursued.
It is important to consider whether the differ- The present data indicate important aspects of
ential occurrence of particular brain states found brain dynamics, suggesting that in a fixed-ISI
here is functional, i.e. is a preferred brain state paradigm the component frequencies of the EEG
associated with greater ERP component magni- are dynamically adjusted in order to provide par-
tude? For cortical negativity, the reduced occur- ticular brain states at stimulus occurrence to facil-
rence of such states in the theta band, and their itate the brain’s processing of the stimulus.
greater occurrence in the alpha band, both contrib- Because of the need to obtain sufficient responses
ute to enhanced N1, while their greater occurrence for an adequate signal:noise ratio after partitioning
in the delta band leads to enhanced P2. For cortical on the basis of phase at stimulus onset, the present
negative driving, the preferential occurrence of study was limited to an investigation of the
such states for frequencies across the deltaytheta responses to background stimuli in the auditory
transition, and their reduced occurrence across the oddball paradigm. Nevertheless, the extremely
thetayalpha transition, both enhance N1, and the large magnitudes of the effects discussed above
reduced occurrence of such states in the theta clearly warrant further investigation. Studies are
range contributes to a larger P2. These data indi- needed to investigate these effects in the determi-
cate that the preferential occurrence of particular nation of ERP responses to both background and
brain states at stimulus onset does indeed contrib- target stimuli in an auditory oddball paradigm
ute to optimising the brain activity reflected in modified to overcome this problem, as well as in
both the N1 and P2 ERP components. The chang- a wider range of paradigms.
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