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Test I- Multiple Choice: Read each question carefully then select the best answer from
the choices given and write the correct answer in the space provided for (2points)
____1. Which of the following is non-volatile storage?
A. Hard Disk Drive C. CPU
B. Memory D. File Storage
____2. Which of the following are called the main brain of the computer?
A. Hard Disk Drive C. CPU
B. Memory D. File Storage
____3. Which of the following are called secondary storage d
A. Hard Disk Drive C. CPU
B. Memory D. File Storage
____4. What year improved the performance of memory?
A. 1990s C. 1992s
B. 1999s D. 1993s
____5. What year the motherboard supported by RDRAM.
A. 1990s C. 1992s
B. 1999s D. 1993s

Test II – Enumeration: On the spaces provided, write the information required in each
of the following. (2points)

A. (Nine) 9 types of Hard Disk Drive

B. (Four) 4 types of CD-ROM.
C. (Four) 4 types of Computer Case.
D. (Four) 4 Parts of System Units.
E. 27 Parts of the Motherboard
F. (Seven) 7 Parts of Sound Card
G. (four) 4 steps that nearly all CPUs use in their operation.

Test III – Complete the Acronym: 2 points each

1. HDD – 9. PS2 –

2. RAM – 10. IDE –

3. CPU – 11. PSU –

4. USB – 12. CMOS -

5. DRAM – 13. MODEM –

6. SRAM – 14. PCI –

7. DDR – 15. AGP –

8. SDRAM – 16. PCIE -

Test IV – Problem Solving: Converting 2points each

1. 1KB to MB –

2. 10,000MB to GB –

3. 1TB to TB –

4. GB to 1GB –

5. 1024M to GB –

Test V – Essay/Discussion: Discuss the following briefly. (10points)

1. What is a Hard Disk Drive?

2. What is a Memory?

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