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Compositional ripening of particle- and surfactant-stabilised emulsions:

a comparison
Bernard P. Binks,a Paul D.I. Fletcher,*a Benjamin L. Holt,a Olivia Kuc,a
Pascal Beaussoubreb and Kenneth Wongb
Received 10th September 2009, Accepted 2nd December 2009
First published as an Advance Article on the web 18th January 2010
DOI: 10.1039/b918812f

When b-ionone-in-water emulsions are mixed with squalane-in-water emulsions, the slightly
water-soluble, mobile b-ionone undergoes mass transfer to the drops of highly water-insoluble,
immobile oil squalane. We have investigated this compositional ripening process for emulsions
stabilised either by particles or by surfactant molecules. For particle-stabilised emulsions, the
swelling of the squalane-containing drops triggers droplet coalescence which causes the final
swollen droplet radius to be proportional to the swelling ratio to the power of 1.
Surfactant-stabilised emulsions swell without coalescence which causes the final droplet radius
to be proportional to the swelling ratio to the power 1/3. Addition of excess, non-adsorbed
particles to the particle-stabilised emulsions suppresses the swelling-triggered coalescence and
causes a switchover from particle to surfactant behaviour.

Introduction second emulsion containing a mobile oil. In this case, the

immobile oil drops swell and the mobile oil drops shrink as
Oil-in-water (o/w) emulsions are thermodynamically unstable mass transfer proceeds.
dispersions of micrometre-sized oil droplets in water which The main objective of the work described here is to compare
may be kinetically stabilised by adsorbed films of either how this type of compositional ripening occurs in emulsions
surfactants or particles.1,2 When two stable o/w emulsions stabilised solely by adsorbed particles with that in emulsions
containing different, but mutually miscible oils are mixed, stabilised by surfactants. Differences in the adsorption/desorption
mass transfer of the oils can occur between the droplets to behaviour of particles and surfactant are expected to lead to
produce a single population of mixed oil drops.3–25 The differences in the compositional ripening behaviour of the two
process, denoted as compositional ripening, is driven by the types of emulsions as discussed below.
tendency of the two oils to mix and is related to Ostwald
ripening (OR) in which mass transfer is driven by Laplace
pressure differences between small and large droplets.26–29 For Theoretical considerations
both ripening processes, the mass transfer occurs by a For o/w emulsions stabilised by surfactants, the adsorbed
mechanism of dissolution of the oil from the droplet into surfactant films stabilising the droplets are in dynamic
the aqueous continuous phase followed by diffusion and equilibrium with non-adsorbed monomeric surfactant (which
re-dissolution back into an emulsion droplet. As noted in can be distributed between the aqueous and oil phases) and
ref. 21, the chemical potential difference arising from with surfactant aggregates present in the aqueous phase
concentration differences normally greatly outweighs that (normally micelles containing some solubilised oil or o/w
due to Laplace pressure differences and so mass transfer under microemulsion droplets). The aqueous phase concentration
the conditions used here is dominated by compositional of non-adsorbed surfactant is generally approximately equal
ripening and hence OR can be neglected. The rate of mass to the critical micelle concentration (cmc) of the surfactant in
transfer depends on the droplet surface area, the aqueous water in the absence of added oil.30 Because of the dynamic
phase solubility, the diffusion coefficient of the oil through equilibrium nature of the adsorption and the presence of a
water and any possible energy barrier to transport across the reservoir of surfactant in the form of o/w microemulsion
oil/water interfaces. In considering whether different oils will aggregates, slow swelling or shrinkage of the emulsion drops
transfer at significant rates, the dominant factor is the aqueous is accompanied by relatively rapid adsorption or desorption so
phase solubility and so very water-insoluble oils such as that the surface concentrations of the surfactant on the
squalane show negligible mass transfer rates and can be swelling and shrinking emulsion drop surfaces are maintained
considered as immobile oils whereas moderately soluble oils constant as their areas change. When this surface concentration
are mobile.21,22 In this paper we focus on systems in which an of surfactant is sufficient to prevent droplet coalescence, the
o/w emulsion containing an immobile oil is mixed with a concentration of emulsion drops containing immobile oil is
maintained constant as they swell. Mass transfer of the mobile
Surfactant & Colloid Group, Department of Chemistry, University of oil will proceed to completion, i.e. all the mobile oil added
Hull, Hull, UK HU6 7RX. E-mail:
Firmenich SA, P.O. Box 239, Route des Jeunes 1, initially as a separate emulsion will be incorporated into the
CH-1211 Geneva 8, Switzerland final population of swollen drops containing a mixture of the

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c the Owner Societies 2010 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2010, 12, 2219–2226 | 2219
two oils. Hence, the radius of the emulsion drop population
containing immobile oil will swell from an initial value rinit to a
final value rfinal given by21

rfinal = rinit{(fimm + fmob)/fimm}1/3 (1)

where fimm is the volume fraction of immobile oil and fmob is

the volume fraction of mobile oil.
Unlike the case for surfactant adsorption, particle adsorption
at the oil/water surface is commonly expected to be irreversible.
For a spherical adsorbed particle which makes a contact angle y
with the oil/water interface, the energy of adsorption Eads from
either the oil or water phase is given by1

Eads = prp2g{1  cos y}2 (2)

Fig. 1 Schematic of the droplet swelling and coalescence processes
where rp is the radius of the particle, g is the tension of the occurring during the compositional ripening of particle-stabilised
oil/water interface and the + or sign signifies that adsorption droplets. Note that, for clarity, the particles coating the droplets of
occurs from either the oil or water phase. Particle adsorption is mobile oil are omitted here.
most favourable when the contact angle y = 901. For typical
values of g (in the range of 10–40 mN m 1) with rp larger than particle films from their initial surface density. A close-packed
about 10 nm and y fairly close to 901, the adsorption energy is film of solid particles will resist shrinkage which can only
orders of magnitude larger than the particle thermal energy kT be accommodated by either particle desorption (thought to
(where k is the Boltzmann constant and T is the absolute be energetically highly unfavourable, see eqn (2)) or by
temperature) with the result that particle adsorption is ‘‘crumpling’’ of the film.32,33 Hence, it may be the case that
irreversible. With this in mind, we now consider the processes the shrinking of the mobile oil drops does not proceed to
that are likely to occur when we trigger compositional ripening completion with the result that not all the mobile oil transfers.
by mixing two populations of particle-stabilised o/w emulsions, Relevant to this point, it has been shown that films of
one containing drops of a mobile oil and the second containing adsorbed particles coating gas bubbles under water can
an immobile oil. We assume here that the concentration of successfully prevent bubble shrinkage due to gas dissolution
non-adsorbed particles is zero and that a certain critical in the surrounding water phase.34,35
packing density of adsorbed particles around the emulsion The compositional ripening behaviour described by eqn (3)
drops is required to stabilise them against coalescence. As corresponds to the situation in which all the particles are
shown schematically in Fig. 1, mass transfer of the mobile oil assumed to be adsorbed. However, if sufficient excess particles
from the mobile drops into the drops of immobile oil serves to are added, it is expected that the new oil/water interface
compress the particle film around the mobile oil drops and exposed by swelling of the emulsion drops may be filled by
expand the particle films of the immobile oil drops. For the adsorbing particles and hence no droplet coalescence will be
immobile oil drops, the particle film expansion is expected to triggered. Under these conditions, the swelling behaviour
lead to those drops becoming unstable with respect to coalescence should switch from ‘‘particle-like’’ as described by eqn (3) to
which then occurs leading to re-compression of the particle ‘‘surfactant-like’’ as described by eqn (1).
films back to their original surface density such that they are In this paper we describe results of experiments designed to
re-stabilised against coalescence. This swelling-triggered test these predictions. We observe the compositional ripening
coalescence is similar to the so-called limited coalescence of which occurs when we mix o/w emulsions containing squalane
related systems which has been reported.31 Hence, for the oil as the immobile oil with emulsions containing a moderately
drops containing immobile oil, the two processes of expansion polar mobile oil (b-ionone in most cases) with either particles
and coalescence combine to swell the radius of this drop or a surfactant as stabiliser.
population from rinit to rfinal with conservation of the overall
surface area of this drop population. This behaviour leads to
the expectation that: Experimental
rfinal = rinit{(fimm + fmob)/fimm} (3) Materials
The scaling power of 1 expected for irreversibly adsorbed The oils squalane (Aldrich, 99%), b-ionone (4-(2,6,6-
particle-stabilised emulsion drops for which the swelling drop trimethyl-1-cyclohexenyl)-3-buten-2-one, Aldrich, 97+%) and
population surface area is conserved is in contrast to the power a-hexyl cinnamaldehyde (Aldrich, 95+%) were columned
of 1/3 expected for reversibly adsorbed surfactant-stabilised three times over neutral alumina prior to use in order to
systems in which the number of emulsion drops is conserved. remove any polar impurities. Water was purified by reverse
Eqn (3) is derived on the basis that all of the mobile oil osmosis and treated using a Milli-Q reagent water system.
transfers from the initial mobile oil drop population into the Fumed silica nanoparticle samples contained primary particles
swollen/coalesced drop population. However, as the mobile oil which were approximately spherical with diameters of 10–30 nm
transfers, it shrinks the drops and compresses the adsorbed but also contained fused aggregates and higher agglomerates

2220 | Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2010, 12, 2219–2226 This journal is
c the Owner Societies 2010
with sizes ranging up to several hundred nm. The particles Scanning electron microscope (SEM) images were obtained
were hydrophobised to different extents by treatment with using a Zeiss EVO 60 instrument. A drop of the sample
dichlorodimethylsilane and their hydrophobicity characterised emulsion placed on a clean glass slide was dried in air at
by measurement of the residual percentage of surface SiOH 60 1C for 15 min. The dried samples were sputter coated
groups. Thus, 100% SiOH corresponds to untreated, hydrophilic with carbon prior to SEM imaging.
silica whereas the most hydrophobic grade used here was 71% All measurements were made at room temperature of
SiOH. All silica particles were a generous gift from Wacker 20  2 1C.
Chemie, Burghausen, Germany. Nile red fluorescent dye
(Sigma-Aldrich, technical grade) was used to stain the
Results and discussion
b-ionone emulsion drops for fluorescence microscopic imaging.
The non-ionic surfactant H–(CH2)12–(O–CH2–CH2)8–OH For the first series of experiments, we observed the
(abbreviated to C12E8, Nikko Chemicals, Japan chromato- compositional ripening on mixing a squalane-in-water
graphically pure grade) was used as supplied. emulsion (immobile oil) stabilised by 71% SiOH silica
particles with a b-ionone-in-water emulsion (mobile oil)
stabilised by 87% SiOH silica particles. The particle
concentrations were chosen to be the minimum required to
Particle-stabilised emulsions were prepared by first dispersing produce emulsions which were stable with respect to
the silica particles in water using an ultrasonic probe coalescence (determined by checking that there was no visible
(Vibra-Cell, Sonics & Materials) using a 3 mm diameter probe phase separation of the drop phase from the emulsion after
tip operating at 20 kHz with 10 W power for 2 min. The incubation for 1 week) and so the emulsions are considered to
sample was kept cool during sonication using an ice bath. contain virtually no non-adsorbed particles. Fig. 2 shows a
The volumes of oil and aqueous particle dispersion required to selection of optical micrographs taken during the time
produce the final, desired emulsion composition were course of the compositional ripening for a swelling ratio
combined to give a total volume of 10 ml which was then (fimm + fmob)/fimm = 2. The two micrographs for t = 1 minute
emulsified using an IKA Ultra-Turrax T25 homogeniser correspond to transmission and fluorescence micrographs of
fitted with an 18 mm diameter dispersing head operating at the same sample and show the identities of the two droplet
13 000 rpm for 2 min. For the surfactant-stabilised emulsions, populations as the unstained squalane drops show as black
the surfactant was dissolved initially in the water and suitable and the stained b-ionone drops show as red in fluorescence. As
volumes of this solution and the oil were combined to give a time progresses, the squalane drops swell and the b-ionone
total volume of 40 ml. The emulsions were homogenised using drops shrink progressively and the two droplet types are
a Silverson mixer (model L4R) operating at its lowest speed readily identified by their different sizes using transmission
for 1 min. micrographs alone. After about 80 minutes, the compositional
For the compositional ripening experiments with particle- ripening is complete and the two t = 90 minute micrographs
stabilised systems, the volumes of the two emulsions and water show two transmission images of the same sample at different
(with or without additional dispersed particles) required to focal planes (and magnifications). The swollen drop popula-
give the required final overall composition were mixed to give tion contains a significant fraction of slightly non-spherical
a total volume of 6 ml. The samples were contained in drops (t = 90 min, left hand side image) and the origin of this
stoppered glass sample tubes containing a magnetic flea and effect will be discussed later. After 90 minutes the b-ionone
stirred magnetically at the lowest stirring speed sufficient to drops have lost virtually all their oil and remain only as
prevent visually observable sedimentation or creaming. deformed, aggregates consisting mainly of silica particles
Surfactant-stabilised emulsions were incubated similarly (t = 90 min, right hand side image). Evidence for this point
except that the mobile oil (b-ionone) was added directly as arises not only from the small sizes of the residue particles
the pure oil into the squalane-in-water emulsion. but also from visual observations of their sedimentation
To obtain optical micrographs of the emulsions, 2 drops of behaviour in the mixed emulsions. Initially, the silica-stabilised
the incubating sample were placed on a dimpled microscope b-ionone drops contain a high fraction of b-ionone
slide and covered with a cover slip. Microscope images were (density = 0.945 g cm 3) and a low fraction of silica
obtained with an Olympus BX51 microscope operating in (density = 2.2 g cm 3) and so the silica-coated drops are
either transmission or fluorescence mode and equipped with initially less dense than the water continuous phase. Hence they
an Olympus DP70 camera. Fluorescence images with nile red cream to the top of the emulsion unless stirred. As compositional
as stain were obtained using an Olympus model UMF2 filter ripening proceeds, the fraction of silica increases and the
set with excitation at 451–490 nm and emission at 491–540 nm. silica-coated droplet density increases until a point is reached
The digital images were analysed using Image-Pro Plus when the droplets sediment rather than cream. The residue
software and the scale calibrated using an NPL model 164 droplets seen in the t = 90 minutes micrograph are observed
reference stage graticule. The size distributions of the two drop to sediment within a few seconds in the microscope cell.
populations in the mixed emulsion samples were obtained by Fig. 3 (upper plot) shows the variation of the mean drop size
measurement of at least 50 drops for each sample. For both for both the swelling and the shrinking drop populations for
types of drop population, all distributions were monomodal the experimental run of Fig. 2. It can be seen that both drop
and were parameterised using the mean drop diameter and the sizes reach constant values after about 80 minutes or so. As
standard deviation of the distribution. shown in Fig. 3 (lower plot), it was checked that incubation

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Fig. 2 Optical micrographs showing the time course of the compositional ripening of a mixed o/w emulsion containing fimm (squalane) of 4.2%
stabilised by 0.083 wt% of 71% SiOH and fmob (b-ionone, stained with nile red) of 4.2% stabilised by 0.083 wt% of 87% SiOH. All images are
transmission micrographs except for the red t = 1 min which is a fluorescence image. All scale bars represent 100 mm and the t values refer to the
time after mixing of the two emulsions.

with stirring (but with no compositional ripening) of the by stirring in the pure oil (not as a separately prepared
squalane-in-water emulsion produced no significant droplet emulsion) and so shrinking drop sizes were not measured.
size change over the time of the experiment. Again, a control measurement of the drop sizes with incubation
Fig. 4 shows the time course of the compositional ripening time showed no change in the absence of compositional
swelling of squalane-in-water drops stabilised by the non-ionic ripening. It can be seen that the final extent of swelling in this
surfactant C12E8 with the same swelling ratio (fimm + fmob)/ surfactant-stabilised emulsion is less than for the particle-
fimm = 2 as used in Fig. 3. The mobile oil b-ionone was added stabilised system of Fig. 3. In contrast to the swollen

2222 | Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2010, 12, 2219–2226 This journal is
c the Owner Societies 2010
Fig. 5 summarises the compositional ripening swelling
behaviour of various particle-stabilised systems with squalane
as immobile oil and either b-ionone or a-hexyl cinnamm-
aldehyde as mobile oil (filled points). The swelling ratio
(fimm + fmob)/fimm was varied over the range 1–10 by
changing the ratio of volume fractions of the two oils at fixed
total oil volume fraction and by changing the total oil volume
fraction. For swelling ratios of less than approximately 3
(indicated by the vertical dashed line in Fig. 5), the predicted
behaviour of eqn (3) is followed. For larger swelling ratios, it
was found that the large drops in the squalane-containing
population were mostly unstable with respect to coalescence
and produced some macroscopic oil phase separation leaving
some smaller residual squalane-containing drops whose sizes
are plotted in Fig. 5. This coalescence instability of large,
swollen drops is consistent with the observation that emulsion
drops generally become more unstable with respect to
coalescence for increasing drop sizes.2 Fig. 5 also shows the
comparison with results for a range of surfactant-stabilised
systems which were mainly taken from ref. 23 but also include
the data for the squalane–b-ionone–C12E8 system measured
here. The surfactant systems follow the prediction of eqn (1)
with reasonable precision and are clearly distinguishable from
the particle-stabilised systems.
Shrinkage of the b-ionone drops in the particle-stabilised
emulsion systems produces deformed aggregates containing
little or no residual b-ionone as seen in the t = 90 minutes
optical micrographs of Fig. 2. Fig. 6 shows higher magnification
SEM images of the particle aggregates obtained by shrinking
Fig. 3 The upper graph shows the variation of the radii of the b-ionone drops stabilised by 100% SiOH silica particles and
swelling and shrinking droplets for the system of Fig. 2. The lower with an initial mean drop diameter of 20.6 mm. Images of
plot shows the variation of squalane droplet radius in a control broken particle fragments (see Fig. 6(c)) indicate that they
emulsion with no added droplets of b-ionone. The vertical bars consist of rough, thickened particle shells of thickness of
indicate the standard deviations of the droplet size distributions.

particle-stabilised emulsions, optical micrographs of the final

swollen surfactant-stabilised emulsions (not shown) showed
no non-spherical droplets.

Fig. 5 Variation of final droplet radius with swelling ratio for

particle-stabilised emulsions (filled points) and surfactant-stabilised
emulsions (open points). Diamonds refer to squalane–b-ionone
with either 87% SiOH particles or C12E8, squares refer to
squalane–b-ionone with either 100% SiOH particles or surfactant
Fig. 4 The variation of the radius of the swelling droplets for a mixed (data from ref. 23) and the filled triangle refers to squalane–a-hexyl
emulsion containing fimm = 4.2% (squalane) and fmob = 4.2% cinnamaldehyde with 78% SiOH particles. The dashed line
(b-ionone) with 0.5 wt% of the stabilising surfactant C12E8. The corresponds to the prediction of eqn (1) and the solid line to
vertical bars indicate the standard deviations of the droplet size eqn (3). The vertical error bars correspond to an estimated uncertainty
distributions. in the mean radius ratio (rfinal/rinit) of 10%.

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Fig. 6 SEM images of 100% SiOH silica-stabilised b-ionone emulsion drops after drying on a glass slide. Images (a)–(c) show their appearance
after a mean volume loss of 80% of the internal oil after mixing with an equal volume of squalane emulsion drops. Image (d) shows the original
emulsion drops without any shrinkage which have collapsed during drying. Scale bars represent 10 mm.

the order of 1 mm, considerably larger than the thickness It might be argued that the distinction drawn here between
(approx. 100 nm) of the particle shells (consisting of particle and surfactant behaviour might be better formulated
monodisperse, partially-hydrophobised silica particles of 25 in terms of systems with or without excess non-adsorbed
nm diameter) of intact, non-shrunken, frozen emulsion drops
imaged using a cryo-SEM method.36 A further noteworthy
point is that these objects are sufficiently stable to mostly
remain as 3-D entities following the sample preparation for
SEM. When a sample of the original, non-shrunken emulsion
was prepared and imaged by SEM, the droplet particle shell
structure collapsed onto the support to give the SEM image
shown in Fig. 6(d).
We next examined the effect of adding excess particles on
the compositional ripening behaviour of particle-stabilised
emulsions. Fig. 7 compares the time course of the mean radius
of the swelling drops in the absence and presence of excess
particles for a swelling ratio (fimm + fmob)/fimm = 2. In the
absence of excess particles, the drop diameter swells by
approximately 3-fold, slightly larger than that predicted by
eqn (3). In the presence of excess particles, the droplets swell
by a factor of approximately 1.4 which is reasonably close to
Fig. 7 Variation of swelling drop radius with time for emulsions
the factor 1.26 expected from eqn (1). Semi-quantitatively at
initially containing 4.2 vol% of b-ionone drops stabilised by
least, this experiment confirms the expectation that the 0.083 wt% of 87% SiOH particles and 4.2 vol% of squalane drops
addition of excess particles, expected to adsorb on the bare stabilised by 0.083 wt% of 71% SiOH particles with the addition of
oil/water interface created by droplet swelling and so prevent either 0 (filled diamonds), 0.209 wt% (open diamonds or 0.834 wt%
coalescence, causes a switchover from particle to surfactant (filled triangles) of 71% SiOH particles. The vertical bars indicate the
behaviour. standard deviations of the droplet size distributions.

2224 | Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2010, 12, 2219–2226 This journal is
c the Owner Societies 2010
Fig. 8 Transmission optical micrographs of the final emulsion obtained after complete compositional ripening of the system of Fig. 7
containing excess, non-adsorbed particles (0.209 wt%). Scale bars represent 100 mm. Image (a) shows the swollen drops and (b) shows the
shrunken drops.

stabilising materials, either particles or surfactants. However, Finally, it is noteworthy that the results described here
common low molar mass surfactants commonly require mM show that droplet shrinking and expansion induced by
concentrations (similar in magnitude to the critical micelle compositional coarsening proceeds to the final drop sizes
concentration in aqueous systems) of non-adsorbed, successfully explained using the simple model presented here.
monomers in the water, oil or both phases to produce In principle, one might envisage that the dilational properties
sufficient adsorption at the oil/water interface to stabilise of the adsorbed particle films might suppress the mass transfer,
emulsions. For particles with adsorption energies which are as has been shown for the case of mass transfer induced by
normally orders of magnitude larger than the thermal energy Laplace pressure differences between particle- or protein-
kT, the concentration of non-adsorbed particles in equilibrium stabilised gas bubble and emulsion drop systems.38–42 A likely
with a saturated monolayer is expected to be vanishingly cause of this difference in behaviour is that the driving force
small. Hence, common surfactant systems normally contain for mass transfer is much larger in the case of compositional
significant concentrations of non-adsorbed species whereas ripening than for Laplace pressure differences.21 It is also
particle systems do not. It remains an open question whether likely that dilational properties of the adsorbed particle films
‘‘particle-like’’ behaviour might be found for systems containing affect the rate of the mass transfer leading to drop shrinkage
phospholipid or polymeric surfactants for which the and swelling. In the present system, the mass transfer rates are
equilibrium concentrations of non-adsorbed species (similar convoluted with drop coalescence and so further analysis,
to their critical micelle concentration) are vanishingly small. although interesting, has not been attempted here.
We return to the observation that swelling of particle-
stabilised droplets leads to the formation of non-spherical
droplets (t = 90 min image of Fig. 2). The origin of this effect
can be realised by considering the hypothetical coalescence of
2 droplets as triggered by an infinitesimally small expansion of The main conclusions from this work are:
their surface areas. In this case, the surface area of adsorbed K Compositional ripening of particle-stabilised emulsions
particle film (virtually equal to that of the 2 original drops) will in the absence of excess, non-adsorbed particles causes
be too large for a single, coalesced drop which is spherical. swelling which triggers droplet coalescence. The net effect of
The excess area is then accommodated by the adoption of a these processes is that the final swollen droplet diameter scales
non-spherical shape. A similar effect has been observed for with swelling ratio to the power 1. This scaling relationship is
particle-stabilised bubbles.37 In principle, analysis of the axial followed at low swelling ratios but breaks down for large
ratios of the swollen and coalesced droplets on completion of swelling ratios.
compositional ripening could be used to extract information K Compositional ripening of surfactant-stabilised
about the extent of film expansion required to trigger coalescence. emulsions causes swelling in which the final droplet diameter
However, such an analysis is (greatly) complicated by the scales with swelling ratio to the power 1/3.
polydispersity of the drops and is not attempted here. K For the drops which shrink during compositional
Instead, we focus on a comparison of the drop shapes of the ripening of particle-stabilised emulsions, it appears that most
particle-stabilised emulsions which have been compositionally- or all the mobile oil is extracted. The particles which remain
ripened in the absence and presence of excess particles. consist of deformed, thickened shells.
Comparison of the micrographs of Fig. 2 and 8 shows that non- K Addition of excess, non-adsorbed particles during
spherical drops are not produced in the presence of excess particles compositional ripening of particle-stabilised emulsions causes
since these suppress the coalescence following droplet swelling. the behaviour to switch from particle-like to surfactant-like.

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c the Owner Societies 2010 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2010, 12, 2219–2226 | 2225
K Particle-stabilised droplet coalescence triggered by droplet 19 J. Weiss, J. N. Coupland and D. J. McClements, J. Phys. Chem.,
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