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UiTM STUDENT CARD NO. : 2019424014


PART : 2


NAME OF LECTURER : Lindey Apolonius


For each of the following words in this question, give the meaning of the word as it is used in the

a) The word ‘acumen’ in line 42 can best be replaced by the word

the word acumen in line 42 can best be replaced is sharpness

b) In line 65, the meaning of the word ‘fades’ is

the meaning of the word ‘fades’ is dissapear

c) Based on the context, the most suitable meaning of the word ‘obligation’ in line 80 is

based on the context , the most suitable meaning of the word ‘obligation in line 80 is responsibility

d) The word ‘rave’ in line 90 can contextually mean

the word ‘rave’ in line 90 can contextually mean admiration

e) The most suitable meaning for the word ‘versatility’ in line 94 as used in the paragraph is

the most suitable meaning for the word ‘versatility’ in line 94 is

(5 marks)


Identify the stated main idea of paragraph IV and provide ONE MAJOR and ONE MINOR supporting

a) Stated main idea:

the main idea is to succeed in school and the workplace , digital skills are increasingly required to
collaborate effectively and complete everyday tasks.

(1 mark)

b) Major supporting detail:

the major supporting details is according to a survey by Pew Research Centre, only 17 percent of
Americans are ‘ digitally ready’—that is, confident using digital tools for learning.
(1 mark)

c) Minor supporting detail:

the minor supporting detail is meanwhile, in a separate study, American millennials ranked last
among a group of their international peers when it came to “problem-solving in technology-rich
environments,” such as sending and saving digital information

(1 mark)


Identify the topic that is most suitable for the content in paragraph V. Provide TWO (2) pieces of
evidence and the line number to support your answer.

i. Topic Bridging the digital-skills gap is vitally important

(1 mark)

ii. Evidence 1 However, when it came to applying for her first job, she felt stuck

(1⁄2 mark)

iii. Evidence 2 She had been planning to apply to a local restaurant, but she did not have a resume—
or the requisite digital skills to make one on a computer.

(1⁄2 mark)


For children who are often glued to their smartphones, these types of digital tasks, surprisingly, can
be new experiences. (lines 17-19). Provide TWO (2) pieces of evidence and the line number to
support your answer.

Infer what the author means in the above statement.

children who are not familiar with smartphones can be teach and gain new experience

(2 marks)

Evidence 1 One day he may lead Club members in a lesson on building digital résumés that can be
customised quickly and make job-seeking easier when applying online (14-15)

(1⁄2 mark)

Evidence 2 Another day they may create a blog. On this particular day, they drew up a budget for an
upcoming event using a spreadsheet (16-17)

(1⁄2 mark)


Formulate the implied main idea of paragraph II. Provide TWO (2) pieces of evidence and the line
number to support your answer.

Teens should be teach with fundamental digital skills

(2 marks)

Evidence 1 As an instructor for the Club’s new pilot partnership with Grow with Google, he is tasked
with a critical mission: equipping teens with fundamental digital skills

(1⁄2 mark)

Evidence 2_ such as organizing data in a spreadsheet, collaborating in a digital space, and creating
slideshow presentations (10-11)

(1⁄2 mark)


List two types of support given by the writer in paragraph VI to support the main idea “Schools and
youth-development programs are finding ways to bring digital-skills learning opportunities.”

a) Type of support : Testimonies

Example : In January, the Dane County Club became one of six Boys & Girls Club of
America sites nationally to launch a pilot program with Grow with Google, designed to boost digital-
skills education for teens

b) Type of support : Personal experience

Example : Staff at each participating Boys & Girls Club location use Grow with
Google’s free Applied Digital Skills curriculum in their classrooms. (4 marks)


Identify the type of support for each of the supporting details.

No Supporting Detail Type of Support

a) On this particular day, they drew up a budget for an personal experience

upcoming event using a spreadsheet. For children who are
often glued to their smartphones, these types of digital
tasks, surprisingly, can be new experiences. (Paragraph III).
b) According to a survey by Pew Research Centre, only 17 research findings
percent of Americans are “digitally ready” that is, confident
using digital tools for learning. (Paragraph IV)

(2 marks)


Write T for a statement that is TRUE and F for a statement that is FALSE.

a) Students who are good at using smartphones are F

technology savvy.
b) Cole’s students are the only one who are not confident F
using digital tools.

c) Digital-skills education enables young people to meet the T

high demand of the labour market.
(3 marks)


At first blush, building a presentation does not sound especially fun. However, that reticence fades
when Cole connects the material to the teens’ real lives. (lines 64-66)

Draw a conclusion based on the above statements.

In order to decrease reticence , Cole must attach the material with the teen’s real lives. By doing
that, Cole will have more confidence to build a presentation.

(2 marks)


Identify whether the paragraph below is inductive (I) or deductive (D) reasoning. Provide ONE (1)
explanation to your answer.

a) The vast majority of young Americans have access to a smartphone, and nearly half say they are
online “almost constantly.” Although smartphones can be powerful learning tools when applied
productively, these reports of hyper-connectivity and technological proficiency mask a deeper
paucity of digital skills. (Paragraph IV).

i. Type of reasoning: Inductive

(1 mark)

ii. Explanation for type of reasoning: the premises aim to establish or increase the possibility of its

(1 mark)

b) Teaching digital skills does more than ensure that young people are ready to enter the workplace.
It also benefits their prospective employers. “We know that these skill sets are in high demand in
workplace settings,” says Alex Gagnon, vice president of school-based education for the Boys & Girls
Club of Dane County. (Paragraph XI).

i. Type of reasoning: Deductive

(1 mark)

ii. Explanation for type of reasoning: the first explanation is a general statement.

(1 mark)


Indeed, Gagnon and the other members at the Boys & Girls Club receive rave reviews from
community partners who place Club members in internships. (lines 90-91).
Infer what the author means in the above statement.

the author means the way that the Gagnon and the other members at the Boys & Girls Club teaching
digital skills is very good.

(2 marks)


Identify ONE (1) underlying assumption that can be made in paragraph IX. Provide TWO (2) pieces of
evidence and the line number to support your answer.

i. Underlying assumption:

familiarize students with digital technology and develop soft skills

(1 mark)

ii. Evidence 1:

He has used Grow with Google’s Applied Digital Skills curriculum—the same curriculum used at the
Boys & Girls Club—in his classroom for the past two years (71-73)

(1⁄2 mark)

iii. Evidence 2:

He is eager to teach his sophomore pupils the technology skills they need in the workplace, as well
as soft skills like teamwork. “Most of the lessons can be collaborative, which gives them the
experience of working together in an online environment,” (73-76)

(1⁄2 mark)


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