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Emily Hulse

In-Service Lesson Plan

Staff and Manager Incentive Programs

- September 24, 2019
- Manager Meeting at the Hays CISD Child Nutrition Services office
- 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm

Objectives and Goals

- SMART goal
- Specific: Staff incentive and manager incentive programs
- Measurable: All tickets/recognition cards will be completely filled out with no areas left
- Assignable: All kitchen managers are responsible for filling out the ticket cards
- Relevant: Managers and staff included, as well as Hays CISD office staff
- Time-based: Managers will be asked to teach their staff about the new incentive program
within the next 2 weeks/by mid-October, 2019

- Objective 1: All managers will be able to adequately teach their foodservice staff about the
new staff incentive program by mid-October, 2019

- Objective 2: All managers will fill out the tickets in full leaving no areas blank

- Managers will be asked if they enjoyed the previous staff incentive program or if they even
knew what the program was
- Audience participation will be noted and manager’s responses will be observed

- Managers will be asked if they understand the new staff incentive program and audience
participation will be noted
- Managers are asked to share 1 example of a recognizable behavior from a staff member to
showcase their applied knowledge of the program

Body of Presentation
- Introduction
- Who I am and why I am at the Hays CISD (for those who don’t know me)
- Staff Incentive Program Overview
- What we are going to be talking about today
- Why we are revising and updating the program
- Manager of the Month Program
- Explanation of this separate program solely for the 23 kitchen managers
- Employee of the Month Program
- Step-by-step directions on how to place bids/tickets for potential candidates and how the
program is being revised
- Examples of actions that count toward bids/tickets
- Rules and Regulations
- Important things to remember and make sure staff are following
- Conclusion
- Any questions, comments, or concerns

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