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11 Physics Content Table

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1 Physical World (Basic terminologies)

2 Units and Measurement
SI unit System, Parallax Method, Oleic Acid, Accuracy vs Precision, Errors, Significant Figures, Dimensional Formulae
3 Motion in a Straight Line
Distance vs Displacement, Graphs, average vs instantaneous, kinematic equations, Relative Velocity,
4 Motion in a Plane
Vector Addition, resolution, Projectile Motion, Equation of projectile path, Uniform Circular motion (v=rw, a=w2r)
5 Laws of Motion
L1 Inertia, L2 F=ma (F=dp/dt), L3 action=reaction, Momentum conservation, Force balance, Friction, Pseudo force, curve banking
6 Work, Energy and Power
Work = F.s, dW=F(s).ds, W-E Theorem, Potential Energy, F= -dV/dx, Mech Energy, spring 0.5kx^2, Collisions,CoRestitution
7 System of Particles and Rotational Motion
CoMass, Moment of Inertia, Axes Theorems, Cross Product, Angular Momentum, Torque balance, KE of rotation, Pure Rolling
8 Gravitation
Keplers L1: Elleptical L2: area L3 Period, F=-GMm/r2, G=6.6710^-11, Re=6400km, g'=g(1-2h/Re), Gravitational Potential -GMm/r
Satellites GMm/r2=mw2r, Satellite energy -GMm/2(Re+h), Polar vs geostationary, Weightless ness
9 Mechanical Properties of Solids
Elastic/Plastic. Stress=F/A, Strain=dL/L, Shear strain= x/L ≈ tan θ, Hooke's law: stress=k.strain, stress-strain curve, yield,
Young's Modulus Y, Shear Modulus G (=Y/3); F/A = G × ΔL/L, Bulk Modulus B=1/compressibility; -p = B (ΔV/V), Buckle
10 Mechanical Properties of Fluids
Pressure=F/A, Pascal's Law=same pressure in all directions, P=Pa+ρgh = Patm + gauge pressure, Manometer, 1mm Hg= 1 torr =133 Pa
Hydraulics, F2=F1(A2/A1), streamline vs turbulent, Bernoulli's P+ 0.5ρv2+ρgy=const. Efflux speed, Venturi, Dynamic Lift (Magnus effect)
Viscosity η=(F/A)/(v/l), Stoke's law (Vterminal) F=-6πηrv, Re=ρvd/η, Surface Tension & Energy, Angle of Contact, Capillary Rise = 2S/ρgr
11 Thermal Properties of Matter
Tf -32=1.8Tc ; PV=nRT ; Linear Exp ∆L/L=αT ; αvol =3αlinear ; heat cap = ∆Q/∆T ; Calorimetery, Change of state, latent heat
Conduction Heat transfer= KArea∆T/L, Convection, Radiation, CoolingT 2=T1-Ce-Kt,
12 Thermodynamics
L0: Thermal Equilib, L1: dQ = dU + dW; dS = dQ/T; For solid, C=3R, For ideal gas Cp - Cv = R, Extensive vs Intensive quantities,
Processes: Isothermal, isobaric, isochoric, adeabatic. Heat engines vs Refrigertators. Carnot Engine η =1− T2/T1,
13 Kinetic Theory
Dalton's law of partial pressures; Boltzmans const, Energy-Temperature link, Degree of Freedom, Heat capacities, Mean free path,
14 Oscillations
Period & Frequency, SHM, Amplitude, Phase, SHM-Circular motion link, Energy of SHM, Damped SHM A e–b t/2m cos (ω′t + φ ),
Natural Frequency, Forced Oscillations & Resonance,
15 Waves
Transverse vs Longitudinal waves & propagation, pulse, Amplitude, phase, y=Asin(kx-wt+∅), v=λ/T=w/k= root(T/μ); Vsound=root(B/ρ)
Superposition, Reflection (rigid vs open end), Standing Waves, Modes, nodes and antinodes, Harmonics, Doppler Effect,

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