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How to develop a Kick-Ass Morning Routine

1) Personal Productivity: you need to figure out, what is the number 1 priority to
accomplish for that day? And then, take care of it right then. Your routine is figuring out
what that priority is and taking care of it.
2) Nutrition: you need have to something for breakfast. Something nutritious. You need to
give your mind and body the fuel to have a successful day.
3) Happiness: you need to be doing something first thing in the morning and what
constitutes as your morning is open-ended i.e. you need to do something within your
morning time period that makes you happy. Maybe a hot shower makes you happy.
Maybe listening to music on the way to work makes you happy. Working out, talking to
your fam, whatever…do something in your morning that makes you happy.
4) Energize with some physical activity: it doesn’t have to be necessarily a full hour cardio
session/work out session. It might mean, a two set of push ups, crunches, 15 minute
walk, etc…anything, you name it, it doesn’t matter. Do something in your first portion of
your morning that is physically invigorating.
5) Emotional connection: connecting with friends, family members, your partner, your
pets, kids- kissing them on their forehead before you run out the door etc. Doing
something that soothes the soul and helps the heart. (“Conversation is food for the soul”
Mexican proverb i.e. from TEDx talk about career/jobs).

Take an inventory. Some can double up i.e. you can up exercise. See what you can add or what
you’re lacking and start incorporating it. 9 weeks- that’s how long it takes to develop a new habit.
Within 9 weeks you will have a new morning routine that you don’t even have to think about.

Morning Routine tricks

Developing a solid morning routine is critical for you maximising your amazingness and fully kicking
the day’s ass. Creature of habit, productive, specific order- AlphaM.

1) Getting up early: do not use your cell-phone as alarm clock. Train yourself to use a proper
alarm clock, loud, obnoxious and across the room. With a phone, it’s too easy, you can sleep
2) Coffee: caffeine.
3) Use the time, first thing in the morning, to do something for you: this for AlphaM is the most
productive time he has. Sits and works, brainstorm, think about the day and strategize. The
most creative and most done. The first 30 mins- 1 hour, gets more done in that time, than
rest of the day. No distractions, just you, your coffee and your creative juices.
4) Exercising every single morning: some quick light exercises.
5) A steamer: pick your outfit the night before. You can look at your wardrobe the night before,
you can iron or use a steamer for your clothes.
6) Diet: prepare your meals the night before.

AlphaM gets more done before 8am, than people do the entire day. He exercises, work, strategize,
take time for him, plan his meals. Allows to ultimately get a tonne of shit done, and starts the day off
the way he wants. Throughout the day, as it unfolds, you see that shit will be thrown at you, choose
what to do, what not to do. Developing a solid morning routine, is critical for your success,
productivity, you kicking the day’s ass. Cranky Alpha is not a good Alpha. Lock down a sick morning
routine, you’ll be kicking the day’s ass.
The 10 Minute Millionaire Morning Routine

Research by Tom Corley, who for 5 years, studied these self-made successful millionaires. 50% of
these millionaires/entrepreneurs all got up 3 hours prior to when their workday started.

1) Work out: even Oprah Winfrey starts her morning workout. Research has shown that
exercising even as little as 10 minutes, has a direct impact on your memory, health and how
you feel for the rest of the day. Even if it is some stretching, whatever, it doesn’t matter. The
fact is that you’re moving, you’re getting your body physically going, and when you do this, it
gets everything fired up.
2) Connecting with loved ones: GaryV, what’s he doing? He’s calling his family, tell them he
loves them, catch up etc. Take 10 minutes. To your pets, your family, friends, partner,
3) Something for their mind: recharging that big, bold, beautiful brain of yours. Getting your
heard right. You do that, by doing something for you. This could be a meditation, listening to
a podcast, reading, audible and exercising etc.
4) Plan out your day: if you don’t plan out, you’ll be pulled left and right, and you won’t get
anything done. Emphasize your most important crap in your day. Elon Musk schedules every
5 minutes, what he wants to be doing. A little loco.
5) Spread happiness and joy: spreading the love. One way you can do that in the morning, you
can say hello to people when you pass them, when you go get your coffee, say thank you. So
often, we’re in such a rush- there’s nothing like having a conversation and connecting with
somebody. Even if it’s 1 minute, 30 seconds conversation i.e. in the train station, doughnut
shop etc- just somebody you can say “Hello” to, and engage with. With social media, tech,
there’ s a lot of upsides to it; but one of the downsides is that, it has made us a little bit less
social. Connecting with someone face-to-face, there’s something very special and unique,
and good for the soul when you do that. It’s about relationships- connecting with one-
another. Truly having real relationships, feels good, and it’s going to impact you all day long.

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