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Guiding Principles for Reopening Heifer International Bangladesh Offices

 As per available room facilities Administration will arrange best possible sitting
arrangement for all staffs or each staff will sit 3 feet away from each other.
 All Surfaces (e.g. desks and tables) and objects (e.g. telephones, keyboards) will be
wiped regularly by disinfectant.
 Each Staff MUST require wearing a MASK or other cloth material that covers his or her
mouth and nose while in the workplace, except to the extent staff is using break time to
eat or drink.
 Where possible, staffs should take their temperature before they go to work. If they
have a temperature above 100 degrees Fahrenheit, they should stay home. Staffs who
have symptoms (i.e., fever, cough, or shortness of breath) should notify their supervisor
and stay home. If someone at the family have fever or cold or any other contaminated
disease s/he should stay away from office/inform office for take leave or work from
 Keep communicating and promoting the message that staff needs to stay at home even
if they have just mild symptoms of COVID-19. Staff should inform office if they need to
visit hospital for any other reason and after visit the hospital s/he should maintain all
sort of hygiene formalities to prevent virus.
 Control access to external visitors including prohibiting entry into the facility for non-
essential visitors. Only required vendor payment will be completed from outside of the
 Make sure that staffs and visitors have access to places where they can wash their
hands with soap and water or sanitizer. Put sanitizing hand rub dispensers in prominent
places around the workplace. Administration unit will make sure these dispensers are
regularly refilled.

 Promote good respiratory hygiene in the workplace. Frequent cleaning of all touch
points. Ensure that paper tissues are available at workplaces along with closed bins for
hygienic disposal of them. Heifer staffs will use separate clean slipper /shoes in the
office premises. Visitors will keep their shoes outside of the office door.
 If Heifer International Bangladesh need to organize meeting within the employees
consider whether a face-to-face meeting or event is needed. It would be replaced by a
teleconference or online event. And if need to arrange meeting with regional staff and
project partners these will be also completed through online event. Staff should
maintain distance all the time and sit at the meeting room in a formal manner while also
maintain social distance. They should also cover their mouth while sneezing and
 In case of need arises to travel to project areas, staffs are advised to use office vehicle.
Supervisor will approve the travel plan assessing the situation. Staffs are also advised to
use office vehicle during visit to different offices in Dhaka.

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