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Universidad Yacambú

Facultad de Humanidades
Departamento de Idiomas
La Mora, Cabudare, Estado Lara

2da Evaluación de Idioma Básico (20 Pts.)

Nombre y Apellido _____Jannina Roa___________ C.I. ___V-08680645____

Expediente ____HPS-182-00166V________ Fecha _20/06/2020_ Sección_ED01D0V

Parte I. Seleccione el tipo de oración según su estructura

1: Robert, a friend I’ve known since high school, doesn’t eat meat – so
Barbara made a special vegetarian dish for him.
Simple Compound Complex Compound complex
2: David Letterman and Jay Leno host talk shows.
Simple Compound Complex Compound complex
3: You could eat at Burger King unless they’re closed on a Monday.
Simple Compound Complex Compound complex
4: Ivan likes Mathematics but his brother likes Biology because he
wants to be a doctor.
Simple Compound Complex Compound complex
5: Because the world is getting warmer, polar bears are in danger of
becoming extinct.
Simple Compound Complex Compound complex
6: Genetics explains why you look like your father and if you don't, why
you should.
Simple Compound Complex Compound complex
7: This new laptop computer has already crashed twice..
Simple Compound Complex Compound complex
8: Evergreen trees are a symbol of fertility because they do not die in
the winter.
Simple Compound Complex Compound complex
9: The sand dunes squeaked, and the vultures squawked.
Simple Compound Complex Compound complex
10: Amanda poured sugar in her coffee.
Simple Compound Complex Compound complex
11: The lake holds more than secrets; it’s good for fishing, too!
Simple Compound Complex Compound complex
12: Inspector DeRay looked for fingerprints.
Simple Compound Complex Compound complex
13: Alana and Franklin have always wanted to visit Tahiti.
Simple Compound Complex Compound complex
14: I’d like to visit Quebec, but because I don’t speak French, I’ll have to
start learning.
Simple Compound Complex Compound complex
15: Although she doesn't like the vegetarian kind, pizza is Cindy’s
favorite food; she loves the variety of toppings that can go on it.
Simple Compound Complex Compound complex
Parte II. Según su propósito que tipo de oración son las siguientes:

16: Sift together first three ingredients (to prevent lumps). In a

separate bowl, mix egg and milk, then add it to flour mix, stirring until

just smooth. Then stir in butter….

__ IMPERATIVE ___________

17: After the tornado hit the town, there was little left standing.


18: Open the windows to let the smoke out!


19: Have you brushed your teeth today?


20: In the amazon, most of animals can be victims of wildlife



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