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1. Trubyte Alma gauge Products 9. 1 alma gauge Contents of Trubyte Alma Gauge
25 Alma gauge shields Kit
Lucitone Digital Print Denture 1 instruction manual
10. Dentsply sirona and Manufacturer of Lucitone Digital
carbon Print Denture Workflow
Virtual Articulators
11. Carbon's M-series Printers used by Carbon for 3d
2. Dentsply Manufacturer of Trubyte
printers printed dentures
Alma Gauge
12. 8 denture arches Number of dentures printed by
3. Alma gauge TPrecise measuring system
Lucitone digital print 3D denture
for accurate denture
resin in 2 hours
13. 1. Materials Lucitone digital print 3D denture
4. Alma gauge Uses incisive papilla
2. Laboratory process resin aims to provide advancement
5. 1. Place alma gauge on base Alma gauge quick steps 3. Functionlity for in:
2. Place denture on base with
14. 1. Breakage resistant Advantages of Lucitone Digital
anterior teeth facing toward
2. High impact and Print Denture Workflow
vertical arm, incisal edge down
structural strength
3. Priduced using true
3. Push indicator stylus point at
the incisive papilla
4. Technology for
consistent shade
4. Read and record the vertical
results and is available
scale measurement (X mm)
in 5 lucitone shades

5. Read and record the 15. 1. Cost Disadvantages of Lucitone Digital

horizontal scale (Y mm) 2. Highly technical Print Denture Workflow
16. 1. Scan What is the workflow of the
6. These two readings translate 2. Print lucitone digital print denture
to the position of the incisal 3. Wash and recycle
edge of the central incisors 4. Fuse and cure
5. Finish
7. Using a marker, trace the
17. 1. Lucitone Digital Print Digitally printable denture
outline of the anterior teeth on
3D Denture Resin workflow and material system will
the shield to capture the arch
2. IPN 3D Digital consist of five core material system
width and general arrangement
Denture Teeth products:
6. Alma Gauge Shields Have been designed in 3. Lucitode Digital Try-
order to improve the in 3D Trial Placement
information that is passed Resin
between the dentist and 4. Lucitone Digital
the technicial Fuse 3-step System
7. 1. Saves time at chairside, Advantages of Trubyte 5. Lab Speedcure
anssures proper bite rim alma gauge processing unit
dimensions 18. No measuring Advantages of Lucitone Digital
2. Easy communication No mixing Print 3D Denture Resin
between dentist and Just pour and print
19. less than 12 mins With the use of Lucitone Digital
8. 140.79 dollars Price of Trubyte alma Fuse 3-step System, the lab is
gauge kit expected to set and fuse up to 14
ddenture teeth in ____ munutes
20. 1. By How does the new dentsply sirona workflow 30. Slice window Window that makes the analysis of
increasing for carbon deliver value? guidance and balancing easy
31. 1. Scanning / Steps on programming the visual articulator
2. Obtaining
motion data of
the amount
of labor
3. Get
points fixed on
21. Jaw Motion Electronic jaw relation system that records or mandible using
analyser reproduce exact movement paths of the jaw motion
mandiblr analyser
22. Jaw motion Calculates and visualizes both static and 32. Charged In scanning for the visual articulator, a
analyser kinematic occlusal collisions and is used in coupled digital camera equipped with ________
designing and correction of occlusal surfaces device (CCD) registers the beam reflected from the object
in CAD systems and transmits the digital signal to an
electronic processing system
23. Kordass Example of Jaw Motion Analyser
and 33. Direct Scanning can be done in 2 ways
Gartner digitizing
Virtual Indirect
articulators digitizing
24. 1. Three Main Windows 34. 1. Provides Advantages of virtual articulators
Rendering best quality of
window communication
2. between the
Occlusion dentist aand
window technician
3. Smaller 2. Simulating
window real patient
4. Slice specific data
window 3. Analyzes
both static and
25. Rendering Window that shows both jaws during dynamic
window occlusion andcan visual unusual views
throughout dynamic patterns of occlusion
4. Acts as 3D
26. Occlusion Window that shows the static and dynamic navigator
window occlusal concats sliding over the surfaces of
35. Cost Disadvantage of virtual articulators
the upper and lower jaw as a function of time
27. Smaller Window that shows the movements of the TMJ knowledge of
window and are represented in a sagittal and transversal the system
view which allowd the analysis and diagnosis
36. ... This techniquetechnique technique has been
of interdependencies between tooth contacts
beendeveloped developed developed in
and TMJ movements
which it uses the incisive incisivepapilla, an
28. Slice Window that shows any frontal slice throughout important important importantlandmark, in
window the dental arch defining defining and/or and/or
29. Slice This tool helps analyze the degree of reproducingreproducing reproducing
window intercuspidation and the height and functional reproducing denture denture
angles of the cusps denturetoothtooth tooth position position

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