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Name: Arba’a Bismo Nugroho

Kelas: 11 TKJ 2

B. Fill in the blank with the words provided in the bracket.

1. speech
2. Blessing
3. nature
4. History
5. Business
6. Disaster
7. Blindly
8. parts
9. Expression
10. Environment

C. Read the following text and then answer the questions

1. What is the definition of global warming?

2. What is the effect of greenhouse effect?
3. mention the effects of global warming.
4. What is the suggestion proposed by the writer to handle the problem of global warming?
5. Write the closing the speech above.


1. global warming is a process to increase body temperature average Atmosphere sea and land
2. the greenhouse effect cam make the temperature very warm
3. the predicted effect of global warming on the environment and for human life are numerous and
varied. it is Generally difficult to attribute specific natural phenomena to long term causes, but
some effects of recent climate change already be occurring. Such a raising sea leaves, glacier
retreat, Arctic shrinkage and predictions for secondary and regional effects include extreme
weather events, an expansion of Tropical diseases, change in the timing of seasonal patterns in
ecosystem and drastic economic impact
4. However, we can use that empty region grow the green plant. so that, we can decrease the effect
of global warming
5. what do you choose? The profit and money or you my life? I think it is very important to know,
because life or human in the future is in our hand mow. so let us grow the plant. Okay, i think
that's all. Thank you for your attention. If I have something wrong in my speech I am so sorry.
Thank you

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